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What do you miss from GW that you would like to have in GW2?

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Build Templates



Movable Skills

Elite Skills you had to acquire

Elite Missions (UW, DoA, FoW)

Many creatures that should still exist but don't in favor of "cutesy" creatures. i.e. GW1 Awakened, GW1 Orrian Undead, Life Pods etc., Vaettir, Bull Trainers, Dinosaurs, goyles, Cracked mesas etc, etc, etc.


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Cantha, Monk, Ritualist and Dervish.


Before PoF my answer was:




Old GW1 Elona was the best part of the game.


Now we have a version of part of it... so I'm moving to the rest of my list.


As for Monk... they didn't give us this in GW2 because they didn't want dedicated healers and a trinity...


Now we have Druids and Chrono tanks... so we have even more trinity than GW1 had... so give me my monk back. GW1 was the only MMO I ever managed to get a toon all the way through with a grand total 'damage done' of 0. I was quite proud of that. I'd love to pull that off here, though without heroes or NPC allies it's a no-go. But I'd still love to see Monk come back.


But I'd settle for Dervish and Ritualist - a semi tank and a semi healer.


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> @BunjiKugashira.9754 said:

> - Build Templates


> - The sheer amount of possible builds and the hours of buildcrafting


The meta was even more restrictive in GW1 than GW2. It's just that back in 2005 people were more willing to tell meta- extremists to take a hike. But I still recall countless rants about people using the build template to require sharing your build in group at the start of any content, and then folks not in meta getting kicked. That was more common in GW1 than it is in GW2.




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> @Alga.6498 said:

> • _(real)_ Heroes and Henchmen. _(Dragon's Watch dont count as heroes, they are all just lame boring characters)_


I'm very glad we do NOT have heroes or henchmen.


Henchmen were not good enough to do any group content with - they were for open world. But heroes were always basically "80% good"... so you could do any group "mission level" content, outside of hardmode, with them and just need to take a little longer to get it done...


As a main monk player... (I had two fully leveled and geared up) I went from being in high demand to being locked out of all group content. While I was good "enough", many people might not be... And groups didn't want to risk finding out... so they'd take a subpar hero healer and just be careful, over risking a player healer.


Now imagine heroes here... **players on Druids, Chronomancers, and ANY support build would be locked out of all group content... Why risk it, even if the average player is 120% as good as the hero... if you know that the NPC hero is "just barely good enough" that you can complete the content** by taking an extra 20% longer and doing the pulls more carefully and slowly - but by so doing, guarantee avoiding a wipe?


Even if 60% of all Support players are better than that hero by a noticeable amount... **why risk ending up with someone from the other 40% of the playerbase**?


**Thank goodness we don't have Heroes or Henchmen...**


One effect of them in GW1 was that the pool of people who were good at Monk rapidly vanished... players forgot how to play it, or deleted those toons, or just switched mains... and that left more and more people out of hardmode content... Some of them, like me, went so drastic as to reroll "Tauren resto Druids". And if you're not paying attention that means I moved on from GW1 because I could no longer get in groups...



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Solo farms - in GW2 you sometimes come across an area and you think: this place is cool I wish there was something meaningful to do here. In GW1 you could turn on HM, set up a build SPECIFICALLY for that area and solo farm the mobs there. Of course not all areas had great farm potential, but GW2 ha NONE of this. I really miss that experience.

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Damage types! Why do fire skills not kill ice based creatures faster? And how is it possible to bleed an earth golem!?


On that same thought there should be damage resistances for races. It certainly would make things more interesting.


Charr should be very resistant to fire considering they live in a more dry hot climate and have dealt with flame legion. However they are weak against cold attacks

Asura should be highly resistant to magic based attacks, slightly stronger against fire since they used to live underground and somewhat weaker to all other types

Humans should be smack dab in the middle. Small resistance to everything

Sylvari should be resistant to poison and cold but weak against fire

Norn should be highly resistant to cold but very weak against fire


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The thing I really miss is Cantha.


> @Ashantara.8731 said:

> 3. **Having new starter areas with each expansion** (plus having a lot more maps per expansion).

Both those things were because the three GW1 campaigns were full standalone games in and of themselves. HoT and PoF are more like GW1's only _actual_ expansion (EotN).


> @sorudo.9054 said:

> * a well written and voiced story

I... don't think you remember GW1's story very well, to say the least.

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> @"Lustre Of Havoc.9173" said:

> > @Dravyn.4671 said:

> > I don't remember what it was called, but that Fort that was a pvp area you could queue for that had lots of players on both sides...Man i spent more hours doing that than anything else I think


> Fort Aspenwood and Jade Quarry? Those were boring as hell.


One man's trash is another man's treasure. I spent a lot of time in Jade Quarry and it never bored me.

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There is alot in my eyes i miss a great deal but I'm more of gw1 fan than gw2. I'll just toss a few things that are right off bat.


1. Replayability (lol)

2. Skills (i miss having so many skills to tinker with and trying crazy build ideas both in PvE and PvP)

3. Templates

4. Dying weapons (i to miss that)

5. Guild Capes

6. Armor that is actually nice to look at.

7. The entire game


i think they need to remaster gw1 to be honest.

If they ever make a gw3 i hope they return to their roots or at the very least as close as possible. i enjoyed and even played gw1 so much more than gw2. I haven't even surpassed my play time in gw1 on gw2.

My play time per char avg there is about 1,000 hrs per char x8. My avg in gw2 probably about 300hrs per char x9. Pretty sure my main on gw1 has more hours than my entire gw2 account lol. Most of the hours I sank in gw1 was the first 3 years of playing it. i slacked off heavy after 08 as my uncle, my gw1 gaming buddy passed away. gw1 was never the same to me after that. Just felt empty even though the game itself never changed. I still login for hard mode run through tyria and all the other areas here n there though.


Don't get me wrong alot in gw2 i like, but it just don't have the overall replayability that gw1 had for some reason, atleast in my opinion. I'm sure many would disagree with me, but I think it all falls down to ones play style and if one is a hardcore loner like myself or a hardcore guild/group lover. Wasn't single bit of content I missed in gw1 because of my lonerish play style but here I'm lucky if I'm even seeing 50% of gw2 content probably why i get bored of it as fast as I do. But is what it is..... I'm not worried about it, 5 years still going just play what I can.

But i digress....

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* **Build Templates** and the funny jokes that came out of them using the skill icons as "words" or to tell a story.

* **Underworld, Fissure of Woe, Urgoz's Warren, The Deep** and all the hilarious adventures had within

* **A larger variety of guild halls to choose from** Don't get me wrong, the ones we have are nice too.

* **Cantha**

* **AB/JQ/FA** As someone who isn't a huge fan of pvp, I remember having a lot of fun there

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