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What do you miss from GW that you would like to have in GW2?

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We were talking about it with guildies yesterday and here is our top 5:

1. Heroes & Henchies.

2. The Menagerie.

3. A Guild Hall available to everybody (With GW2 concept, little guilds can't have one. There should be a "poor" version of GH allowed to All).

5. Seeing foes as red dots on compass.

6. Following professions: Ritualist, Assassin (with the great skill chain concept) and Dervish.


How is it for you? What do you miss from old times? :)

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Not a lot actually, there's far more from GW2 I miss when I go back to GW1. But here's my list:


1) All mini pets were tradable

2) Free map travel to any town or outpost

3) Being able to move skills on the bar

4) Being able to set town clothes (aka outfits) to toggle on and off automatically when you switched zones

5) And yeah, the menagerie

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Taming a pet from GW1 was a fun little adventure. They'd start aggro on you and the cast time was pretty long when taming. Had to make you set up a build to survive during the cast sometimes, was very engaging.


Also similar feeling acquiring elite skills. To get an elite, had to bring a skill on your bar and go find and kill the one boss mob and use the skill on his body to cap it after you kill him.


I miss enemies having skill cast bars showing what they were casting and its progress. Was a lot easier to interrupt enemies, made playing mesmer a blast.


Oddly enough I miss the trade chat spam in cities sometimes. Made the cities feel alive in a way and that good feeling when you snag a buyer and get a PM and he comes up to you to trade in person.

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• _(real)_ Heroes and Henchmen. _(Dragon's Watch dont count as heroes, they are all just lame boring characters)_

• Players can be equipping **ANY** armor/clothes/weartypes in-game from NPCs. To wear NPCs clothes.

• Ritualist, Assassin, Paragon and Dervish.

• Cantha

• A new 6th playable race, Tengu.

• Alliance Battle

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> @Alga.6498 said:

> • A new 6th playable race, Tengu.

Tengu were never playable in GW1, and they still exist in GW2. Disqualified on both counts!


What I miss is actually pretty silly, but having your path show up on the minimap instead of the world map. I want to see what path I take as I take it, not have to change my view to see it.

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* The obligatory build templates point

* FoW/UW/Urgoz/Deep/DoA

* Being able to use whatever weapon you wanted and making a build around it. For instance a Me/W using Daggers and Illusory Weaponry. Or Scythe Ranger. Or Spear Assassin.

* Being able to design weird builds that performed specific tasks against specific foes.

* Getting utterly destroyed by some content, going back to the drawing board with the help of the wiki, researching the mobs and their skills, designing a hero team build specific to the encounter and then going back and pwning it.

* Alliance Battles

* No stats on armor except for profession bonuses.

* Being able to get top tier gear for like 5 platinum total. Not including skins.

* The menagerie was pretty cool.

* The feeling that when you leave town to head out into the world, you have to have everything nailed down and ready to rock in advance.

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1. First and foremost, **continuity and consistency in the game mechanics.** (Example: Someone here said they miss that all miniatures were tradable. This is just one of many examples of GW2's chaotic inconsistency, and there are more severe ones than this minor inconvenience.)

2. **The Hall of Monuments.** <3

3. **Having new starter areas with each expansion** (plus having a lot more maps per expansion).

4. **Hero henchmen** (where you could team up with your own characters).

5. **The way skills, especially elite skills, were acquired.**

6. **Tactical positioning and fighting** (a.k.a. the triangle of tank, damage dealer and healer).

7. **Monk, Ritualist** (and, in general, seeing new professions being added; not a fan of the elite specs concept).


P.S. I don't think build templates need to be mentioned, to me that's a given. ;)

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-Build templates

-Enemies with player skills and more required team cooperation and strategy in the combat system

-Dedicated healers like Monk and Ritualist


-Less solo / zerg play

-Farming like 600 monk / Droks runs / interesting, effective farming methods

-Player to player trading.

-Zaishen rank emote

-AB, Jade Quarry, Fort Aspenwood


-Actual, real, and better costume brawl implementation

-Elite skill capping

-Skills not tied to weapons

-Dual professions


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kinda silly, but i miss the ability to see what my opponent was casting (when you have they targetted), so i could time my interupts according to what i see them casting, instead of the instant aoe crap we have now in gw2, where you have to spray cc's and hope they stick to something.

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> @mulzi.8273 said:

> kinda silly, but i miss the ability to see what my opponent was casting (when you have they targetted), so i could time my interupts according to what i see them casting, instead of the instant aoe crap we have now in gw2, where you have to spray cc's and hope they stick to something.


Oh yeah, the cast time bar was so good! But ping was a lot better in GW than GW2 i find.

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> @Mea.5491 said:

> Tight armor skins / less buttcapes!!! [Just take a look at the Necro armors](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Necromancer_armor "Just take a look at the Necro armors"). Awesome stuff!



I bought the profane light armour skin from the gem store. It was my favorite necro armour set from the original GW's so I just had to have that :P I just wish the pants were whole like the original. The top part of the pants being cut out annoyed me the more I had it on because it reminds me too much of a superhero costume. I wish they had kept the design like the original.


The two main things I miss from the original GW's was the ability to multi-class and being able to take elite skills from bosses with the Signet of Capture.


Oh, by the way, I love the long trench coat armour styles personally. Those are some of my favorites especially for my ranger.

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