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Guardian and Mirage need reworks


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> @"Kahrgan.7401" said:

> Classes have great damage, great survivability, great synergy with the rest of the team. I miss the days when you had to sacrifice dmg for survivability or vice versa.

> Unbalanced mess.


Mirage has synergy with the team? o.O

do you mean chaos storm? that alone doesnt mean it has synergy, people take things out of proportions.

Old scourge + FB is a synergy.

1 ability that gives RNG boons every 35s isnt.

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> @"Jagdtiger.2517" said:

> Honestly I feel firebrand is a poorly designed specialization. Mirage is annoying to fight but I don't think there's anything wrong with it design wise.


I'd agree with this.


Just going to copy and paste what I've already said about the spec.


> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> Honestly I think a lot of the problem can be solved just from designing the elite specializations more carefully as a whole. You don't even need to brute force in trade offs to certain specializations, especially ones that aren't meta and don't have a place in the game.


> Take Druid and Scrapper before their initial reworks and the introductions of trade offs. The thing with Druid in PvP is that by taking Druid, you are so tunnel visioned into nothing but additional healing that you will and can never do as much damage as a core ranger, let alone a soulbeast. That right there is a legitimate trade off, built into the very foundation of the specialization through it's utilities, traits, and even weapon. Scrapper before it's rework was much the same, taking Scrapper without any additional trade off defines you as having noticeably sacrificed your damage for more active mitigation and you could never do as much damage as a core engineer. Are they perfect trades off that don't power creep? Well, not necessarily but that could be solved with targeting individual traits, weapon skills, and utilities just like any other over performing specialization.


> Now let's compare pre-rework scrapper to something like Holosmith. Holosmith was announced as a very high damage elite specialization that is so risky to play it's in danger of blowing itself up. This wouldn't be inherently bad design or negatively power creeping the game if by going Holosmith you inherently had less defense and sustain of a core engineer and paled in comparison to a scrapper. But look at all the stuff that doesn't just increase your damage built into holosmith; Immensely Higher sustain than core with Heat Therapy. Condition Conversion through Prismatic Converter. Additional active mitigation with both Photon Wall and Spectrum Shield, easier and higher stability uptime than scrapper. Massive Protection uptime with Hard Light Arena. All of this on top of a kit that gives excellent damage beyond was a core engineer is going to be able to do, with double melee range so it's very easy to land, and great mobility beyond what a core Engineer can do as as well when synergized with other core engineer traits and utilities.


> Firebrand is basically in the Holosmith camp rather than the Druid or the Scrapper camp. I feel like the people who designed Firebrand initially looked at it like "Well Dragon Hunter really boosts your power damage in PvE. But they don't have an option for either Condition Damage or Healing Support or Party Quickness so let's have Firebrand do all of that." and here we are. Similar problem with Mirage. Yeah it's supposed to be an evasive condition skirmisher, and it does becomes that, but why does it also have all this -20% condition duration on it? And all this protection uptime?


> A lot of problems with builds right now can be solved by making them a lot more focused in what they are supposed to do. More similar in design to things such as Druid, DH, OG Scrapper, away from things such as Mirage, OG and pre-trade off Chrono, Firebrand, Holosmith, and Soulbeast that just sort of do a whole lot of everything.

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> @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> > @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

> > guardian is the problem not fb


> Yeah, that's why you are all these guardians dominating.


> No, Firebrand gives too much bang for your buck. It's bloated and it needs toning down in most ways


> Neither core, nor dh see any play.


"~ God Tier Guardian"


yeah remove your sign


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> @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

> > @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> > > @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

> > > guardian is the problem not fb

> >

> > Yeah, that's why you are all these guardians dominating.

> >

> > No, Firebrand gives too much bang for your buck. It's bloated and it needs toning down in most ways

> >

> > Neither core, nor dh see any play.


> "~ God Tier Guardian"


> yeah remove your sign



Yes, I'm a guardian main. That doesn't make core guard or dh any more viable though.

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