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What in gods name hapend to wvw/eotm


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The game mode "WvW" has been declining for years now. I doubt that there is the willingness to bring more life back to the game mode from the perspective of a-net's leadership (the individual employee most likely wants to stop the decline). There has been done a lot e.g. since 2014. However, if we compare it to pve, the changes are a joke. This explains the current state of wvw. If you look around you, how many products are still available which have been available 2014.


Let us exclude food and similar products. Your car? There is a new model out. Your CPU? There is a new model out (not just one). Only wvw remained (with some polishes) the same. The consequence is visible to everyone.

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> > @"hunkamania.7561" said:


> I'm wondering why people still play this game. Why not just quit and play something else? Or will I hear the same "I made friends here" or "no alternative" comments?


I enjoy the comradery of fighting along side people I've learned I can depend on in a fight which is why I never liked EoTM, and started looking at other games when server linking became a thing. It requires more strategy than PvP (which bored me within minutes). PvE, to me, is a different game, altogether.


I really tried to make myself like the warclaw, but not long after it came out, I stopped playing GW2 for about 3 months (didn't even log in for dailies). While I am back to playing GW2 (mostly WvW), it's not for as many hours as it used to be, because I'm focusing on a different game where I am currently building armor for WvW type action there (yes, there are alternatives). I have been making new friends in other games, and some of my friends from this game have joined me in another. The main thing that keeps me coming back, now, is the people, not the game.


So no, not rage-quitting or anything, but yes slowly over time, disconnecting. Why? Server linking, mounts, and some bizarre balance patch choices.


It is unfortunate that there is so much focus on getting new (PvE) players into WvW, that Anet never bothered to find out why the WvW players liked it in the first place, and in the process they've made some bad mistakes, some of which can't really be undone unless they want to start over with new maps and new rules. How do I put this? I love pizza and I love ice-cream, but I'm fairly certain I don't want ice-cream served on top of my pizza. Once that ice-cream has melted into the sauce it's too late to change your mind.


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Anet should make EOTM a week long event, at least, once per matchup, complete with pips and, perhaps, special drops. It'll be a great way to involve/introduce the heavy-pve population to wvw. I'm curious if there are any devs left in the roster who remember how busy EOTM was before pips. Those were great times.

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> @"kappre.3897" said:

> Anet should make EOTM a week long event, at least, once per matchup, complete with pips and, perhaps, special drops. It'll be a great way to involve/introduce the heavy-pve population to wvw. I'm curious if there are any devs left in the roster who remember how busy EOTM was before ***they removed Karma/experience***. Those were great times.



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> @"Electes.8642" said:

> > @"Chaba.5410" said:

> > The pips were the final nail in the coffin for EOTM, but EOTM had lost most of its population before then and pips won't bring it back.


> Well, I'm glad we finally agree. Not sure if we ever did disagree, since you've just restated my original thesis.



Sure but we disagree on what actually killed it I think. Remove rewards from a population that plays for rewards and they go away to where they can get rewards - rewards were nerfed long before pips. Remove rewards from a population that plays for PvP content and they don't care all that much until the PvP content goes away.


Pips are not big enough of a reward when the majority of loot from pip chests can be farmed more efficiently from PvE.

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> @"kappre.3897" said:

> Anet should make EOTM a week long event, at least, once per matchup, complete with pips and, perhaps, special drops. It'll be a great way to involve/introduce the heavy-pve population to wvw. I'm curious if there are any devs left in the roster who remember how busy EOTM was before pips. Those were great times.


Ah, yes, if only Anet would just cater to the PvE story players, the WvW crowd will...uh...have their needs met, too? Hmm, I'm not too sure about this one, friend. The PvE story people are the ONLY group of players whose wants are even remotely being satisfied right now. I'm tired of every other group of player in this game having to bend over for them. Anet needs to cater to WvW players, who y'know, still actually play the game-mode. Lose us, lose WvW completely. And the PvE story people will continue not caring, mixed in with a hefty dose of gloat, as they always have.


TLDR: gimmicky WvW events do nothing for WvW.

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I liked EOTM...tried commanding there first before doing it in WvW back pri-HOT.

Plus great map to havok and troll cap and just not care and do whatever.

I picked a few friends from in that map.

But having fun + having decent rewards is best so WvW is just 100% better now for everything.


Anyways it won't comeback now...pvers just need to come directly into WvW now and hopefully find the spark of enjoyment to keep going.



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> @"Chaba.5410" said:

> We disagree on what actually killed it I think. Remove rewards from a population that plays for rewards and they go away to where they can get rewards - rewards were nerfed long before pips. Remove rewards from a population that plays for PvP content and they don't care all that much until the PvP content goes away.


But I still get the sense from you that you've got this singular conception of EotM being only a farming map. I've tried to say here that it was much more than that. EotM had a healthy competitive scene that wasn't in it for the rewards. Outside of xp and karma, the rewards in EotM never surpassed what you could do in PvE. In my opinion, this was and is by design - unfortunately. I'm just saying that pips symbolized Anet giving up on the game-mode. Morale among players is a very real thing. Even if pips didn't affect the game-mode in and of itself, it sure did get us bemused. Many just stopped playing the game entirely, some moved to PvE, some (like me) moved more fully toward WvW proper.


Regardless, EotM is dead and there's nothing that's going to bring back the old populations that played there. It's too late. It might be too late for WvW, where many more players are still playing.


> Pips are not big enough of a reward when the majority of loot from pip chests can be farmed more efficiently from PvE.


True. I think Anet will keep it this way because they want "us" to whore out to PvE as much as possible and just leave WvW to die.


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> @"StrawHat.2639" said:

> pvers just need to come directly into WvW now and hopefully find the spark of enjoyment to keep going.


Yea, we just won't see that. This game has full separation of PvE and PvP and back when Anet had the game modes tied into each other (map completion, Power of the Mists - anyone remember that?) the complaints were numerous and loud until Anet removed those features.

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> @"Chaba.5410" said:

> > @"StrawHat.2639" said:

> > pvers just need to come directly into WvW now and hopefully find the spark of enjoyment to keep going.


> Yea, we just won't see that. This game has full separation of PvE and PvP and back when Anet had the game modes tied into each other (map completion, Power of the Mists - anyone remember that?) the complaints were numerous and loud until Anet removed those features.


Took me forever to finish map completion at times if we ended up being blue for weeks on end with green dominating...so yes I remember since am an old dude from 2012.


They just need to tie-up home bl...as wvw map completion so people can see the gamemode but then people would complain theres too many pvers not helping but mapping...and it continues;)

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> @"StrawHat.2639" said:

> > @"Chaba.5410" said:

> > > @"StrawHat.2639" said:

> > > pvers just need to come directly into WvW now and hopefully find the spark of enjoyment to keep going.

> >

> > Yea, we just won't see that. This game has full separation of PvE and PvP and back when Anet had the game modes tied into each other (map completion, Power of the Mists - anyone remember that?) the complaints were numerous and loud until Anet removed those features.


> Took me forever to finish map completion at times if we ended up being blue for weeks on end with green dominating...so yes I remember since am an old dude from 2012.


I admit to enjoying the absolute bewilderment from PvE players when Power of the Mists was removed and they noticed that they weren't getting those random extra strikes on nodes courtesy of their WvW players that they didn't care to help.

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> @"Chaba.5410" said:

> > @"StrawHat.2639" said:

> > > @"Chaba.5410" said:

> > > > @"StrawHat.2639" said:

> > > > pvers just need to come directly into WvW now and hopefully find the spark of enjoyment to keep going.

> > >

> > > Yea, we just won't see that. This game has full separation of PvE and PvP and back when Anet had the game modes tied into each other (map completion, Power of the Mists - anyone remember that?) the complaints were numerous and loud until Anet removed those features.

> >

> > Took me forever to finish map completion at times if we ended up being blue for weeks on end with green dominating...so yes I remember since am an old dude from 2012.


> I admit to enjoying the absolute bewilderment from PvE players when Power of the Mists was removed and they noticed that they weren't getting those random extra strikes on nodes courtesy of their WvW players that they didn't care to help.


LoL see I never noticed that since farming is a bore 99% of the time;)

People crafting in home bl before it got removed for the extra buffs;)

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