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Full Server not so full


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In the last few weeks almost 2 guilds left Piken, last one was The entire Kiss guild, and also many other players of other guilds, but the server still result as "Full", I do WvW every day and sincerely i don't see so may people playing, so I just wonder what could be this so called "algorithm" ANet use to set this "Full" status, anyone has information about it? I've read past ANet posts about it but no one really explain clearly the input variables and the logic.

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There is no clear answer like "this is how it works " because ANet never given that out, and they won't.


So "full" just means you're over the "total play hours in wvw" treshold they've set (and that we don't know). And that you still got more of those "total play hours in wvw" than the majority of other servers have.


That, and humans always see others as having more than they actually do, and themselves as having less than they actually do. When a human sees numbers as "fair" or "equal" it's more like 60/40 in their own advantage.

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> @"NaramSin.2693" said:

> I've read past ANet posts about it but no one really explain clearly the input variables and the logic.

They won't explain in detail, because they don't want ppl to game the system. So, at least that tells us one thing: the system can be gamed. And guess what ppl are doing: they are gaming the flawed system.


"full" just means "no more transfers allowed". Doesn't mean that every map is full at prime. Maybe your server has lots of players that go unnoticed:

- roamers

- ppl that only do dailies

- players during off-hours / after midnight

- guild raids with invisible private tags


Regarding the "algorithm": they count all playtime hours that ppl on the server have spent in WvW, over a longer time span of prolly 4 weeks or so. I would guess that ppl who transfer from or to the server take their playtime hours with them. So, a server can be closed immediately (tuesday) after a bigger influx transfer. And it can remain closed if lots of players go offline for some weeks (e. g. because they dislike the current MM or link).


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> @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

> well the server is full on pve, wvw is boring so no one plays it


PvE population has nothing to do with wvw population. Only wvw playtime makes influences if your server is full or not.


> @"NaramSin.2693" said:

> In the last few weeks almost 2 guilds left Piken, last one was The entire Kiss guild.


Rejoice Kiss left your server. :)



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Right only WvW hours played count.... but full is not equal on different servers... bb for example will nearly never reach full even if they have double the hours as others..

Further anet tried to solve the problem that a server can be tricked from full to very high by players not doing wvw for a week or two like Kodash once did... Dzagonur s got the same problem.... players leavin or stop wvw ing but server still full... system failure which anet will never admit :)

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a server that has 80% of its community standing for the daily warg is also counted as "very high" or full populated servers, while servers like baruch will never become really "full". Thats due to being the only server of one country, even if there arent many citizen of this country on that server

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So do you wvw 24 hours a day? there's effectively 4 major time zones, NA OCX Sea EU, just because you don't see people on your time, doesn't mean they're not playing through the times you're off. You may know what major guilds are moving, but you don't know if all their members left, and I highly doubt you know about all the pugs and their play times.


It's active wvw play hours(not pve) they count for the population levels, and probably anyone who has more than like 5 hours of play to exclude the daily hunters for the week, not much else to observe, they don't count time zones separately. The population levels tend to be updated on the wiki every monday, this is when servers tend to open, and then further into the week if a server quickly closes due to bandwagons.


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> @"Sleepwalker.1398" said:

> There are some people that only join in to fights on reset night and then disappear for the rest of the week.

> There also players that i see, that often reach a certain reward point (gold chest or plat chest) and then leave to go do pve because its more rewarding (ie. gold wise).


There are also people that join and see oh look it's another blobfest week and log off.

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I've been on a permanently full server for many years, and it doesn't mean anything. It just represents average play time, and that play time is shared by more than just zergs, its shared by people doing dailies, roamers, "open world PvPers", organised GvG and more.


A full server doesn't mean that you'll even see five people in the same place at all hours of the day.

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I still think that ANet system it's bugged or not working at all, I went in WvW at every hour of the day/night (not 24h obviously) and compared to other servers "not full" PS have many, many people less, and yes, when kiss left all the guild left, my opinion is that the threshold used for the "Full" status it's not the same and every server have it's own value, btw this kind of system for servers it's a nonsense, let's hope one day they could stop to implement silly things and get back to the core system fixing all those bugs.


> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> So do you wvw 24 hours a day? there's effectively 4 major time zones, NA OCX Sea EU, just because you don't see people on your time, doesn't mean they're not playing through the times you're off. You may know what major guilds are moving, but you don't know if all their members left, and I highly doubt you know about all the pugs and their play times.


> It's active wvw play hours(not pve) they count for the population levels, and probably anyone who has more than like 5 hours of play to exclude the daily hunters for the week, not much else to observe, they don't count time zones separately. The population levels tend to be updated on the wiki every monday, this is when servers tend to open, and then further into the week if a server quickly closes due to bandwagons.




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Did you guys see that other server that went to t4 because they wanted a link and then all of a sudden they coming back without a link. Is wierd. They need a link and then they dont, I do not know how to make sense of this. How can than happen, must be anet and BG magic?

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on my server I have on Friday I have 50-100 queue on ebg, and where I see zero , or 1 comm, and 1-30 on others, where mostly always no comm, same on next day, and 30-50 queue only on ebg on last day of weekend.

on midle week total sum of population about 15-30 on all servers I think


Now question, it is full ?

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> @"lare.5129" said:

> on my server I have on Friday I have 50-100 queue on ebg, and where I see zero , or 1 comm, and 1-30 on others, where mostly always no comm, same on next day, and 30-50 queue only on ebg on last day of weekend.

> on midle week total sum of population about 15-30 on all servers I think


> Now question, it is full ?


The queues are from zergs moving between maps and have nothing to do with server capacity.

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> @"lare.5129" said:

> on my server I have on Friday I have 50-100 queue on ebg, and where I see zero , or 1 comm, and 1-30 on others, where mostly always no comm, same on next day, and 30-50 queue only on ebg on last day of weekend.

> on midle week total sum of population about 15-30 on all servers I think


> Now question, it is full ?


Here is what I experienced so far from 2 high servers, if we just take a look at the weekend. You can compare them with your full server if you like.


Server A: Here is a "high" server's weekend: almost no players on friday (from main server no leads), most people are from linking partner and one guild 15 people from main server. Players starts playing on saturday night, usually 1-2 zergs, with the support of link. Sundays morning 10-15. Daytime is carried by roamers of link + main and some no voice tag. Sunday night 2 zergs, one bigger 40+ and the other smaller (10+) no queue.


Server B: Here is another high server's weekend: 3x40+ zergs on reset with minor nightcapping and couple of roamers. Saturday morning + daytime = small zerg, usually 10+. Primetime 1 public with 30+ and 3-4 guilds, which lasts for 2 hours. No nightcapping. Sunday early morning a couple of people, not more than 10, short playtime. If lucky, another one tags up. Again, a few people during daytime. And if lucky 1public + guilds or just guilds during primetime. No nightcapping.


Comparing both: Server B is stronger during weekend, but weaker during the week. Both are labeled at high by anets system. One have low queue on fridays reset (B), usually 10-15~, one doesn't have any at all (A).


Now, is it high?


If you add both up, you would have a really active linking. That's too much for anets standard though, thats why high servers usually gets linked with medium servers.

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> @"Hannelore.8153" said:

> > @"lare.5129" said:

> > on my server I have on Friday I have 50-100 queue on ebg, and where I see zero , or 1 comm, and 1-30 on others, where mostly always no comm, same on next day, and 30-50 queue only on ebg on last day of weekend.

> > on midle week total sum of population about 15-30 on all servers I think

> >

> > Now question, it is full ?


> The queues are from zergs moving between maps and have nothing to do with server capacity.


I think it wrong image. Why ? Because I reg to ebg myself, and if my number is 70 after 40-60 min the number is 30.

If zerg migrate one by one hour - this is not zerg.


We have a lot of content, so how I see people like do wvw at weekend, and like me not have time on work/study day for that. And I like it.

And no matter how empty server at middle week, if we add players we will get more queue at weekend and same empty map on middle of week.

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> @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

> well the server is full on pve, wvw is boring so no one plays it


Pve gametime is not counted into the calculation of how full a server is.


It will take a few days, even 1 or 2 weeks for the server status to change, otherwise it would be way too easy to just tank, open the server up and let a big load of ppl transfer onto the server and then play on full force with an overstacked server.



What are you even doing in the wvw subforum? All posts ive seen in here from you are negative towards the mode and in not a single way constructive.


Did the pvp ppl bully you away?

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