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Should revenant get 6 utility skills it's missing?

Vasdamas Anklast.1607

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For each one of the specializations(legends) revenant gets 1 less utility skill, while other classes have 4 utility skills which they can freely swap around whenever they want to. This kills variety, makes class too predictable and essentially makes revenant boring to play comparing to piano-like engineer. Personally, after playing this game for two years and learning more about other classes, coming back to my main class always left me confused as If I am playing a rip-off of a class.

Did Anet ever comment why we are missing 4th utility skills while penalizing class with heavy energy management? Does anyone feel the same way?

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I do. I also think rev is missing weapons. Rev has the least amount of skills by a large margin. Before expansion I did a comparison of the number of skills available to all three heavy classes and rev was if I remember 16-17 skills behind guardian and around 20 skills behind warrior.


It also had the least amount of builds in all game modes on GW2 metabattle.


I like the animations and the gameplay, but is has serious diversity issue and lost much ground in PoF.

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Would be very nice to have the option to swap out a utility I never use from a stance, for one I might deem more useful for my build.

I often don't use 1 of the stance skills. In general PvE for mallyx I don't use the Empowering Misery, Pain Absorption and Banish Enchantment.

It is pretty much like playing another class and being forced to slot a utility you don't need or use.

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> @otto.5684 said:

> I do. I also think rev is missing weapons. Rev has the least amount of skills by a large margin. Before expansion I did a comparison of the number of skills available to all three heavy classes and rev was if I remember 16-17 skills behind guardian and around 20 skills behind warrior.


> It also had the least amount of builds in all game modes on GW2 metabattle.


> I like the animations and the gameplay, but is has serious diversity issue and lost much ground in PoF.


Exactly. For a while, I was wondering why is everyone so OK about it. But I guess for one it's a main class they chose to be devoted to and for the other it's just another FotM to switch to temporarily for some faceroll sessions.

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> @Burtnik.5218 said:

> Core engineer has 4 diff utility types ad 5 skills for each compared to other classes with 4 diff types and 4 skills. That means Rev needs to receive 2 extra utility skills per legend to be on par with everyone else. 8 for core, 2 for Glint and Kalla.


Every core class has 5 rows of utility skills with 4 skills for each, revenant only got 4 core legends with 3 skills. That makes 6 utility skills if we count current two elite specs plus whole missing legend. 10 utility skills in total ;(

I wish Anet commented on why is this class missing so many skills. Some may say it's "unique design" but IMO this is flawed design with very little options for theorycrafting which looks very rushed.

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> @"Vasdamas Anklast.1607" said:

> > @Burtnik.5218 said:

> > Core engineer has 4 diff utility types ad 5 skills for each compared to other classes with 4 diff types and 4 skills. That means Rev needs to receive 2 extra utility skills per legend to be on par with everyone else. 8 for core, 2 for Glint and Kalla.


> Every core class has 5 rows of utility skills with 4 skills for each, revenant only got 4 core legends with 3 skills. That makes 6 utility skills if we count current two elite specs plus whole missing legend. 10 utility skills in total ;(

> I wish Anet commented on why is this class missing so many skills. Some may say it's "unique design" but IMO this is flawed design with very little options for theorycrafting which looks very rushed.


That was typo on my part with 4 categories for rest. Generally speaking all classes have 20 utility skills compared to rev with 12 which is ridiculous. To fill this gap core legends need 2 extra utilities or 2/3 new core legends.

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Yes. It amazes me that they have never said or done anything about this. Revenants really need either an additional core legend that is designed to synergize with other legends, or they need a few additional "open" utility skills they can slot into their existing legends. They arguably need an additional weapon as well, unless their legend/utility structure is improved to the point that it justifies removing their weapon swap.


Revs are in the unique position of being an unfinished class whose elite specs are used to finish the class, rather than being a finished class on their own whose elite specs are used to open up new build options. That's why they feel the way they do, and Anet's devs need to properly address it once and for all. Instead of fixing their mistake with Herald, they turned around and made the exact same one with Renegade.

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Revenant never got out of BETA, it was a rushed class and anet doesnt care anymore. I made bugreports for 2 years and most of them just were the same because they never got changed: Sword random invisible targeting with Sword2 and Sword3. Also the **instant energy decay** which is ridiculously stupid in WvW blobfights when youre on healrev for example and dodge aoes so good you get out of combat and loose your energy -GENIUS.


Revenant also has only 2 legends for **underwater combat** and one weapon with 2 autoattacks for power and condi. Ok, who cares about underwater? But it still shows the lack of time that has been used to make Revenant.


The **Utility skill management** is also pretty lame as you all said already. In WvW/PvP **youre predictable** as hell since everyone knows your skills already. With warrior I can make adjustments pretty easily when fighting power classes in WvW or a condi scourge. And here we got to Revenants next **weakness: Condi.** Youre only able to withstand condi pressure on Mallyx but have to spent all your energy for resistance which gets boonriped anyway. But hey, you still got that slowmo-Staff condi removal with high CD and energy costs.


Which brings us to the next issue: The incredible stupid **high Cooldown AND energy design**. If you want to react to a situation, you will have a lack of possible choices. Just look at the new Kalla F-Skills. High energy costs, incredible high CD, and the output is even more lame than any cultural skills. Compared to warrior, which has alot of strong offensive utilities with low cooldowns with about 10-20s, revenant has nearly the same Cooldowns, but with energy costs. Warrior on the other hand GAINS adrenaline instead of removing it. Yes its another class, but just think about it. Thief on the other hand has pure energy costs and no cooldowns on weapon skills. Yes I compare utilities with weapon skills here, but just to show the gap Revenant has been pressed into no matter if it fits.


Oh, did I mention **cultural skills**? Oh yes guess what we cant even use those. Youre stuck with your utilities and thats it.


I used Revenant for 2 years every day. All possible builds, which arent many. And every time I saw patchnotes upcomming, I was "Maybe they do sth right", but nope. No bugfixes. Maybe some nerfs. Thats it. And after I saw PoF elite specs I left the class completly. Kalla as a legend is just rushed and absolutly doesnt fit. They said they used such a high amount of time for weaver. Well guess which elite had no time left. Its absolutly useless in WvW for example since the charrs get killed in half a second. The F-skills are expensive and useless and the shortbow skills are weaker than hitting with a wet towel. So after 2 years of constant Revenant-usage, I switched to Spellbreaker now. **Why play a class the game company/developers doesnt care about?**

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  • 3 weeks later...

> @Exqq.7451 said:

> I have many skills on my necro. Most do not get slotted. Adding skills does not mean they would be meaningful additions.


Just because you dont use it doens't mean other do too. And necros got a ton of tools for a variety of situations while rev, like people here have already said, is limited to what the legends has to offer being extremely predictable.



I agree 100% with you. The only way someone can enjoy playing rev nowadays is if you're extremely good at it to the point where you can easily predict and perfectly dodge your opponent's actions, meanwhile that same opponent is only pressing 3/4 buttons to give you trouble while you give it your best and even more to win the fight. It's really discouraging to play rev now because it feels like an unfinished class.

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I don't feel like there is a point of discussing it, no shit will be done anyway because they are obviously far more important things like quaggans, choyas or asuras getting very little attention. They don't reply to this 3rd sort dump subsection, the truth is simple as that. I even tried asking CM if they could bring the one who is responsible for rev balance to reply to the threads with constructive feedback and suggestions, yet all they had to reply with is they are not concerned with balance issues. Oh?

Since when selling an unfinished product is to be seen as "balance issue"?

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