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Bring back d/p thief


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Anet needs to realize that nobody gives a shit about their nodes beyond that they give you rewards if you win and serve as an excuse to fight other players. It seems they've forgotten that pvp is player vs player, and it's the fights **around** the node that matter...and those fights are garbage yet somehow still continually dropping in quality anyway.


From a 'I enjoy strategy' standpoint, GW2 has absolutely amazing spvp. Rotations, matchups - great examples. But actually playing in said strategy against other players? Absolutely horrible. Like asking a commander's opinion - "I'm having a great time!" while the soldiers are getting demolished.

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> @"Curennos.9307" said:

> Anet needs to realize that nobody gives a kitten about their nodes beyond that they give you rewards if you win and serve as an excuse to fight other players. It seems they've forgotten that pvp is player vs player, and it's the fights **around** the node that matter...and those fights are garbage yet somehow still continually dropping in quality anyway.


> From a 'I enjoy strategy' standpoint, GW2 has absolutely amazing spvp. Rotations, matchups - great examples. But actually playing in said strategy against other players? Absolutely horrible. Like asking a commander's opinion - "I'm having a great time!" while the soldiers are getting demolished.


its kinda true, who cares that I switch to condi mirage to beat enemy warrior on far, if we dont have fb so my entire team wipes mid 3v3 and game is over.

who cares that you took thief and wanna roam and decap if weaver netflix and chills on close so you cant do shit there and your close is holo thats not used to being able to die so he chain ints for 10minutes nonstop, forcing you to teamfight mid as thief.

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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:


> how entitled can you be lol. most classes struggle to stomp in the same way.

> you can stealth to 100% safe stomp.

> you can shadowstep to 100% safe stomp

> you can blind to 100% safe stomp ( on dp,sp )

> you can poison to deny rez like no other.


I'm not, and none of those are a 100% safe stomp. I'm surprised someone as finely educated as yourself works in absolutes. Shadowstep is the closest thing to it unless there is a competent enemy thief or mesmer nearby, or the thief gets incredibly unlucky and with timing.


Stealth is the currently the worst option for a team fight. The enemy will cc or cleave a thief down before they channel, unless they're completely incompetent against normal thieves.

p5 works if you catch someone off-guard on far, but that's very rare. So it doesn't get used much. If someone is memeing with s/p in gold 2 then maybe that could be relevant.

Poison should only be used if a thief can't keep enough pressure on someone ressing or cleave with other abilities. Once they are out of initiative they are forced to abandon the down unless they go straight to bounding dodger or lotus training to gain some initiative back. If the enemy has any sense, they will focus thieves as soon as the first poison field is down, so it's best used from high ground and, even then, they need friendly pressure present in the fight. Currently they would be better off saving that initiative and applying pressure to the player ressing instead of using sb4, especially since most classes will stack stab to res; poison field doesn't work fast enough in those situations, so it's more or less a guaranteed save.


Shadowstep would be the best option, but its practical use is a condi cleanse unless we're talking about s/d and s/p. For s/p bounding dodger is not nearly as strong a choice as dash for the mobility that sword requires. I'm not sure which league you're seeing d/p in, but it only shows up sometimes in plat. It's certainly not meta like s/d. Unless your meta is dueling a necro or catching a mesmer outside of their spawn.


Fortunately for myself, I'm don't complain as much as others. I've found other things to do while people are getting mad because bunker dodge-staff is a thing now. That's not my problem, though. The game gets what it deserves when players keep asking for the brain-dead bruiser meta. :P

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what you want is to safe stomp for free.

nobody can safestomp for free, the closest thing I can immagine is mesmers disortion but even then downed person gets stealthed or teleported or other and disort is long CD.

use what you have, almost every other class has worse stomp then thief.

try stomping with necro, you will quickly realize that its just better to cleave then stomp on necro, and god forbid you play core necro, that cant cleave OR stomp.

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> @"Curennos.9307" said:

> Anet needs to realize that nobody gives a kitten about their nodes beyond that they give you rewards if you win and serve as an excuse to fight other players. It seems they've forgotten that pvp is player vs player, and it's the fights **around** the node that matter...and those fights are garbage yet somehow still continually dropping in quality anyway.


> From a 'I enjoy strategy' standpoint, GW2 has absolutely amazing spvp. Rotations, matchups - great examples. But actually playing in said strategy against other players? Absolutely horrible. Like asking a commander's opinion - "I'm having a great time!" while the soldiers are getting demolished.


It's almost like listening to people saying they wanted to prevent people from constructing premades was a bad idea.


Nah that can't be it

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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > Thief sleeper builds.


> There's a few of those if you're willing to run glass and give up defenses. They're all less telegraphed than pistol whip.



The game has trouble catching up when a player teleports more than 1800 or so in under a quarter second. As long as the netcode can’t handle that situation then there will be some chance a thief will burn a few cool downs to get 2400 to 3300 distance (assuming you burn shadowstep, steal and sb 5/infiltrators.


But it is pretty glassy for thief to hit hard so the best counter is probably rotational (having multiple players around to shut down a gank) and situational awareness setting up traps and other tricks so you can see the thief coming and put pressure on them to cut their burst window down to manageable levels.

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> @"saerni.2584" said:

> > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > Thief sleeper builds.

> >

> > There's a few of those if you're willing to run glass and give up defenses. They're all less telegraphed than pistol whip.

> >


> The game has trouble catching up when a player teleports more than 1800 or so in under a quarter second. As long as the netcode can’t handle that situation then there will be some chance a thief will burn a few cool downs to get 2400 to 3300 distance (assuming you burn shadowstep, steal and sb 5/infiltrators.


> But it is pretty glassy for thief to hit hard so the best counter is probably rotational (having multiple players around to shut down a gank) and situational awareness setting up traps and other tricks so you can see the thief coming and put pressure on them to cut their burst window down to manageable levels.


isnt thief portal gliched too? like you tp, start hitting people and it takes over 1s to register you.

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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > @"saerni.2584" said:

> > > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > > Thief sleeper builds.

> > >

> > > There's a few of those if you're willing to run glass and give up defenses. They're all less telegraphed than pistol whip.

> > >

> >

> > The game has trouble catching up when a player teleports more than 1800 or so in under a quarter second. As long as the netcode can’t handle that situation then there will be some chance a thief will burn a few cool downs to get 2400 to 3300 distance (assuming you burn shadowstep, steal and sb 5/infiltrators.

> >

> > But it is pretty glassy for thief to hit hard so the best counter is probably rotational (having multiple players around to shut down a gank) and situational awareness setting up traps and other tricks so you can see the thief coming and put pressure on them to cut their burst window down to manageable levels.


> isnt thief portal gliched too? like you tp, start hitting people and it takes over 1s to register you.


That’s possible but I haven’t seen anyone use that yet in PvP. I was actually considering running it as a meme for instant decaps next season but it would be hard to use for pure gap closing imo.

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> @"saerni.2584" said:

> > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > @"saerni.2584" said:

> > > > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > > > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > > > Thief sleeper builds.

> > > >

> > > > There's a few of those if you're willing to run glass and give up defenses. They're all less telegraphed than pistol whip.

> > > >

> > >

> > > The game has trouble catching up when a player teleports more than 1800 or so in under a quarter second. As long as the netcode can’t handle that situation then there will be some chance a thief will burn a few cool downs to get 2400 to 3300 distance (assuming you burn shadowstep, steal and sb 5/infiltrators.

> > >

> > > But it is pretty glassy for thief to hit hard so the best counter is probably rotational (having multiple players around to shut down a gank) and situational awareness setting up traps and other tricks so you can see the thief coming and put pressure on them to cut their burst window down to manageable levels.

> >

> > isnt thief portal gliched too? like you tp, start hitting people and it takes over 1s to register you.


> That’s possible but I haven’t seen anyone use that yet in PvP. I was actually considering running it as a meme for instant decaps next season but it would be hard to use for pure gap closing imo.


true, but bug is bug and should be fixed.

kinda annoying getting smacked and character doesnt register at all :/

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I usually reset my own internet to ensure I eliminate lag as a consideration as much as possible.


That said I usually focus on using disengage long enough for them to reappear. Once you get ganked that way once you just need to keep an extra eye or three out and be ready to hit your panic button as soon as the first strike lands.

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