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Which mouse do you use???


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I'm using a logitech Marathon. I dont use gaming mice anymore, just a normal mouse with 2 thumb buttons and a scroll wheel that has tilt and depress.

I can combo plenty of stuff just binding those keys that I am good to go.


I am looking at the Microsoft Intellimouse Pro for my next mouse. I am tired of Logitech's bloatware.

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8 years of logitech g600 (that means hundreds of thousands of gw2 clicks), and for about 1 month i had to buy another one and i went towards corsair scimitar. Because logitech started to brake, clicking buttons , first was left click , then right click . I cleaned it out , even swapped the left click. Will have to swap the right click when i can , but now i ha

LOGITECH is the king because of ease of use of logitech profiles , and software (U have a button just 2 swap between profiles)when on corsair u dont.The corsair software is kinda hard 2 use at start.

Logitech is bit heavy and feels better in the hand. Corsair buttons are a bit mushy mushy , soft to touch compared to Logitech , which have a better feeling as because of the angle u know which button is which. But the angle of buttons , after years of use will make some of the buttons fail. G20 for ex , that will fail first.

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ELECOM M-HT1UR It is pretty large trackball, with 8 buttons and a scroll wheel. I love it. Last time I was back in the US I bought 2 (need a spare, for when this one dies). A trackball is the only to run around in this game - I cannot understand how people use the keyboard, or a regular mouse :)

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Logitech G400.


I'm left-handed so mice with extra buttons I can actually use comfortably are hard to come by, and after my first and last Razer mouse died very quickly I didn't want to waste money on their left-handed MMO mouse, so I got one with 3 extra buttons down the middle and two on the left side I can push with the side of my ring finger. It's enough for me to put some of the things I use most often onto the mouse and keep my right hand for movement and skills.

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Corsair M65 RGB. I would probably avoid this one though. I bought it in July, and within a month noticed occasional extra clicks. By 6 weeks, I would get either 0, 1, or 2 clicks when I clicked the mouse once. Corsair support was awesome and approved my RMA (I had to pay to ship it to them) and I got the replacement 4 days later.


I have had the replacement for a month, and....I get 0, 1, or 2 clicks occasionally when I click the mouse once, on my brand new replacement.

I have the black one, and 2 for 2 on mouse switch problems (sigh). My wife has the white one, and has yet to have any issues with hers in 6 months.



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Steelseries Rival 300. It's one of the few mice sold anymore that work well for someone with large hands. Plus I don't like a mouse with a million buttons or that is like a brick on your desk. This one has a nice form factor and just 2 additional (large) buttons on the side, which is perfect for me.

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