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can you remove duoq for matches above gold


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You cannot YoloQ anymore. Avoiding metagaming pro DuoQs is the game now. If you see one, expect to get barely anything for winning and to lose a ton for losing.


They smurf, and that will bring down your rating quite a bit since it's easy to be put into those games and the other players in them; including the smurf, will be much lower rating than you.


Even when they aren't smurfing, top players which make up like 0.0001%~ of the game's population stacking together usually results in the matchmaker giving them really bad, low-rated teammates to make up for the inability to find anything close to a mirror for that DuoQ for the opposite team.


Rating gain/loss is only determined by the ratings of other people in your games. DuoQs = Lower-rated players. Lower-rated players = more loss, less gains.


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The question is not new, that is, well known to the developer, and will most likely continue to be asked in the future ... until something is adjusted. The current situation is, from my point of view as well, unacceptable. The question is not whether, but when something will be adapted.


![](https://i.imgur.com/PqhIbEH.png "")


By the way, there was no response to the question. :)

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I feel duo que should be removed at 1700 rank and above. When two highly ranked players play together they become an unfair unstoppable Force. The proof is the current 1 & 2 people this season, last season, and I'm pretty sure the one before that and so on. I feel the top 10 players at least should be pitted against each other, not helping each other farm low tier gold 3 people and below.

This is not a team based game. If it was we have 5v5 and I'll be all for that.

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In League from what I have heard to keep a competitive fairness in the carry potential, Challengers (aka comparable to Legendary.) can only SoloQ or 5-ManQ to keep things healthy.


Should be the same here really. Upon reaching a certain threshold, to keep people that are "actually" good and influential, should they work hard to keep that rank by playing their force with anyone but teammates to do broken setups/plays, no easy plays should be allowed.


But since the ranking system is a mess, it should be based on the leaderboard placements, at around say top 100 people can't DuoQ anymore. I would be perfectly okay with that since I rarely DuoQ myself.

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So because you're good, you can't play with friends. Great logic! Can't play as team in team-based game!


Let's ignore the fact that match manipulation still happened with solo queue only at the top for the few seasons that we had the restriction. The restriction did nothing but give good players another reason to quit entirely.

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> @"Exedore.6320" said:

> So because you're good, you can't play with friends. Great logic! Can't play as team in team-based game!


I am +ing this.


Initial proposition is to punish all the players above gold for a few players exploiting the system.

There are other ways to assess the problem that wouldn't prevent "good and honest" players to play with their friends. For instance, it could be losing less/winning more points when facing premades.


Also, encouraging players to play more offtime would be good, so that it gets harder to queue dodging. Lower rank volatibility would be great especially off-time (because falling from #10 to #100 in 3 games is quite abnormal ... especially in season **19 ** ...)


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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> Solution is easy just separate solo and dual queue. U could even open up duo q to teams of 3,4 and 5.

> Prob solved


You deserve a Nobel prize for that line of thinking imo.


Unfortunately there will always be people who can never be satisfied, even when the queues are separated so as to not even bother one and other. The excuse usually seems to be that the population is too low to split, and that it has been tried before with SoloQ dying out.


It's all just self-limiting excuse to keep Ranked as it is now: selectively easier for certain people, and unfairly difficult and boring for everyone else. The population will keep dropping because the current merged-queue is as much a drain on the population as SoloQ-only was. Even if SoloQ gets its own separate queue, apparently that's no good because it will just die out. As if a separate queue-style dying out even affects the other style anything but positively.

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also, can you just remove SPVP? its trash anyways its a buncha melee classes with infinite sustain dogpile necros as soon as you see em and necro can't escape.


There is a reason SPVP gets hated on, I think WVW is more fun anyways, at least when you get dogpiled on you got a group of people to support you.


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> @"Multicolorhipster.9751" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > Solution is easy just separate solo and dual queue. U could even open up duo q to teams of 3,4 and 5.

> > Prob solved


> You deserve a Nobel prize for that line of thinking imo.


> Unfortunately there will always be people who can never be satisfied, even when the queues are separated so as to not even bother one and other. The excuse usually seems to be that the population is too low to split, and that it has been tried before with SoloQ dying out.


> It's all just self-limiting excuse to keep Ranked as it is now: selectively easier for certain people, and unfairly difficult and boring for everyone else. The population will keep dropping because the current merged-queue is as much a drain on the population as SoloQ-only was. Even if SoloQ gets its own separate queue, apparently that's no good because it will just die out. As if a separate queue-style dying out even affects the other style anything but positively.


Yeah I always laugh at the population split excuse. If population is low enough that the split causes a issue than there is already a problem. Sure splitting duo and single queue may effect the mode for short term but long term it may produce actual growth. As it is now if things don't drastically change how optimistic can u be about the future of gw2 state of pvp in a year from now?

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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> also, can you just remove SPVP? its trash anyways its a buncha melee classes with infinite sustain dogpile necros as soon as you see em and necro can't escape.


> There is a reason SPVP gets hated on, I think WVW is more fun anyways, at least when you get dogpiled on you got a group of people to support you.



Lol I just played a unranked match where my team made the mistake of not focusing on the necro. They definitely cant be left unchecked but I can see as a necro with the lack of mobility how I'd be annoying to be focused on for sure lol

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > also, can you just remove SPVP? its trash anyways its a buncha melee classes with infinite sustain dogpile necros as soon as you see em and necro can't escape.

> >

> > There is a reason SPVP gets hated on, I think WVW is more fun anyways, at least when you get dogpiled on you got a group of people to support you.

> >


> Lol I just played an unranked match where my team made the mistake of not focusing on the necro. They definitely can't be left unchecked but I can see as a necro with the lack of mobility how I'd be annoying to be focused on for sure lol


Thing is being a necro is the most frustrating thing ever as core. I was using my staff to try and play keep away but being so slow means I can't get away really because once my wurm is down it means i need to run and place it again and if I'm in the middle of a battle that won't help me, so wurm is only mildly helpful


It's true that if we are left alone as it has happened as well there you melt people. There was a firebrand in mid-battle I just kept stacking boon corrupt and he just melted between my boon corrupts and my friendly, but in all that time my friendlies didn't help me once.


It would be one thing if I had the sustain to get away slowly like druids do, because a druid can do stuff like use mudslide to escape blind aoe and heal with prot easy access and they got way more healing and condi cleanses. Necros when built for sustain even then our toughness we get cut through like butter because we literally cannot escape.

What I would love is if wurm got buffed somehow to make it invisible or something and gave us some stability, with lower cd since that would be a heck of a lot more useful than toughness and sustain. Either the slow class has more sustainabilities than others to live a long time or we get a little bit more mobility to escape having too much sustain and no mobility is not good for the game either, from this I can tell you experience from reading wow forum from when they gave a ton of sustain to warlocks and they just stood there getting beat on forever and they couldn't die. It's not good in my opinion because it would be boring if necros, for instance, could never die and just stood there being beat on forever. I doubt it would happen cause boon corrupt is a dangerous tool that can change the situation of battle. This is also the main reason i prefer playing thief in SPVP. (mobility)

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When the top two players on leaderboard are sitting with around 11:1 win loss ratio and have done same number of games for exactly the same result; except one taking 1st and other 2nd, there's surely something wrong with the system.


Others more deserving players are below them in top 10 or even 20 and their game counts are much more acceptable.


Duo queue is being abused along with queue dodging making the leaderboard irrelevant.


I'm not complaining as if I'm missing something. I'm not capable of getting there ever. It just highlights the impact duo queue has on this game with lower population. Please get rid of it altogether!

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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> also, can you just remove SPVP? its trash anyways its a buncha melee classes with infinite sustain dogpile necros as soon as you see em and necro can't escape.


> There is a reason SPVP gets hated on, I think WVW is more fun anyways, at least when you get dogpiled on you got a group of people to support you.



Yeah remove the mode that we pvp. Players all love to play instead of fixing great idea

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