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Which weapon(s) would you rework, and how?


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I'm pretty sure that every class has at least one weapon that feels off, and/or underwhelming.

This thread's purpose was for me to more or less understand the weapons that were forsaken by most players, and what players really want out of those weapons.


For my case, I would change the Warrior's swords to become a calculative dueling weapon set. This would make it different than its axe counterpart, whose focus is pure offense and AOE damage. Right now, the swords are an absolute cluster****, being a mix of power, condi, and mobility, but in the cursed "jack of all trades, master of none" kind of mix.


For instance, I would make the riposte skill disable the enemy's weapon skills for a short duration if the retaliation was landed (this is would not be a stun, and utilities can still be used).

I would also change the burst to be a target-able short vault followed by a downward thrust towards the ground. It may have a brief moment of evasion (1/8 - 1/4 sec, don't want another daredevil), and would form a small crater with a radius of 200. Landing this move would allow the player to cripple, close the gap, and deal great damage, especially on a downed opponent. However, this move would be given an end lag duration of 1-2 seconds where they need to pull out the sword from the ground. This would discourage spamming the burst when it is off cool down.

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> @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

> > @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> > Warrior sword is condition warriors meta weapon for instanced pve and condi warrior atm is really strong. I would like to keep it how it is


> I think he was focusing more on OH sword which is in limbo. Core F1 is also in limbo.


He is talking about sword/sword set as it was a one weapon instead of two different weapons. Wasn't reading that carefully, i dont care what happens to off hand sword as long as main hand sword stays as good condi weapon in his "dueling weapon set"

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> @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

> > > @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> > > Warrior sword is condition warriors meta weapon for instanced pve and condi warrior atm is really strong. I would like to keep it how it is

> >

> > I think he was focusing more on OH sword which is in limbo. Core F1 is also in limbo.


> He is talking about sword/sword set as it was a one weapon instead of two different weapons. Wasn't reading that carefully, i dont care what happens to off hand sword as long as main hand sword stays as good condi weapon in his "dueling weapon set"


Yes, but the suggestions where on the OH sword skill Riposte, and Flurry. Flurry is lol awful everywhere outside of Queensdale, and Riposte is meh. Impale/rip could be updated, and I would prefer if they were made full single target power DPS as any condi DPS on them is outclassed by Torch.

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> @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

> > @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> > > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

> > > > @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> > > > Warrior sword is condition warriors meta weapon for instanced pve and condi warrior atm is really strong. I would like to keep it how it is

> > >

> > > I think he was focusing more on OH sword which is in limbo. Core F1 is also in limbo.

> >

> > He is talking about sword/sword set as it was a one weapon instead of two different weapons. Wasn't reading that carefully, i dont care what happens to off hand sword as long as main hand sword stays as good condi weapon in his "dueling weapon set"


> Yes, but the suggestions where on the OH sword skill Riposte, and Flurry. Flurry is lol awful everywhere outside of Queensdale, and Riposte is meh. Impale/rip could be updated, and I would prefer if they were made full single target power DPS as any condi DPS on them is outclassed by Torch.


Yeah off hand sword is hands down really bad. He didn't mention is the main hand sword "duelish" enough for his taste, if it is great.

Personally i dont find sword really that duelish and read a bit between lines that sword/sword dueling set would need some changes to main hand sword aswell.


On the other hand F raids now sword/sword bladedancer warrior is all i can think of and it sounds awesome?

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> @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

> > > @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> > > > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

> > > > > @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> > > > > Warrior sword is condition warriors meta weapon for instanced pve and condi warrior atm is really strong. I would like to keep it how it is

> > > >

> > > > I think he was focusing more on OH sword which is in limbo. Core F1 is also in limbo.

> > >

> > > He is talking about sword/sword set as it was a one weapon instead of two different weapons. Wasn't reading that carefully, i dont care what happens to off hand sword as long as main hand sword stays as good condi weapon in his "dueling weapon set"

> >

> > Yes, but the suggestions where on the OH sword skill Riposte, and Flurry. Flurry is lol awful everywhere outside of Queensdale, and Riposte is meh. Impale/rip could be updated, and I would prefer if they were made full single target power DPS as any condi DPS on them is outclassed by Torch.


> Yeah off hand sword is hands down really bad. He didn't mention is the main hand sword "duelish" enough for his taste, if it is great.

> Personally i dont find sword really that duelish and read a bit between lines that sword/sword dueling set would need some changes to main hand sword aswell.


> On the other hand F raids now sword/sword bladedancer warrior is all i can think of and it sounds awesome?


Oh I agree, it would be great if MH and OH sword had more synergy that wasn't outclassed by other things.

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> @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> He is talking about sword/sword set as it was a one weapon instead of two different weapons. Wasn't reading that carefully, i dont care what happens to off hand sword as long as main hand sword stays as good condi weapon in his "dueling weapon set"


Main hand sword, I don't really think is terrible, except for flurry, which I'm sure we all agree is horrid. Final thrust especially, I found to be a decently designed skill. A fairly long startup, but incredible reward potential when used right. The leap, though, I would prefer if it were swung instead of a stab (maybe something like eviscerate/engie's radiant arc).

I do believe that the burst should be change into something more mobile, or even if it's just "flurry," concentrated into a single hit.


Indeed, off hand sword is what I consider to be problematic. Riposte's effects are too weak, and especially inconsistent to land for a counter with a cool down of its duration. Impale is... just ugh. I would just straight up replace it.

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Revenant: I would change how all the weapons work currently and make them function like Trident, that your legend is what is the main source of your power even for your weapon skills. This would then make it so that you would have SO many more options for what you intend to do, and each new weapon would have its own capabilities in which it could go either way. Our Elite specs are sort of hybrid in nature so they could fill either position as a secondary skill set, Glint for example on trident offers burning but still can have the potential to go full power alongside shiro. Kalla scales really well with either build and its apparent that making the revenant a hybrid which can be focused in a direction to be more powerful in a set area while maintaining some sense of strength from the other side to pair well alongside it would be the way to take the class. It's supposed to be a hybrid through and through, so let it have the option to do so and go all out with both the design of its legends and the abilities it has access too. For lore reasons you could just say "The mists are as unpredictable as the turbulence you find within a storm, therefor users of its power are undefinable by mortal standards." This also opens up all of the weapons to be used in any build which makes for great diversity between the revenants you see running around, and it also allows us to have access to all of our tools which means it makes it easier to design for when it comes time for new E-specs. (They can focus on theme, and utilities and the weapon can be built around what they intend for the legend.)


Necromancer: Staff, dagger/dagger and id say even focus need a rework because all of them suffer from early 2012 design. Staff is slow and clunky and is kinda loot-stickish and dagger/dagger is kind of weak as it is primarily a melee option for core. But it lacks any of what makes melee any good once so ever, you're slow and it offers no defense as well it doesn't really fill a specific job. It has power based abilities and condi-based abilities on one weapon? Hybrids as it stands now don't do very well due how the game has been built if they decide to change this with the revenant then perhaps they could allow necromancer to be another hybrid? which could open up Engineer or some medium class like thief to be a hybrid so we have classes designed fully for hybrid roles.. Hybrids of course would be harder to play and master but the pay off would be so much more than the drawbacks.

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Warhorn: rework wh5 again. Completely useless right now, only used to get swiftness


Offhand dagger: way too slow, especially dagger5


Greatsword: even though this is the meta weapon on power reaper, I don't like it. I like gs4 and 5 for wvw roaming and zerging. But for pve I think it's an awful design to have a spamable skill with aftercasts that can be weapon stowed.

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  • 1 month later...


Staff - Air - 5

Damage could be higher so that it's a real punishment to cross the wall.


Dagger - Water - 3

Could do more damage. It's too weak.


Warhorn - Water - 5

Could remove conditions on each pulse. It's a support weapon so why not.



Pistol - 5

Should be completly changed. A strong piercing shot with cripple and torment would be great.


Shield - 5

Could do damage when blocking and vulnerability when throwing. It's too weak now.



Scepter - 3

Could have a bounce effects up to 2 more enemies. It's too weak now.


Hammer - 3

Could reload all virtues for 2 seconds per hit. It's the weapon of the virtues traitline.


Longbow - 4

Hit area and symbol could be bigger. It's hard to hit enemies with it now.



Greatschword - 3

Could inflict daze for 1/4 seconds. It's the weapon of the domination traitline.


Staff - 4

Could always grant protection (without the trait). So it would be better for the boon orientated chaos traitline. The trait could then increase boon duration of staff skills.



Axe - 3

Could steal the boons instead of converting them (like the name: a feast).


Dagger - 3

Could do a shadowstep to the enemy and deal only 2 seconds of immobility. It's the only main-hand dagger without a fast way to go near to the enemy.



Axe - 1

Could inflict vulnerability instead of giving might.


Greatsword - 5

Could recharge itself by 10 seconds if hit from behind instead of refreshing maul. Maul already have a short cooldown of 4 seconds.


Warhorn - 4

Reduce casting time to 3/4 second. It feels too long to cast it.


Dagger - 2

Could do more damage and longer conditions if the hit is critical or from behind. That tactical benefit would be a good addition to main-hand dagger.


Staff - 3

Protection for pet and blast Finisher could be removed and recharge reduced to 15 seconds.


Staff - 4

Next attack of your pet knock the enemy down.



Shield - 4

Could remove two conditions with it's area effect.


Shortbow - 2

Should always hit. It's very bad at moving enemies now.



Staff - 3

Distance could be increased to 600 for a real safety distance away from foes.



Axe - 2

Remove fury.


Axe - 4

Remove quickness. Grant fury.


Hammer - 4

Could deal much more damage if you have stability and a reduced recharge of 15 seconds.


Hammer - 5

Could always have the long stun duration instead of only with weakness.


Dagger - 3

Could do more damage.


Dagger - 4

Could deal cripple additionaly when hitting a foe not using skills.


Dagger - 5

Could have a following skill if it hit a foe:

targeted thrust: Deal daze and always hits critical.

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