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PvP tips/advice?


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I've been playing GW2 off and on since its release but I've only started playing ranked PvP last season. I've mained Warrior from the beginning and went through a phase where I tried to learn an Elementalist. Last season I finished in S3 and for the current season, I'm in G2. Lately, I've been getting roasted and flamed hard for being terrible lol. I'll admit I'm not great, however there's usually no constructive criticism so I really don't know what I'm doing wrong or how I can improve. I have mostly used the great axe build that I found through metabattle and recently tried SB. I feel more comfortable with the core axe/shield combo but I was reading SB is a better option. I don't understand how tether works and I don't think I'm really seeing the benefit of SB at this point. So some questions, what is the true role of the warrior in PvP? How much damage should I be doing a game (on average)? Are the meta builds good for someone at my level? I typically try to cap if I don't see my team near a node. I also try to join team fights where I'm often left to die with little support. At this point, I don't expect to ever reach platinum or anything but I figured if I'm in G2 and being told I'm terrible, maybe there is some hope for me lol.


Any thoughts or guidance is appreciated. Thanks for taking the time to read my post!

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The role of warrior is mostly to play the sidenodes and avoid teamfights, since as you noticed, you will die a gruesome death in all the aoe kitten flying around.


The strength of spb is, that it adds additional defense with fullcounter, boonstrip via various traits, cc, and weapon to and dmg increase via mightstacking.


What do you not understand about tether? You hit a burst on your enemy, tether procs, it will connect you and your target with a orange line.

That line will pulse might on you and reveal on your enemy. And when the distance between you and your target becomes too wide, it will pull the tethered target to you and end the pulsing might.


The build works mainly due to the great synergy between might makes right and tether.

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>So some questions, what is the true role of the warrior in PvP?

Side node duelist and 1v2er. Keeping enemies busy is your main goal.


> How much damage should I be doing a game (on average)?

There's not a good measure for this as damage is really comp dependant. If your team wins you did your job.


>Are the meta builds good for someone at my level?

Spellbreaker with defense is very forgiving for gold level play but you should get use to strength. Tactics is good vs Condi but not as good in power 1v1s.


>I typically try to cap if I don't see my team near a node.

If your team is dead go anywhere the enemy isn't. Far is typically a good bet if your team died because you will take some pressure off of home instead of stalling out.


> I also try to join team fights where I'm often left to die with little support.

The only time you should be in a teamfight is when you have a cap that isn't contested. When in that fight you're most useful as cc and burst on your team's focused target. Burst and get out.


Add me to friends and I'll show you some stuff if you want. I ain't the best war in the game but I do okay.

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Warrior is a pretty honest class, and that makes them difficult to play compared to other classes on a higher level. On low levels, though, they can be seen as broken, due to most players not realizing how to properly dodge important moves (Bull's Charge, eviscerate, etc.), keeping a distance, and playing their particular build at full potential.


Warrior mostly do well in dueling, or fighting at a slight number disadvantage (2v1s). Their main advantage is their ability to deal heavy damage through nearly all of their attacks. This allows them to pressure and take out most opponents quickly, provided that the warrior's fundamentals and understanding of other classes are strong. They also have an easy time generating Might and endurance, allowing them to have a dodge fairly frequently. Far ranged builds can force a warrior to become wary, but they are often not enough to prevent them from closing the gap.


Warriors struggle against classes with high evasion and spammy blinds due to their slow startup and telegraphs of their attacks. Missing a burst is very detrimental, as it's where a lot of the damage usually comes from, and the endurance generation it provides is invaluable. Team fights are also relatively harsh environment for them, as they often do not have enough protection in order to remain relevant and survive a head on team collision.


Spellbreaker is generally considered superior to core warrior because it greatly enhances their team and dueling capabilities. With FC, you can daze everyone within range, evade attacks, and tether an opponent. The tether is ridiculously strong, as it provides you with a constant source of might while active, reveals the opponent (i.e. counters deadeyes, one of core warrior's true counters), and CCs them with a pull that you can easily follow up on if they try to run. They also have a few boonstrips, which is especially helpful against opponents with stability, or high might. However, SPB is not strictly better than core warrior in all scenarios.

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