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unedited Maguuma WvW gameplay


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I figured there were enough montages out already and did not edit any of my recording especially chat which is a usually good portion of WvW. I do not use voice chat which is why I type so much, I prefer chat and tagless commanding.


[https://youtube.com/watch?v=buHZFSWc7VE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=buHZFSWc7VE "https://youtube.com/watch?v=buHZFSWc7VE")


*Depending on when you view, it might still be in 360p, the video will be 1440p when youtube servers catch up and finish converting.

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> @"anonymous.7812" said:

> You mentioned a server name, why wasn't this thread closed for match up, like the others?

Mods will be back next week to do their next round of "matchup thread" closers. =)

I watched a bit of the video, the only thing it taught me is that there's a reason I enjoy videos that have been edited to crop out all of the filler.


~ Kovu

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> Edit: "How to run away and BM 101". Lets just say, im far from surprised.

That guardian chased so far and started BM. Some missing context is also that he and his 3 friends would focus me anytime I was anywhere near them even while in a cluster of allies prior to this recording for the past week.


That guard would also have his friends close enough that they stealthed and would wait for the 1v1 engage to appear and gank. Really pointless to bother fighting that in an "honorable" way.

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I dunno, if I have 3 people in full gank builds chasing me halfway across the map then I think one is entitled to a emote or two. Also it is sort of the guardian's fault for using sword 3 and .... I guess nothing on swap?


Also you should have waited a bit more as it took 2 days for the video to process past 360p. Youtube is just like that.


And I've seen you around EB; good work. xD


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It was pretty impressive that the guard chased that far even though I was taunting him a few times during the chase, most people would learn and stop chasing.


I am sure at other parts in the video I have other encounters where I fight and I often /bow /salute players that commit to a 1v1 and do not run or call reinforcements. Or if a lower rank player commits to a 1v1, I /bow /salute and get out of combat to let them self res once downed. I enjoy any 'proper' fights I can take part in and there has always been a mutual respect with most other players regardless of servers or guilds to not interrupt fights and to acknowledge to the other player "good fight" or similar. The ones that do not have this mutual respect can get emotes and siege thrown on them, you have to earn respect.


I appreciate it, I definitely did not anticipate it would take so long to process the video on youtube's end, I suspected hour(s) at most and will definitely wait until it's fully processed before I post another.


Until next time :)



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