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Most worthless core professions for WvW?


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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> Do revs even exist?


> But do go on saying that core engie is worthless, need to fly under the radar uhum.


Mind sharing your build?


This build is what im currently trying out since this week, the damage output is pretty horrible (survivability is good, but only because of the existence of superior rune of Speed ).



But I doubt many other core engi roaming builds would beat it (assuming I was more mechanically skilled with it than I currently am) unless its some yolo condi build. I probably shouldn't be speculating like this, because the only core engies I have fought were zerglings with their backs pointed towards me :p

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> @"Infusion.7149" said:

> Ranger. The pets don't stealth so they're a liability and they lose the damage modifiers from soulbeast. Spirits vaporize in AoE, traps are really a joke when maintaining mobility is key. The only skill that really stands out is the AOE stunbreak on "Protect Me".

> longbow = projectile, single target unless traited and rapidfire eats retaliation. The amount of new players pushing people out of AoE is extremely high with pointblank shot/ LB 4

> Axe = projectile

> Shortbow = slow ramp condi

> GS = does nothing for everyone else

> sword = a skirmishing weapon that relies on dodging much like a thief but that doesn't work in a large group , cripple is far weaker than immob from thief's sword mainhand


> Engineer isn't the right choice: yes it's harder to play core engineer and you shouldn't run grenades due to insane retaliation self damage and condi reliance. However you can run med kit (and utility goggles for stealth reveal when out of combat or before engage) + elixir gun which already makes it 100% more useful than ranger. In addition for 5 man scenarios , throw elixir S can stealth 5 people and throw elixir C can convert 2 conditions on 5 people. Because it retains the F5 skill on supply crate, you gain the ability to clear 14 conditions on 60 cooldown or less if you don't opt for mortar kit (which has multiple field types including poisn and water fields).

> In addition, the core engineer has piercing on rifle auto, which is something you need to trait for on longbow and the 2-5 skills aren't projectile. Scrapper often has the pistol+shield alternative to hammer and it isn't any different for core engineer. For melee range you can use wrench (tool kit has a block similar to scrapper hammer) or bomb kit.


> **Core guardian** = use vanilla AH guardian with Stand your ground + Strength in Numbers

> **Core warrior** = definitely not , it's less potent due to losing boon rips but still has access to warhorn and "Shake it Off" for mass condi clear as well as hammer + GS + double axe for power damage . If your timing is superb you can banner downeds

> **Core rev** = still can use hammer as well as dwarf legend for stability on Inspiring Reinforcement ; using Retribution traitline allows for Versed in Stone trait to be used as well

> **Core ele** = can still run staff with fire+air+earth/arcane for survivability

> **Core necro** = can still run well of corruption, unholy feast, devouring darkness, etc (remember G.W.E.N. before HOT)

> **Core mesmer** = can still veil, portal, boon rip with GS/null field , focus pulls , mantra of concentration is AOE stability , mantra of resolve is 3 condis removed off up to 5 people ; in low enemy count scenarios power shatter can get kills or finish downeds easily

> **Core thief** = venoms (remember venomshare?) , mostly low target count but shortbow has poison fields on tap and dagger+pistol can make smoke fields (see also Smoke Screen which destroys projectiles) as well as hit for a large amount of damage on backstab and heartseeker while sword+pistol can do more stealthy attacks against out of position 900 range targets via Infiltrator's strike. Signet of agility also happens to clear conditions off allies and shadow portal is a core thief skill. Generally thief in WvW relies on staff however.


I think this is a good answer when talking team play, which is what WvW is specifically about, but on the small scale I still think Engineer is the worst core spec.


Even if core Engi can offer a few things in groups that Ranger can't, a well played Ranger can still be a good picker for pestering squishy targets and taking out harder to reach siege when attacking objectives. Reflects and the overall increase in support potency give core Ranger a harder time at doing it's job in a group than it does as Soulbeast, but it can still be done assuming the player knows what they're doing. The real issue here is that 99% of Rangers in zergs don't know how to be useful even though they can actually be a pretty decent asset if they work alongside the zerg rather than in it. Much like Thieves, they can "cut away the fat" so to speak, by eliminating players on the outer rim and ones that fall behind or try to regroup.


Core Ranger is also quite effective in small scale or as a roamer, and IMO one of the few that currently has a well balanced core spec. It isn't heavily over performing or under performing and is perfectly viable, even having matches that favor it. The "boonbeast" variant of Soulbeast can actually be used on core as well, and if you can believe it, it's even tankier. It's damage isn't quite as good, but it's still more than enough to kill people.


Looking at WvW as a whole, I think core Ranger and core Engineer are pretty close in terms of "worthlessness." But specifically because there are stronger builds for Ranger than Engi, and even if it offers less in a zerg than Engi, I think it's competitive potential is enough to save it from being the most useless.

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> @"santenal.1054" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > Do revs even exist?

> >

> > But do go on saying that core engie is worthless, need to fly under the radar uhum.


> Mind sharing your build?


> This build is what im currently trying out since this week, the damage output is pretty horrible (survivability is good, but only because of the existence of superior rune of Speed ).

> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PegAo6lZwuYdMPmKWyPdLTA-z1QYsIBzjCWZkZB0bCY3BJI2AvFz8tA-w


> But I doubt many other core engi roaming builds would beat it (assuming I was more mechanically skilled with it than I currently am) unless its some yolo condi build. I probably shouldn't be speculating like this, because the only core engies I have fought were zerglings with their backs pointed towards me :p

The damage is horrible because you're not running p/p and zero condi duration doesnt exactly help, 90% of the trick to running condi engie is getting your blowtorch to land at the right time. Offhand also gives you the immobilize which has good synergy with moa. If they cant use skills and they cant dodge they are dead meat. I run similar things otherwise (except alchemy instead of inventions and more elixirs). Flamethrower is awful in WvW and elixir gun wont help you much in 1 on 1 combat, traited toolkit is IMO much better for tanking heavy attacks with the shield and crowbar is excellent to counter certain enemies (thieves in particular), not to mention the pull.


I see your build as something of a tank that need to duo run with a +1 dps to be effective. Which is fine if it works for you.


Either way lets not loose sight of the real topic here, engineer is the most worthless profession.



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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > Hahaha, my second pick is Engineer but I had personally worst experience with a Core Necro.

> Its kind of funny because when running as a core engineer, one of the very few core encounters thats been able to kill me has been... a core necro. And thats on a build where I rofltstomp reapers and scourges on a daily basis.


Core Engineer is a really good support during sieges, that's why it's not useless. Core Necro on the other hand...yeah.

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> @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:


> I think this is a good answer when talking team play, which is what WvW is specifically about, but on the small scale I still think Engineer is the worst core spec.


> Even if core Engi can offer a few things in groups that Ranger can't, a well played Ranger can still be a good picker for pestering squishy targets and taking out harder to reach siege when attacking objectives. Reflects and the overall increase in support potency give core Ranger a harder time at doing it's job in a group than it does as Soulbeast, but it can still be done assuming the player knows what they're doing. The real issue here is that 99% of Rangers in zergs don't know how to be useful even though they can actually be a pretty decent asset if they work alongside the zerg rather than in it. Much like Thieves, they can "cut away the fat" so to speak, by eliminating players on the outer rim and ones that fall behind or try to regroup.


> Core Ranger is also quite effective in small scale or as a roamer, and IMO one of the few that currently has a well balanced core spec. It isn't heavily over performing or under performing and is perfectly viable, even having matches that favor it. The "boonbeast" variant of Soulbeast can actually be used on core as well, and if you can believe it, it's even tankier. It's damage isn't quite as good, but it's still more than enough to kill people.


> Looking at WvW as a whole, I think core Ranger and core Engineer are pretty close in terms of "worthlessness." But specifically because there are stronger builds for Ranger than Engi, and even if it offers less in a zerg than Engi, I think it's competitive potential is enough to save it from being the most useless.




smart answer. totally agree.





> @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> Whats worse then a ranger in WvW? A ranger without powercreep.



see above, core ranger is actually pretty nuts if ur talkin solo roaming... the problem is too many ppl cant play it or wont spec right.

but as mr @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said things change when u start to run with more ppl in a group. (in terms of being useful to your group)




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> @"acidic.4356" said:

> > @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:


> > I think this is a good answer when talking team play, which is what WvW is specifically about, but on the small scale I still think Engineer is the worst core spec.

> >

> > Even if core Engi can offer a few things in groups that Ranger can't, a well played Ranger can still be a good picker for pestering squishy targets and taking out harder to reach siege when attacking objectives. Reflects and the overall increase in support potency give core Ranger a harder time at doing it's job in a group than it does as Soulbeast, but it can still be done assuming the player knows what they're doing. The real issue here is that 99% of Rangers in zergs don't know how to be useful even though they can actually be a pretty decent asset if they work alongside the zerg rather than in it. Much like Thieves, they can "cut away the fat" so to speak, by eliminating players on the outer rim and ones that fall behind or try to regroup.

> >

> > Core Ranger is also quite effective in small scale or as a roamer, and IMO one of the few that currently has a well balanced core spec. It isn't heavily over performing or under performing and is perfectly viable, even having matches that favor it. The "boonbeast" variant of Soulbeast can actually be used on core as well, and if you can believe it, it's even tankier. It's damage isn't quite as good, but it's still more than enough to kill people.

> >

> > Looking at WvW as a whole, I think core Ranger and core Engineer are pretty close in terms of "worthlessness." But specifically because there are stronger builds for Ranger than Engi, and even if it offers less in a zerg than Engi, I think it's competitive potential is enough to save it from being the most useless.




> smart answer. totally agree.





> > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> > Whats worse then a ranger in WvW? A ranger without powercreep.



> see above, core ranger is actually pretty nuts if ur talkin solo roaming... the problem is too many ppl cant play it or wont spec right.

> but as mr @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said things change when u start to run with more ppl in a group. (in terms of being useful to your group)





Thats actually the problem.


Ranger is waaaaaaay to op in roaming but waaaaaaay to useless in zerging.



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>@"Junkpile.7439" said:

> Necromancer useless. Class doesn't have anything else than life blast and death shroud 4. Well engineer probably useless too, but at least you can make build that have some movement skills. Main thing in WvW is movement skills so you can run away when guild blob try to hunt you.


What are wells and marks? Please don't say those are useless...


> @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > > Hahaha, my second pick is Engineer but I had personally worst experience with a Core Necro.

> > Its kind of funny because when running as a core engineer, one of the very few core encounters thats been able to kill me has been... a core necro. And thats on a build where I rofltstomp reapers and scourges on a daily basis.


> Core Engineer is a really good support during sieges, that's why it's not useless. Core Necro on the other hand...yeah.


Core necros can keep the chokes / walls hot with marks and wells and the level of player skill required to do so is extremely low unlike open field, which makes it well suited for players completely new to WvW. Not sure why you voted core necro, but you're entitled to your opinion. Hammer revenants have to contend with terrain on CoR and line of sight on auto, elementalists have to deal with cast times and attunements, warriors/guardians/thieves need to be in melee range to do the bulk of damage, and many if not most players won't be able to play mesmers let alone multi-kit core engineers that aren't support.


Yes core ranger has higher potential in roaming due to mobility, but if you're roaming with between 5-10 any team build class is superior overall (doubly so if you rely on stealth gyro and/or AoEs). If you're solo roaming then that's different , I'd probably pick mesmer (because you can play un-nerfed scepter + staff or power shatter) or thief (which is meta in PvP) for that.



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> @"Infusion.7149" said:

> > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > > > Hahaha, my second pick is Engineer but I had personally worst experience with a Core Necro.

> > > Its kind of funny because when running as a core engineer, one of the very few core encounters thats been able to kill me has been... a core necro. And thats on a build where I rofltstomp reapers and scourges on a daily basis.

> >

> > Core Engineer is a really good support during sieges, that's why it's not useless. Core Necro on the other hand...yeah.


> Core necros can keep the chokes / walls hot with marks and wells and the level of player skill required to do so is extremely low unlike open field, which makes it well suited for players completely new to WvW. Not sure why you voted core necro, but you're entitled to your opinion.



If that's the best case you can come up with in defense of the Core Necro, then you just proven my point. My Core Guardian can do that job, no need for Core Necro. Not only my Core Guardian can do that job better, it can hold it longer than the Core Necro. A single kit of the Core Eng, specifically Elixir Gun, is more valuable than the Core Necro's wells. All the new Engineer has to do is point the Elixir Gun to an ally and spray away -- the best role for new players.



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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> You guys don’t know how deadly core engineers can be. Come armistice bastion and watch how the pro duelers use the core Engineers to great effect.


I think people need to clear up the context, ineffective class ≠ the class sux


i'll just use engi and ranger as example since most people voted them


engis definitely will a harder time compare to the rest, but in a group scenario they are more useful with the heals and condi cleansing they bring to the group


yes rangers are good at picking out targets at a range, but the same thing can be achieve by other classes like ele and mesmer, but do they bring a lot of benefits when fighting in a group environment?

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> @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > You guys don’t know how deadly core engineers can be. Come armistice bastion and watch how the pro duelers use the core Engineers to great effect.


> I think people need to clear up the context, ineffective class ≠ the class sux



The context is clear, which profession is most worthless. Not which profession is ineffective. Not which profession sucks. Rather, Most Worthless.


So if you tally the Core Professions from Worthy to Worthless, in my list, the Core Necro is dead last. Pun intended.

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> @"Vasdamas Anklast.1607" said:

> However after reading this whole...ranger 2nd weakest what?!


Ranger has always been, and almost certainly will continue to be the most common, poorly played class. Not sure how, but tons of rangers come up with a build with no redeeming qualities.


This leads to tons of people blaming the class, go read ranger forums for a lel

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> @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > > You guys don’t know how deadly core engineers can be. Come armistice bastion and watch how the pro duelers use the core Engineers to great effect.

> >

> > I think people need to clear up the context, ineffective class ≠ the class sux

> >


> The context is clear, which profession is most worthless. Not which profession is ineffective. Not which profession sucks. Rather, Most Worthless.


> So if you tally the Core Professions from Worthy to Worthless, in my list, the Core Necro is dead last. Pun intended.


If you're talking about group play in WvW then enemies will have aegis and/or blocks, you're not whacking a stationary golem. Unblockable marks have been useful since vanilla GW2 before HoT. It was spite+soul reaping+blood (for well cooldown)/curses then (now with precision, and basically death magic was not overhauled til recent changes implementing death's carapace). Old pre-HOT builds had variants with vampiric presence before its scaling was changed to be higher (renegades' soulcleave summit didn't exist back then). If you run axe mainhand on power builds (which has boon rip , so once again not useless) then staff is mainly for area denial and soft CC at 1200 range, whereas a condi/hybrid necro with scepter mainhand gets more damage out of staff's conditions.

Meanwhile ranger pets not stealthing (while out of combat and in stealth fields) can wipe the rest of the group and pet AI has them dying in AoEs during group play quite often (animal cruelty), so given the choice any commander would rather have a core necro...


For roaming the ranger is preferred by many new players due to range (obvious) and mobility. That's why you get so many rangers that contribute far less than necros do overall because at best they take a camp, kill a warg or do something like that.


Also, if devs read this thread and were to agree with you there's very little they can do that would change core necro without affecting reapers and scourges. The only thing that could really be changed is shroud. It's the same situation with every other class except ranger (which needs soulbeast merged bonuses with beastmastery scaled back probably , in addition to revamping pets in WvW): core engineer would push scrapper even higher for example (since Alchemy/Inventions traitlines are mostly defensive ; tools sees more use on holos).


For engis that aren't support, unless the changes are mostly to kits that don't see much use and tweaking the picking up of turrets (which were nerfed due to PvP) I don't see improving engineer massively likely because although grenades have a "projectile" speed + throw velocity + retaliation problem they're often used in PvE for condi engineers so they're unlikely to be fully revamped.

If you look at what core engi has outside of utilities:

* Rifle --- a piercing power weapon with relatively slow rate of attack , used by holos too but not the reason to use holo

* Pistol x 2 (slow ramp condis so not suited for WvW)

* Pistol+Shield (oft used on scrappers not using hammer , mostly for the shield)

* Grenade Kit (throw velocity, projectile, retaliation nightmare ... also unsuited for people with carpal tunnel)

* Tool Kit --- the most trolly kit with a 1200 range pull , also massive amounts of cripple : just hasn't kept up with powercreep and pry bar hits one person

* Flamethrower (more or less all burning at low range)

* Bomb Kit (timed charges make it unsuitable for roaming but fine for swapping in larger group play)

* Elixir gun (support weapon) --- nobody runs it for damage

* Mortar (1500 range, generates fields) --- nothing inherently wrong with it, it's balanced around its range and radius

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> @"Infusion.7149" said:

> > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > > > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > > > You guys don’t know how deadly core engineers can be. Come armistice bastion and watch how the pro duelers use the core Engineers to great effect.

> > >

> > > I think people need to clear up the context, ineffective class ≠ the class sux

> > >

> >

> > The context is clear, which profession is most worthless. Not which profession is ineffective. Not which profession sucks. Rather, Most Worthless.

> >

> > So if you tally the Core Professions from Worthy to Worthless, in my list, the Core Necro is dead last. Pun intended.


> If you're talking about group play in WvW then enemies will have aegis and/or blocks, you're not whacking a stationary golem. Unblockable marks have been useful since vanilla GW2 before HoT. It was spite+soul reaping+blood (for well cooldown)/curses then (now with precision, and basically death magic was not overhauled til recent changes implementing death's carapace). Old pre-HOT builds had variants with vampiric presence before its scaling was changed to be higher (renegades' soulcleave summit didn't exist back then). If you run axe mainhand on power builds (which has boon rip , so once again not useless) then staff is mainly for area denial and soft CC at 1200 range, whereas a condi/hybrid necro with scepter mainhand gets more damage out of staff's conditions.

> Meanwhile ranger pets not stealthing (while out of combat and in stealth fields) can wipe the rest of the group and pet AI has them dying in AoEs during group play quite often (animal cruelty), so given the choice any commander would rather have a core necro...



Do you even realize that Core Eng is even better pre-HoT?


> For roaming the ranger is preferred by many new players due to range (obvious) and mobility. That's why you get so many rangers that contribute far less than necros do overall because at best they take a camp, kill a warg or do something like that.



It seems that you're not familiar about the worth of Core Rangers. In terms of party buffs, Core Ranger is second to Banner Warrior. Core Necro's well can buff up to 5 party members? Ranger can buff up to 10. Core Necro is the one that contributes less than the Core Ranger.


> Also, if devs read this thread and were to agree with you there's very little they can do that would change core necro without affecting reapers and scourges. The only thing that could really be changed is shroud. It's the same situation with every other class except ranger (which needs soulbeast merged bonuses with beastmastery scaled back probably , in addition to revamping pets in WvW): core engineer would push scrapper even higher for example (since Alchemy/Inventions traitlines are mostly defensive ; tools sees more use on holos).



If the Dev's read this thread, my hope is for them to stop designing the game as a one-size-fits-all. Their goal is to allow each profession to do everything while attempting to avoid the "holy trinity" -- IMO, that's foolish. Because doing so effectively makes each profession's identity worthless. Why even bother using Necro or Ranger if other class can do everything? The idea behind the "holy trinity" is to give each profession a purpose, a role, in a party setup. At the same time, it gives each profession their own unique identity instead of trying to mash them up altogether.


The reason to bring a Necro shouldn't be about anything other than raising the dead. The game should be designed that bringing a Necro is a boon to the encounter as it gives a different experience than bringing an Elementalist, for example. In the same way, the game should be designed where an Engineer is needed. For instance, instead of bringing an Elementalist and nuke the mobs head on, you can try bringing an Engineer next time to build a bridge for a short cut, which will introduce a completely different experience, especially if many parties are doing the nuke way.


> For engis that aren't support, unless the changes are mostly to kits that don't see much use and tweaking the picking up of turrets (which were nerfed due to PvP) I don't see improving engineer massively likely because although grenades have a "projectile" speed + throw velocity + retaliation problem they're often used in PvE for condi engineers so they're unlikely to be fully revamped.


As I've mentioned, during sieges, Core Eng is highly valuable. Core Necro, not so much. No profession should be allowed to do everything.


The GW1 Necro is far more superior than GW2 Necro in terms of Necromancy. The Devs need to restore that. They need to stop the Reaper and Scourge nonsense and give Necro the full power of Necromancy by allowing the profession to build a minion army. All they need to do is change the Death Shroud, that whenever the Necro goes into Death Shroud, the number of his minions doubles -- when the Necro ends Death Shroud, the temporary minions dies. When this happen, Necro would no longer be worthless.


> If you look at what core engi has outside of utilities:

> ~snip~


A Core Eng with Healing Turret and Elixir Gun is far more valuable than Core Necro. You're not doing well in making you case.



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Firstly, nobody says "encounters" in WvW :: this isn't the PvE forum. Likewise when's the last time you saw warrior run the utility banners in WvW , not PvE? Ranger spirits affect 10 targets, I already mentioned them in the first post I made here. However, they vaporize in AoE, lose health progressively, and generally aren't enough to warrant bringing a ranger.


Engineer is one of the least played classes per gw2efficiency but that doesn't mean that they are the least played in WvW currently. In addition, necromancers have been played in team comps since pre-HoT (once again, G.W.E.N.) : rangers haven't.


Necromancer is a debuff class, I'm not sure why people keep saying it has to provide boons or to do anything other than destroy defenses such as protection (strips, vulnerability), aegis (unblockable/strips/conversion), stability (strips/corrupts/fears,etc), swiftness (strips/corrupts/chills, cripple,immob), healing (via poison) etc. Also if your suggestion of spawning minions were to be implemented it would impact server performance even more yet also increase AI reliance for necros.


In your example of an engineer building a bridge, it isn't likely to happen. It would essentially be another scourge/mesmer portal that gets bombed once the exit is made.


I played GW1 since beta, that has its own set of balancing problems and eventually they more or less gave up on balancing every skill due to the sheer amount of them. If you recall after Eye of the North, basically maintenance time , Elementalists were less favored for damage versus Ritualist + Necro + Mesmer party composition.


If you want to dumb GW2 down to "holy trinity" level of simplification:

Guardian: Defensive Boons (stability/Protection/aegis mainly) , low base health tradeoff --- backbone of WvW

Warrior : melee damage and/or support (PBAOE boon rips with spellbreaker ; warhorn condi clears)

Revenant: ranged damage + offensive boons (fury+might+swiftness)

Elementalist : ranged AOE damage (low health/sustain tradeoff)

Necromancer: ranged boonrip/corrupt/debuff , CC --- boon removal allows for higher damage from other classes ; barrier is a scourge mechanic that is support

Engineer (in current state): defensive support by removing conditions + healing based off boons, stealth gyro, bulwark gyro , etc ; DPS gyros are run over warrior due to the stealth gyros

Thief (generally daredevil) : melee damage with mobility (but with low health/sustain when focused) --- prime example of roaming class

Mesmer: originally was party support (chrono, with mantras + signet of inspiration + veil) but now seen mostly roaming since scrapper stealth gyro

Ranger : roaming class basically unless you run soulbeast with stance share


Without necro boon rips you're relegated to using spellbreakers , off meta revenants with mallyx, and possibly power mesmers (null field , mind stab) which means that amount of boon rips is lower until you get in melee range. That means the counter bomb on you is far more explosive once you commit to a location with spellbreaker bubble (Winds of Disenchantment / break enchantment or proccing boon rip with hammer or other CC).

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