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Verbal abuse and afk


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PvP and wvw Toxicity is to be blamed for the increase of afks and verbal attacks.




My best advice is to embrace Toxicity with open arms and use your disgrace with it by playing healthy competitive games.


Thank you


(Anet can rid of Toxicity today with the complete deletion the one who is responsible for guild wars 2 Toxicity-Thief Profession with its Toxic stealth design and it's Toxic +1 shotting epidemics but they wont. So now you know what to do)

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PvP is this way everywhere. It’s better to get used to it. Be careful not to transfer your frustrations with your own mistakes to the perceived attitudes of other players. For me at least, it’s never been conducive to my improvement.


You’re seeking social retribution for an online display of a lack of civility. It’s hard to enforce. Having anonymity can do that to people - some release their true inner self when they perceive no consequences to acting like duckwads.


Which brings to question how genuine they can be IRL if they act like this online.


> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> (Anet can rid of Toxicity today with the complete deletion the one who is responsible for guild wars 2 Toxicity-Thief Profession with its Toxic stealth design and it's Toxic +1 shotting epidemics but they wont. So now you know what to do)


"Pain... agony... my hatred burns through the countless patches. The Heart of the Mists heaves with my torment. Its wretched Thief players quake beneath my rage. But at last... the whole of the stealth mechanic will break... and all will burn beneath the shadow of my PvP wings."


Just curious, what’s your most played profession and what problems do you have with Thief to the point that you push this agenda in multiple threads?


To avoid being mistaken, Thief is my least played profession :)

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Whatever you do, don't upload any videos/proof here. They say those who do, never return. If you're eager enough, you could try getting in contact with support via email. You're actually pretty likely to be listened to because Arenanet has some really great staff in charge of player reports.


To answer the question if something will get done about it... Maybe? There's really no confirmation so it's hard to tell, and it's not terribly uncommon to encounter a player a few games or days later who had just previously intentionally thrown a game. If this happened in the lower ratings in ranked, it might have just been a pip farmer because a pip farmer still gets what they're after even if they idle all game.


In terms of what kind of suspension they're looking at... the punishments are notoriously weak, and a pip farmer isn't likely to be all that bothered with them, which is most often the players I see doing this.

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The worst thing for me is, that the most toxic players think they are very good, but they aren't.

But Anet should change their ranking system somehow. I dropped from almost p2 to almost g2 in 1 day. And the most of the games were 100:500. This losing streak suddenly happened. With that feeling it is hard to get not toxic.

So, if you do your job well but you get every game bots, afk's or something in your team, you shouldn't lose so many points.


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Just as a PSA to all those lovely salty players out there:

1. If you rage generally about how the team sucks, I don’t mind. If you are losing badly then the teamwork probably is an issue as much as individual player skill.

2. If you are complaining about a specific player I’m going to be less understanding, especially if you target/mark them. That mechanic is intended for gameplay and if the only target you call the whole game is a teammate...you are the bad player.

3. If you verbally abuse players badly enough in 1 or 2, I will report you even if you are on my team that match. Verbal abuse is unacceptable behavior, period. If you can’t control yourself I will (politely) suggest you take a break from playing to calm down.


Some additional thoughts:

1. Your teammates aren’t at fault if the other team has much better synergy or teamwork.

2. Your team isn’t at fault if their team has an exceptional player who is carrying their team and your own team lacks an exceptional player.

3. Your team isn’t at fault if the other team makes a good play or changes from a losing strategy to a winning strategy mid game.


Yours in salt,


A fellow pvp’er

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  • 2 months later...

> @"saerni.2584" said:

> Just as a PSA to all those lovely salty players out there:

> 1. If you rage generally about how the team sucks, I don’t mind. If you are losing badly then the teamwork probably is an issue as much as individual player skill.

> 2. If you are complaining about a specific player I’m going to be less understanding, especially if you target/mark them. That mechanic is intended for gameplay and if the only target you call the whole game is a teammate...you are the bad player.

> 3. If you verbally abuse players badly enough in 1 or 2, I will report you even if you are on my team that match. Verbal abuse is unacceptable behavior, period. If you can’t control yourself I will (politely) suggest you take a break from playing to calm down.


> Some additional thoughts:

> 1. Your teammates aren’t at fault if the other team has much better synergy or teamwork.

> 2. Your team isn’t at fault if their team has an exceptional player who is carrying their team and your own team lacks an exceptional player.

> 3. Your team isn’t at fault if the other team makes a good play or changes from a losing strategy to a winning strategy mid game.


> Yours in salt,


> A fellow pvp’er


Yes, yes, yes. All of this. It is just a game people. RE-LAX. Ironically, many of the top ranked players I've chatted with are very kind and civil which supports the bad players like to blame others for the loss. Fortunately, reporting and chat blocking are available. In 18 ranked games, I only won 9. Out of all those losses, I only experienced verbal *ss hats once. Took a screen of their chat, reported them and sent the chat to Anet. I was never teamed up with any of them for the rest of the night.

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> @"Rorschach.7406" said:




I am pretty much only there for rewards, AP, backpack, etc. But, if you are in the same level of ranking I am, floats around in silver, you are not very good anyway.

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There's nothing more to be done. You have no say in enforcement. Just block/report and move on.


However, that is not to say that you are powerless. You have more power than any other player with regard to your own experience. That won't allow you to force other players to play nice, but it will allow you to control your own behavior and perhaps influence others in a positive way.


If you care to keep reading, here's a little story that illustrates the point...


I queued up with a friend recently and we got beaten rather badly in a match where we really never stood a chance. But we like a good fight and we don't see the point in giving up while the clock is still ticking, so we did the best we could. Well, at the end of the match I received whispers from the opposing team congratulating us on putting up a good fight and inviting us to play with them.


Since then I have played with these people a few times and that's just how it goes for them. A good fight is worth more than a win and there's nothing to be salty or toxic about. Just play, improve, and have fun! It occurs to me that if more of us behaved this way, PvP would be a much better experience. Again, I can't control how other people behave, but I can do my part.

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