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Ascended dungeon gear?


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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> How many of those 9 randoms had dungeon master title?

How does that title, in the age of dungeon and raid selling, even correlate to player skill anymore?

Back when I played dungeons, I've seen quite some people around that skill level of those 9 and succeeding dungeons.

Even in fractals (I only play T1 and T2), when I do them, I sometimes see such players.


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> @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > How many of those 9 randoms had dungeon master title?

> How does that title, in the age of dungeon and raid selling, even correlate to player skill anymore?

> Back when I played dungeons, I've seen quite some people around that skill level of those 9 and succeeding dungeons.

> Even in fractals (I only play T1 and T2), when I do them, I sometimes see such players.



I gave the title as an example. The idea is to find similarly skilled players and check them in dungeons and strikes, the same players, as a way of measuring the difficulty of the content. How do you figure "such players"? How do you know those you met in the dungeon had the same skill level as the 9 you did the strike with? Keep in mind that the strike is seasonal content and anyone can enter it at any time, dungeons require some pre-work, meaning those 9 might've been completely new to the game, or completely new to instanced content.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> How do you figure "such players"? How do you know those you met in the dungeon had the same skill level as the 9 you did the strike with?

Tthey played in similar manner to what I remember from dungeons, mindlessly hitting the boss and leaving mechanics to the 1 or 2 that know the mechanics. So I hypothesized they are of similar skill level.

_Maybe_ I just had bad luck, but this kind of bad luck seems to hit me pretty often.

_Maybe_ I got worse and just remember dungeons being much easier.

But I don't remember any dungeon having such a disgusting and long-lasting mechanic as the snowflake ground lines.

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> @"ixora.3569" said:

> By any chance will there be ascended armor/weapons added to dungeons? It would bring life back to them and you can make them expensive so its not so easy to obtain. maybe 1k a piece? more for weapons? just throwing ideas out there. I just want a reason to do dungeons again. Also maybe add some new dungeons for the living stories in the future?


Weren't Dungeons put aside for Fractals?

Don't Fractals have the rewards you are looking for?

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> @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > @"ixora.3569" said:

> > By any chance will there be ascended armor/weapons added to dungeons? It would bring life back to them and you can make them expensive so its not so easy to obtain. maybe 1k a piece? more for weapons? just throwing ideas out there. I just want a reason to do dungeons again. Also maybe add some new dungeons for the living stories in the future?


> Weren't Dungeons put aside for Fractals?

> Don't Fractals have the rewards you are looking for?


I agree with you but i do understand why some players dislike fractals as it might not be that fun to grind low lvls and gold to get enough AR for harder group content. It doesn't help that AR is character bound.

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> @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > > @"ixora.3569" said:

> > > By any chance will there be ascended armor/weapons added to dungeons? It would bring life back to them and you can make them expensive so its not so easy to obtain. maybe 1k a piece? more for weapons? just throwing ideas out there. I just want a reason to do dungeons again. Also maybe add some new dungeons for the living stories in the future?

> >

> > Weren't Dungeons put aside for Fractals?

> > Don't Fractals have the rewards you are looking for?


> I agree with you but i do understand why some players dislike fractals as it might not be that fun to grind low lvls and gold to get enough AR for harder group content. It doesn't help that AR is character bound.


AR is only character bound if you decide that the vendor selling relatively cheap infusion extractors doesn't exist.

Anyone who doesn't want to "grind low lvls" is just looking for a carry.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > Edit: case in point:

> > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/94407/secret-lair-of-the-snowmen

> >


> That assumes that same party that failed in the secret lair would beat -any- of the dungeon content

There definitely wasn't any assumption made when you said "can be killed by 4-5 _completely random_ people in green/rare gear". But yes, i have, in past, killed lupi (and not once or twice, but many times) when in group with people that almost certainly would not have been able to pass Freezie. Not unless they had a competent healer willing to carry them at least.

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Guys, the people that can't beat Freezie also cannot beat dungeons. There is no significant difference between these groups. Ofc some would handle CoF P1 or SE P1 etc. but a lot of others aren't doable for them. That's why they usually avoid such content and don't bother with it.

And it still doesn't go into my head why Arenanet is trying to put players on par. They have neglected that since years and won't revert that. We have different kinds of players and that should be accepted and respected from all sides but bringing together those two heavily different mindsets won't work at all. They should (have) stick(ed) to their abilities in the past: lw --> expac --> lw + fracs & raids accompanied by gem shop stuff. Somewhere they took the wrong way which led to the layoffs and now we have a huge mess that most likely will end into boredom for a lot of players.

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> @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> Somewhere they took the wrong way which led to the layoffs and now we have a huge mess that most likely will end into boredom for a lot of players.


IMHO, ANet went stray when they started diverting sources into other projects and sort of "neglected" GW2 development. NcSoft didn't like this (mostly because the market isn't what it used to be, mmos are no longer as profitable as during their boom), they stepped in, cancelled those alternate projects, reduced staff and made them focus on GW2 alone.


From the company's perspective, this was a blow to their morale. From the game's perspective, GW2 hasn't seen this active development since the hectic LS1 days. ANet may have lost around half of their staff, but the number of people working on GW2 has definitely gone up.


So, talking strictly about GW2 development, I'd say things are focused quite all right, and how not, if ANet's future now depends entirely on GW2 thriving?

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> @"Skotlex.7580" said:

> So, talking strictly about GW2 development, I'd say things are focused quite all right, and how not, if ANet's future now depends entirely on GW2 thriving?


I disagree completely because the former Arenanet didn't monetize things like Templates so aggressively. Sure, the gem shop always was an important part of the game due to not having a subscription based model but those but the focus for it turned heavily in my opinion. Also, they had other standards for tools/implementations like this and the template system lacks QA heavily!

In addition if things are quite all right I as a company would have made a proper (and honest) announcement about the stuff going on inside the company or the projects. Although they communicated some things we got a lot of information from other people like Josh Foreman who said in a stream that "he thinks it's (the lay offs and focus on GW2 alone) better for the game now" and so on. Everything is very vague at the moment and the best would have been: "Guys, sorry for the skritt happening in the last months/year we're on the way to settle things right. Give us some time to rearrange which means some content drought and then we'll back with a solid schedule and a GW2 you are and were expecting." Something like this and maybe more convincing would have been a true sign of dedication from their side and reassure big parts of the vocal community that is present in forums or on reddit.


In my opinion - nobody needs to share that - they are only taking the effort to cater to the casual crowd and the players that are addicted to the basic stuff and gem shop (lots of newer players nowadays which got into the game with the HoT + PoF discount bundle or are not very actively player in the beginning years of GW2) without caring about their site communities including vets. Maybe they don't need them to be financially solid in the future but I can't imagine that the game can be carried by the above mentioned portion alone to set up a proper MMO feeling in the game. My discord is gone...literally gone.

That's at least 15 players less that don't log into the game since about 6 months and some of them were paying here and there, me including. It's my filter bubble but I doubt that this exodus that happened in a lot of guilds over the last year was halted by new player influx. I definitely doubt it.


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  • 4 weeks later...

> @"ixora.3569" said:

> By any chance will there be ascended armor/weapons added to dungeons? It would bring life back to them and you can make them expensive so its not so easy to obtain. maybe 1k a piece? more for weapons? just throwing ideas out there. I just want a reason to do dungeons again. Also maybe add some new dungeons for the living stories in the future?


Monk runes, used in almost every single healing build are hard gated behind AC dungeon.


While it would be a good starting point, sadly I'm not sure this would be enough to bring back life to dungeon.


Dungeons nowadays imo are mostly played by either people starting the game to get exotic gear, or speedrunners. The vast majority of player still run them too but very unfrequently. Despite a few people attempts to make dungeons competitive, they remain unattractive to the vast majority of players.



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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> Dungeons are an abandoned content. The devs do _not_ want to bring life back to them. In fact, when the dungeon rewards got nerfed way back ago, devs straight out said that the nerf was because they wanted players to move _out_ of dungeons to other content.


I kind of wish i didn't miss the era of this game when they were relevant. Fractals aren't as fun to me.

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  • 1 month later...

> @"Firebeard.1746" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > Dungeons are an abandoned content. The devs do _not_ want to bring life back to them. In fact, when the dungeon rewards got nerfed way back ago, devs straight out said that the nerf was because they wanted players to move _out_ of dungeons to other content.


> I kind of wish i didn't miss the era of this game when they were relevant. Fractals aren't as fun to me.


Solo them.

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