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Flux bomb, social awkwardness, npng

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How about no? These instabilies are OK. They actually force players to think. Thankfully, anet got rid of the kitten annoying instabilities - birds, and slippery slope. These were quite something. I'll never forget Deepstone with Birds, Slippery Slope and We Bleed Fire. ---Took about 5 minutes to cross the bridge to the spider boss.... THAT was annoying.

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Flux bomb basicly forces 1 guy to delay his burst, or cc in case of rene/warr.

Social doesnt force u to think, it only make some things like precasting, cc on bosses with small hitbox and few others, more annoying.

Npng only force ur party to lower dps.

How do u call it thinking. Look at outlfanked for example, where u can get fked by it, but if played around it, u get benefit. There a big diffrence in design of mentioned instabs, and other ones

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> @"Rodrick.1942" said:

> > @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

> > So they are annoying because you have to change your build/change your approach?


> Some of us doesn't like to adjust build, apparently


An aversion to change and adaptation should be, will be, and is a limiter to skill and how far you can progress in ever more challenging content.

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adjusting build would be changing soj to wall of reflect/ syg, or swaping some skills of dps classes depending on how ur party is playing. now ur talking about changing shiro/jalis to malyx which result it personal dps lose as well as party dps lose, as u cant guarantee scholar uptime on begining of phases. Its straight downgrade, not giving any counterplay opportunity, like almost every other instab can give. Check out https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fractals_of_the_Mists to see, how other instabs than mentioned in topic are designed.

if ur calling delaying ur rotation with flux bomb, or fighting for u place to not fall from the edge during prestacking as ADJUSTING, than something went rly wrong imo


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Flux Bomb is just as "rotation-interrupting" and "DPS-losing" as dodging big attacks.

Social Awkwardness is actually nerfed to a counter to the mindless *Just stack and DEEPS* tactics. I agree with you on this. They should revert it back to it's former, brutal glory.

No Pain, No Gain is just the Dredge Fractals spilling to the other ones. If your group doesn't notice the boons there or doesn't deal with them, then you're fine with it.

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> @"Safandula.8723" said:

> adjusting build would be changing soj to wall of reflect/ syg, or swaping some skills of dps classes depending on how ur party is playing. now ur talking about changing shiro/jalis to malyx which result it personal dps lose as well as party dps lose, as u cant guarantee scholar uptime on begining of phases. Its straight downgrade, not giving any counterplay opportunity, like almost every other instab can give. Check out https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fractals_of_the_Mists to see, how other instabs than mentioned in topic are designed.

> if ur calling delaying ur rotation with flux bomb, or fighting for u place to not fall from the edge during prestacking as ADJUSTING, than something went rly wrong imo



I believe our goal in fractal is to clear them out and grab daily reward? If we all agree with this, what's the matter of your "personal dps losses" or "group dps losses" if adjust your build/rotation means everything will run smoothly ?


They added these instability to make things chaos, and force player to use the right skills to counter them, and the boss. I like this change because it make things not that boring. I know you probably can't agree with it because we use different way to please ourselves in fractal---- use different build/rotation and deal avg/good damage make me happy ; use optimal build/rotation and deal high damage make you happy.


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> @"Rodrick.1942" said:

> > @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > adjusting build would be changing soj to wall of reflect/ syg, or swaping some skills of dps classes depending on how ur party is playing. now ur talking about changing shiro/jalis to malyx which result it personal dps lose as well as party dps lose, as u cant guarantee scholar uptime on begining of phases. Its straight downgrade, not giving any counterplay opportunity, like almost every other instab can give. Check out https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fractals_of_the_Mists to see, how other instabs than mentioned in topic are designed.

> > if ur calling delaying ur rotation with flux bomb, or fighting for u place to not fall from the edge during prestacking as ADJUSTING, than something went rly wrong imo

> >


> I believe our goal in fractal is to clear them out and grab daily reward? If we all agree with this, what's the matter of your "personal dps losses" or "group dps losses" if adjust your build/rotation means everything will run smoothly ?


> They added these instability to make things chaos, and force player to use the right skills to counter them, and the boss. I like this change because it make things not that boring. I know you probably can't agree with it because we use different way to please ourselves in fractal---- use different build/rotation and deal avg/good damage make me happy ; use optimal build/rotation and deal high damage make you happy.



Lets make AN instab: all dmg u deal, is reduced by 50 %, but if u walk sideways all the Time, u deal 75% instead. Would u have fun? I doubt. But thats how npng is designed.

And if ur Talking about right skills to counteract social/fb than theres none. Mby jump/sak fro SO and TO


BTW my goal in fracs is to have fun, which is usually ruined by 1 of these 3

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"Janitsu.6284" said:

> > @"Muddy.6945" said:

> > > @"santso.9201" said:

> > > I mean how much More work it is just press boonrip or bring reaper just To forget the instability.

> >

> > how about forget that reaper even exist?


> hard agree with this message


So toxic


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