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i never thought this would happen to me


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So, heres a little story...

i just had to reinstall my OS i have set up all the important software like security, browsers, office, voip & chat, etc. then i came to the point "ok, time to install some games. Let's download GW2" but then i paused for a second thought to myself "wait, do i really even need that?" Why? please, why did you make me ask that do myself? For all these Years this game was a number one go to for me but now i dont even know if i still want to go through the hassle of installing it again because all i do is loging in for a few seconst every now and than anyway.


Don't get me wrong i don't want to be one of thouse "The game is trash" guys, i **dont ** think it is but today, for the first time after many many reinstalls i hat to ask myself if i still need this game and i dont **ever **what do have to ask myself that question again, so **please** do **something** so that question isn't even on the table anymore.

What i would make me do that are thinks like:


* A core overhaul

* Quicker and faster balance

* New raids

* New fractals (especially with CMs)

* More content in general

* An expansion pack


What will **not** make me do that are:


* Gemstore Skins

* Gemstore Capes

* Gemstore Monts

* Did i mention Gemstore Stuff?


Don't get me wrong, i have no problem with spending money on a game i like, sadly, i'm just not sure if that the case anymore :(

I didn't want this to be a rant but i just had to get this off my chest. I'm sorry but i know i'm not the only one feeling this way.

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> @"Glott.4830" said:

> So, heres a little story...


> Did i mention Gemstore Stuff?

> .....


Yes you did, three times, but you did you forget to mention LWS, grindly repeated contents and those never ending nerfs?


I don't mind having more gemstore thingy but only if they are well done and look pretty. Not like the recent releases.


Take the Cape for example. It's too short and did not fit properly on my character's back. It's jutting out on my back like I am wearing a clothes hanger with a bath towel on it. Bleh.


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> @"Hannelore.8153" said:

> What's especially funny about the gemstore is they don't even offer half the items year-round, so they keep making more and more gemstore items and then they don't even list them except for a short time, waste of effort and sales.


This is a well supported marketing tactic that works. If it didn't, then they wouldn't use it.

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gem store skins (are some times nice looking) they also help pay for the game and keep it running other players buy things they like or just to own everything that comes out so you dont have to pay a sub fee just to keep playing the game and keep the game up and running.


Gemstore stuff is lowkey just as important as everything else on your list but its importance is critical to things we dont think about on the daily while playing the game. IF gemstore items didnt come with each patch then theoretically the game would be making literally no money. Generally games dont last long if they dont have a way of pulling money. Most people here have already said they like that they dont have to pay a sub fee for this game so i dont think anet is gonna change their business model any time soon.

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Content for EXISTING SYSTEMS would be great.


I'd really prefer guild missions, for example, because those would actually get played repeatedly - that system is set up for repetitive content.

Fractals, while content that I really loathe, are a wise investment of development time because players play them repeatedly.


I get the impression that Anet rejected;

expanding existing systems which retain current customers,

because there are better returns from,

players returning for brand new content - and the willingness of THESE customers to spend gems.

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2 things I’d like to pitch in here.


1)Game mode friends keep me engaged. Do not rely on content alone. I have friends that either they are asking me or I ask them to play for specific areas of the game. Example: PvP duo que buddies, fractal friends, mingle and raid together wvw crew, achievement hunting peeps, raiding regulars, guildies needing help, I make friends by helping people often or commanding things/trains, etc. The players you play with are half the hook and involvement. Voice chatting is also essential. This isn’t a single player game. Community involvement my friend.


2)the beauty of GW 1&2 is that it’s always there and waiting for you. No subscription has been the number one amazing feature of both GW games. Come back when it feels right. Don’t force it, get bothered by dailies or I must do xyz grind. There are days I’m just discord chatting friends and escorting wvw dolyaks. Other days, I’m doing in one day; all frac dailies+cm, raid, strike missions, node farm, crafting and leading metas. Don’t think that any part of the game is a set task. Roll into it no plans sometimes.


It will be around waiting for you when your ready. Chats about expectations not being met isn’t good for anyone nor yourself. It is what it is, come back soon I hope, I’ll be around if you do. See you around sometime hopefully again friend.


Ps, GW1 is still dope to play if you were actually into solo play.

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