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What is the "worst" map?

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Consensus here is pretty solid that Spirit Watch is crap. However, I think that if you got rid of the half-ass Capture-The-Flag-wannabe mechanic, it's actually not bad.


(For the record, I'd love to see a good capture-the-flag gametype implemented, but I don't expect to probably ever see that in GW2)


*Question for others here:* If the spirit orb was changed from a carry item to be a channel objective, similar to Tranquility or Stillness on Temple of the Silent Storm, do you think you would actually enjoy this map?

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> @"Dahkeus.8243" said:

> Consensus here is pretty solid that Spirit Watch is kitten. However, I think that if you got rid of the half-kitten Capture-The-Flag-wannabe mechanic, it's actually not bad.


> (For the record, I'd love to see a good capture-the-flag gametype implemented, but I don't expect to probably ever see that in GW2)


> *Question for others here:* If the spirit orb was changed from a carry item to be a channel objective, similar to Tranquility or Stillness on Temple of the Silent Storm, do you think you would actually enjoy this map?


I already enjoy this map. Making the orb a channel mechanic makes it boring and too much like Temple and Coliseum. How about this: players who successfully channel the orb have access to all of their skills. When a player moves the orb into a capture point, their team gains 1 point for every 8 seconds the player is has has held the orb. If the orb is moved into an OWNED capture point the team gains double points. This way mesmers and thieves who can portal directly to the point aren't necessarily better than Guardians and the like.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> that dumb spirit watch map


I think if it was in ranked more people would learn how it's done. I played it recently and found myself wishing it was in ranked since I haven't played it in years because it isn't in the league seasons

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have played about 100 games in ranked now ... not tried unranked for Skyhammer and the other game mode map.


Imo the Skyhammer gets played the least. And I really dislike it. Afaik back then years ago it was a bit different (and better) with 1 player being able to control the cannon and knockbacks ouf of the map (now there are small walls/fences) possible. But that fun got removed.


Other than that most maps seem fine. My favorite is Temple even though a lot of peole are too bad at strategic desicions there. Next would be Djinn, Khylo and Capricorn (small, easy to get to far point and help each other by moving to different locations). Also no important side mechanics. Easy to ignore the Djinn skills and for Capricorn (I think there was an old different version back then years ago ... here the new version is a lot better) to keep it contested a bit and at least not let the enemy have it more than once.


Coliseum and Foefire are somewhere in the middle. A bit bigger. Harder to make mistakes. Especially when it comes to people trying to go to enemy lord only to get farmed while rest of the enemy team outnumbers us at the capture points. Stuff like that.


Forest of Niflhel depends on the team. Last hit mechanic is a bad thing there. But also offers options for tactics. (Only going there if you safely can assume there is no enemy and you can quickly kill the NPC ... maybe CC for enemy incoming.) I still like it since I seem to get a lots of wins (even though I'm not using a build that can kill NPCs fast ... focusing on trying to CC incoming wannabe killstealers near the NPC) on that map and it seems somewhat popular.


Btw I really liked Spirit Watch back then before my looong break when I played in times when ther was only the core game. MIght be different nowadays but back then it was possible to have some sort of teamplay with orb carrier being speedy and others trying to protect him and stuff like that. Depends a lot more on team composition though - and how the team works together. I can understand why people don't want it in ranked where teams of random classes and builds are getting matched together. (At least we have Snowball Mayhem in Wintersday for a similar game mechanics - with equal classes/skills on each side.)

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> @"DoRi Silvia.4159" said:

> The stupid stronghold maps.

> So glad there is an option to search for preferred modes.


> Conquest .... probably capricorn and spirit watch... just sick of the map


Stronghold is indeed the worst map. That is just an attempt to access the MOBA markets and bring more money from PvP. That map has just 2 options:

- either kill the lord and get it over with fast while completing dailies.

- either defend like crazy for 15 minutes by not loosing any gates.

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> @"Axelteas.7192" said:

> I dont know what they find attractive.

It's small, which is nice.

It doesn't have a secondary mechanic that's too impactful, which is nice.

It has significantly less elevation than other maps, which is **great**.

I can't see a single reason to dislike it.


Skyhammer, on the other hand, has _everything_ that's makes a pvp map disgusting.

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> @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > @"Axelteas.7192" said:

> > I dont know what they find attractive.

> It's small, which is nice.

> It doesn't have a secondary mechanic that's too impactful, which is nice.

> It has significantly less elevation than other maps, which is **great**.

> I can't see a single reason to dislike it.


> Skyhammer, on the other hand, has _everything_ that's makes a pvp map disgusting.


Thats because you dont play a trapper class or engi turret. I love to set my turrets in the top of the pillars in skyhammer and see how enemies fall while I attack with rifle from the top. Most fun ever

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> @"Khalisto.5780" said:

> talking about ranked


> prolly capricorn and skyhammer


> more significant is the secondary map mechanics worst is the map in general


> capricorn you lose 2 bells you most likely lost the game, same with skyhammer


> that's why I pick foefire, kyhlo and djinn everytime I can


sigh, this russles my jimmies so hard, khylo/djinn are the worst in ranked. 1 gold on your team and its gg. god forbid you get a Mesmer/warrior trebbing or players forcing far on enemy wipes/ leaving freecaps to 3v1 offpoint or on 1 side of map




> @"Axelteas.7192" said:

> Djinn sucks and 75% people keeps voting it. I dont know what they find attractive.

> Near in the left side has a huge wall to go back to mid. and mid is full of obstacles


achieve points and ignorance of how map dictates rolls via mismatches


or they play thief and well cancer breeds cancer

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  • 3 months later...

I have changed my opinion a bit since my last post.


I seem to get the worst matches on Coliseum. It is boring and the worst map. Because it has boring side mechanics. (Not really important/interesting.) It is big. And the nodes are distributed in a boring way. I'd prefer if Foefire was set up like this map. And Coliseum like Foefire (with the way the nodes are distributed.). In Foefire it feels more like "left" and "right" and Coliseum more like "close" and "far". Pushing towards the enemy lord ... makes more sense to have a map like Coliseum.


Djinn also has that boring mechanic.

Forest depends too much on getting the last hit on the NPCs.


Skyhammer - which I did not like at first ... it really is okay. Trebuchet on Khylo can make a differenceif playe correctly. (Use it to support only. Not spamming it on empty nodes or on a node with enemies where no own team members are and the guy just dodges it lol. Some people still play like that.)


Temple still greatest and I get used to Capricorn. Eearlier it was just "zerging at bell" for me. Now it is about strategy. Sometimes feasible to ignore the bell and cap points while a own guy distracts enemy at bell and the other nodes are free to cap (and letting them tick while bell is contested).


Foefire ... Spirit Watch ... not played enough. (If ... then the lord usually gets ignored. Making it feel like a better version of Coliseum without buffs.) Needs teamwork on Spirit Watch. (I wished the orb hat more significance. It feels like nerfed to death compard to back 2012/13 and you can just keep nodes and kill orb carrier reptedly until the orb resets.)

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> @"Shao.7236" said:

> I dislike;


> * Legacy because the lord has a terrible weakness to conditions even though they use a healing signet that doesn't grant resistance, which should. It's an okay design otherwise.


> * Forest because beasts are an annoying gamble and another condition biased bonus on the map. Design is also fine.


> * Capricorn because it's too big and favors mobility builds too much, the bonus is however balanced.


> * Temple because it also favor mobility builds, height is a pain to deal with, but the bonuses are great and can be engaging.


> I honestly prefer;


> * Djinn because it's small, has no height bias like Spirit, bonuses can do wonders but aren't overpowered.


> * Skyhammer the bonus isn't stupidly OP. Really small which brings build diversity.


> * Coliseum because it's even, has balanced bonuses, isn't too big.


> * Khylo because it's also even, no bonuses at all and again not stupidly big.


> I'd change my opinion if changes were made because the game should be good for every profession to excel, not just having a Thief to back cap as mandatory for a win. The same argument could be said to defend points, but the advantages are still there to +1 while you're afk on the node you don't want Thief to decap.


fuck me you are weird

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I hate and always hated Khylo. Maybe its because one of our team members camp the whole match at the trebuchet and gets farmed everytime someone goes there.

Or maybe its because teleporting classes are so much better than others, because they can port from outside into the highest floor in the middle etc

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All of them are bad.


Conquest is a poorly conceived game mode. PvP in this game might actually be fun if it didn't revolve around conquest snowballing and +1'ing.


The maps are terribly designed and every gimmick is used to compound a snowball. They offer zero counterplay or come back opportunities for the losing team.


The map gimmicks should have been a way for the losing team to catch back up NOT for the winning team to snowball.


There should have been a 4th node. Its far too easy to snowball if you secure mid at the start. 90% of games are entirely decided by which team wins mid first.

And it shows because your team will immediately throw.


Take a look at every other PvP MMO

(that is more successful than gw2 with greater population); lets use wow as a prime example.

- There are no 3 node maps. Why do you think that is?

- arathi basin has 5 nodes.

- battle of the eye has 4 nodes and a flag to run.


It's a better design because it gives the losing team counterplay options.


The winning team has to make a strategic decision on how to allocate players between the nodes. They don't just get to camp mid and spawn trap.


Better design. More people playing it. Period.


If a team can't win those big team fights they aren't going to win the match. It's already been decided - which is why so many people quit and throw. It's too predictable with 3 nodes. There needs to be an objective based way to overcome that. It's not like your team of pugs are suddenly going to click when its 400-100.


Either end the game right then and there after the first team wipes on mid


Give the losing team other options.


Because right now every time I reinstall this game and come back to PvP, it's always the same. 90% of my matches are toxic snowballs with no way out. And I immediately remember why I uninstalled in the first place.


It's not even competitive. It's just luck. Roll of the dice. Will my team win mid? Hope so because 90% chance of a torturous frustrating snowball otherwise.


If anyone wants to know why the PvP population is as low as it is, this is the crux of the issue. Thousands of people like me come back every couple years and this is what were met with. This toxic snowball where veteran players just farm the crap out of you. It's garbage and I'm about 2 more snowball away from uninstalling again.


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Djinn. No kiting spots, the area available to fight is way less than the area occupied by the map. Combat only takes place on nodes which is boring. Comparing skyhammer and djinn, skyhammer is masterpiece. Hammer sees combat all around the map, the side nodes have excellent kiting spots, mid is punishing with the elevation.

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