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[For fun] Create your own OP skill using already existing skills


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**Homing** **Meteor**

(Replaces one of the weaver's useless skills)

Cast a meteor from your hand that locks on target and pursuits it, until it impacts.

Initial effect.

It creates a massive blast on impact, that downs any foes in a 2000 area radius.

End effect.

(Should they survive by any miracle)

Inflicts 100 stacks of burning, weakness, blindness, exhaustion, confusion, slow, and vulnerability, for 60 seconds.


**Ion** **Cannon**

(Augmented engie cannon blast)

A plasma light beam is shot from a satetile, previously built and deployed by an engineer.

Creates a massive hole on the ground.

Initial effect.

Target foes are disintegrated in a 2000 area radius.

End effect.

Force respawn all downed foes in their home instance, and are not allowed to leave before they speak to Logan Thackeray or Rytlock, Eir, Caithe, and Zoja...

Who will give you an half an hour preaching on how silly you were getting under the target of a satelite Ion Cannon.

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**Grenade Shower**


Radius 450

Range 1200


Drops barrages of Grenades from the sky over a large area.


Grenade Barrage + Meteor Shower.


**Legendary Shackling Wave Stance**


Healing Wave - Heal in a cone AoE


Shackling Step - Shadowstep + Shackling Wave


Shackling Stance - Upkeep to make every attack cast Shackling Wave


Shackling Reprisal - Stunbreak and cast Shackling Wave in an AoE


Shackling Assault - Cast to summon Shackling Waves which will last for 10 seconds each and cast themselves on yur target enemy

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