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Some reaper buffs I would like to see.


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Revert the cd nerf of reaper shroud. 10 secs is seriously too long for a class with almost zero mobility and no defensive abilities in the current fast paced state of the game. Make it 7 secs again, or even 8. Just decrease its cd a bit.


Make flesh wurm instant cast and increase its hp by quite a lot. Increase its cd a bit.


Increase GS autoattack speed.


Rework death spiral and make its animation like soul spiral making it easier to hit multiple targets, keeping it's current effects and add evasion for it's duration which is one second so it can be used defensively when needed and not only for pokes. Greatsword is a very clunky weapon, this buff will add some much needed defensive flavor for the class, without breaking pve and I dont believe will break pvp either.


Thank you for your time.

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Just get good at the game!


I need two builds to be able to kill any encounter. One that's full zerker burst to deal with thieves and condi bunkers (only relevant for wvw) and another one that's a corrupt bunker to deal with everything else (no problem to get to plat with this in solo queue).


Get rid of your trashy marauder and death magic builds if you have trouble at killing things. Seriously your suggestions are way over the top.


7 or 8s shroud cooldown is overpowered these days. Reaper shroud deals too much damage, curses creates too much crit chance and life force generation became too high for such a change.


The spec has changed in the last two years. It time to adapt!

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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> Just get good at the game!


> I need two builds to be able to kill any encounter. One that's full zerker burst to deal with thieves and condi bunkers (only relevant for wvw) and another one that's a corrupt bunker to deal with everything else (no problem to get to plat with this in solo queue).


> Get rid of your trashy marauder and death magic builds if you have trouble at killing things. Seriously your suggestions are way over the top.


> 7 or 8s shroud cooldown is overpowered these days. Reaper shroud deals too much damage, curses creates too much crit chance and life force generation became too high for such a change.


> The spec has changed in the last two years. It time to adapt!


Tell me a class to play i can probably beat all necro builds with a class of your choice.


And im not bragging, just saying this is not a l2p issue. If you think so either you are delusional or really low ranked that you dont see the clear view of the state of balance.

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> @"Shaogin.2679" said:

> No point in buffing Reaper if they are about to be nerfing everything across the board.


They can do it in other meaningful ways. For example instead of insta cast wurm make it 1/2sec or 3/4 sec cast but 1500 range. So that the integrity of the skill and its meaning which is 'preparing minion before fight as means of defense' remains same but it is just more effective in what it does. Another example is giving axe autos chain skills or making greatsword#3 a dash or leap. Honestly some movement ability will fix necro altogether but anet is so reluctant in making necro anything more than sandbag.

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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> Just get good at the game!


> I need two builds to be able to kill any encounter. One that's full zerker burst to deal with thieves and condi bunkers (only relevant for wvw) and another one that's a corrupt bunker to deal with everything else (no problem to get to plat with this in solo queue).


Sorry but if a thief let's himself get killed by a necro, it's a bad thief.

Ever fought against sindrener? Or another good thief?

They will make you look very bad, if you land one hit on them, that's a lot.



> Get rid of your trashy marauder and death magic builds if you have trouble at killing things. Seriously your suggestions are way over the top.


> 7 or 8s shroud cooldown is overpowered these days. Reaper shroud deals too much damage, curses creates too much crit chance and life force generation became too high for such a change.


> The spec has changed in the last two years. It time to adapt!



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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > Just get good at the game!

> >

> > I need two builds to be able to kill any encounter. One that's full zerker burst to deal with thieves and condi bunkers (only relevant for wvw) and another one that's a corrupt bunker to deal with everything else (no problem to get to plat with this in solo queue).


> Sorry but if a thief let's himself get killed by a necro, it's a bad thief.

> Ever fought against sindrener? Or another good thief?

> They will make you look very bad, if you land one hit on them, that's a lot.


Funny you should mention that, just saw video of Holts vs Sindrener...

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> @"Shaogin.2679" said:

> > @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > > Just get good at the game!

> > >

> > > I need two builds to be able to kill any encounter. One that's full zerker burst to deal with thieves and condi bunkers (only relevant for wvw) and another one that's a corrupt bunker to deal with everything else (no problem to get to plat with this in solo queue).

> >

> > Sorry but if a thief let's himself get killed by a necro, it's a bad thief.

> > Ever fought against sindrener? Or another good thief?

> > They will make you look very bad, if you land one hit on them, that's a lot.

> >

> Funny you should mention that, just saw video of Holts vs Sindrener...


That's what I was talking about. Holts uses demolisher amulet in the video and the burst is quite oppressive. A thief (no matter what skill level) would have to disengage a zerker reaper 1 second after he engaged or he finds himself in downstate.


The video shows a lot of wurm and spectral walk kiting and disengaging to avoid any kind of focus. That's a problem if your team is bad and you have to carry. In such a case you have to be present in as many fights as possible. Holts carry potential on that build is quite poor. You can get away with it, but a tanky corruption reaper (paladin spite curses) is overall more useful and flexible (but of course would have had a harder time to get rid of the sindrener spikes in that specific matchup in the video).


**Side note regarding the topic:** after seeing that reaper performance (which is just normal platinum level) now imagine wurm was instant cast, gs had a faster pace and shroud cooldown was 20% lower. Do you think that's balanced? As I mentioned in another thread: such changes would transform berserker reaper into an ultra mobile aoe killing machine that could have farmed sindrener in that video.


And keep in mind that the build in the video uses speed rune which could be swapped to an offensive rune so that the berserker modification of the build would deal about 30% more damage (rune+amulet) and on top of that would have a more reliable mobility (instant wurm + better access to RS2 due to 8s shroud cooldown), more shroud bursts (8s shroud cooldown) and a better access to shroud defense (8s shroud cooldown).

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Reaper needs some QoL but not outrageous buffs like the OP suggested imo.

Like for example how anet made reaper cost more life force per second than the standard shroud in exchange for stronger melee power but neglected to adjust the life force gain on associated reaper traits specifically.


Update shouts and the related trait

**Your soul is mine**

Increase the life force gain slightly as a result of the reaper life force increase cost some time back.


**Relentless Onslaught**

Remove Quickness and replace attack speed increase (or to be technical cast time reduction) by 10 or 15 percent

**Chilling Victory**

Increase life force gain on hitting chilled foes as result of the reaper life force increase cost.


**Base reaper**

Base attack speed bumped up by about 20-25 percent. (or to be technical cast time reductions.)


Reaper is now faster with attacking at base but not quickness level fast.


Ideally quickness on RO is just acting as a bandaid to a issue that should have been dealt with a long time ago. Base reaper without it is virtually unplayable in 2019-2020 for the most part even if you use the deathly chill its likely that it only works because people are use to quickness reapers meaning they dodge skills too early (in other words its gimmicky). Considering anet is trying to deal with reducing boons in general its best they just remove the boon and solve the issue correctly at the base level instead of culling the quickness down to a point that makes reaper function clunky. Or makes it even easier to counter by say providing one short instance of quickness which will promptly be stripped the moment someone activates shroud.

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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> Reaper needs some QoL but not outrageous buffs like the OP suggested imo.

> Like for example how anet made reaper cost more life force per second than the standard shroud in exchange for stronger melee power but neglected to adjust the life force gain on associated reaper traits specifically.


> Update shouts and the related trait

> **Your soul is mine**

> Increase the life force gain slightly as a result of the reaper life force increase cost some time back.


> **Relentless Onslaught**

> Remove Quickness and replace attack speed increase (or to be technical cast time reduction) by 10 or 15 percent

> **Chilling Victory**

> Increase life force gain on hitting chilled foes as result of the reaper life force increase cost.


> **Base reaper**

> Base attack speed bumped up by about 20-25 percent. (or to be technical cast time reductions.)


> Reaper is now faster with attacking at base but not quickness level fast.


> Ideally quickness on RO is just acting as a bandaid to a issue that should have been dealt with a long time ago. Base reaper without it is virtually unplayable in 2019-2020 for the most part even if you use the deathly chill its likely that it only works because people are use to quickness reapers meaning they dodge skills too early (in other words its gimmicky). Considering anet is trying to deal with reducing boons in general its best they just remove the boon and solve the issue correctly at the base level instead of culling the quickness down to a point that makes reaper function clunky. Or makes it even easier to counter by say providing one short instance of quickness which will promptly be stripped the moment someone activates shroud.


Reaper isn't too bad except everyone hits so hard that when you are focused you get hit for a bajillion and even with shroud invis 1 shot builds and long ranged 1 shot builds destroy your shroud.


If anything lets fix core defenses, not reaper's. They have shroud as-is and 2 sources of stab and decent cc and gap closers. What needs to be fixed is death magic, as I think its trash.


In pve it would probably be a huge dps

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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > Reaper needs some QoL but not outrageous buffs like the OP suggested imo.

> > Like for example how anet made reaper cost more life force per second than the standard shroud in exchange for stronger melee power but neglected to adjust the life force gain on associated reaper traits specifically.

> >

> > Update shouts and the related trait

> > **Your soul is mine**

> > Increase the life force gain slightly as a result of the reaper life force increase cost some time back.

> >

> > **Relentless Onslaught**

> > Remove Quickness and replace attack speed increase (or to be technical cast time reduction) by 10 or 15 percent

> > **Chilling Victory**

> > Increase life force gain on hitting chilled foes as result of the reaper life force increase cost.

> >

> > **Base reaper**

> > Base attack speed bumped up by about 20-25 percent. (or to be technical cast time reductions.)

> >

> > Reaper is now faster with attacking at base but not quickness level fast.

> >

> > Ideally quickness on RO is just acting as a bandaid to a issue that should have been dealt with a long time ago. Base reaper without it is virtually unplayable in 2019-2020 for the most part even if you use the deathly chill its likely that it only works because people are use to quickness reapers meaning they dodge skills too early (in other words its gimmicky). Considering anet is trying to deal with reducing boons in general its best they just remove the boon and solve the issue correctly at the base level instead of culling the quickness down to a point that makes reaper function clunky. Or makes it even easier to counter by say providing one short instance of quickness which will promptly be stripped the moment someone activates shroud.


> Reaper isn't too bad except everyone hits so hard that when you are focused you get hit for a bajillion and even with shroud invis 1 shot builds and long ranged 1 shot builds destroy your shroud.



Reaper still needs QoL but even my ideal of RO is technically still a nerf to solo play but a buff to group play.


> If anything lets fix core defenses, not reaper's. They have shroud as-is and 2 sources of stab and decent cc and gap closers. What needs to be fixed is death magic, as I think its trash.


I would argue that core sustain could be ok if nerfs fall on other professions in the right places but unlike other professions going necro core sustain leaves you with very very minimal offense usually not enough to kill anyone who is not raw glass. Mean while other professions can have fairly high sustain and very good damage. Core necro generally does not get to keep both. To get decent damage you sustain drops considerably and to improve sustain drops your damage down to almost nothing.


I think core necro would be in a ok spot if they cull the other professions core bases down to the same level.


Scourge does need a rework though they have openly admitted they cant get it balanced it correctly. I know some people love the shades and shroudless mechanic but its so problematic and no one fighting against it is ever going to think its balanced if its just only viable.


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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > Reaper needs some QoL but not outrageous buffs like the OP suggested imo.

> > > Like for example how anet made reaper cost more life force per second than the standard shroud in exchange for stronger melee power but neglected to adjust the life force gain on associated reaper traits specifically.

> > >

> > > Update shouts and the related trait

> > > **Your soul is mine**

> > > Increase the life force gain slightly as a result of the reaper life force increase cost some time back.

> > >

> > > **Relentless Onslaught**

> > > Remove Quickness and replace attack speed increase (or to be technical cast time reduction) by 10 or 15 percent

> > > **Chilling Victory**

> > > Increase life force gain on hitting chilled foes as result of the reaper life force increase cost.

> > >

> > > **Base reaper**

> > > Base attack speed bumped up by about 20-25 percent. (or to be technical cast time reductions.)

> > >

> > > Reaper is now faster with attacking at base but not quickness level fast.

> > >

> > > Ideally quickness on RO is just acting as a bandaid to a issue that should have been dealt with a long time ago. Base reaper without it is virtually unplayable in 2019-2020 for the most part even if you use the deathly chill its likely that it only works because people are use to quickness reapers meaning they dodge skills too early (in other words its gimmicky). Considering anet is trying to deal with reducing boons in general its best they just remove the boon and solve the issue correctly at the base level instead of culling the quickness down to a point that makes reaper function clunky. Or makes it even easier to counter by say providing one short instance of quickness which will promptly be stripped the moment someone activates shroud.

> >

> > Reaper isn't too bad except everyone hits so hard that when you are focused you get hit for a bajillion and even with shroud invis 1 shot builds and long ranged 1 shot builds destroy your shroud.

> >


> Reaper still needs QoL but even my ideal of RO is technically still a nerf to solo play but a buff to group play.


> > If anything lets fix core defenses, not reaper's. They have shroud as-is and 2 sources of stab and decent cc and gap closers. What needs to be fixed is death magic, as I think its trash.


> I would argue that core sustain could be ok if nerfs fall on other professions in the right places but unlike other professions going necro core sustain leaves you with very very minimal offense usually not enough to kill anyone who is not raw glass. Mean while other professions can have fairly high sustain and very good damage. Core necro generally does not get to keep both. To get decent damage you sustain drops considerably and to improve sustain drops your damage down to almost nothing.


> I think core necro would be in a ok spot if they cull the other professions core bases down to the same level.


> Scourge does need a rework though they have openly admitted they cant get it balanced it correctly. I know some people love the shades and shroudless mechanic but its so problematic and no one fighting against it is ever going to think its balanced if its just only viable.



And damage too. some classes with those hits can do over 10k 15+k is insane dmg and practically a 1 shot.


Some classes I don't feel too bad about rangers for instance with that rapid-fire attack you can see it and avoid the majority of them or you can get an ele and or guardian to use some sort of defense versus projectiles. Attacks that you can see and have an actual animation at least are visible. I will admit I'm not the best reaper player by a long shot, in fact i doubt im that good at all, but at the very least I know how it plays, it's just very hard to survive or next to impossible when you get focused as a core necro.


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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > > Reaper needs some QoL but not outrageous buffs like the OP suggested imo.

> > > > Like for example how anet made reaper cost more life force per second than the standard shroud in exchange for stronger melee power but neglected to adjust the life force gain on associated reaper traits specifically.

> > > >

> > > > Update shouts and the related trait

> > > > **Your soul is mine**

> > > > Increase the life force gain slightly as a result of the reaper life force increase cost some time back.

> > > >

> > > > **Relentless Onslaught**

> > > > Remove Quickness and replace attack speed increase (or to be technical cast time reduction) by 10 or 15 percent

> > > > **Chilling Victory**

> > > > Increase life force gain on hitting chilled foes as result of the reaper life force increase cost.

> > > >

> > > > **Base reaper**

> > > > Base attack speed bumped up by about 20-25 percent. (or to be technical cast time reductions.)

> > > >

> > > > Reaper is now faster with attacking at base but not quickness level fast.

> > > >

> > > > Ideally quickness on RO is just acting as a bandaid to a issue that should have been dealt with a long time ago. Base reaper without it is virtually unplayable in 2019-2020 for the most part even if you use the deathly chill its likely that it only works because people are use to quickness reapers meaning they dodge skills too early (in other words its gimmicky). Considering anet is trying to deal with reducing boons in general its best they just remove the boon and solve the issue correctly at the base level instead of culling the quickness down to a point that makes reaper function clunky. Or makes it even easier to counter by say providing one short instance of quickness which will promptly be stripped the moment someone activates shroud.

> > >

> > > Reaper isn't too bad except everyone hits so hard that when you are focused you get hit for a bajillion and even with shroud invis 1 shot builds and long ranged 1 shot builds destroy your shroud.

> > >

> >

> > Reaper still needs QoL but even my ideal of RO is technically still a nerf to solo play but a buff to group play.

> >

> > > If anything lets fix core defenses, not reaper's. They have shroud as-is and 2 sources of stab and decent cc and gap closers. What needs to be fixed is death magic, as I think its trash.

> >

> > I would argue that core sustain could be ok if nerfs fall on other professions in the right places but unlike other professions going necro core sustain leaves you with very very minimal offense usually not enough to kill anyone who is not raw glass. Mean while other professions can have fairly high sustain and very good damage. Core necro generally does not get to keep both. To get decent damage you sustain drops considerably and to improve sustain drops your damage down to almost nothing.

> >

> > I think core necro would be in a ok spot if they cull the other professions core bases down to the same level.

> >

> > Scourge does need a rework though they have openly admitted they cant get it balanced it correctly. I know some people love the shades and shroudless mechanic but its so problematic and no one fighting against it is ever going to think its balanced if its just only viable.

> >


> And damage too. some classes with those hits can do over 10k 15+k is insane dmg and practically a 1 shot.


> Some classes I don't feel too bad about rangers for instance with that rapid-fire attack you can see it and avoid the majority of them or you can get an ele and or guardian to use some sort of defense versus projectiles. Attacks that you can see and have an actual animation at least are visible. I will admit I'm not the best reaper player by a long shot, in fact i doubt im that good at all, but at the very least I know how it plays, it's just very hard to survive or next to impossible when you get focused as a core necro.



I dont think rapid fire is too bad its generally the boons and the damage modifiers like from sickem that make it very busted. long bow is a strong weapon and it should be there is no reason to nerf the weapon but overall yes rangers can do alot of damage. I mean technically speaking axe ranger does just as much if not more just in bigger but slower chunks and in less hits.


Reaper has good damage but several professions out damage it even in melee range or in some cases beyond melee range. Especially when out of shroud. I dont want reaper hard buffs i just want QoL fixes and for it not to be so dependent on quickness to feel modern. There really is no excuse for the base reaper attack speed without quickness in 2019 -2020 if quickness is removed from reaper and they dont fix the base attack speed i would rather just play core.

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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > > > Reaper needs some QoL but not outrageous buffs like the OP suggested imo.

> > > > > Like for example how anet made reaper cost more life force per second than the standard shroud in exchange for stronger melee power but neglected to adjust the life force gain on associated reaper traits specifically.

> > > > >

> > > > > Update shouts and the related trait

> > > > > **Your soul is mine**

> > > > > Increase the life force gain slightly as a result of the reaper life force increase cost some time back.

> > > > >

> > > > > **Relentless Onslaught**

> > > > > Remove Quickness and replace attack speed increase (or to be technical cast time reduction) by 10 or 15 percent

> > > > > **Chilling Victory**

> > > > > Increase life force gain on hitting chilled foes as result of the reaper life force increase cost.

> > > > >

> > > > > **Base reaper**

> > > > > Base attack speed bumped up by about 20-25 percent. (or to be technical cast time reductions.)

> > > > >

> > > > > Reaper is now faster with attacking at base but not quickness level fast.

> > > > >

> > > > > Ideally quickness on RO is just acting as a bandaid to a issue that should have been dealt with a long time ago. Base reaper without it is virtually unplayable in 2019-2020 for the most part even if you use the deathly chill its likely that it only works because people are use to quickness reapers meaning they dodge skills too early (in other words its gimmicky). Considering anet is trying to deal with reducing boons in general its best they just remove the boon and solve the issue correctly at the base level instead of culling the quickness down to a point that makes reaper function clunky. Or makes it even easier to counter by say providing one short instance of quickness which will promptly be stripped the moment someone activates shroud.

> > > >

> > > > Reaper isn't too bad except everyone hits so hard that when you are focused you get hit for a bajillion and even with shroud invis 1 shot builds and long ranged 1 shot builds destroy your shroud.

> > > >

> > >

> > > Reaper still needs QoL but even my ideal of RO is technically still a nerf to solo play but a buff to group play.

> > >

> > > > If anything lets fix core defenses, not reaper's. They have shroud as-is and 2 sources of stab and decent cc and gap closers. What needs to be fixed is death magic, as I think its trash.

> > >

> > > I would argue that core sustain could be ok if nerfs fall on other professions in the right places but unlike other professions going necro core sustain leaves you with very very minimal offense usually not enough to kill anyone who is not raw glass. Mean while other professions can have fairly high sustain and very good damage. Core necro generally does not get to keep both. To get decent damage you sustain drops considerably and to improve sustain drops your damage down to almost nothing.

> > >

> > > I think core necro would be in a ok spot if they cull the other professions core bases down to the same level.

> > >

> > > Scourge does need a rework though they have openly admitted they cant get it balanced it correctly. I know some people love the shades and shroudless mechanic but its so problematic and no one fighting against it is ever going to think its balanced if its just only viable.

> > >

> >

> > And damage too. some classes with those hits can do over 10k 15+k is insane dmg and practically a 1 shot.

> >

> > Some classes I don't feel too bad about rangers for instance with that rapid-fire attack you can see it and avoid the majority of them or you can get an ele and or guardian to use some sort of defense versus projectiles. Attacks that you can see and have an actual animation at least are visible. I will admit I'm not the best reaper player by a long shot, in fact i doubt im that good at all, but at the very least I know how it plays, it's just very hard to survive or next to impossible when you get focused as a core necro.

> >


> I don't think rapid-fire is too bad its generally the boons and the damage modifiers like from sickem that make it very busted. the longbow is a strong weapon and it should be there is no reason to nerf the weapon but overall yes rangers can do a lot of damage. I mean technically speaking ax ranger does just as much if not more just in bigger but slower chunks and in fewer hits.


> Reaper has good damage but several professions out damage it even in melee range or in some cases beyond melee range. Especially when out of the shroud. I don't want reaper hard buffs I just want QoL fixes and for it not to be so dependent on quickness to feel modern. There really is no excuse for the base reaper attack speed without quickness in 2019 -2020 if quickness is removed from a reaper and they don't fix the base attack speed I would rather just play core.


Honestly, i think also they could make shouts effects give carapace, but make it somehow that you lose it in the shroud. The whole point of it is to be tanky outside of shroud because once its gone you are dead meat. I'm actually fearful that if carapace worked inside the shroud, we would eat nerfs to carapace and shroud and be worse than we are because people would complain about how tough we are to kill and shroud does eat a bit of damage.


Honestly i think landing a hit and also kiting is a problem for reaper. It wouldn't be a problem if we were back in 2017 back to when we had just hot, and before all the cooldown buffs to other classes plus mobility plus pof. Back then it was much more bearable somehow. Yes there were classes that were strong, but not as insanely strong as now, and it was still very fun.



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> @"Shaogin.2679" said:

> > @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > > Just get good at the game!

> > >

> > > I need two builds to be able to kill any encounter. One that's full zerker burst to deal with thieves and condi bunkers (only relevant for wvw) and another one that's a corrupt bunker to deal with everything else (no problem to get to plat with this in solo queue).

> >

> > Sorry but if a thief let's himself get killed by a necro, it's a bad thief.

> > Ever fought against sindrener? Or another good thief?

> > They will make you look very bad, if you land one hit on them, that's a lot.

> >

> Funny you should mention that, just saw video of Holts vs Sindrener...



Thanks for that one. It shows exactly why necro is bad vs thief.

Even though hollts is one of the best necro players, he barely ever hit sindrener in that video.


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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > > > Reaper needs some QoL but not outrageous buffs like the OP suggested imo.

> > > > > Like for example how anet made reaper cost more life force per second than the standard shroud in exchange for stronger melee power but neglected to adjust the life force gain on associated reaper traits specifically.

> > > > >

> > > > > Update shouts and the related trait

> > > > > **Your soul is mine**

> > > > > Increase the life force gain slightly as a result of the reaper life force increase cost some time back.

> > > > >

> > > > > **Relentless Onslaught**

> > > > > Remove Quickness and replace attack speed increase (or to be technical cast time reduction) by 10 or 15 percent

> > > > > **Chilling Victory**

> > > > > Increase life force gain on hitting chilled foes as result of the reaper life force increase cost.

> > > > >

> > > > > **Base reaper**

> > > > > Base attack speed bumped up by about 20-25 percent. (or to be technical cast time reductions.)

> > > > >

> > > > > Reaper is now faster with attacking at base but not quickness level fast.

> > > > >

> > > > > Ideally quickness on RO is just acting as a bandaid to a issue that should have been dealt with a long time ago. Base reaper without it is virtually unplayable in 2019-2020 for the most part even if you use the deathly chill its likely that it only works because people are use to quickness reapers meaning they dodge skills too early (in other words its gimmicky). Considering anet is trying to deal with reducing boons in general its best they just remove the boon and solve the issue correctly at the base level instead of culling the quickness down to a point that makes reaper function clunky. Or makes it even easier to counter by say providing one short instance of quickness which will promptly be stripped the moment someone activates shroud.

> > > >

> > > > Reaper isn't too bad except everyone hits so hard that when you are focused you get hit for a bajillion and even with shroud invis 1 shot builds and long ranged 1 shot builds destroy your shroud.

> > > >

> > >

> > > Reaper still needs QoL but even my ideal of RO is technically still a nerf to solo play but a buff to group play.

> > >

> > > > If anything lets fix core defenses, not reaper's. They have shroud as-is and 2 sources of stab and decent cc and gap closers. What needs to be fixed is death magic, as I think its trash.

> > >

> > > I would argue that core sustain could be ok if nerfs fall on other professions in the right places but unlike other professions going necro core sustain leaves you with very very minimal offense usually not enough to kill anyone who is not raw glass. Mean while other professions can have fairly high sustain and very good damage. Core necro generally does not get to keep both. To get decent damage you sustain drops considerably and to improve sustain drops your damage down to almost nothing.

> > >

> > > I think core necro would be in a ok spot if they cull the other professions core bases down to the same level.

> > >

> > > Scourge does need a rework though they have openly admitted they cant get it balanced it correctly. I know some people love the shades and shroudless mechanic but its so problematic and no one fighting against it is ever going to think its balanced if its just only viable.

> > >

> >

> > And damage too. some classes with those hits can do over 10k 15+k is insane dmg and practically a 1 shot.

> >

> > Some classes I don't feel too bad about rangers for instance with that rapid-fire attack you can see it and avoid the majority of them or you can get an ele and or guardian to use some sort of defense versus projectiles. Attacks that you can see and have an actual animation at least are visible. I will admit I'm not the best reaper player by a long shot, in fact i doubt im that good at all, but at the very least I know how it plays, it's just very hard to survive or next to impossible when you get focused as a core necro.

> >


> I dont think rapid fire is too bad its generally the boons and the damage modifiers like from sickem that make it very busted. long bow is a strong weapon and it should be there is no reason to nerf the weapon but overall yes rangers can do alot of damage. I mean technically speaking axe ranger does just as much if not more just in bigger but slower chunks and in less hits.


If ranger was an immobile piece of junk, like necro is, the dmg of longbow would be justified, but it's also the class with the second best mobility (after thief), so if you cannot oneshot from 1500 range, you can still pretty much always run away.

So you can go full zerker, and have no downside. That's pretty sick. (Yeah I know ranger got nerfed a bit)



> Reaper has good damage but several professions out damage it even in melee range or in some cases beyond melee range. Especially when out of shroud. I dont want reaper hard buffs i just want QoL fixes and for it not to be so dependent on quickness to feel modern. There really is no excuse for the base reaper attack speed without quickness in 2019 -2020 if quickness is removed from reaper and they dont fix the base attack speed i would rather just play core.


A pretty good first fix would be to remove some passive condiremoves or reductions (for example mecha legs from engi) and also make movement impairing conditions actually impair movent: shorter leap distances, and teleports...


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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > > > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > > > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > > > > Reaper needs some QoL but not outrageous buffs like the OP suggested imo.

> > > > > > Like for example how anet made reaper cost more life force per second than the standard shroud in exchange for stronger melee power but neglected to adjust the life force gain on associated reaper traits specifically.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Update shouts and the related trait

> > > > > > **Your soul is mine**

> > > > > > Increase the life force gain slightly as a result of the reaper life force increase cost some time back.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > **Relentless Onslaught**

> > > > > > Remove Quickness and replace attack speed increase (or to be technical cast time reduction) by 10 or 15 percent

> > > > > > **Chilling Victory**

> > > > > > Increase life force gain on hitting chilled foes as result of the reaper life force increase cost.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > **Base reaper**

> > > > > > Base attack speed bumped up by about 20-25 percent. (or to be technical cast time reductions.)

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Reaper is now faster with attacking at base but not quickness level fast.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Ideally quickness on RO is just acting as a bandaid to a issue that should have been dealt with a long time ago. Base reaper without it is virtually unplayable in 2019-2020 for the most part even if you use the deathly chill its likely that it only works because people are use to quickness reapers meaning they dodge skills too early (in other words its gimmicky). Considering anet is trying to deal with reducing boons in general its best they just remove the boon and solve the issue correctly at the base level instead of culling the quickness down to a point that makes reaper function clunky. Or makes it even easier to counter by say providing one short instance of quickness which will promptly be stripped the moment someone activates shroud.

> > > > >

> > > > > Reaper isn't too bad except everyone hits so hard that when you are focused you get hit for a bajillion and even with shroud invis 1 shot builds and long ranged 1 shot builds destroy your shroud.

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > Reaper still needs QoL but even my ideal of RO is technically still a nerf to solo play but a buff to group play.

> > > >

> > > > > If anything lets fix core defenses, not reaper's. They have shroud as-is and 2 sources of stab and decent cc and gap closers. What needs to be fixed is death magic, as I think its trash.

> > > >

> > > > I would argue that core sustain could be ok if nerfs fall on other professions in the right places but unlike other professions going necro core sustain leaves you with very very minimal offense usually not enough to kill anyone who is not raw glass. Mean while other professions can have fairly high sustain and very good damage. Core necro generally does not get to keep both. To get decent damage you sustain drops considerably and to improve sustain drops your damage down to almost nothing.

> > > >

> > > > I think core necro would be in a ok spot if they cull the other professions core bases down to the same level.

> > > >

> > > > Scourge does need a rework though they have openly admitted they cant get it balanced it correctly. I know some people love the shades and shroudless mechanic but its so problematic and no one fighting against it is ever going to think its balanced if its just only viable.

> > > >

> > >

> > > And damage too. some classes with those hits can do over 10k 15+k is insane dmg and practically a 1 shot.

> > >

> > > Some classes I don't feel too bad about rangers for instance with that rapid-fire attack you can see it and avoid the majority of them or you can get an ele and or guardian to use some sort of defense versus projectiles. Attacks that you can see and have an actual animation at least are visible. I will admit I'm not the best reaper player by a long shot, in fact i doubt im that good at all, but at the very least I know how it plays, it's just very hard to survive or next to impossible when you get focused as a core necro.

> > >

> >

> > I dont think rapid fire is too bad its generally the boons and the damage modifiers like from sickem that make it very busted. long bow is a strong weapon and it should be there is no reason to nerf the weapon but overall yes rangers can do alot of damage. I mean technically speaking axe ranger does just as much if not more just in bigger but slower chunks and in less hits.


> If ranger was an immobile piece of junk, like necro is, the dmg of longbow would be justified, but it's also the class with the second best mobility (after thief), so if you cannot oneshot from 1500 range, you can still pretty much always run away.

> So you can go full zerker, and have no downside. That's pretty sick. (Yeah I know ranger got nerfed a bit)


> >

> > Reaper has good damage but several professions out damage it even in melee range or in some cases beyond melee range. Especially when out of shroud. I dont want reaper hard buffs i just want QoL fixes and for it not to be so dependent on quickness to feel modern. There really is no excuse for the base reaper attack speed without quickness in 2019 -2020 if quickness is removed from reaper and they dont fix the base attack speed i would rather just play core.


> A pretty good first fix would be to remove some passive condiremoves or reductions (for example mecha legs from engi) and also make movement impairing conditions actually impair movent: shorter leap distances, and teleports...



Ranger's rapid fire is pretty easy to avoid, and if you play druid spec, even though they have amazing sustain, their mobility isn't as crazy as soulbeast.

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > > > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > > > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > > > > Reaper needs some QoL but not outrageous buffs like the OP suggested imo.

> > > > > > Like for example how anet made reaper cost more life force per second than the standard shroud in exchange for stronger melee power but neglected to adjust the life force gain on associated reaper traits specifically.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Update shouts and the related trait

> > > > > > **Your soul is mine**

> > > > > > Increase the life force gain slightly as a result of the reaper life force increase cost some time back.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > **Relentless Onslaught**

> > > > > > Remove Quickness and replace attack speed increase (or to be technical cast time reduction) by 10 or 15 percent

> > > > > > **Chilling Victory**

> > > > > > Increase life force gain on hitting chilled foes as result of the reaper life force increase cost.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > **Base reaper**

> > > > > > Base attack speed bumped up by about 20-25 percent. (or to be technical cast time reductions.)

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Reaper is now faster with attacking at base but not quickness level fast.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Ideally quickness on RO is just acting as a bandaid to a issue that should have been dealt with a long time ago. Base reaper without it is virtually unplayable in 2019-2020 for the most part even if you use the deathly chill its likely that it only works because people are use to quickness reapers meaning they dodge skills too early (in other words its gimmicky). Considering anet is trying to deal with reducing boons in general its best they just remove the boon and solve the issue correctly at the base level instead of culling the quickness down to a point that makes reaper function clunky. Or makes it even easier to counter by say providing one short instance of quickness which will promptly be stripped the moment someone activates shroud.

> > > > >

> > > > > Reaper isn't too bad except everyone hits so hard that when you are focused you get hit for a bajillion and even with shroud invis 1 shot builds and long ranged 1 shot builds destroy your shroud.

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > Reaper still needs QoL but even my ideal of RO is technically still a nerf to solo play but a buff to group play.

> > > >

> > > > > If anything lets fix core defenses, not reaper's. They have shroud as-is and 2 sources of stab and decent cc and gap closers. What needs to be fixed is death magic, as I think its trash.

> > > >

> > > > I would argue that core sustain could be ok if nerfs fall on other professions in the right places but unlike other professions going necro core sustain leaves you with very very minimal offense usually not enough to kill anyone who is not raw glass. Mean while other professions can have fairly high sustain and very good damage. Core necro generally does not get to keep both. To get decent damage you sustain drops considerably and to improve sustain drops your damage down to almost nothing.

> > > >

> > > > I think core necro would be in a ok spot if they cull the other professions core bases down to the same level.

> > > >

> > > > Scourge does need a rework though they have openly admitted they cant get it balanced it correctly. I know some people love the shades and shroudless mechanic but its so problematic and no one fighting against it is ever going to think its balanced if its just only viable.

> > > >

> > >

> > > And damage too. some classes with those hits can do over 10k 15+k is insane dmg and practically a 1 shot.

> > >

> > > Some classes I don't feel too bad about rangers for instance with that rapid-fire attack you can see it and avoid the majority of them or you can get an ele and or guardian to use some sort of defense versus projectiles. Attacks that you can see and have an actual animation at least are visible. I will admit I'm not the best reaper player by a long shot, in fact i doubt im that good at all, but at the very least I know how it plays, it's just very hard to survive or next to impossible when you get focused as a core necro.

> > >

> >

> > I dont think rapid fire is too bad its generally the boons and the damage modifiers like from sickem that make it very busted. long bow is a strong weapon and it should be there is no reason to nerf the weapon but overall yes rangers can do alot of damage. I mean technically speaking axe ranger does just as much if not more just in bigger but slower chunks and in less hits.


> If ranger was an immobile piece of junk, like necro is, the dmg of longbow would be justified, but it's also the class with the second best mobility (after thief), so if you cannot oneshot from 1500 range, you can still pretty much always run away.

> So you can go full zerker, and have no downside. That's pretty sick. (Yeah I know ranger got nerfed a bit)


But then the thing is... that means necro is the issue not the ranger. Cause necro is really the only profession that suffers mobility wise in terms of utility and skill movement. People already hate spectral walk (even thought the skill has practically hardly changed over time and wurm which has not changed in a very long time. If necro had viable movement people would raise their torches and say its op demanding nerfs because its movement would be viable to everyone else's movement.


As for my opinion on 1 shots those should not exsist in this game in general the game plays too fast for one shots without massive tells or first burning a persons defenses. But then again its not hard to burst necro through its soft soaker style defensive mechanics because damage is just generally too high. Boons once again are kind of a issue on this point. I dont think ranger longbow needs nerfs. I would start with toning back the boons they have even more then start looking a few specific things like smoke assault on soul beast generally the cd is a bit too low i think. IF we are also going to keep skills in the game that do damage while evading attacks anet needs to work on adding more on hit procs that cant be avoided more aura access more retaliation access etc.


> >

> > Reaper has good damage but several professions out damage it even in melee range or in some cases beyond melee range. Especially when out of shroud. I dont want reaper hard buffs i just want QoL fixes and for it not to be so dependent on quickness to feel modern. There really is no excuse for the base reaper attack speed without quickness in 2019 -2020 if quickness is removed from reaper and they dont fix the base attack speed i would rather just play core.


> A pretty good first fix would be to remove some passive condiremoves or reductions (for example mecha legs from engi) and also make movement impairing conditions actually impair movent: shorter leap distances, and teleports...


Those wont be removed every class has at least one trait or minor in at least one of its specs that remove /reduce movement impairments. But yes the implementation of these has hurt necro sustain a tiny bit too. Considering half its sustain depends on conditions like , chill, weakness, cripple, blind, fear the more these are made less effective the harder it will be for necro. The moment fear gets any kind of nerf from where it is now its pretty much over for necros.




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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> I would like gs 3 to be a leap, rise to not be useless (dmg reduct takes place at ALL times not only when those dumb very kitable minis are attacking), reap 5 aoe stun but remove bonus dmg/ nerf dmg, reap 3 to continue after shroud ends, reap 2 dmg nerfed but anim finishes A LOT faster, elite to not be useless.


Reverting the rise change would probably go a long way. Idk about making gs3 a leap though. Im struggling to think of how that would work unless its like a lunging slide across the ground with the sword out in front but would it stop on hitting something or just go through it tbh iwould settle for just making the gs5 pull a bit faster i think the creeping darkness along the ground is a big enough of a tell its less buggy now but also less reliable because they considerably shadow nerfed/ slowed down the speed the claws move back toward the caster.


Its prob just gonna be one of those skills thats always gonna be a bit clunky no matter what they do to it.

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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > I would like gs 3 to be a leap, rise to not be useless (dmg reduct takes place at ALL times not only when those dumb very kitable minis are attacking), reap 5 aoe stun but remove bonus dmg/ nerf dmg, reap 3 to continue after shroud ends, reap 2 dmg nerfed but anim finishes A LOT faster, elite to not be useless.


> Reverting the rise change would probably go a long way. Idk about making gs3 a leap though. Im struggling to think of how that would work unless its like a lunging slide across the ground with the sword out in front but would it stop on hitting something or just go through it tbh iwould settle for just making the gs5 pull a bit faster i think the creeping darkness along the ground is a big enough of a tell its less buggy now but also less reliable because they considerably shadow nerfed/ slowed down the speed the claws move back toward the caster.


> Its prob just gonna be one of those skills thats always gonna be a bit clunky no matter what they do to it.


Dmc3 video for reference of gs3 dash or leap.


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