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Why do you like the Mesmer / Why are you a Mesmer main?


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The mesmer offers a lot of cool stuff and some people have really fallen in love with this class.

Also, everyone has their **own reasons** they like the mesmer and its theme.


That's why I ask **you**: *What makes you like the mesmer?* Or *what made you decide to be a mesmer main?*




**EDIT**: Why I am a mesmer main:


When I started to play GW2 some weeks after launch, people told me that every class is good on its own, so you don't have to choose the "best class" but rather the class that describes and interests you the most. I watched YT videos about all the classes and read their descriptions and the one that struck to me the most was the **mesmer**.


I always liked mages the most in MMOs and the mesmer was so unique and special to me when I first heard about them. I really like the concept of having **multiple versions of you** on the battlefield, **deceiving** and **playing with the enemy's mind**. Being able to cast **chaos storms** and **time warps** to harm your enemies, making them weak, while buffing yourself and your team really excited me.


Furthermore, **pink** is my favourite colour and the **butterflies** theme really fits well with the mesmer in my opinion :)


Gameplay-wise I really really like to have the **portal ability**. I always like to help people out with it in jumping puzzles or things like that. When exploring new areas and having to drop down and look for a vista or stuff, it also comes really handy as a back-up :D


The only thing I **don't like** about the mesmer are the shatter abilities. I always want to keep my clones up and trick my enemies so shattering my illusions is not logical to me. That's why I was hoping that the mirage changed the shatter skills to work differently but well...


However, the Mesmer is absolutely my favourite class. I just love everything about its theme and its style. I am looking forward to have a spec without shatter skills in the next expansion tho :)




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Not much really. Raids need chronos, and initially I disliked the kit-swapping gameplay of my engi more than the clunky illusion/shatter wannabe-pet-bomber mechanic of my mesmer, so I settled on the latter due to pretty spell effects.


And that's kinda it. The spell effects are pretty, especially the Chrono Wells. But frankly, the class got little going for it IMO.

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> @Carighan.6758 said:

> Not much really. Raids need chronos, and initially I disliked the kit-swapping gameplay of my engi more than the clunky illusion/shatter wannabe-pet-bomber mechanic of my mesmer, so I settled on the latter due to pretty spell effects.


> And that's kinda it. The spell effects are pretty, especially the Chrono Wells. But frankly, the class got little going for it IMO.


Thanks for sharing your opinion! I'm sorry mesmer isn't your cup of tea tho :(

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Main reason I enjoy Mesmer is because it's unique. I have yet to find another game with a class that summons/uses copies of itself. Also after trying out every class (only after my Mesmer was lvl 80 and geared back then) they all feel a bit boring to me. Definitly not as visually appealing.


And the feeling after a job well done as chrono is quite good as well. No other class feels as impactful in a group setting.

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I've been a Mesmer main since head start (well, since GW1 actually).


I just really like it. It's a comfortable play style for me. I love the whole magical duelist aesthetic. I like clones, I like shatters. I like teleporting around and going invisible, or distorting so I'm invulnerable all the time, or dropping portals to zip across a PvP map or recover in a jumping puzzle. I like that no other MMO has a class even remotely like Mesmer. And I love our animations and sound effects.


Yeah, we've got our balance problems, but both of our elite specs are fun and cool, our aesthetics are amazing, and it's a crazy fun profession to play. If I picked my favorite profession based on balance I'd never have reached 80 with anything, y'know?

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because guild wars 1 mesmer was beautiful, elegant, and all about misdirection, distraction, or denying an opponent's advantage

it wasn't necessarily "i'm gonna blast your face with damage" but more of "i'll win this for my team by not letting the enemy get an upper hand"


it was my favorite class, and one of the most unique i've seen in any game, and it really felt amazing to use

the original mesmer theme was flawless and was so incredible it made me cry to grow up with this at a young age, and yet never find anything in other games that had something similar, i always wanted some type of graceful illusionist, but i found nothing, and after playing guild wars for so long, the game itself got so dated, but i kept wanting more of this class's theme


when i heard there were clones and phantasms as physical beings in guild wars 2, i was insanely excited to play with it

it sounded almost too good to be true for what my younger self wanted, i was always a summoner or a healer at heart in games

and mesmers summoned, and had some forms of healing through restorative mantras

it was really cool and fun for the first few years

now it's sad how bad they function and how much of a liability they are now that i'm older and more competitive.....

-shrug- but that's a balancing topic

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I always roll a mage in MMOs/RPGs

So we have Illusion and mind manipulation magic, with the possibility to use dual swords, and a greatsword! Along with industry standard mage weapons?

I was sold.


Prior to mes announcement pre release I was going to be an ele who until recently had a distinct lack of sword, let alone dual swords, let alone the only GS being a 180 c/d with a skin I'm not incredibly fond of... which also had a range attack auto.

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Before GW I've played few rpg's and mmo's. But first time I saw this illusionist class, that use her own images as a weapon, that as a mage use sword's and pistols, that use greatsword as a freaking laser beam I knowed I had found a game for me. And don't get me wrong, it not made me main mesmer. Mesmer made me play this game.

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I pretty much always play the mage archetype in any RPG. Something about casting spells, powerful abilities, and being able to smite enemies from afar tickles my power fantasy in just the right way. When my friend showed me info on GW2 back in 2011, the mesmer was the one class that stuck out to me the most. Elementalists seemed cool, but it didn't feel _exciting_. Necromancer just didn't really feel like I _needed_ to play it. Mesmer was the only one that did, and watching the gameplay footage from the beta cemented that in my mind. Now I main chronomancer because it allows me to play the illusionary duelist while simultaneously providing incredible team utility and support, while still feeling powerful (even if their personal DPS isn't that great). Aside from the warlock class from Destiny, no other class has been able to capture my imagination the way mesmer has.

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Butterflies and my favorite color is purple. Also usually always have a place in group content, I never fear being kicked from a PUG fractal group as I know how to do my job as a Chrono and I do it well. I don't have to worry about someone else's DPS meter because I know my DPS will always be low, so long as the quickness and alacrity are up I am good.

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I honestly do not care what state mesmer is in gameplay wise - it is the sole reason I play GW2 and for as long as I continue to play GW2 I will play mesmer.


The visual effects, the theme, some sound effects, the (unique compared to majority of other games with generic "mages"/"rogues"/"warriors" and other boring overdone concepts) mechanics of misdirection deception and unconventional techniques, the butterflies, the magenta/pink/purple colour scheme, the skill names (eg "Magic Bullet"... so awesome name for a skill), and a touch of vanity with all the illusions.


It's a beautiful experience and a privilege to have the opportunity to enjoy and indulge in the mental, visual and aural feast that comes with playing mesmer.

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Because it's **fun.**


There's something very fast and dynamic about mesmers, particularly the Mirage. I'm here, I'm there, there's one of me, there's four of me, there's one of me again, now I'm over here and there's four of me again...it's very active and mobile.


Compare that to my other main, a Scourge...I have fun with my Scourge too, but it's a slower playstyle.

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I like the general idea behind Mesmer. A Mesmer seems to be alone, weak, slow - easy and perfect prey. But appearances are deceiving and when it becomes serious all the powers are revealed and there's not only the Mesmer anymore, but a squad of Mesmer+Illusions.


And playing a Charr Mesmer still is pretty unique, there seem to be only a handful of them in the whole game.

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I love the idea of mental/psionic magic and mind games. Illusionist was my favorite D&D class. The concept is just fascinating. So much so, that I bought and read Mesmer's book. Aside from that, GW2 Mesmer is similar to GW1 Ritualist, ( Rt/Me ) and I like that class.


Also, *blush*, I'd love to fancy myself a duelist.

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I like confusing people who think I am easy prey, just like @"Lanhelin.3480" said. So fun when the enemy gets you to 20% and you are so calm because all of a sudden there are 4 of you and you just healed back to 80%, dazed the enemy, and about to down him within 3 seconds. I like to imagine every time this happens a jaw is dropped or headset is thrown on a desk.

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