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Requst to redo medium legendary armor


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This is my formal request for the development team to redo the medium legendary armor into something befitting our Adventurer Professions.


The trench coat designs have been ok for Engineers, Rangers and Thieves, but the current medium legendary armor design looks like a mismatched set of random pieces prior to transformation, and battlemageish once transformed during combat. The shoulders are gaudy. The chest emblem, or piece, looks a bit like a transformer face icon (ya know autobots and decepticons?). The wyvern face on the back clashes with the use of any back piece. Our characters look frumpy and silly once transformed.


Please don’t take this personal, but there is almost nothing about this armor that looks aesthetically pleasing, or even fits medium armor professions thematically. This armor is one of the most unattractive sets in the game for medium armor, and that’s not good because players have spent a whole lot of time and effort to obtain them over the past 2 years… I honestly wish I could say something good about the set, but I can’t. I’ve seen many players hide pieces of these armors to attempt to make it look better, and I am personally about to transform the entire thing to bladed or whispers… That’s just how off-putting this medium Legendary set is.


To remind you of what was/is expected of the players to achieve these armors…




..So to get something so off-putting in appearance is a really big let down after tackling that huge shopping list.


Let’s do this set and the Adventurer players justice please.


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> @Swagger.1459 said:

> and that’s not good because players have spent a whole lot of time and effort to obtain them over the past 2 years…


So your argument is that players spent 2 years to unlock the medium legendary armor set only to be shocked and surprised to find out what it looked like? I'm going to suggest an alternative possibility: maybe some of them spent that time to get it because they *actually liked it*. What happens to those people, in this laughable scenario where the developers redesign an armor set because of your firmly-worded expression of personal preference? Are they just screwed?

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > @typographie.1742 said:

> > > @Swagger.1459 said:

> > > and that’s not good because players have spent a whole lot of time and effort to obtain them over the past 2 years…

> >

> > So your argument is that players spent 2 years to unlock the medium legendary armor set only to be shocked and surprised to find out what it looked like? I'm going to suggest an alternative possibility: maybe some of them spent that time to get it because they *actually liked it*. What happens to those people, in this laughable scenario where the developers redesign an armor set because of your firmly-worded expression of personal preference? Are they just screwed?


> A genius.

> I can accept critics but at least the one who does em should be more coherent.

> And maybe talk about themselves and not as ''the players''


I understood their post perfectly and think it makes considerably more sense than the original request. That aside this whole thread is pointless anyways as when the armor actually came out, there were already half a dozen threads exactly like this one that requested the armor get changed or complained about the look. Tears have already been shed and the complaints have already been noted long ago and its obvious by this point that Anet isn't going to alter the design and by this point how could they? Like the poster you quoted mentioned there are people who do like the design, and who have gotten in for themselves or who are in the process of trying to acquire it. You couldn't very well alter the design now that there are people who like it and have worked hard to acquire it, its simply not feasible.


But yah this thread won't go anywhere anyways, and will probably sink down into the depths of this board soon so meh. -w-

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  • 1 month later...

Was totally excited when the team announced legendary armor, because I figured all of them would be the most kick butt looking armors in the game... Spent close to a year earning this gear, meeting all the major requirements and gold costs... only to be completely let down because of the uninteresting mismatch pre-transformation state and bulky bobble head ball gown post transformation.


This armor was supposed to be for the adventurer professions (engineer, ranger and thief), but the design is completely out of touch with these classes... It doesn’t fit thematically, and makes the character look childish and mage-like... I honestly don’t know what the thought process was behind this armor, but it needs to change. It would be the right thing to do to remake this armor into something more fitting to the class, especially since the team gave a huge to do check list and kept the players completely in the dark about the appearance for a long time.


Perhaps make alternatives for each weight and give the players an option here, but please at least do something about this off putting medium set.



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![](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/2/29/Perfected_Envoy_armor_%28medium%29_human_female_front.jpg "")

This is it right? Did a quick search and that's what came up.

Boots look very heavy armour, gloves look like it can match Engineer (kind of Ironmany), pants looks like it can me medium and same for the shirt.

Can't judge the shoulders as I've seen that kind of look on all weights.

The hood looks like it could be a Thief hood.


I say kind of Medium-y.

Would never wear it without transmutating it as I don't like how it look at all, but it looks medium-y minus the boots.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> ![](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/2/29/Perfected_Envoy_armor_%28medium%29_human_female_front.jpg "")

> This is it right? Did a quick search and that's what came up.


Ah... More or less. The gimmick of the legendary armors is that they change when the character enters combat. So while the screenshot above is what the armor looks like out of combat, the full screenshots of that armor are:


![](https://i.imgur.com/ppLdKa9.jpg "")


I don't like it either, but I think the light armor is even worse.



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> @Erasculio.2914 said:

> > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > ![](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/2/29/Perfected_Envoy_armor_%28medium%29_human_female_front.jpg "")

> > This is it right? Did a quick search and that's what came up.


> Ah... More or less. The gimmick of the legendary armors is that they change when the character enters combat. So while the screenshot above is what the armor looks like out of combat, the full screenshots of that armor are:


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/ppLdKa9.jpg "")


> I don't like it either, but I think the light armor is even worse.




Neat idea, but I too fall into the camp of not likeing the asthetics.

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> @Erasculio.2914 said:

> > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > ![](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/2/29/Perfected_Envoy_armor_%28medium%29_human_female_front.jpg "")

> > This is it right? Did a quick search and that's what came up.


> Ah... More or less. The gimmick of the legendary armors is that they change when the character enters combat. So while the screenshot above is what the armor looks like out of combat, the full screenshots of that armor are:


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/ppLdKa9.jpg "")


> I don't like it either, but I think the light armor is even worse.




Okay so I checked...

![](https://i.imgur.com/tUZSN6k.png "")

Yeah this looks like it should be a mage/light armour... which made me go check the others....


![](https://i.imgur.com/2laNXyk.png "")

I'm sorry, isn't this supposed to be medium? The hell is going on with the headgear there?


![](https://i.imgur.com/MIJp3ZC.png "")

This is the only one that looks right. Looks very Modrem though. Looks the best out of the 3 but it still looks bad.

![](https://i.imgur.com/pg1c1I1.png "")

I will never get why they can't make any helmets that covers the body completely. Stop showing a weak point under the helmet. Give me some chainmail or some leather covering or maybe a piece of wet paper. Anything to cover ME that's inside the suit!

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Okay so i've read this and read through the replies here and there's one thing I'm a little surprised no ones talked about yet.


> @Swagger.1459 said:

> ...Spent close to a year earning this gear, meeting all the major requirements and gold costs... only to be completely let down because of the uninteresting mismatch pre-transformation state and bulky bobble head ball gown post transformation.

> ...


So by the way you wrote that you spent close to a year earning this gear and never bothered to actually look at it and realize you hate it if I understand you correctly? Maybe I'm reading that wrong but that sounds like more of a personal issue friend.


Continuing on though to address the thread itself, when I first saw your post something struck in the back of my mind and I thought to myself huh, this sounds familiar. Not because of the multitude of other threads that have already been made long ago on this topic, but because of your post in particular, and so I did a quick little search and sure enough;



You already posted a thread complaining about this last month around the same time, I remembered it because I replied in kind to it as well. As I told you in that thread, "Tears have already been shed and the complaints have already been noted long ago and its obvious by this point that Anet isn't going to alter the design and by this point." While I can appreciate your dislike over the issue, Anet has made it clear that they are not going to change this design, especially now after so many people own it. Not to sound harsh but like it or not if they didn't do it when it first came out when it was met with considerably more complaints they certainly aren't going to do it now so much later because of one small thread.

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> @Moonlit.6421 said:

> Okay so i've read this and read through the replies here and there's one thing I'm a little surprised no ones talked about yet.


> > @Swagger.1459 said:

> > ...Spent close to a year earning this gear, meeting all the major requirements and gold costs... only to be completely let down because of the uninteresting mismatch pre-transformation state and bulky bobble head ball gown post transformation.

> > ...

> >

> So by the way you wrote that you spent close to a year earning this gear and never bothered to actually look at it and realize you hate it if I understand you correctly? Maybe I'm reading that wrong but that sounds like more of a personal issue friend.


> Continuing on though to address the thread itself, when I first saw your post something struck in the back of my mind and I thought to myself huh, this sounds familiar. Not because of the multitude of other threads that have already been made long ago on this topic, but because of your post in particular, and so I did a quick little search and sure enough;

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/9797/requst-to-redo-medium-legendary-armor


> You already posted a thread complaining about this last month around the same time, I remembered it because I replied in kind to it as well. As I told you in that thread, "Tears have already been shed and the complaints have already been noted long ago and its obvious by this point that Anet isn't going to alter the design and by this point." While I can appreciate your dislike over the issue, Anet has made it clear that they are not going to change this design, especially now after so many people own it. Not to sound harsh but like it or not if they didn't do it when it first came out when it was met with considerably more complaints they certainly aren't going to do it now so much later because of one small thread.


HoT launched with 1st raid October 2015... No legendary armors preview.


Heavy legendary armor first preview October 2016...




“Let’s be clear: what we’re previewing today is just the heavy armor. This has gone through many iterations and redesigns to get to a place where we think it’s ready to share with you. At the moment, the light and medium armor sets are not at that level. We remain hard at work, and release is still some months off.”


First preview of medium and light legendary armors April 2017...




“Tears” have been shed on lots of topics, so are we not allowed to provide constructive feedback because there were previous complaints? ...



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I love everything about the heavy Legendary Armour except how the helmet in non-combat mode seems to be almost identical to the ones worn by the Lionguard NPCs and whatnot. Ironically one of the best looking helmet when in combat, is one of the most blandest and boring one outside of it.


I wish I could stay in perma-combat...

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> @Swagger.1459 said:


> “Tears” have been shed on lots of topics, so are we not allowed to provide constructive feedback because there were previous complaints? ...



You are technically allowed to yes, however my stance still stands. On your thread a month ago I predicted it wouldn't be long before it sunk down into the depths of the forum and was forgotten about and sure enough I was actually the last person to post on your thread before it disappeared. Feedback has already been given by a multitude of people so Anet has surely heard it but after this long and with so many people owning it they won't change it. If even one person owns it now that likes it that means they'd have to develops a whole new medium legendary set or they'd be screwing over those who actually like parts of the gear. If they were going to change it they would've done so when it was first released and a considerable amount of people complained. They won't change it now over a few people for all the reasons stated above and starting a new thread with the same issue every month is honestly just a waste and people know that, hence why the one made last month died so quickly.


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