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How To Beat Rangers - A Secret l2p Guide

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > @"Ragnar.4257" said:

> > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > But to imply that simply holding down W so you aren't just sitting there eating longbow shots is "super mechanically adept" is dumb. Which, in all seriousness, is really all you need to do to completely nullify longbow damage (something that's even _easier_ to do when they are standing at max "safe" range).

> >

> > The thing is, it *is* trivially easy to nullify ranger longbow with LOS if you're in a 1v1 around a capture node. But if you're already engaged in a 2v2/3v3, and having to blow dodges and defensive cooldowns, and can't sit behind cover without making yourself a free kill for other enemies, then longbow can very quickly down you and it feels super cheap.

> >

> > I suspect that's the scenario that is driving most of the complaints. Of course, the exact same can be said about pretty much any high-damage class coming in to +1 a fight.

> >

> > The other complaint-inducing scenarios are in the FFA arena, or out roaming in WvW, where there is less cover, no capture-points to force a ranger to engage more closely, and they can just kite and pewpew until they eventually win. But that has basically no relevance to sPvP.

> >

> > Honestly, this thread feels entirely counter-productive. Ranger/SlB aren't in most people's crosshairs as the priority for fixing right now, other than maybe Gazelle. By making this thread you just put the target on yourself.


> I didn't make this thread btw.


I meant "you" in the sense of the ranger-police.

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> @"Eurantien.4632" said:

> @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741"


> Hammer core guard can essentially 1 shot a dps ranger. And as long as dolyak stance isn't available, hammer ring trashes rangers.


> 100% hammer guard is better vs ranger than the meta core guard.


> Do people play hammer core guard? Nope.


> Is that the Ranger's problem? Nope.


How can you legitimately say that ranger is on the weaker side and tell people to play hammer guard. Compared to any core guard build, ranger and soul beast are god-tier and the only way that ranger dies to core guard is if they don’t pay attention or - for some reason - refuse to kite when they are pressured. In 1v1s you can misplay a thousand times on the ranger side and will still come out on top. That’s how bad the match up is. Even if you are caught in ring of warding you can just use gs4 and gs3 (in either order) and you are safe.


Is ranger top tier? No, it is not as it’s outperformed by rev, fire weaver and some others and is rather mediocre in team fights but in the entirety of classes and their specializations, core ranger and soul beast are in the upper half and in terms of 1v1 prowess they have very few bad match ups and many of their favorable match ups are very lopsided. This makes for a very frustrating experience which explains the frequent complaints.

It is kind of ironic though, that pets cause a lot of complaints from on sides: the A.I. can be infuriating at times and when your pet dies in 3 seconds against fire weaver just after you’ve swapped, you feel scammed, but at the same time there is nothing that I hate more than being chased by this dumb pet that - contrary to what many ranger players claim - does pretty relevant amounts of damage against the majority of builds while it also has ccs that you need to dodge.



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What u think about this... When your pet is dead your f4 which is pet swap gets replaced by revive your pet which cost 1 dodge bar. That way you will need to invest dodge to get back pet so it takes out some of ur defense possibly some intersting builds can come out since some of pets are not played on core and druid because its impossible for them to stay alive and survive until new pet swap which makes core and druid feel lame compared to other class mechanics. Also 90% of pets should get reworked cus they are not used at all ( they should have more active f2 usage for example spider geting new f2 which is fast daze NOT hard cc which is on very short cd which would make some intersting and active interupt gameplay and positioning of the pet...). I use offmeta build which is based around eagle because of the lowest cd on f2 pet skill which is like 4/5 sec cd which have alot of synergy beetween poison master and wilting strike which doesn t have eternal cd which makes eagle perfect choice since he can put bleed,poison,weakness every 4/5 sec while adding beastly warden (even go for the eyes) in the mix there is some very interactive gameplay since u can go beast mode swoop fast exit and fast f2 pet attack and it procs beastly warden almost instantly which is nice opening and nice chase potential. Build is viable and deffinitly most fun and use the most of pet mechanic synergy than any other ranger build.

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> @"Eurantien.4632" said:

> @"Trevor Boyer.6524"


> Please make a post about how to dodge pets. By just drawing a kitten picture of a dude standing on a box. Or jumping over a short river ( a la Robin Hood men n tights) and have the pet have to go all the way around instead of just right over since their parking sucks.


> People seem to forget how to not only LoS but also how to kite a PvE AI.


Oh it's going to be a good short youtube video. It will be a fine "lol"


What I wanted to do was not organizable tonight. Will try again in the morning.

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Its shame also that Shortbow on ranger doesn t have some interupt mechanics like d shot in original Guild Wars which was one of the coolest mechanics of the original game, even the best team comp was based around that . Team build was called balanced and the reason why it really was balanced is interupt gameplay since in midline it had 2 strong interupt builds which could be used for offense interupting monks(healer and prot or support ritualist) or offensive skills when needed to help your backline. That team build in strong hands was best build to play since if u can interupt something than there is no counter to it. It sounds op now maybe, but in top pvp scene there was alot of ppl knowing how and when to fake skill casts and it had much deeper gameplay than one we have now which is mostly based on cleave first kill first. There was line beetween tank and dps meta... you was able to sustain whole match without dying and in same time u was able to get kills which needed much more coordination and timing and i think its mostly because of interupt gameplay which alowed much longer fights and much more coordinated spikes to actually kill target since you can t just call targets and jump on it as revenant meta we have now in gw2. Rally mechanics is worst thing for pvp since it dumbs down the game and make rev fb only meta for coordinated team play and it also makes any other class and mechanics less impactfull. Im sorry for not talking about pew pew ranger its such boring mechanic and ranger should never been built around that. I like old ranger interupt playstile with nice control and seting up kills while spreading condi pressure which was ranger in Guild Wars 1 pvp. Im sorry for living in past but i really think ranger miss that kind of playstyle, even whole game miss that since interupts counter spam fest which we have today. Having more durable fights is mostly about lack of interupt gameplay cus u cant rly stop rev when u see him chaining skills and also u can t kill old scrapper or chrono but having investment in interupt gameplay will make fight durable and in same time make kills more skillfull. Ranger and mes should be kings of interupt gameplay not pew pew and clone spam fest and it should be their nr1 role and than posible after interupting important skills u go pew pew and make kills which is much more of combat than we have today. Again sorry for bad english and out of topic comments.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:


> No pet should provide hard cc unless it's from a merged pet skill and damage on certain pets gazelle for example needs lowered as well


If they could restrict this to spvp and change some hard cc's to at least soft ones (rather than remove cc entirely), I might accept such an outcome. Rangers (especially core specs) unfortunately rely on hard pet ccs a decent amount, so I'd absolutely refuse to endorse removing them from the wider game.



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Just make Shortbow 5 skill soft cc with 2 counts and do same to some pet f2 skills (make it deal very small dmg and lower the cc to like 1/4 sec daze just for interupt and make it like 5-10 sec recharge). Hard cc can stay but only like 1 hard cc per build rest should be quick daze for active interupt gameplay. For example ranger should be king of soft cc interupt gameplay (shortbow fits that role best) and taunt (only 1 hard cc on like 20 sec recharge) as special mechanic to ranger. Mesmer should also be king of cc interupt gameplay but to make it different to ranger he will have stun as hard cc. Also condi ranger should spread poison and bleed and cripple while mesmer will spread torment and confusion which kinda reminds of hex skills he had in Gw1.

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> @"bravan.3876" said:

> > @"CroTiger.7819" said:

> > Mesmer should also be king of cc interupt gameplay but to make it different to ranger he will have stun as hard cc.


> Rofl, stun as interrupt mechanic holy cow... also Mesmer is the last class should get multiple stuns.




No you missunderstood what i wanted to say. Ranger and Mesmer should be kings of interupt which is based like 1/4 sec daze which should not deal more than 1k dmg . So its not hard cc and hard dmg in one, its just interupt which can be casted more often. In addition to that active soft cc interupt gameplay, they should still have 1 hard cc which should be 2 sec cc at top and it would be good if every hard cc is reduced that way. As hard cc mesmers should be having an 2 sec stun for example on higher recharge and ranger should have taunt to differ classes from one another. So ranger will be like spreading condis like poison bleed (stacking overtime) and have ability to interupt very often which won t do anything except that but once in 20 sec he would be able to taunt for 2 sec (hard cc but no dmg just lockdown and retarget enemies).

Also longbow 4 should be changed to cripple and have 2 charges... I hope u get idea now ( its just idea of course ). I know alot things should change to make interupt soft cc gameplay more value but its definitly better than having those amount of stunlocks which mostly come with big dmg.

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> @"CroTiger.7819" said:

> > @"bravan.3876" said:

> > > @"CroTiger.7819" said:

> > > Mesmer should also be king of cc interupt gameplay but to make it different to ranger he will have stun as hard cc.

> >

> > Rofl, stun as interrupt mechanic holy cow... also Mesmer is the last class should get multiple stuns.

> >

> >


> No you missunderstood what i wanted to say. Ranger and Mesmer should be kings of interupt which is based like 1/4 sec daze which should not deal more than 1k dmg . So its not hard cc and hard dmg in one, its just interupt which can be casted more often. In addition to that active soft cc interupt gameplay, they should still have 1 hard cc which should be 2 sec cc at top and it would be good if every hard cc is reduced that way. As hard cc mesmers should be having an 2 sec stun for example on higher recharge and ranger should have taunt to differ classes from one another. So ranger will be like spreading condis like poison bleed (stacking overtime) and have ability to interupt very often which won t do anything except that but once in 20 sec he would be able to taunt for 2 sec (hard cc but no dmg just lockdown and retarget enemies).

> Also longbow 4 should be changed to cripple and have 2 charges... I hope u get idea now ( its just idea of course ). I know alot things should change to make interupt soft cc gameplay more value but its definitly better than having those amount of stunlocks which mostly come with big dmg.


Ok as long as you don't want to give Mesmers multiple 1/4 secs stuns for interrupt purposes i will shut down my emotions :joy:

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Thought I'd give ranger class a shot with all of this hype; specifically druid with longbow/greatsword, raven/rock gazelle, full berserker build. I've literally never played any ranger class ever before and I've already placed top 50 in PvP. This was stupidly easy to pick up and win and I can feel their frustration when they get bursted down from so far away. It shouldn't be this easy for a complete beginner to run away with matches.


Side note: I only used greatsword like 10% of the time and mainly for maneuverability. Lol

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > > > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"Eurantien.4632" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"shadowpass.4236"

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > I'd add charge merge, hilt bash if you didn't.

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > And i would add dodge to mesmers

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > shows how much people know about mesmer.

> > > > > > > > chaos vortex/barrage is mesmers ambush ( dodge )

> > > > > > > > the fact that he decided to list F2 as a must dodge is another story, lol

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > So do you enjoy eating Blind + Confusion from Cry of Frustrations? That might explain why you lose your 1v1s.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > confusion is useless. and since you said it yourself, you not dodging 1s daze. why would i dodge 1,5s blind lol.

> > > > > > exp as a MUST dode XD

> > > > > >

> > > > > > edit, assuming someone even takes this garbage blind trait.

> > > > >

> > > > > The blind lasts 2.5s on the meta build which is a fairly long time to go without being able to land a skill.

> > > > >

> > > > > Confusion is useless? lel

> > > >

> > > > Yes, blind is 100% must dodge, soon you will say that you have to dodge it 4 times, once for each clone lol.

> > > > and thats assuming that someone took the kitten trait to blind in the firstplace, taking antysynergytraits 2k20 kekW

> > >

> > > So you don't dodge Shadow Shot?

> > >

> > > You stand inside Black Powders and Smoke Screens?

> > >

> > > Blind is one of the most impactful conditions you can use against classes that rely on single-hit attacks.

> >

> > Me : papercut is not a big deal

> > You : so you cut yourself ?

> > Shadow shot deals more damage and it is a teleport, yes I will use evade to dodge shadowshot if I dont want thief to teleport to me.

> > No I will not use dodge to leave black power.

> >


> So you don't evade shatters? If you don't think Mind Wrack on power builds and Cry of Frustration on condi builds are not necessary to avoid, maybe that's why you lose all of your 1v1s.


Cry of frustration is a dmg loss its only used for vigor and 1s stab.

Its not worth changing your direction in case mirage uses f2, let alone dodging it. Its max 4 stacks of confusion lol, random clone autoattack is more dmg so nobody uses f2



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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > > > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"Eurantien.4632" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"shadowpass.4236"

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > I'd add charge merge, hilt bash if you didn't.

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > And i would add dodge to mesmers

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > shows how much people know about mesmer.

> > > > > > > > chaos vortex/barrage is mesmers ambush ( dodge )

> > > > > > > > the fact that he decided to list F2 as a must dodge is another story, lol

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > So do you enjoy eating Blind + Confusion from Cry of Frustrations? That might explain why you lose your 1v1s.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > confusion is useless. and since you said it yourself, you not dodging 1s daze. why would i dodge 1,5s blind lol.

> > > > > > exp as a MUST dode XD

> > > > > >

> > > > > > edit, assuming someone even takes this garbage blind trait.

> > > > >

> > > > > The blind lasts 2.5s on the meta build which is a fairly long time to go without being able to land a skill.

> > > > >

> > > > > Confusion is useless? lel

> > > >

> > > > Yes, blind is 100% must dodge, soon you will say that you have to dodge it 4 times, once for each clone lol.

> > > > and thats assuming that someone took the kitten trait to blind in the firstplace, taking antysynergytraits 2k20 kekW

> > >

> > > So you don't dodge Shadow Shot?

> > >

> > > You stand inside Black Powders and Smoke Screens?

> > >

> > > Blind is one of the most impactful conditions you can use against classes that rely on single-hit attacks.

> >

> > Me : papercut is not a big deal

> > You : so you cut yourself ?

> > Shadow shot deals more damage and it is a teleport, yes I will use evade to dodge shadowshot if I dont want thief to teleport to me.

> > No I will not use dodge to leave black power.

> >


> So you don't evade shatters? If you don't think Mind Wrack on power builds and Cry of Frustration on condi builds are not necessary to avoid, maybe that's why you lose all of your 1v1s.


maybe if you didnt take shitty traits like blinding dissipation or wasting dodges on f2 that deals 100 dmg you would reach plat 2 on mesmer.

people that cant admit they are wrong are the worst shadowsomething, keep dodging cmirage f2. and keep putting words into other peoples mouths to fit your arguments

"So you don't evade shatters" <-- this is exactly whats wrong with these froums. you have nothing to say so you make shit up and toss it at people, if you bothered to actually play condi mirage the " meta build " you would know that f1 deals more damage then f2, becouse of how shit the confusion is.

the only times competent cmirage of the "meta build" will shatter f2 is to deal 200dmg when he has no clones or to get vigor when he has no clones, listing it as must dodge is straight up pathetic, fuck me 1 clone auto is more scary then f2 shatter.

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> @"Koen.1327" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > > > > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > > > > > > > > @"Eurantien.4632" said:

> > > > > > > > > > @"shadowpass.4236"

> > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > I'd add charge merge, hilt bash if you didn't.

> > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > And i would add dodge to mesmers

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > shows how much people know about mesmer.

> > > > > > > > > chaos vortex/barrage is mesmers ambush ( dodge )

> > > > > > > > > the fact that he decided to list F2 as a must dodge is another story, lol

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > So do you enjoy eating Blind + Confusion from Cry of Frustrations? That might explain why you lose your 1v1s.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > confusion is useless. and since you said it yourself, you not dodging 1s daze. why would i dodge 1,5s blind lol.

> > > > > > > exp as a MUST dode XD

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > edit, assuming someone even takes this garbage blind trait.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > The blind lasts 2.5s on the meta build which is a fairly long time to go without being able to land a skill.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Confusion is useless? lel

> > > > >

> > > > > Yes, blind is 100% must dodge, soon you will say that you have to dodge it 4 times, once for each clone lol.

> > > > > and thats assuming that someone took the kitten trait to blind in the firstplace, taking antysynergytraits 2k20 kekW

> > > >

> > > > So you don't dodge Shadow Shot?

> > > >

> > > > You stand inside Black Powders and Smoke Screens?

> > > >

> > > > Blind is one of the most impactful conditions you can use against classes that rely on single-hit attacks.

> > >

> > > Me : papercut is not a big deal

> > > You : so you cut yourself ?

> > > Shadow shot deals more damage and it is a teleport, yes I will use evade to dodge shadowshot if I dont want thief to teleport to me.

> > > No I will not use dodge to leave black power.

> > >

> >

> > So you don't evade shatters? If you don't think Mind Wrack on power builds and Cry of Frustration on condi builds are not necessary to avoid, maybe that's why you lose all of your 1v1s.


> Cry of frustration is a dmg loss its only used for vigor and 1s stab.

> Its not worth changing your direction in case mirage uses f2, let alone dodging it. Its max 4 stacks of confusion lol, random clone autoattack is more dmg so nobody uses f2




AH didnt see your comment before I posted mine, 100% correct. but shadowsomthing will never admit to being wrong will he?


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A dude that's constantly making threads and posts asking mesmers to get nerfed making a thread titled "l2p" is lovely.


@"bravan.3876" - @"CroTiger.7819" has a point mesmers are supposed to be the undisputed kings of shutdown. I don't know if you played GW1 but mesmer was similar to blue counterspell deck in magic, you only casted whatever the mesmer allowed. Some rupts did massive damage, power spike comes to mind, we had something similar in form of power block.

Now if mesmer was like GW1 instead of this clone, phantasm trash the "nerf mes" cries would be multiplied by a thousand, most people don't want to be good, to have a balanced game, people are here to win as easy as possible.

In regards to a broad view of pvp in GW1 and gw2, is not even a contest, the first one was a clever team based game with high risk high reward, this one is a glorified single player game based around as much safety nets as possible. You don't need to call spikes, you don't need to split defensively and offensively, you don't need to time rupts, you don't need to manage your skills, all you need is to press the same combos over and over until kitten explode.

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> @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> A dude that's constantly making threads and posts asking mesmers to get nerfed making a thread titled "l2p" is lovely.

There are 2 of them and one of them is blowing up numbers with all possible damage modifiers and utilities to beg for nerfs and use none to defend his main, thats hilarious (I can link)

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> @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> A dude that's constantly making threads and posts asking mesmers to get nerfed making a thread titled "l2p" is lovely.


> @"bravan.3876" - @"CroTiger.7819" has a point mesmers are supposed to be the undisputed kings of shutdown. I don't know if you played GW1 but mesmer was similar to blue counterspell deck in magic, you only casted whatever the mesmer allowed. Some rupts did massive damage, power spike comes to mind, we had something similar in form of power block.

> Now if mesmer was like GW1 instead of this clone, phantasm trash the "nerf mes" cries would be multiplied by a thousand, most people don't want to be good, to have a balanced game, people are here to win as easy as possible.

> In regards to a broad view of pvp in GW1 and gw2, is not even a contest, the first one was a clever team based game with high risk high reward, this one is a glorified single player game based around as much safety nets as possible. You don't need to call spikes, you don't need to split defensively and offensively, you don't need to time rupts, you don't need to manage your skills, all you need is to press the same combos over and over until kitten explode.


Yes finally someone who played Gw actually and understands the thing i said... The question now is if its possible to be done in gw2 since interupt (soft cc meta) can counter this spam fest and can make game more skillfull (im also aware of ppl wanted to just play dumb spam builds more than actually learn and adapt to this skillfull gameplay). One thing is sure there is too much stability and evades which would make it less impactfull so amount of stability should be removed to match 1 hard cc per character so there is 1/3 stab uptime at best so than no dmg interupts can make nice way to be build around that. On top of that mesmer have power block trait which will leave him as interupt king again and ppl should be aware of los, fake casts and other things (good players will learn that and bad ones will still not face good interupters since it goes along ). Still having ppl canceling casts is or being interupted can make game more fun and fights more longer. My point is that game can t be balanced without having interupt soft-cc and defining it as daze is most logical thing since 1/4 daze won t make u use stunbreak but it will interupt your cast. We should get this atleast as option as i said above ranger need rework on shortbow (skill 5 now daze for 1/4 sec and have 2 counts) to fit that style and longbow should also loose hard ranged cc (change it to 2 counts long lasting cripple) because this way longbow have better interupt than shorbow and overall better utility and demage which is extramly sad.

If i remember correctly power block in old gw was shut down spell skills for like 10 sec (skill had no high dmg) if u interupt spell and it had big recharge on it. I like idea of power block on mes trait we have today in gw2 also u forget ranger was part of that mechanic too. Now mesmer have good skills and traits to fit that role but whole meta and skills should get revisited that way to allow such build which don t do hard dmg, not even hard healing or support get spot in high pvp beacause interupts can be used offensive and defensive ( If u interupt rev spike dmg on your teamate than fb won t need to invest 1 more heal, also if u interupt firebrand heal u won t need to do 3k more dmg...so on and so on). Ranger compared to mes in gw2 have nothing in common to gw1 version and it just still need 2 changes which won t mess up anything since shortbow doesn t have defined role and 90% of pets are on same effective level as shortbow... so idea is to change shorbow skill 5 which now daze or stun 2 sec on 20 recharge to unblockable soft-cc 1/4 daze and give it 2 counts with 20 sec recharge and pets for example spider gets f2 skill same way 2 counts soft-cc 1/4 daze with no dmg on 20 sec cd and what u get is being able to rupt every 5 sec and activly use your pet while spreading condis such as bleed and poison so ull actually make kills by skillfull shutdown heals and other skills instead of just hard cc than hard dmg or even both in one... So the ranger will be interupt king which damage conditions bleed and poison counter passive play and mesmer should be interupt king aswell since it always was but his damage conditions will counter active play for exaple confusion and torment...

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> I'm working on some special footage for you guys, which will be posted later.


> I just want to say that I understand discussion about RANGER mechanics.


> But I feel the people complaining so much about pets though, are all like:


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/zuE3CFl.gif "")



Tbf the passive knockdowns on most pets have a shorter casttime and a less detailed animation (3/4 sec) than the cat in your gif, only the active f2 skills like fear/ immob of doggo/wolf is comparable to that in terms of casttime and animation (1,5 secs). And that is how hard cc should only be available for pets: only on the active f2 skill, with at least 1 sec casttime (on the pet, not the Ranger itself) and a clear animation (smokescale doesn't jump in the air BEFORE hitting the knockdown like the cat does. It has some whirling effect near the ground almost overlapping the little bite animation and that is by far less visible than a jump in the air or like wolfs fear slowly starts to howl moving the head up). The semi scripted passive knockdowns (smokescale starts with Smoke Assault 100% of the time but the use of Takedown varies from directly after Assault to 1-3 Bites in between, in particular after the first activation) with short cd and short casttime are not a healthy mechanic in my view. If you then add the high dmg some pets do in addition to passive hard cc i think it is obvious that it should have been differently designed right from game release. Also some cds from pet skills on few new pets are kind of powercreeped, 2 secs daze with 1,6k (untraited otherwise more) base dmg on 15 secs cooldown (untraited otherwise shorter), passive... i mean come on.

I even think a short daze (2 secs is not short, 1 sec is short) on not too low cd on passives is acceptable but sure not with remarkable dmg combined.

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> @"CroTiger.7819" said:

> > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > A dude that's constantly making threads and posts asking mesmers to get nerfed making a thread titled "l2p" is lovely.

> >

> > @"bravan.3876" - @"CroTiger.7819" has a point mesmers are supposed to be the undisputed kings of shutdown. I don't know if you played GW1 but mesmer was similar to blue counterspell deck in magic, you only casted whatever the mesmer allowed. Some rupts did massive damage, power spike comes to mind, we had something similar in form of power block.

> > Now if mesmer was like GW1 instead of this clone, phantasm trash the "nerf mes" cries would be multiplied by a thousand, most people don't want to be good, to have a balanced game, people are here to win as easy as possible.

> > In regards to a broad view of pvp in GW1 and gw2, is not even a contest, the first one was a clever team based game with high risk high reward, this one is a glorified single player game based around as much safety nets as possible. You don't need to call spikes, you don't need to split defensively and offensively, you don't need to time rupts, you don't need to manage your skills, all you need is to press the same combos over and over until kitten explode.


> Yes finally someone who played Gw actually and understands the thing i said... The question now is if its possible to be done in gw2 since interupt (soft cc meta) can counter this spam fest and can make game more skillfull (im also aware of ppl wanted to just play dumb spam builds more than actually learn and adapt to this skillfull gameplay). One thing is sure there is too much stability and evades which would make it less impactfull so amount of stability should be removed to match 1 hard cc per character so there is 1/3 stab uptime at best so than no dmg interupts can make nice way to be build around that. On top of that mesmer have power block trait which will leave him as interupt king again and ppl should be aware of los, fake casts and other things (good players will learn that and bad ones will still not face good interupters since it goes along ). Still having ppl canceling casts is or being interupted can make game more fun and fights more longer. My point is that game can t be balanced without having interupt soft-cc and defining it as daze is most logical thing since 1/4 daze won t make u use stunbreak but it will interupt your cast. We should get this atleast as option as i said above ranger need rework on shortbow (skill 5 now daze for 1/4 sec and have 2 counts) to fit that style and longbow should also loose hard ranged cc (change it to 2 counts long lasting cripple) because this way longbow have better interupt than shorbow and overall better utility and demage which is extramly sad.

> If i remember correctly power block in old gw was shut down spell skills for like 10 sec (skill had no high dmg) if u interupt spell and it had big recharge on it. I like idea of power block on mes trait we have today in gw2 also u forget ranger was part of that mechanic too. Now mesmer have good skills and traits to fit that role but whole meta and skills should get revisited that way to allow such build which don t do hard dmg, not even hard healing or support get spot in high pvp beacause interupts can be used offensive and defensive ( If u interupt rev spike dmg on your teamate than fb won t need to invest 1 more heal, also if u interupt firebrand heal u won t need to do 3k more dmg...so on and so on). Ranger compared to mes in gw2 have nothing in common to gw1 version and it just still need 2 changes which won t mess up anything since shortbow doesn t have defined role and 90% of pets are on same effective level as shortbow... so idea is to change shorbow skill 5 which now daze or stun 2 sec on 20 recharge to unblockable soft-cc 1/4 daze and give it 2 counts with 20 sec recharge and pets for example spider gets f2 skill same way 2 counts soft-cc 1/4 daze with no dmg on 20 sec cd and what u get is being able to rupt every 5 sec and activly use your pet while spreading condis such as bleed and poison so ull actually make kills by skillfull shutdown heals and other skills instead of just hard cc than hard dmg or even both in one... So the ranger will be interupt king which damage conditions bleed and poison counter passive play and mesmer should be interupt king aswell since it always was but his damage conditions will counter active play for exaple confusion and torment...


you dont get to have "interrupt" playstyle becouse some builds get 10 stacks of stab and laught at CC.

not even to mention that alot of classes mesmer included has alot of damage thats tied to dodging so you cant even interrupt it IF you didnt have stab.

Power block is still bugged btw.

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> @"bravan.3876" said:

> > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > I'm working on some special footage for you guys, which will be posted later.

> >

> > I just want to say that I understand discussion about RANGER mechanics.

> >

> > But I feel the people complaining so much about pets though, are all like:

> >

> > ![](https://i.imgur.com/zuE3CFl.gif "")

> >


> Tbf the passive knockdowns on most pets have a shorter casttime and a less detailed animation (3/4 sec) than the cat in your gif, only the active f2 skills like fear/ immob of doggo/wolf is comparable to that in terms of casttime and animation (1,5 secs). And that is how hard cc should only be available for pets: only on the active f2 skill, with at least 1 sec casttime (on the pet, not the Ranger itself) and a clear animation (smokescale doesn't jump in the air BEFORE hitting the knockdown like the cat does. It has some whirling effect near the ground almost overlapping the little bite animation and that is by far less visible than a jump in the air or like wolfs fear slowly starts to howl moving the head up). The semi scripted passive knockdowns (smokescale starts with Smoke Assault 100% of the time but the use of Takedown varies from directly after Assault to 1-3 Bites in between, in particular after the first activation) with short cd and short casttime are not a healthy mechanic in my view. If you then add the high dmg some pets do in addition to passive hard cc i think it is obvious that it should have been differently designed right from game release. Also some cds from pet skills on few new pets are kind of powercreeped, 2 secs daze with 1,6k (untraited otherwise more) base dmg on 15 secs cooldown (untraited otherwise shorter), passive... i mean come on.

> I even think a short daze (2 secs is not short, 1 sec is short) on not too low cd on passives is acceptable but sure not with remarkable dmg combined.


Problem is as u said having those things combined. If we have 1/4 daze skills making 80% of all cc skills ( rest are splited to proffesions and everyone have only 1hard cc per build like ranger have hard cc taunt 2 sec to lure away targets and save teamates, mesmer have 2 sec stun to shutdown, engi have launch to decaps etc war have knockdown...) Right now there is no much point for active interupte gameplay since stability is meant to bring balance against hard cc but in same time kills viability of short interupts like daze 1/4 which is definitly healthy mechanic if u ask me especially compared to this hard cc meta we have today which only counter is alot of aoe stability and stunbreak which dumb down the game to point where u just rush target which used all stunbreaks and none from their team is able to outheal dmg no matter how predictable it is (maybe if u have 2 fb it would be possible otherwise its just get kill, be killed run away which is not part of teamfight at all making classes like temptest not viable since he need to leave point or dye defending which is impossible after he use some of his cd...) Teamfights in this game need more love and every proffesion should have contribution to defense and attack mechanics so there is no point in having 2 fb because everyone can contrubite with defense via rupts, supports and heals or for example war sticking to other team damage dealers and making them change from offense to defense... Much of these things are already inside game since wariors can do that now, Scrapper can support and firebrand can heal but rangers should get active interupt playstyle.

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Another important thing to point out is how 4+ years ago, when damage was 1/2 or 1/3rd of what it is now, a 2s Knockdown on a pet or anything else wasn't that big of a deal. But now if you get knocked for 2s by anything, it's easily enough time for pretty much anything to DPS you into downstate during a power crept meta.


^ I think that is also a very real factor as to why Ranger pet CCs seem particularly annoying as of the past 3-4 seasons. All it takes is 1-2s of being CC'd with no stun break, and you'll be in downstate from a Ranger's Maul/WI in this patching.


But see, I again do not feel this is a problem with the mechanics on Ranger or its Pet, but rather too much DPS power creep in general amongst all classes. And I'll mention again, the Quickness uptime for both the Pet and the Ranger is crazy during this patching.


@"Eurantien.4632" had mentioned that Rangers have always had Quickness on swap, but that Quickness was once a short Quickness, not a +conc boosted +15% boon duration rune bolstered buff. Between Quick on swap, Zephyr utility, Live Fast on Soulbeast, and all of this +conc boon duration that is in the game now, the Quickness on Ranger is pretty much on demand whenever you need it at this point.


I think that if they would put under control all of this Quickness application & uptime game wide, we'd see a good 30% of game wide DPS vanish. Quickness is powerful man. not only does it allow faster application of damage in general, but it makes otherwise slow heavy hitting attacks that are supposed to be high risk high reward, become as fast as auto swings so that they are overly practical to use for how hard they hit.

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