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What actually counts as Double teaming?


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Probably the same thing that happened in the mu of the week when blue was camping gates for red whilst green took their keep. Thing is that Blue very rarely realise that they do this all the time with other servers but for some reason it seem not to count when it is Blue doing it ;)

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Blue tried valiantly to fight Green, Green focused Red because they were close in score. Blue was in 3rd and wanted to overtake red for 2nd place. Blue blocked out Red so Green could cap t3 objectives. Green fought anything Red or Blue that got in the way of Greens PPT.


In the end, many bags for everyone \o/


Or maybe, Green blobbed Red because Red blobbed Green at some point :shrug:

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acutally it rarely happens actively. it "happens" if the #1 server wants the #2 server to not be in the matchup for reasons, but then usually its less teaming up than just pushing that #2 server down alone. teamwork barely works within one server, so we should not talk about coordinating two servers.


on a matchup where 2+3 are aware that 1 will shaft them likely, "teaming up" has been seen, but that usually only goes for open field battles. u cannot really do anything to avoid this happening imo.

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