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WvW was fun now its just nothing but getting ganked every day.


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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

> > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

> > > > > @"bigo.9037" said:

> > > > > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > > > > > not too long ago a leader belonging to one of the largest clan in League of Legends-LOL including few others, finally called it quit playing guild wars 2. The main reasons, as the thread title says, she kept getting ganked all the time 'by bad design Op classes'

> > > > > >

> > > > > > She was not the only who quit, all her party club members quit all together-327 as exact numbers. They spent approximately $200-$800 per month in the game within 4 years.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > What continue to amaze me is that, Anet sees absolutely nothing wrong with this and will continue to ignore us,

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Oh well, i see absolutely no results from the next balance patch without Anet changing within. No amount of 'balance' will fix this unhealthy game until Anet admit their wrong doing and to regain their Trust to the community that they are in our best interest,

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Until than, until Anet care, good luck for now

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I will return to the forum next month and to expect nothing as usual

> > > > > >

> > > > > > **GoodBye**

> > > > >

> > > > > Imo, DE is the only real badly designed class that has not enough counter play when it comes to roaming and support specs in general. But honestly.. league of legends is just as bad.

> > > > >

> > > > Honestly if they just changed malicious backstab to do something else (like, anything other than a straight damage increase like it is now), the class would be fine. There's a number of roaming specs that can hard counter the usual DE builds, the funny thing about DE is that it actually has a lot more build diversity than most people think. So while a bunker boonbeast would hard counter a one shot DE, it would struggle vs a boonrip focussed DE. If anything, build templates have exacerbated the problem. That said, there's very little that DE (thief in general really) can do in WvW, roaming is its job and it's good at it.

> > > >

> > > > I'm more worried about the thief portal if I'm honest. The functionality is fun but it promotes the sort of play that just gets up everybody's nose, and frankly it was kinda unnecessary.

> > >

> > > If backstab didn't do a big chunk as it does now especially in the state the games in right now it would literally be one of the weakest and useless builds in the game.

> >

> > I don't know, I don't bother trying to land it these days what with mounts and the sea of AoE's floating about so it's a bit of an afterthought to me already. I'm also specifically talking about malicious backstab since we're discussing DE, not regular backstab, just to be clear.


> Oh in that case my apologies good sir.

> I havent played DE much so I'll leave the discussion to u guys lol


Not a problem haha. I'm all for backstab doing high damage, I think the tipping point for DE is where you can get 17k hits as an engage with virtually no tell, which no matter how you look at it is a bit much for an opener considering you still have marauder gear and shadow arts in that build. I'm kinda looking forward to having a bunch of stuff toned down across the board, even if that means I have to redo all my builds.

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> @"Kovu.7560" said:

> > @"bigo.9037" said:

> > Imo, DE is the only real badly designed class that has not enough counter play when it comes to roaming and support specs in general.


> Condi mirage says hi.

> Sustain holo and warrior say hi.

> Boonbeast says hi.

> Regen tempest says hi.


> Why do people keep singling out thief specs like they're the only thing in the game that need to be looked at?


> ~ Kovu


Because,,,, , DE is the only spec which has access to an elite skill that, hear me out, *counters* it's only counter, that being reveal.


You use sicem? They evade and de-reveal+ stealth. The only time it doesn't work is if they aren't ready for it. And that one single, 2 second opening you have is not enough to kill them. Yes, if they are bad, like 95% of all thieves, you can kill them np. But the other 5% will abuse this to no end and will never ever die unless they choose to, while being able to kill you in just a few seconds if you aren't ready for it yourself.

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> @"Kovu.7560" said:

> > @"bigo.9037" said:

> > Imo, DE is the only real badly designed class that has not enough counter play when it comes to roaming and support specs in general.


> Condi mirage says hi.

> Sustain holo and warrior say hi.

> Boonbeast says hi.

> Regen tempest says hi.


> Why do people keep singling out thief specs like they're the only thing in the game that need to be looked at?


> ~ Kovu


The bad design doesnt mean "oh its a strong duelist"

Thats what your exampled classes are, strong duelists. The bad design shows in how obnoxious it is to play against DE.

The forever stealthing, high mobility, paired with tons of dmg and reseting a fight over and over.

The only one on your list id say comes close to this is condi mirage, but they dont have as much stealth and mobility as DE.


Ppl always single out thief because they are the spec that is annoying the most. Coming out of stealth, killing them, or always get away, while those other classes, if ganged on will die.

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> @"Sleepwalker.1398" said:

> > @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> > Came across this player's youtube channel where they were showcasing roaming on a f2p account meaning no mounts no elites, and not even most 4 stat specs. Wonder if I'm just making excuses for dying? (I already know most are since even with mounts they seem to still die nonstop)

> >

> >


> Youtubers never die in their montage clips.


LIES! Ive died once in mine (Won a 3v1 then got zerged iirc lol)

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The thing about thief is if it's set up and played well it is a horrifically **obnoxious** class to fight. near constant stealth (constantly having to click on them or look around thinking where the kitten are they?!) , high mobility, dps and evades (daredevil staff).


Whilst other builds can be a mixed bag. Ranger for example, out of most I meet I can kill them or they end up running away. Only the odd one is a real threat. Same with warriors, you meet the odd one with the invulnerable shoes of the Nike. And so on for other professions. But thief... I just turn away if I see one now, I'm not going to be a loot bag for an invisible one shot wonder or perma evade ninja.


What is worse than fighting a thief you ask? Fighting two thiefs!



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> @"Ben.2160" said:

> The thing about thief is if it's set up and played well it is a horrifically **obnoxious** class to fight. near constant stealth (constantly having to click on them or look around thinking where the kitten are they?!) , high mobility, dps and evades (daredevil staff).


> Whilst other builds can be a mixed bag. Ranger for example, out of most I meet I can kill them or they end up running away. Only the odd one is a real threat. Same with warriors, you meet the odd one with the invulnerable shoes of the Nike. And so on for other professions. But thief... I just turn away if I see one now, I'm not going to be a loot bag for an invisible one shot wonder or perma evade ninja.


> What is worse than fighting a thief you ask? Fighting two thiefs!




Got lucky today. came across 3 running together attacking my camp. Was able to down 2 (2 were condi DrD, and 1 DPS permastealth DE). Had I focused DE first, may have walked out alive.

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> I have seen it before but now its just off the charts now where you strike people don't even lose health i have hit for 18k with my deadeye and followed up with 19+ after and see the numbers and not see the health bar drop less 10%. or groups just stand in siege fire and not drop at all and just walk around the keep or tower taking out the siege and defenders.

Are you hitting full minstrel FB's or something? =) :p ... I run full minstrel FB and can stand in siege fire and keep a group in there with me alive and in full health, so that might explain the group thing. As a DE you shouldn't be seen or caught by a small group at all. In fact you should welcome a small group to sharpen your 'hunting' skills. Start by running perma-stealth and following a small group. Try to not be seen but be close enough to whisper sweet nothings in their ears :p . This technique will toughen your nerves. Next follow a group and start taking a shot at one of them and vanish. Try picking your targets by the boons their running. A DE is a hunter, a boogyman and a real fkn scary one. Have that state of mind and we'll be seeing the same 6 guys that jumped you complaining bout how OP DE's are . GLHF above all. B)

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> @"Ben.2160" said:

> The thing about thief is if it's set up and played well it is a horrifically **obnoxious** class to fight. near constant stealth (constantly having to click on them or look around thinking where the kitten are they?!) , high mobility, dps and evades (daredevil staff).


> Whilst other builds can be a mixed bag. Ranger for example, out of most I meet I can kill them or they end up running away. Only the odd one is a real threat. Same with warriors, you meet the odd one with the invulnerable shoes of the Nike. And so on for other professions. But thief... I just turn away if I see one now, I'm not going to be a loot bag for an invisible one shot wonder or perma evade ninja.


> What is worse than fighting a thief you ask? Fighting two thiefs!

In WvW I would argue that most of the mobility/dps/evades is fine when comparing other classes. Well played thieves can roflstomp true but so can others as well. And as its WvW... gank em with more people. Then jump on them. That usually works wonders.


The only thing that IMO truly sticks out is the retarded perma-stealth builds. That shit is just broken. Yesterday evening we spent like 45 minutes defending necropolis from just a couple of enemies. We'd kill them in the tower - in annoyingly long fights as it was all gank builds, knockdown holo, vanilla evade thief, trapper dh etc with decent drivers. Well and one more class... A permastealth DE. That we *literally* never saw until he ran out to collect them and you could catch a glimpse of him. They ported in, then the DE vanished. He never engaged in combat. Just vanished. We'd fight them, kill them and some minutes later saw them back and then **pop** inside the tower. Repeat several times. We saw some of the effects of him stealthing, a red circle here and there that we could never reach in time. We even dumped down like half a dozen traps in the tower, nothing. Never really saw him.


It's stupid beyond belief.


And Anet just thought it was a great idea to give them a group teleport.

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yeah this permastealth portaling is a problem. we had one of those sitting in lowlands EBG keep once. 15 people running after him for like 10 minutes was needed till we could finally hunt him out... people talk like "yeah thief so squishy", but that guy somehow dodged dozens of traps from DHs and several other AoS - or just did not take enough dmg to even be downed. if you know the keep, he jumped from inner of it, up the tower to the upper level. and probably just circlejumped this parcour, impossible to detect him.


and that stuff is what is really problematic with the class. any portal skills should be not usable for this matter... i think that is one thing we all agree on. (outside some thief and mesmer players maybe, while mesmer at least ain't permastealth)


@ the one deadeye who has "2 x 19k hits only pulling 10% of someones health... "something smells fishy on that calculation, unless you hit for example a warrior with active dmg-immunity. no class has 190k health, thats not even possible with full sustain gear for the healer classes. thieves can 3 x 19k in some seconds if i remember that correctly, if more than one of those hits the target, there's barely a chance to not get downed.

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> @"Kovu.7560" said:

> > @"bigo.9037" said:

> > Imo, DE is the only real badly designed class that has not enough counter play when it comes to roaming and support specs in general.


> Condi mirage says hi.

> Sustain holo and warrior say hi.

> Boonbeast says hi.

> Regen tempest says hi.


> Why do people keep singling out thief specs like they're the only thing in the game that need to be looked at?


> ~ Kovu


I don't know where you get thieves are the only ones getting singled out, even mesmers have been getting constant complaints and nerfs over the last two year, isn't that the meme for rangers too, nerfed every patch. All those super sustain builds are problematic, but most times you can't be one shotted by them, so people feel less annoyance with them and so they don't talk much about them.

Bottom line, every single class in this game has their outliner build or mechanic that needs looking at.


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Pretty much every class can have a glass power one shot build and a sustain build and many other variations.

With the introduction of build and gear templates you can and should have more builds under your belt to suit the situation. Equip a dueling build/gear when you are alone on the open field and switch when in blobs.

I know this is not really the topic but almost every wvw thread devolves into crying about cheese builds when there is really no excuse anymore when you can adapt to the situation with a click of a button.

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Long time player of GW2, recent player to join WvW.


On multiple occasions I have tried to get into WvW.

Biggest issues for me were


1. My timezone. Playing in OCX but not being in a ocx server sucks. Most of the time I play around my prime time 7pm 8pm, it's usually very early morning time in NA so there were hardly any groups I could play with.

- Luckily I found a guild in my server I came across in wvw who plays at SEA time which I can join usually on weekends for great group content . Shout out to [DED] :+1:


2. Warclaw mount. This has been my biggest issue and reason for not playing wvw. Every time you go into the field and you actually see a tag it is so damn hard to catch up to the tag. Also If you dont do research and find out how to acquire the mount faster ( by using experience boosters and what not) it takes even longer to finish the warclaw reward track to acquire one of the armor pieces needed to get the mount.

Once you can catch up to the group and start flipping/capturing enemy territories it gets easier.

But again when you are on the move your usually the last on the group, you have to bring every single swiftness superspeed skills you have to atleast keep up as a tail.

- My suggestion for this would be to have a rental warclaw mount at the big points. Home wp, maybe keeps? And smc. Atleast this way initially a player could get on the map and get on a mount to atleast get to the action and start there.


WvW is a awesome game mode which, I think is still undiscovered by ALOT of players and neglected by some due to the issues above.

The mount will be a big issue for a lot of people and needs attention or a new way for new players to acquire or even rent it which may help bring more ppl into this!

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> @"bigo.9037" said:

> > @"kraai.7265" said:

> > > @"bigo.9037" said:

> > > I've played wvw, except for breaks from game because of real life reasons, since 2013 for hours nearly every day. Ganking is the exact same as it has always been. Literally nothing has changed.

> > >

> > > I will say though, because I moved from EU to NA, I've noticed zergs/blobs here are more likely to drop whatever they're doing to chase me down 10-15 v 1. But I don't care.

> > >

> > > I lose 1v5 fairly often because enemies appear out of nowhere in the middle of a fight. But it's been that way since launch. The ONLY DIFFERENCE is even you're fighting at spawn camps cuz they can get back faster. Especially hard for me to survive the ganks since I have very very low mobility with my current build. But I don't care. I just let them kill me asap so I can respawn and fight another fight or try again. Running from 5 people if they have mes or thief or revenant is waste of time.

> > >

> > > If I get bothered by repeated ganks, I send a discord message to guildies or in /g to ask for help so we can stomp them ez. Or if noone is online, I either keep trying or take their camps, towers etc. I'm smart about it, so usually I can get back at them in various ways.

> > >

> > > If I can't win 1v5 repeated ganks, well at least I'm gonna grab towers and camps as a single person.

> >

> > No it wasn't warclaw brought all of that, it used to be more fair, the only chance you got to be ganked out of nowhere was when you were extremely unlucky or too close to enemies spawn in border maps and they could glide to you, otherwise random fights were fun, you could have a 1v1 and it wasn't because you were in a dueling spot, now with that stupid mount everyone can get any place too kitten quick, anet didn't even think about how it would impact the game mode, maps are way to small, we told them, camps and structures have too much resistance and we told them, what did they do? sell stupid warclaw skins and release it in a ridiculous manner


> I'm not buying that argument. Warclaw has only affected fights at spawn camps. Everything else is the same. People scouting from towers coming out to help their allies doing a 1v1, 1v2, 2v3 etc. Has always been a thing.


only spawns? i'm sorry what? lol ok... if you say so

btw, how long have you been playing? ever heard of havoc squads? or how about chrono veils? portal bombs? any of those? they are things you can't do no more since warclaws

you know what you could do from day one? gank in spawns... you know what else? hide in keep until you have more numbers than the enemy, only difference is now thats the only tactic available...

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