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Question about scrapper(ranked player)


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I saw a scrapper player playing without grenade on twitch. He said(well he don't need no stinkin grenade) and he was getting wrekt by reaper.


Do scrappers just get wrekt by melee and condi really hard or somethin? just curious he seemed good enough to take others on others.


Also seem to have nice dmg without grenades i don't really know or understand what he was doing aoes with but it was doing a few k dmg melee range.

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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> I saw a scrapper player playing without grenade on twitch. He said(well he don't need no stinkin grenade) and he was getting wrekt by reaper.


> Do scrappers just get wrekt by melee and condi really hard or somethin? just curious he seemed good enough to take others on others.


> Also seem to have nice dmg without grenades i don't really know or understand what he was doing aoes with but it was doing a few k dmg melee range.


I think it's just that reaper does heaps of damage currently. I've tested with a few reapers recently, and I was being hit with 6k damage from one attack. Scrappers do struggle, though, against necros in general, because the Alchemy traitline is quite boon happy (it's main focus is on manipulation of conditions and application/uptime of boons).

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You guys have good condi clears i believe no? its just interesting coulda sworn since i saw prot availability decent stab and stuff like that is mobility the issue as well? and cc vulnerability?


The reaper was hitting him with rips and condis mixed with power dmg. Chill for bleeds probably had some burns a few poisons.


Does grenade help noticeably in difference? is it like more ez mode compared to other methods? this guy was badmouthing someone saying ah grenades is EZ mode.

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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> You guys have good condi clears i believe no? its just interesting coulda sworn since i saw prot availability decent stab and stuff like that is mobility the issue as well? and cc vulnerability?


> The reaper was hitting him with rips and condis mixed with power dmg. Chill for bleeds probably had some burns a few poisons.


> Does grenade help noticeably in difference? is it like more ez mode compared to other methods? this guy was badmouthing someone saying ah grenades is EZ mode.


Protection Holosmith has great condition clears because of Hard Light Arena. Scrapper's condition clear is alright. I think inside WvW it's much better because of things like anti-toxin runes. But in PvP, Scrapper condi clears are only ok. The amount of conditions re-applied vs clears is favored in the condition re-application's side.

Grenades are a good source of ranged AoE damage, as well as its toolbelt skill (high burst every 25 seconds).

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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> I saw a scrapper player playing without grenade on twitch. He said(well he don't need no stinkin grenade) and he was getting wrekt by reaper.


> Do scrappers just get wrekt by melee and condi really hard or somethin? just curious he seemed good enough to take others on others.


> Also seem to have nice dmg without grenades i don't really know or understand what he was doing aoes with but it was doing a few k dmg melee range.


Depends on his build. some scrappers build really glassy when the spec is designed around the idea of being built tanky so it kind of depends. Then there is alos the lack of knowing when and when not to engage a profession such as reaper which has plenty of hard counters that even scrapper can possibly produce in its builds.


Reaper likely ran corrupt boon or something that corrupted boons and considering almost all forums of engi are boon dependent thats possibly where the conditions were coming from. Most reapers dont build condi but any form of necro will put some condis on you via skills that corrupt boons.


Scrapper is also not very popular in pvp so im not sure there is a well defined way to play it right now most people playin scrapper will die to anything that goes at them Very rarely do i see a scrapper these days that does not get killed pretty quickly by just about anything.

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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > I saw a scrapper player playing without grenade on twitch. He said(well he don't need no stinkin grenade) and he was getting wrekt by reaper.

> >

> > Do scrappers just get wrekt by melee and condi really hard or somethin? just curious he seemed good enough to take others on others.

> >

> > Also seem to have nice dmg without grenades i don't really know or understand what he was doing aoes with but it was doing a few k dmg melee range.


> Depends on his build. some scrappers build really glassy when the spec is designed around the idea of being built tanky so it kind of depends. Then there is alos the lack of knowing when and when not to engage a profession such as reaper which has plenty of hard counters that even scrapper can possibly produce in its builds.


> Reaper likely ran corrupt boon or something that corrupted boons and considering almost all forums of engi are boon dependent thats possibly where the conditions were coming from. Most reapers dont build condi but any form of necro will put some condis on you via skills that corrupt boons.


> Scrapper is also not very popular in pvp so im not sure there is a well defined way to play it right now most people playin scrapper will die to anything that goes at them Very rarely do i see a scrapper these days that does not get killed pretty quickly by just about anything.


The guy did say it was kinda glassy he said there was this one thing where you sacrifice the perma 10% dmg from engi for sustain but you lose a lot of dmg from that perma 10% dmg. He showed the skill for having some more sustain but i can't remember what it was.

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Scrapper doesn't necessarily lose to Melee.


Scrapper kinda loses to Reaper because anyone forced to fight a Reaper in Melee is definitely gonna lose without some measure of skill and kiting or game knowledge or all 3, because Reaper is **THE** Melee king.


That being said, there are proper ways of handling a Reaper in Melee, for this case, Scrapper should have traited Expert Examination and ran a Thumper Turret against them.


Reaper may be godly at Melee ranged combat, but they have very very poor Stability unless supported by someone else who can poop it out on them.


Expert Examination causes any disables to apply Weakness and Reaper being primarily a Power build class really suffers from constant CC and Weakness, which Scrapper has loads of simply by dropping a Lightning Field and using Hammer 3 in it.


While Damage Dampener may be a good trait to pick against most if not all Direct Damage encounters, Expert Examination is significantly stronger in totally cutting down a Reaper's damage output if they choose to flex on people in melee range.


As for Condi..... lol Purity of Purpose op when used with Healing Turret or using Anticorrosive Plating and Medic Gyro Toolbelt skill.

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