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Suddenly we're getting food for map completion.

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I've played a number of characters over the course of several years and until yesterday, completion of zones always yielded ore, cloth, wood or leather as part of the reward. My newest character completed five zones, this weekend. Four of the map rewards included berries of some type, but no crafting materials. I realize that cooking ingredients are legitimate prizes, as described in the wiki, but they are far less desirable than the aforementioned crafting materials. but what suddenly changed to cause them to be foist upon us at nearly every opportunity? I'm now not so anxious to continue exploring, knowing that it's not going to be worth my while. I'll probably turn to doing other activities that yield items which will make my character better.

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> @"GlenRoss.8570" said:

> Agreed. I get that. But having completed a few dozen maps without ever seeing it happen, then having it emerge as the rule, rather than the exception, is disturbing. It feels like a lot of wasted effort.

That's how random rewards work. In the scope of all map completion rewards awarded across the game during that time frame, it's likely totally in line. It's simply (un-)lucky that you hit a few of them back to back.


The human mind is "programmed" to find patterns in anything it sees, even if there are no patterns there at all, that's why we quickly notice the outliers in random results and try to see a trend in them, but with a sample size of just 5 or 6 maps you don't have any basis on which to suspect changes in map completion rewards. Your outcome is definitely unlikely, but even the unlikely happens at times.

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> @"lokh.2695" said:

> Did you enjoy completing the maps? Do the few silvers worth of cloth/wood/ore/gear account to anything at all? Did it ever?


The reward at the end has never been life-changing, but to get something useful was like finding a dollar on the street; a nice perk. Blueberries are like finding an empty candy bar wrapper. I didn't bring it up to say my life is now over. I just thought it was odd and unpleasant.


Rasimir.6239: Yeah, I guess it was sort of a question, in that regard. If others regularly get food as a reward, then my history is the exception. If their experience is similar to mine, then perhaps the drop parameters have been tweaked. I was curious.

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> @"GlenRoss.8570" said:

> > @"lokh.2695" said:

> > Did you enjoy completing the maps? Do the few silvers worth of cloth/wood/ore/gear account to anything at all? Did it ever?


> The reward at the end has never been life-changing, but to get something useful was like finding a dollar on the street; a nice perk. Blueberries are like finding an empty candy bar wrapper. I didn't bring it up to say my life is now over. I just thought it was odd and unpleasant.


> Rasimir.6239: Yeah, I guess it was sort of a question, in that regard. If others regularly get food as a reward, then my history is the exception. If their experience is similar to mine, then perhaps the drop parameters have been tweaked. I was curious.


I get food about 1/4 of the time when completing maps im not sure if thats normal or not but thats my experience.

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> Eh... that change as the game changes. Getting lemongrass for completing Straits of Devastation was pretty nice as one point. Not so much anymore. Same goes for getting a piece of gear with superior rune of divinity.


Always great to get 40 asparagus for completing Straits.

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> @"GlenRoss.8570" said:

> > @"lokh.2695" said:

> > Did you enjoy completing the maps? Do the few silvers worth of cloth/wood/ore/gear account to anything at all? Did it ever?


> The reward at the end has never been life-changing, but to get something useful was like finding a dollar on the street; a nice perk. Blueberries are like finding an empty candy bar wrapper. I didn't bring it up to say my life is now over. I just thought it was odd and unpleasant.


> Rasimir.6239: Yeah, I guess it was sort of a question, in that regard. If others regularly get food as a reward, then my history is the exception. If their experience is similar to mine, then perhaps the drop parameters have been tweaked. I was curious.


Anything besides carefully tracked results are just useless anecdotes because memory is not reliable.

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Its not like metal, wood, cloth and leather are worth much more than food anymore. Sure, Elder Wood Logs are still worth a penny, but everything else has become almost completely worthless when you can sell an entire stack for ~1g.


Even Potatoes have more value than Orichalcum Ore these days (70c versus 64c right now), so..

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I don't even look at map rewards unless it is a key. Like the poster above me said, it is not like one type is more valuable than the other. Besides you can gather the nodes you find during completion and that will yield much more mats if you need a profitable incentive to do completions.

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Thank your wondrous RNG for those superb results. As they said above

> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Ahh...well, the Wiki states you might get Crafting Materials or _Ingredients_ as far back as 2012. Thus, it's probably not new.


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/index.php?title=Map_completion&oldid=444068

it's been in the system, you just haven't been "lucky" enough to encounter it before this.


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