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AFK'ers in the Celestial Challenge


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So time and time again I see at least one person standing/sitting at the back of the arena AFK'ing until the final part of the challenge before participating and getting the chest. They make others do more work, sometimes mocking us as we run around by spamming /sit and I'm just thinking to myself surely this is against the spirit of the Festival? Not to mention a pretty lame thing to do to others.


Please say there are plans to change this next year so that more participation is needed! I just think it's so unfair to those of us actually taking part in these fun little mini-games.

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Sadly not going to happen. The core system of open world events demands so little of the player because anet wants to make sure even bad players are getting rewards. The difference between an average player and competent player is 10x. Think about what that means for a second. Would you give someone who has been participating for 30 seconds no rewards? If you your answer is "yes of course I'd give them rewards" then you are also going to give me rewards for participating for 3 seconds as I've likely contributed equitable if not more damage in that time.

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The problem with the Celestial Challenge is it's just. So. Boring. They put 0 effort into making this actually fun - it's just busywork for 10-15 minutes until you can open the chest. It can't fail - even if the timer runs out it just moves on to another event, and that's actually helpful for people who want to raise more stacks without the chest round delaying things. If AFK people want to open the chest with 1 stack of blessing just for the daily or achievement it makes absolutely no difference to what you put in if you (for whatever reason) like doing the "events" they've set up.


Also, they're probably not spamming sit - you're just repeatedly leaving/entering the "AoE" of the emote, so it repeats itself in your log every time you come into range.


(I'm AFKing CC right now to write this post...)

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I really don't understand either of the replies so far.


Ayrilana: maybe my use of 'AFK' isnt accurate and should be replaced with 'actively letting others do extra work while mocking', wasting our time so they can be rude and lazy. These 'mockers' make others do EXTRA work, spending EXTRA time just so they can be lazy and then have the cheek to mock us? How is this in the spirit of the game?


Shikaru: Id block the chest for players that have not participated in either all the mini-games available to them after joining or x% of the total. Participating in just the final few seconds of the final event makes a mockery of not only the players actually participating in the event but the Festival itself.


FYI im talking about Celestial Challenge only here....not sure how bringing general world events into things is relevant.

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> @"Thereon.3495" said:

> I really don't understand either of the replies so far.


> Ayrilana: maybe my use of 'AFK' isnt accurate and should be replaced with 'actively letting others do extra work while mocking', wasting our time so they can be rude and lazy. These 'mockers' make others do EXTRA work, spending EXTRA time just so they can be lazy and then have the cheek to mock us? How is this in the spirit of the game?


> Shikaru: Id block the chest for players that have not participated in either all the mini-games available to them after joining or x% of the total. Participating in just the final few seconds of the final event makes a mockery of not only the players actually participating in the event but the Festival itself.


> FYI im talking about Celestial Challenge only here....not sure how bringing general world events into things is relevant.


How's that any different from me trying to complete a strike or meta quickly but there's someone doing the minimum to get their rewards by auto attacking? There's really not all that much difference between someone doing the minimum in Celestial Challenge and someone doing the minimum elsewhere in the game. The person doing the minimum is forcing others to pick up the slack and making whatever it is that they're doing take longer.


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> @"Thereon.3495" said:

> I really don't understand either of the replies so far.


> Ayrilana: maybe my use of 'AFK' isnt accurate and should be replaced with 'actively letting others do extra work while mocking', wasting our time so they can be rude and lazy. These 'mockers' make others do EXTRA work, spending EXTRA time just so they can be lazy and then have the cheek to mock us? How is this in the spirit of the game?


> Shikaru: Id block the chest for players that have not participated in either all the mini-games available to them after joining or x% of the total. Participating in just the final few seconds of the final event makes a mockery of not only the players actually participating in the event but the Festival itself.


> FYI im talking about Celestial Challenge only here....not sure how bringing general world events into things is relevant.


I say all of open world because this is how it works everywhere not just in CC.


Verdant brink: afk on matriarch platform, tag when matriarch is 10%, get full rewards.


Octovine: afk Southside, tag vine at 3%, get full rewards


Tangled depths: afk during pre events, tag gerent when it spawns. Die to poison and wp to center for chest and full rewards.


DS: afk til Mordy. Tag mordy once to open end chest and noxious pods at the end


Pinata: afk casino, tag pinata


Junundu: afk whole event, dont even need to tag to open the end chest.


Doppleganger: afk energy collection. Run to dopple and tag at 3%.


Hope you're seeing a pattern here. The game hands put participation rewards left and right so theres no reason not to expect CC to work the same. Here's the kicker, I know there are way too many open world pve players who care way more about the meta completing than me because that's their only source of income. I get all of my liquid rewards from fractals and raids (where I have control over leechers) so even if the event fails, I dedicated like 5 seconds of effort anyways and dont care.



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the problem isn't those players, it's Anet, they are too afraid to create content that participating in all stages of an event is mandatory to receive the reward

... and Celestial Challenge is extremely boring, 1st, it's not challenge at all, 2nd, they should have done something like the eye 99 @ dragon bash


cant blame those players when Anet is not making things to motivate them to participate

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> @"Thereon.3495" said:

> Ayrilana: maybe my use of 'AFK' isnt accurate and should be replaced with 'actively letting others do extra work while mocking', wasting our time so they can be rude and lazy. These 'mockers' make others do EXTRA work, spending EXTRA time just so they can be lazy and then have the cheek to mock us? How is this in the spirit of the game?


AFK stands for "away from keyboard", so if they're mocking you, spamming sit, or controlling their character or the game in any way, they're not AFK. That said, I've seen lots of people use the term incorrectly on this forum. I've even seen one person claim (earnestly, as far as I could tell) that "AFKing in Lion's Arch" was one of their favourite things to do in game!

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> @"Kunzaito.8169" said:

> The problem with the Celestial Challenge is it's just. So. Boring. They put 0 effort into making this actually fun - it's just busywork for 10-15 minutes until you can open the chest. It can't fail - even if the timer runs out it just moves on to another event, and that's actually helpful for people who want to raise more stacks without the chest round delaying things. If AFK people want to open the chest with 1 stack of blessing just for the daily or achievement it makes absolutely no difference to what you put in if you (for whatever reason) like doing the "events" they've set up.


> Also, they're probably not spamming sit - you're just repeatedly leaving/entering the "AoE" of the emote, so it repeats itself in your log every time you come into range.


> (I'm AFKing CC right now to write this post...)


If its boring don't do it? Don't bother other people with it.

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Thanks for all your replies, I see now why this can be related to open world events.


Just a couple of notes- the whole 'Dont blame the player, blame the game' thing has always been a ridiculous phrase. I DO blame the player. They are choosing to make life harder for others to get instant rewards and I've played a few other MMOs (smaller, Korean PtW ones!) that have actively sought to ban players who act 'not in the spirit of the game'. Short bans (24hrs I think), and even I had one for encouraging people not to do an event (don't ask!). Maybe GW2 needs this for persistent offenders in all game modes?


Second note- Celestial Challenge (yeh I agree its not a challenge BTW and would love a hard mode for next year) is an instance so you can easily see who isnt participating, who has done the bare minimum and who deserves less rewards. Maybe dont block the chest, but increase the chance for decent loot per 'challenge' you participate in?

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> @"aspirine.6852" said:

> > @"Kunzaito.8169" said:

> > The problem with the Celestial Challenge is it's just. So. Boring. They put 0 effort into making this actually fun - it's just busywork for 10-15 minutes until you can open the chest. It can't fail - even if the timer runs out it just moves on to another event, and that's actually helpful for people who want to raise more stacks without the chest round delaying things. If AFK people want to open the chest with 1 stack of blessing just for the daily or achievement it makes absolutely no difference to what you put in if you (for whatever reason) like doing the "events" they've set up.

> >

> > Also, they're probably not spamming sit - you're just repeatedly leaving/entering the "AoE" of the emote, so it repeats itself in your log every time you come into range.

> >

> > (I'm AFKing CC right now to write this post...)


> If its boring don't do it? Don't bother other people with it.


Sadly, for some of us, "end game" is ap farming.

This is one of the "meatiest" achievments we got in years, so we are "kind of" forced to do it.

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> @"Thereon.3495" said:

> Thanks for all your replies, I see now why this can be related to open world events.


> Just a couple of notes- the whole 'Dont blame the player, blame the game' thing has always been a ridiculous phrase. I DO blame the player. They are choosing to make life harder for others to get instant rewards and I've played a few other MMOs (smaller, Korean PtW ones!) that have actively sought to ban players who act 'not in the spirit of the game'. Short bans (24hrs I think), and even I had one for encouraging people not to do an event (don't ask!). Maybe GW2 needs this for persistent offenders in all game modes?


Bans can only work for competitive enviorment. In open PvE, you cannot ban someone for tagging an event, and then going afk. Maybe that person has something important to do in RL.

Heck, maybe the person didnt want to do the event, but he still tagged it, by accident or not. Is he now forced to do it ?

There is one simple solution, which we have available since release, but it basicaly does nothing atm:

**Why do events even have gold-silver-bronze medal rewards ? They only affect exp/karma, which noone cares about.** Also, you basicaly get gold in 95% cases anyway, even if you only hit one mob few times out of few hundred. Make it so that you actualy need to work harder to get more than bronze, and make rewards actualy scale with medals. Chests should only drop for gold.


> Second note- Celestial Challenge (yeh I agree its not a challenge BTW and would love a hard mode for next year) is an instance so you can easily see who isnt participating, who has done the bare minimum and who deserves less rewards. Maybe dont block the chest, but increase the chance for decent loot per 'challenge' you participate in?

They already increase the chance, but the difference is soo small, its not worth bothering with getting more stacks. Better spend time doing something more productive.



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> @"Thereon.3495" said:

> Thanks for all your replies, I see now why this can be related to open world events.


> Just a couple of notes- the whole 'Dont blame the player, blame the game' thing has always been a ridiculous phrase. I DO blame the player. They are choosing to make life harder for others to get instant rewards and I've played a few other MMOs (smaller, Korean PtW ones!) that have actively sought to ban players who act 'not in the spirit of the game'. Short bans (24hrs I think), and even I had one for encouraging people not to do an event (don't ask!). Maybe GW2 needs this for persistent offenders in all game modes?


careful for what you wish when you apparently have no idea yourself.

basically 3/4 of players in any event would get "banned" by those rules...because they are all not contributing much to begin with.

search on google for arcdps and see what happens on (meta)events in squads. 3 - 6 players doing some more srs damage and caring about it (ignoring mechanics like cc or boons here, thats on another side) while the biggest part of any squad is doing somewhere between 1k to 3k while the top people usually pull between 14k - 25k (ofc depending on the event / mechanics and such). means 1 dude contributes as much as 8 to 12 people....now imagine the scale when its say 6 people on the top which actually do something....6 people could be interpreted as 48 people not caring and doing only 1k...heavy shit right.


the problem is not only that gw2 is extremly easy and anet hands out paricipation and rewards like candy, it is also that players simply do not know their actualy skill since they have no means at all to measure themselfes apart from 3rd party apps or if they go to the golem.

if the game would take the route that arc is literally in your face at all events showing your and other peoples numbers, they would start to ask themselfes whats going on....why am i bad, why are other way way better?

but that is simply not the case. so most people do not know at all that they are bad and they only see 3 ??? when some player bursts down silver mobs in the openworld in 1 second while they would need 2 min of kiting till its dead.


gw2 is simply extreme. either you suck extreme or you outperform players by a huge margin....there is basically no way that you learn to "play in the middleground" just from playing the game. you can be a full glass cannon, label yourself at dps and still get outdpsed by support classes by a huge margin because you never learned "how to play the game".

and thats just one side of the coin...the other side is buildcraft. understanding why certain builds have certain stats or such stuff....but then again, you an hear a lot that meta builds are bad, people just do some random shit themselfes and think its some mmo where you just can randomly allocate the attribute points and it will be a good build anyway...because thats how anet always presented the game: "play it your own way". "participation / rewards everywhere". ...+ minimalistic UI just having visual feedback and not technical one. the community with their play how you want in openworld did the rest.


...and now you have only one choice, either you are with the crowd which trys to learn and uses the good community created ressources or you simpy stays bad.

i mean you can choose to learn at your own pace, but then you have a few years before you until you get to a certain level...and if you ever come to the same conclusions is on a whole other table.


> But that’s easier said than done. “The challenge is that the skill disparity between average players and hardcore players is extreme. We’re talking about ten times damage output.




...the difference between 2k and 20k. ;)


the celestial challenge afk stuff is just another introduced "problem" because of the design. player have some fault, but the bigger part is always on the devs.

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> @"Thereon.3495" said:

> Thanks for all your replies, I see now why this can be related to open world events.


> Just a couple of notes- the whole 'Dont blame the player, blame the game' thing has always been a ridiculous phrase. I DO blame the player.

This is the source of your problem. You expect everyone else to approach a poorly designed event in the way that most benefits you, bc that's the way they are 'supposed' to do it. Other ppl will never behave this way, bc they don't care any more about you and what you want than you do about them and what they want. The burden is in fact on the developers to design events in a way that encourages players to do what they are 'supposed' to do. This event does not perform well on that metric. Happily, you seem to understand this as you finish with . . :

> Maybe dont block the chest, but increase the chance for decent loot per 'challenge' you participate in?

It actually does work this way, or claims to. But since the vast majority of ppl seem to be there for the ap and not the rewards, this doesn't do a good job of encouraging them to do the event. Players have suggested a lot of different solutions for this, as you have here, and I'd wager anet could come up with some even more creative and effective changes if they chose to. And if you choose to shift your focus towards how the event could be changed to encourage the behavior you want and away from how we can force players to behave in a way that is irrational given the current design, you'll be farther along towards making effective suggestions on how the situation could be improved . . .

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> @"Shikaru.7618" said:

> > @"Thereon.3495" said:

> > I really don't understand either of the replies so far.

> >

> > Ayrilana: maybe my use of 'AFK' isnt accurate and should be replaced with 'actively letting others do extra work while mocking', wasting our time so they can be rude and lazy. These 'mockers' make others do EXTRA work, spending EXTRA time just so they can be lazy and then have the cheek to mock us? How is this in the spirit of the game?

> >

> > Shikaru: Id block the chest for players that have not participated in either all the mini-games available to them after joining or x% of the total. Participating in just the final few seconds of the final event makes a mockery of not only the players actually participating in the event but the Festival itself.

> >

> > FYI im talking about Celestial Challenge only here....not sure how bringing general world events into things is relevant.


> I say all of open world because this is how it works everywhere not just in CC.


> Verdant brink: afk on matriarch platform, tag when matriarch is 10%, get full rewards.


> Octovine: afk Southside, tag vine at 3%, get full rewards


> Tangled depths: afk during pre events, tag gerent when it spawns. Die to poison and wp to center for chest and full rewards.


> DS: afk til Mordy. Tag mordy once to open end chest and noxious pods at the end


> Pinata: afk casino, tag pinata


> Junundu: afk whole event, dont even need to tag to open the end chest.


> Doppleganger: afk energy collection. Run to dopple and tag at 3%.


> Hope you're seeing a pattern here. The game hands put participation rewards left and right so theres no reason not to expect CC to work the same. Here's the kicker, I know there are way too many open world pve players who care way more about the meta completing than me because that's their only source of income. I get all of my liquid rewards from fractals and raids (where I have control over leechers) so even if the event fails, I dedicated like 5 seconds of effort anyways and dont care.




Once a day you can actually get all the chests from tarir by simply joining finished map ( 1free gem included ). So you get more rewards for pressing F couple times on lvl 2 character than for putting effort into celestial "challenge".

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Just another event people AFK at. When ANET adds mindless dailies that can be acquired by doing basically nothing, people will always do it. Play 2 matches in Dragon Ball arena has been a daily for years, and people just stand there on 2 matches, moving their toon a bit not to get disconnected and get credit. People have complained about it for years, never been addressed. Don't think there's anything you can do tbh. World is full of leeches :)

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