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Herald still broken 5 years later


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Wards and Shocking Aura's counter evades then again nobody uses them because "meta".



>there is no good condi builds out there, so rev has no counters, simple as that.

There is. A lot.

>devs made sure that cmirage bites the dust along with scourge and condi thief.

They are still playable meaning that the degree of difficulty increased therefor, getting good at it is important.

>having weak defence against condi is meaningless if there is no viable condi builds out there, and the one that is being played ( fire weaver )

Any condi build that takes some thinking and application says hi.

>still deals good chunk of its damage as power due to 25might stacks.

That's only in WvW so just like everything else is as broken.

>Rev is too tanky and too slippery for what it does, and has answears to ALOT of things.

Power Shiro is squishy as hell and probably the easiest to counter the burst of by simply stunning as they port because 90% of the users spend all their energy on a fresh swap.

>It can go on constant offence and generate ALOT of offensive value that other specs have problems with.

So you're saying that CC's don't exist? The moment any Rev leave Shiro, they're food. A kitting Revenant is a Revenant that can't fight back.

>Most classes that fit similar role to rev have problems with sustain damage after hight spike, but rev does not.

Revs do, seems like you don't know it well enough to tell when that happens.

>It needs shaves here and there but nothing major, or at least introduce some condi builds back into the meta so the rev can be contested.

Again there's plenty, skill ceiling is just another ordeal that nobody wants to deal with seemingly.


I'd like you to justify and make connections as to why it's broken rather than vague answers because all I really see is complains that are all unfair and biased, very narrow minded.



Weapon energy keeps Revenant from just pressing buttons, adjusting the already existing mechanics would also make it less intuitive. 5 Upkeep = 5% per second.

Having utilities tied up like this actually makes a big deal of different as a gameplay perspective and we can already tell by how people just preferring shiro shows that they are willing to adapt.



Kill or be killed? So that means, make proper decisions or die making mistakes? Sounds like the game is balanced to me.



That's because it is that way, let alone that everyone plays something predictable and "meta", there's easy ways around it all aside broken builds like perma 25 might warrior or ranger gazelle. Everyone lately just been throwing statements everywhere without actually knowing what the hell they're fighting or talking about, that had to be the best with Shorts called me Bunker on Diviners Renegade when he should know that it's possible to achieve over 100% condition damage reduction for 10 seconds.


Today a innovative clever build is a meme build but braindead key presses are not, I think the meaning of meme has also lost it's real definition.


It's almost as if there's no hope in the community to be less entitled to their own perspective as they refuse to circumvent what they've just witnessed on their death, it's easy to tell when something is really cheesy and that's not because it's easier to play, at least not in the context of difficulty but rather what they can and can't do. Having too much of everything on a scale that tips above 50% the benefits of the already defined baseline is how something is concluded to be OP.


For example;

* Warrior has no reason to run Defense because it gets more sustain from an offensive traitline with the benefit of damage, that's not mentioning things like reckless dodge doing too much also along FGJ. Unbalanced.

* Ranger has the most versatile amount of strategies available and ability to connect so many sustain skills that have great bonuses that there's a literal rotation while the damage is beyond broken because of multipliers and gazelle. Ditto fights are the only way to win reliably. Unbalanced.

* Thief P/W has the ability to get rewarded for missing it's most important skill constantly, as if the ability to disengage and evade so often wasn't enough. Unbalanced.


Comparatively, I can't see those same design flaws in the other classes;

* Engineer was hotfixed, Protection Holo still has big almost broken sustain but no damage. Nerf Hardlight cooldown already.

* Revenant is told to have nothing playable which is a complete lie. Nobody wants to play the class as it was intended.

* Guardian gets only complains for Firebrand which I say, Firebrand almost has no damage but high counterable sustain. It's all in the CC's and AoE's.

* Mesmer been gutted a lot, but still Blink Cooldown is too low and is basically the only thing that always save it when it makes horrible mistakes constantly.

* Elementalist is balanced aside Twist of Fate being the thing that saves every single Weaver constantly because the skill is overdoing it and shouldn't have 2 charges, just a low CD like EVERY other skills that it has.

* Necromancer is also balanced with it's design now and it's often clear when they favor offense or defense, but never overdoing both.


In the end, they can gut Herald/Shiro, I'll still make it work or play something else on Revenant like I have already for more than 2 years now. To be fair, everyone will jump on the so called next cheese regardless.

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> @"Shao.7236" said:

> Wards and Shocking Aura's counter evades then again nobody uses them because "meta".


Both are too niche:




There are a grand total of six ward skills, over half of which belong to guardian. What you are saying is to counter evade that a team needs to have a guardian to put down wards. Which btw have long cooldowns compared to the evade spam that is rampant in todays pvp. And what you are saying is if that doesn't work, then have a ele run shocking aura. I don't know about you homie, but that would be the worst suggestion ever. Because you know, none of that wouldn't work. The only way these suggestions would work is if Anet expands the amount of wards and access to shocking aura. Other wise it will never ever work.



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@"Aza.2105" The context is that evades have a counter and they can be part of their builds if they choose to. Reliability is defined by the players ability to make the compromises for it.


Also this list doesn't include;

* Slick Shoes

* Mud Slide

* Spectral Wall


Things like;

* Virtue of Justice

* Zealot's Flame

* True Nature

* Incendiary Ammo


Cannot be evaded either.


Static Shield is also a thing.

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> @"Shao.7236" said:

>The context is that evades have a counter and they can be part of their builds if they choose to. Reliability is defined by the players ability to make the compromises for it.


You know as well as I do, that all of those skills are ineffective against evade builds.



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> @"Aza.2105" said:

> > @"Shao.7236" said:

> >The context is that evades have a counter and they can be part of their builds if they choose to. Reliability is defined by the players ability to make the compromises for it.


> You know as well as I do, that all of those skills are ineffective against evade builds.


So you're saying that something that cannot be evaded and deals damage or effects is ineffective, alright.


Edit; Look I'm not denying that there's a huge influx of evades. There is and nerfs need to be done, but evades weren't ignored when it comes to options that can deal with them because what are speaking of here is mostly classes that can use evades as an offensive/support which overdo more than what the intend of an evade was.


* Mirage seems to have too much Vigor still, just a little.

* Warrior gets a lot of Might too easily and in turn lots of evades, but I think the Might duration is the biggest issue here before the evades. The damage is too big.

* Daredevil also seems to get too much Vigor, P/W granting an evade on miss is also an issue and I think they should address P/W first.


People want to say that Revenant has too much evade but that's false, they've got just as much as a Spellbreaker normally does which is a good baseline to work with, maybe Spellbreaker has Might that lasts too long too but that's about it.


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