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The 1 billionth post on Match balance is broke


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I've always supported the system but this season feels impossible. In all my previous post no matter how much people complained I always thought it was fair, it is not anymore. This is not just witnessing my own games but friends who are on the opposing team. I went into a game facing my friend and his team was basically all silvers. and we won 500-0... this guy is 1530 right now. its literally not fair.


I am not the best player but have always been able to reach plat 1 easily for most seasons. This season, it feels like any time i get any where close back to plat I get all silvers on my team to ensure the I loose as many games as I have just won. literally. it has this habit of putting 1 -2 gold 3. then 2 silvers. or 1 plat 2 golds n all silvers. The silvers then proceed to go and get killed over n over n over and there is nothing you can do about it, you have to sit next to them all game to make sure he's not dead instantly or u need to farm the silvers fast than the 1 plat guy on the other team


This is just unplayable. I am tired of losing 17-25 points every game I lose and going fucking 7-10 when I win. its goddamn gold 3 I am not in p1 yet. how is this remotely fair.


On top of that. I witnessed the strangest game. 2 prince of the arenas went on my game, against another 2 prince of the arenas, the 2 on the other team were firebrand. the 2 on my team instantly changed to mirage and proceeded to die over n over. I have fasted these guys on their main, they are very high ranked. there is no way no I can kill 1 of the other team and hold node and these guys can't. the game ended 500-30 or something I made the only 2 kills with all stats and fighting out numbered. something is completely off that game. I don't want to go to win trade right away but that doesn't make any sense by 2 prince of the arenas could die so many times on a class they must know will lose to fb.


granted, my friends who are still in plat played very little games. I was also placed pretty highly in placements, but decided to just play a lot cos i want to. it seems like once you try different classes and dip the system keeps you there by throwing you games you cannot possibly win. either that or the population is just so low that it puts who ever is on the map in your game. making these super tilted games.


end of rant. I get it I am a noob. I need to l2p. git gud. yes yes I do. except every other season I managed to make it to at least 1530. I have never seen any of these straight up die over and over people in my games b4, literally just die instantly and repeat. I rather wait for a longer game then have this kind of shit. its just not fun.

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ps: do I deserve to be in the next rank. I probably don't but stop giving me these impossible games. its just not fun. Keep me in gold 3 now sure ok. but stop throwing me these people that are silver in g3. I know they are silver because you can see their badge in the lobby. its just riduclious.

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> @"yanniell.1236" said:

> I will never understand why ANET does not like transparency. Showing people's rating at the end of every match would end people's complaints.


no point, rating is completely rng, unless anet start to get listen to the players that wants to actually play pvp and start proactively banning bots, match thrower and manipulators

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> @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > @"yanniell.1236" said:

> > I will never understand why ANET does not like transparency. Showing people's rating at the end of every match would end people's complaints.


> no point, rating is completely rng, unless anet start to get listen to the players that wants to actually play pvp and start proactively banning bots, match thrower and manipulators


trash think rating is rng, if you are gold or silver it's not because you are unlucky

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> @"TorQ.7041" said:

> I've always supported the system but this season feels impossible. In all my previous post no matter how much people complained I always thought it was fair, it is not anymore. This is not just witnessing my own games but friends who are on the opposing team. I went into a game facing my friend and his team was basically all silvers. and we won 500-0... this guy is 1530 right now. its literally not fair.


> I am not the best player but have always been able to reach plat 1 easily for most seasons. This season, it feels like any time i get any where close back to plat I get all silvers on my team to ensure the I loose as many games as I have just won. literally. it has this habit of putting 1 -2 gold 3. then 2 silvers. or 1 plat 2 golds n all silvers. The silvers then proceed to go and get killed over n over n over and there is nothing you can do about it, you have to sit next to them all game to make sure he's not dead instantly or u need to farm the silvers fast than the 1 plat guy on the other team


> This is just unplayable. I am tired of losing 17-25 points every game I lose and going kitten 7-10 when I win. its kitten gold 3 I am not in p1 yet. how is this remotely fair.


> On top of that. I witnessed the strangest game. 2 prince of the arenas went on my game, against another 2 prince of the arenas, the 2 on the other team were firebrand. the 2 on my team instantly changed to mirage and proceeded to die over n over. I have fasted these guys on their main, they are very high ranked. there is no way no I can kill 1 of the other team and hold node and these guys can't. the game ended 500-30 or something I made the only 2 kills with all stats and fighting out numbered. something is completely off that game. I don't want to go to win trade right away but that doesn't make any sense by 2 prince of the arenas could die so many times on a class they must know will lose to fb.


> granted, my friends who are still in plat played very little games. I was also placed pretty highly in placements, but decided to just play a lot cos i want to. it seems like once you try different classes and dip the system keeps you there by throwing you games you cannot possibly win. either that or the population is just so low that it puts who ever is on the map in your game. making these super tilted games.


> end of rant. I get it I am a noob. I need to l2p. git gud. yes yes I do. except every other season I managed to make it to at least 1530. I have never seen any of these straight up die over and over people in my games b4, literally just die instantly and repeat. I rather wait for a longer game then have this kind of kitten. **its just not fun.**


![](https://i.imgur.com/cRGYRgu.jpg "")


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> @"kialb.2098" said:

> > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > > @"yanniell.1236" said:

> > > I will never understand why ANET does not like transparency. Showing people's rating at the end of every match would end people's complaints.

> >

> > no point, rating is completely rng, unless anet start to get listen to the players that wants to actually play pvp and start proactively banning bots, match thrower and manipulators


> trash think rating is rng, if you are gold or silver it's not because you are unlucky


The match maker must be confused about our rating because sometimes it thinks silvers are good enough for 1800s.


No luck involved there.

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> @"kialb.2098" said:

> > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > > @"yanniell.1236" said:

> > > I will never understand why ANET does not like transparency. Showing people's rating at the end of every match would end people's complaints.

> >

> > no point, rating is completely rng, unless anet start to get listen to the players that wants to actually play pvp and start proactively banning bots, match thrower and manipulators


> trash think rating is rng, if you are gold or silver it's not because you are unlucky



High rated players get matched vs low rated players,that's why most legendary players have 90% win ratio.


Legendary players rarely get matched vs other legendary players,hence high win ratio.


They get matched vs plat/gold


Every single game is : either you obliterate enemy team or they obliterate you.There's no middle ground where both teams are good

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> @"kialb.2098" said:

> > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > > @"yanniell.1236" said:

> > > I will never understand why ANET does not like transparency. Showing people's rating at the end of every match would end people's complaints.

> >

> > no point, rating is completely rng, unless anet start to get listen to the players that wants to actually play pvp and start proactively banning bots, match thrower and manipulators


> trash think rating is rng, if you are gold or silver it's not because you are unlucky


the fact that you think rating definitively is a indicator of skill is laughable on so many levels


I am quite literally the only person in the last 5 seasons with a negative record that top 250s regularly with a base 50/50 of 1600ish usually .I can swing 200+ rank points in a sitting either way. explain to me how i can get top 100 with -20 Wins vs Loses


Solo que is RNG 5-6 days a week. With a few "golden hour" timeslots that are much easier to climb in.


you making a blanket statement like you did speaks to your active ignorance of how MMR works vs the way its being cheated thru various methods including its own janky algorithm that punishes people who like to play more than min required matches just for the sake of pvping.


On the other side of your ignorance I wish you could've seen Naru(#1 on boards, regardless of trash talk rumors or W/E consistently) 2 seasons ago humping 1500-1550 for almost 2 weeks and then just smashing thru anyone trying to go from gold 3-plat 1 with his 1800 duo after he solo Qued for the first part of season.


Even 1800s get que fucked if they just play without regard and no duo. everything below 16001650 is a que clusterfuck 90% of the time since gold 3s get qued and these days they cant be bothered to read UI/rotate properly against mismatching or shit even cleanse condis correctly





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Apparently we needed another post about matchmaking when there is already a post about matchmaking that Anet has responded in. I guess people just do not want to gripe and not listen to any facts presented by Anet. Everyone is exactly the rank they deserve. Nobody has been cheated. Each players rank has been affected by bots/match throwers/etc. evenly. Nobody is special.

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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > @"kialb.2098" said:

> > > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > > > @"yanniell.1236" said:

> > > > I will never understand why ANET does not like transparency. Showing people's rating at the end of every match would end people's complaints.

> > >

> > > no point, rating is completely rng, unless anet start to get listen to the players that wants to actually play pvp and start proactively banning bots, match thrower and manipulators

> >

> > trash think rating is rng, if you are gold or silver it's not because you are unlucky


> The match maker must be confused about our rating because sometimes it thinks silvers are good enough for 1800s.


> No luck involved there.


I've really been thinking lately that someone is being allowed direct administrative access to match making, sort of like if you're in a custom arena as the owner and are able to swap players to w/e team you want them to be in and then push "match begin". It's truly the only thing that could explain some of the bullshit I've been witness to lately.


I dunno but I'm tired of it. I really am. Game isn't even fun anymore.



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> @"kratan.4619" said:

> Apparently we needed another post about matchmaking when there is already a post about matchmaking that Anet has responded in. I guess people just do not want to gripe and not listen to any facts presented by Anet. Everyone is exactly the rank they deserve. Nobody has been cheated. Each players rank has been affected by bots/match throwers/etc. evenly. Nobody is special.


We all share the same system, true. The issue comes when you pair these problems with low population though. It might take 150 games to get you to "the rank you deserve" and the journey there can end up being unfun and fun is the main purpose of a game. Due to getting paired with bots, throwers, people wayyyy out of your rank (up or down). That means you'll have a lot of these un-winnable matches so why you might eventually end up where you're suppose to be you'll spend a lot of time out of your rank and losing for no good reason. Mind you, I say "rank you deserve" because I'm not saying everyone deserves a higher rank.

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> @"kialb.2098" said:

> > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > > @"yanniell.1236" said:

> > > I will never understand why ANET does not like transparency. Showing people's rating at the end of every match would end people's complaints.

> >

> > no point, rating is completely rng, unless anet start to get listen to the players that wants to actually play pvp and start proactively banning bots, match thrower and manipulators


> trash think rating is rng, if you are gold or silver it's not because you are unlucky


until i see the standard deviation of mmr is <15, it's rng with 9 other randos and bots and match manupilators

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> @"memausz.7264" said:

> We all know what this means.... Anet needs to vastly improve the rewards given in PvP


Well, theoretically it should work, if done enough. If PvP made 3x more gold per hr than any other farm, I guarantee the population would increase (of course the economy would be ruined at that level, but ignore that for now).


Sure, lots of afkers and bots etc (which we already have in abundance according to here). However, for every lets say 10 nonsense players you get one who will at least play and try. For every 10 of those you get either 1 who is already good at the game anyway (high lvl fractal/raid runner/wvw'r) or 1 that will actively improve. So, for every 1000 players, that's 100 more in gold+ and 10 more in plat+ (maybe more as bronze and silver are gonna be super filled up with afkers etc).


And once numbers increase, match quality will improve, as higher ups just wont get the afkers etc, as there are more ppl to play with.


Obviously these are just random numbers to illustrate a point, and I think more pve players would take it at least seriously (to their level) than most here give them credit.


And then the ball would just be Anets court to deal with bots/afkers etc appropriately.


And who knows, once population is back and Anet gives more attention to the mode again, maybe so many of the players that left the game (yet still just hang around on the forums etc) would come back, many of which people here/themselves claim to be quite competitive players.


Probably a longer reply than you expected, but hey, you didn't "/s"

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