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Sigils & Infusions Disappearing On Legendary Items When Using Gear Templates - Solved

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^ Title says it all.


And no I'm not confused. I've been monitoring it and this is actually happening. When I take gear in or out and reconfigure panels, things just vanish forever.


This is starting to seriously piss me off. I'm losing a lot of laurels, gold, and other currency time invested from this.


I wasn't having this problem at all upon initial release. But when I tried to reconfigure my Ranger's gear panels tonight, things starting poofing.

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Is it when you do the gear in PvP?


I think in the past people reported that the PvP panel was what was causing issues. Shortly after, the PvP gear was put into equipment templates' tabs.


If you unequip from all templates , do they come back? I think it's a known issue that infusions are shown in equipment template items and not in inventory once equipped in any item on any template.


The bug has to be reproducible, maybe try it with +1 and +2 infusions and 2 silver value runes/sigils,

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I am well aware of how everything is supposed to work and how it does work.


No I am not overlooking anything.


Several Sigils/Infusions have completely vanished.


I have 9x characters and have played every day since these gear templates were released. All of my characters have at least 3 gear panels and 3 build templates. They all have at least 3 different mixed asc/leg outfits on all of them "I build a lot of legendary weapons through the TP guild". The point being is that I have been working heavily with gear templates, legendary gear swaps between templates, and understanding how it all works. I have not yet seen this problem until a couple days ago when I tried to reorganized the order of my Ranger's gear/build templates. Keep in mind I was doing nothing big, as in no actual gear stat changing or anything like that. I was simply trying to take gear outfits off and put them into different tabs, so the order of the outfits made more sense. <- This is when the legendary items began losing sigils/infusions. Let me give you a more detailed example of what I mean:


1. My PvE Harrier Druid setup is on tab 6. The Nevermore Legendary Staff is in that tab. It has two +5 healing infusions in it and Energy/Conc sigils.

2. On tab 5 there is a PvP/WvW Druid outfit that is also using the Nevermore Legendary Staff. But it had a different configuration. It had two +5 healing infusions, but it had Energy/Cleansing sigils.

3. When I went to move the gear outfits around, I selected "Unequip Nevermore from all gear tabs" and Nevermore goes back into my inventory. When I look at the Nevermore, it still has the Harrier stats which it uses for both configurations, but the healing infusions are gone completely. They are not in my bag inventory and they are not in the gear tab inventory. They are gone completely. Furthermore, the concentration sigil appeared in my bag inventory, but the cleansing sigil and the energy sigil that was used in both configurations both vanished completely.


I had similar problems with the legendary backpiece I am using in every different tab, as well as the legendary greatsword that I use in 3 different tabs. Sigils & infusions just began disappearing completely while trying to move gear around.


Keep in mind that before a couple days ago, I had done this similar reorganization on many characters, many times. I hadn't seen anything poof and vanish before. But that is definitely happening with the Ranger configurations. I've lost several infusions and sigils at this point. And no, I'm not confused about anything. I know exactly up & down what was on every single one of those gear setups. When I unequip gear to reorganize, the game is poofing sigils/infusions, instead of putting them back into my inventory or even the gear tab inventory.

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I am experiencing a similar bug since tonight.


On one of my characters i use 2 Gear Templates, 1st one for PvE and 2nd one for WvW.

The WvW one is using seperate Legendaries (Claw of Khan Ur with Incinerator Skin, Quip with Hope Skin, Dreamer with Chuka Skin).

Im using other Legendaries for my PvE Build so i can still swap Weapons via Inventory (for Blasting in Dungeons without them having sucked into the Gear Template Storage or having Sigils and Infusions removed on unequip because it is used on another Build).

The PvE Build is using The Shining Blade with Bold Skin, HOPE, Incinerator and Chuka (none of them used in the other template) and various Ascended Staves.


When i equip other Legendary Weapons on my PvE Build (say i swap from Sword/Pistol + Staff to Sword/Pistol + Shortbow for Stealthstacking and then replace Shortbow with Staff again) the Legendary Weapons that land in my Inventory unequip the infusions (atleast not getting destroyed if that is actually the case for OP).

So i would have to reapply them whenever i reequip the Weapon again.

I do have enough Infusions so they shouldn't get shared between these Weapons (i think that is the case tho).

The same Gear didn't unequip Infusions on the other Template or on other Characters.

No Sigils are getting removed for me. All Infusions used are the +5 Power Mighty Infusions from WvW.


So im thinking of these possible Problems:

1. The PvP template is getting confused with similar Weapons (or Weapons that use the same Skin) from the other Template and removes Infusions like it was the same Weapon in two templates. (This seems unlikely because it would be a two-way problem then, it is only occuring on one template tho)

2. Specfic Gear Templates unequip or destroy Infusions from unequipped Weapons automatically.

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@"Dante.1763" @"Fat Cat with Hat.9781"


Ok guys, I found a way to correct this bug.


So I had gotten frustrated at what was happening here because it kept happening. In fact, I went and purchased MORE infusions and sigils to replace the ones that were lost, buuuuuut it kept happening over and over. So I began wondering if the infusions/sigils were still existent within the gear template inventory but somehow weren't showing in the UI. Surely this ended up being the case. When I full unequipped ALL of the gear on EVERY gear tab, and wiped the templates clean, so she was standing there naked with no gear on any tab, lo and behold all of the missing components suddenly appeared in my bag inventory. So after purchasing those new sigils/infusions, I ended up with a bunch of extra sigils/infusions after the supposed "missing" ones had reappeared.


**Just want to really point out, that the components did not reappear until I wiped every gear template clean, even the names of the builds in the tabs. Like you have to select "unequip everything/wipe template clean" and everything began reappearing in my bag inventory.**


Whatever is going on here, the items aren't actually poofing. They are going invisible so you can't click on them to use them, but they stay inside of the gear template inventory panel.

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