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3 way fights not possible anymore in EU T1


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> @"Chaba.5410" said:

> > @"shiri.4257" said:

> > > @"Chaba.5410" said:

> > > > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > > > NA, T4, Bay, 3 way blob fight, last night, skill lag, confirmed.

> > > > Someone illegally shipped EU hamsters to NA.

> > >

> > > Even using a finisher on someone outside of Bay was lagged. R value in arcdps was in the red the whole time.

> >

> > arcdps is mining your data. thats what causes the lag


> Delta gotta make some money off his work somehow.


he sends nudes for gems

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lags get constantly worse yeah. since several months now, with better and worse days. even without arcDps, i do not use this stuff. i got two days ago pingperks of 100-120 without enemy contact sometimes, inbattle swoops up to 400+... on the same web i could play zergbattles kinda half year ago without issues. sometimes even the "options"-window that shows me the fps gets lags - it does show 30fps and 60ping, while i know it's bull**** since i see the lag yet.


lowering graphics does only result in more blurry visuals, no effect on lag (i use nearly lowest everywhere yet..)

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So just to make this clear. Lag in MMOs usually means ping. This case what we are talking about is NOT ping. I had 30 ping yesterday the whole time I was doing zerg fights, but server response time gets so bad that your commands do not get a response after delivered to server for many seconds. Things like such happen:


In one fight for example, first engage, I'm the 1st spellbreaker to bubble. Commander calls it, I run for it, press bubble, press again, press 30 more times (not kidding) for 10 seconds, NO FREAKING BUBBLE. Then I give up, because I have 10 condis on me now, but they are not ticking, and I know that I'll be dead any second now because they will tick all at once. So I try to get off my defiant stance on, but no luck. Commander says ok screw this, just one one one. LOL! Why do we even have meta if we are gonna one one one? Everyone bring their rangers and be done with it. Luckily I don't die to the conditions, but it is super funny because all the conditions have run out of time and stacks but they don't clear. I tried to run, but got immobilized. FOR 15 SECONDS. You cannot cleanse it, it runs out of time but does not clear, you just wait there for the servers to respond because you cannot move now. GREAT.


At one point I even went on the enemy team commander's twitch stream, and we made a deal to not make 3 way fights, to take turns fighting and everybody agreed. Can you imagine this, people agreed to wait for 2 blobs to finish fighting so that we can enjoy a regular fight. Of course this didn't work because of all the roamers around, still there is MASSIVE lag and commander finally said this doesn't make sense and called off the open tag.


GW2's WvW is the best PvP mode out there without anything coming even close, and it makes me sad to see that they are not doing anything to fix this. Not even a communication regarding this. Are they working on it? We don't know! Is it gonna be better? We don't know! We just hope, for the love that we have for the game, we continue playing. But this won't be the case for long. Other competitors are arriving at the scene. Let's see how it happens in April when everyone says I'm fed up, moving to this other MMO which just opened it's public beta. Let's see then, ANet.

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> @"Junkpile.7439" said:

> Horrible. Would be better close EB until this is fixed. Ping drops 70ms when you go borderlands and ping really isn't even problem. Funny fight when you don't have any idea what happening. Closest enemies are out of range, skills don't work, any skills won't land.


it's been a problem on all the BL's and EB. 3 way fights just can't happen in the game anymore.

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The servers the back end runs on are actually top tier, as they are part of the Amazon AWS system, many large online games have moved to AWS. The problem is that since beta lag has been an issue, very early days it was culling (or lack there of) related, then culling was added with no options to change how much and you ended up with a zerg running over you that didn't even render. Once all of that was sorted, skill lag really took off, however most of it comes from how the back end handles dmg and boon calculations, I don't remember where, however this was expressed in a post or interview somewhere, they are the big bottle necks and we are in a boon meta right now as well. This might be a case of poor coding on the back end, or computational tasks that can't be parallelized into other threads without synchronization issues and over head. Whatever the case, as it's been here since beta, is either to hard (read costly) to fix or they don't care to try and fix it, but I would not expect anything to change in the future.


Another possible point of the lag is that while AWS has server scaling based on load that can grow to just about whatever processing requirements you have, it's a time cost, meaning if AWS scales up for you, you get charged for that computational time of the extra servers, you can also set a cap on how much you are willing to pay, and if that is set low enough and prime time has enough people on, they might just be hitting that hardware cost cap.


Another issue I have been seeing since the introduction of warclaw is sync issues, don't know if it is warclaw itself or something done when it was introduced that is causing it. However you end up with position sync issues, people popping in and out of no where, people being mounted in front of you, but not actually there, and name tags not showing for mounted players until they are almost on top of you. Glitched dismounts where the person is stuck in a falling animation, so fighting them is fun when you can't see any skill tells etc.

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> @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > @"Junkpile.7439" said:

> > Horrible. Would be better close EB until this is fixed. Ping drops 70ms when you go borderlands and ping really isn't even problem. Funny fight when you don't have any idea what happening. Closest enemies are out of range, skills don't work, any skills won't land.


> 3 way fights just can't happen in the game anymore.


They can, but not at the inevitable max population.

It'd be nice if they'd drop population caps since there's lots of space and lack of ability to address the issue apparently.

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> @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

> Another issue I have been seeing since the introduction of ~~warclaw~~ glider is sync issues

Fixed it for you.


They never fixed any of this and we still see people "running" on the ground when they are actually flying, or continously dropping from the sky and warping back up again. I'm not sure why people expected the warclaw to be any different in that regards.


Also I believe the DBL garri corners are still missing after what, 3 years? 5? That tells you the effort. If they cant get a *static* object proper, mind you these walls arent even destructable... well...

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We got a dev checking on it last evening




He gave everyone on the fly a global skill cooldown to check if it fixes the lag and it didn't fix anything



Youtube link in case that one doesn't work


It's better than nothing even though it might turn into nothing

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

> > Another issue I have been seeing since the introduction of ~~warclaw~~ glider is sync issues

> Fixed it for you.


> They never fixed any of this and we still see people "running" on the ground when they are actually flying, or continously dropping from the sky and warping back up again. I'm not sure why people expected the warclaw to be any different in that regards.


> Also I believe the DBL garri corners are still missing after what, 3 years? 5? That tells you the effort. If they cant get a *static* object proper, mind you these walls arent even destructable... well...


I believe that has to do with a 3D coordinate system vs spatial coordinates. The running on the ground or falling over and over again has to do with the person dropping mid flight and then redeploying the glider, if the person doesn't do this, they glide on screen uninterrupted (in most cases I tested in). However, like many other games, jumping on the ground seems to update the spatial coordinates, this can be seen by someone gliding out from a structure a good distance away and landing on the ground without touching any keys/mouse, in many cases the person might not be exactly where they seem to be on your screen, however have them jump and they will instantly port to where they actually are, sometimes this distance is small, sometimes pretty large, but not as bad as warclaw where people will still render in a location when they are all the way back at their spawn. I think the falling from gliding and then dropping and redeploying the glider its not actually tracking the person or actions correctly, and it's calculating where they should land on the ground, however, they are actually still gliding but the game doesn't seem to know this. Maybe in flight there is no real tracking, at this point I don't think they have ever stated how it is processed on the back end, but it's a real problem.


However, like you said, they have never really spent many resources on WvW, at least in any relation to PvE, where a single living story update has more resources than WvW has seen since the game started.

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