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Do you think Anet will ever make necromancer competetively viable?


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and I mean this for both PVE and PVP, and NOT being just a glorified boon corrupt bot, since that is all necro is at this point. I love this class and would LOVE to see this class get some love, but unless it gets a full blown rework I doubt that will happen. I wish you could take this class into raids and not be laughed at/straight up booted. or at the very least not feel like you have very little impact in the actual fight due to necro being pretty much the worst class in the game for PVE

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> @"Xxnecroxx.4039" said:

> and I mean this for both PVE and PVP, and NOT being just a glorified boon corrupt bot, since that is all necro is at this point. I love this class and would LOVE to see this class get some love, but unless it gets a full blown rework I doubt that will happen. I wish you could take this class into raids and not be laughed at/straight up booted. or at the very least not feel like you have very little impact in the actual fight due to necro being pretty much the worst class in the game for PVE


I can't speak to PvE, but in PvP it's not completely terrible right now. Reaper can get of some pretty cheeky bursts and you can do work on core if you play smart. Scourge is crap though.

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not too long ago, necro was way too op in pvp. Now its a bit weaker and people call it terrible in hope it will ever become "viable".


Its still viable. In Pvp, but also in Pve endgame. Its one of the single classes that can carry whole raid fights without problems, and to that it doesnt really need much support.

Might, vulvner. , healing, damage, sustain.... it all has that, even tons of it

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> @"Virdo.1540" said:

> not too long ago, necro was way too op in pvp. Now its a bit weaker and people call it terrible in hope it will ever become "viable".


> Its still viable. In Pvp, but also in Pve endgame. Its one of the single classes that can carry whole raid fights without problems, and to that it doesnt really need much support.


I dont really agree with the latter part of this i think in raids necro most certainly still needs support as it (reaper) cant even hold good self might while a foe is above 50% Core is not realistically viable in any pve end game content like raids / fractals (not to say you cant use it but its certainly not seen as viable) and it does not carry whole raid fights without problems that defeats the purpose of raids if it could do such a thing.


> Might, vulvner. , healing, damage, sustain.... it all has that, even tons of it


it has not been op in pvp in a very long time dont be confused with wvw and pvp

in wvw some aspects of necro where very much over performing like scourge etc.


in pvp no spec of necro alone has been op in a good long while. The last thing that was op was scourge near its initial release when it was bugged its bee getting toned down and is now stuck in a pit of unviability in terms of solo play.


Reaper does ok but has alot of hard counters so as strong as it is it more or less balances out.

Core is well core its the only other boon hate options due to scourge being dead. Dont confuse this with the idea that just because people are playing it that its "ok" it too still has many many counters and the people that often complain the most about it are the ones running around with perma boon uptime pretending like its not a problem. Core just happens to be the one build that some what objects their own and so people see it as "op" or doing "ok" in reality its really not much stronger than it ever has been if anything its a bit weaker than it was a year or so ago back when it had some stronger traits open that dont exists anymore but this is a bit up in the air to say.


Truth is

Core is "seen" decent only because its the only counter to perma boon and scourge players moved to this so its played more often. IT didnt get better it just became the only other option considering core was not really used for much for a long period of time a lot of people also forgot how to fight it so it must be "op!"

Reaper is decent but is very easy to shut down if you know what you are doing even core necro shuts reaper down because boon hate.

Scourge cannot be played in solo if you want to have a decent time in your matches you need some one like support tempest or firebrand on your back 24/7 or it just does no work.


In regards to the "it has it all" statement

So yes it has might but thats mainly all it has for its boon table aside from swiftness, and protection really. Most other professions ramp might faster than necro does in higher amounts with wider boon tables.

Vuln yes necro is pretty much a king at this but its no the only one who can apply it vuln is a pretty common condition.

Healing and sustain... sorry but no other professions win here in terms of healing necros are not too strong in recovering once their hp gets low they just have a higher total amount of hp due to shroud. Professions and elites like weaver, warrior, rangers, and engi have far greater healing and sustain in terms of evades, blocks, stealth, recovering from near death levels of hp back to full etc.

Damage, Reaper has damage but others still have more damage than it does... but i agree its higher than it should be along with everyone elses dps. Core damage is not viable for end game pve and its sub par in pvp any damage it can do in pvp other professions can do much more damage in the same time frame. IF core kills you in pvp then it deserved that kill.


The 1 up necro has on everyone else is boon corruption which is part of its unique class mechanic turned into a balancing tool for the other 8 professions.


Necro is not in the worst spot ever but a of aspects around it could certainly be improved if they would let go of launch day values they have aggressively balanced and designed even its elites around. 2 elites in and it still only mostly generates might, boon table has not expanded, no blocks or evades, etc. Anet has kept it in the same corner for 7 going on 8 years now while others have been let out to explore a bit which is why things are so power crept. Either keep everyone in their corners or let everyone explore out.

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In PvP the necromancer has a history of dominating tournament play when elementalists and boon-based squishies are in the meta. Which was for quite a number of metas in the past.


Problem is mostly that boon-based squishies don't really exist with today's powercreep and stat combos, so even with insane boon denial, most people can just sustain and run away to different nodes since most fights are like 1v2/1v3 max and damage is lower in sPvP.


The class being super strong at what it does well is denoted particularly well due to WvW having it be a staple with heavy use in every single blob/group meta since the game's inception and through today.

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Necro is pretty popular and actually widely played class in both sPvP and WvW.


I think Necro for PvE has been improving over time, though I can't say much bout endgame PvE like Raids.


**But I know for an absolute fact that Necromancer, be it Core, Reaper, Scourge, Power or Condi, is extremely comfortable to play in open world, capable of dealing some pretty decent damage and sustaining themselves very well.**


Depends what yu deem as viable in the end, but viable for playing?


Yea, Necro is viable for sure.



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> @"James.1065" said:

> The biggest issue with necro/reaper pvp is mobility.


> I wish Anet would fix this.


> I am so bored of being forced to run speed runes + reapers onslaught just to be aveeage.


> Can we please get some more options to increase our mobility and attack speed!?


Agreed from a WvW perspective, mobility is also our bane.

I was testing out the king necro's build and it was doing pretty well against many classes/builds.

Even against Soulbeasts who stay to fight.


But I met an extreme kiting soulbeast and the build fails because they just keep running and shooting running and shooting.

Just by simply running and shooting and staying at 1500+ range they can counter us totally.

This type of dumbed down counter due to our lack of mobility is Bad design!

So I switched to my speed runes Reaper with spectral pull and voila caught the soulbeast and he died.


We need a trait that gives pulsing superspeed in Reaper shroud and change core shroud 2 to a 1200 range blink (6 seconds CD).

This will free up our runes for other stuff.

No more speed runes!

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The necromancer's profession and it's elites aren't bad per se but suffer heavily from design flaws and an over reliance on it's niche role.

- In PvE, the main issue to it's competitivity is that the environment do not allow the necromancer's niche role to strive. The necromancer is simply like an aligator out of the water, it can be effective on land but he will be way deadlier in water.

- In WvW/sPvP, the issue of the necromancer is that it isn't a profession fit for dueling. This is it's favored environment but in a 1v1 situation it's prey will be just as strong in this environment as he is and, on top of that, have the benefit of the initiative due to superior dueling toolkits.


Now, the thing is that in their niche environment with the proper support to back them up (WvW zerg fight) they are definitely more than competitive, you could even say that they outperform any other professions there. And any profession change to allow them to perform slightly better in the area where they are lacking tend to quickly make them overwhelming in their niche.


To make the necromancer "competitive" (player definition), ANet would have to break it's reliance on it's niche, correct the numerous design flaws that plague the necromancer's tools and, then, engage themselve into a number tweaks struggle, all while making sure that the necromancer still keep it's own unique identity. You understand that it would be a gruelling work with high risk of leaving only a empty shell of a profession. That's why from ANet standpoint, it's better to assume that there is no design flaws and it's niche isn't a niche, allowing them to merely balance the necromancer via number tweaks hoping than one day the stars will align.


**In conclusion, to answer the question:** Unless ANet create a specific elite spec geared toward dueling, the necromancer won't feel competitive in WvW and sPvP. As for PvE, unless ANet accept the fact that PvE don't allow the necromancer's niche to express itself, all their number tweaks will just be shinning powder thrown into the players' faces and the necromancer will continue to stay in it's awkward spot where he is not a bad pick but far from being able to join the crew of the most effective professions.

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