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Trait and Skill Suggestion(Core and Scourge focused)


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I've been rolling a few ideas around in my head for a while so I wanted to see what others might think about them. I've been trying to determine just how to make these two a bit more dynamic to play with. Core necromancer is one of the most boring things to play in the entire game, which is honestly a shame. It has sustain and that's really it. But being a damage sponge isn't really a fun strategy imo. So I want to see if we can spice things up a bit. These suggestions will not impact the reaper negatively. Likely it will aid them in some more minor ways, but that's not my focus right now.


# Traits

* **Merge Foot in the grave with Unholy Sanctuary and Keep in death Magic:** These two traits under preform on their own. But together they could be quite good. As they are now, I wouldn't suggest taking either in any situation. But together they actually could do some interesting work. I personally don't feel these traits combine would be overwhelming. But I'll ask everyone else on this. Would this be too much?

* **Cultist's Fervor, new trait replacing Food in the grave:** Life blast becomes **Mend Body and Soul**: Sacrifice health[3,000] Strike foes in a cone front of you and heal allies in strike area. 600 range. _My idea with this is that you'd be able to use it with both Reaper and scourge, but they could not get the healing benefits from it. Sacrificing their own to heal allies. In the area of its strike zone. So a reaper could swing their scythe, the core wouldn't be useless with it, blasting forward giving allies in their cone and scourge could shock the heals with their shades. I'm not sure how much healing it could be. I imagine that it would either be less on scourge or have an internal cool down due to how effective the scourge can be at sustain. But core necromancer healer would be a unique thing to witness. I do have a reason for the health cost though. As I would like to add more life sacrifice in blood magic to build up some unique blood builds._

* **Awaken the blood, replaces Banshee's wail:** Gain life force when you sacrifice health or inflict bleeding on your foe. 2-3%. _I have some ideas beyond just this, but for now this replacing Banshee's wail which seems to be an unused trait would aid this idea. But more this relies on the other changes to make work. So we'll continue. Also I haven't gotten rid of Bansee's wail entirely._

* **Unholy Martyr(Change in function):** Sacrifice health[1,000] and burst out a dark pulse that grants allies a stack of vampiric strike and removes a condition in your strike area. _Vampiric strike I was thinking a stacking buff that would cause allies to steal health with their next attack. _Stacking up to 5 times I think. More than that I feel might get too oppressive in WvW. As for your strike area, what I'm going with that would be 300 range for Reaper and core necromancer, but for scourge their strike area is inside the aoe of their shades. This will be a theme moving forward for me. As this would make support scourge more interesting to run. It also changes up their role just a bit. And it could create some unique situations with reaper and core as well._

* **Dread:** Wail of Doom becomes Banshee's wail. Reduce Dread's bonus damage to 25%. Banshee's wail: Screech a Banshee's wail in a cone pattern, fearing foes for 1 second. _The idea behind this is to give the terrormancer the extra fear they desperately need without just giving it to reaper or scourge for free. I want core necromancer to be the best terrormancer out of the 3. The other's have their place. Its also important that we don't just strip wail of doom from the game either as that 2 second daze is honestly going to be more useful for reaper and even scourge in most situations.

* **Death Perception:** Shroud Skills have an additional 33% chance to critical hit. While in shroud gain Ferocity. _A minor change but one that would make an interesting difference for scourge. It will not impact either Reaper or Core necromancer at all. But one of the struggles I've been having with scourge power builds is that those skills just didn't have that bonus crit chance. This is both a positive and a negative change since it does strip some crit chance from other skills. I would maybe consider giving the old function as well. But this is something I'd like to see, or something similar._

* **Spiteful Spirit + Weakening shroud:** Casts their effect in your strike area. _So if you're running a scourge their blast radius and area would be cast on your shades and be limited to their radius. But for Reaper and core it would function as normal._

* **Feed from Corruption:** Add an additional 1% Damage for each boon on you in addition to its other effect.


# Skills

* **Harbinger Shroud:** reduce the cooldown from 20 seconds down to 15, reduce the burst time from 3.5 seconds to 2.5-3 seconds. _This skills is honestly a bit too weak. Yeah this is also technically a trait, but I'm including it in skills because it is a skill. This trait isn't taken in most stations and I've been using it as support. So this would aid in those two fronts so I it will be a bit more reliable in both offensive and defensive builds. It does especially need the cooldown reduction because its duration is cut into. Basically you're nerfing your shroud if you take this trait. And it shouldn't be like that without some worth while trade off which it doesn't have for most people._

* **Axe Auto attack:** This skill needs to be a chain skill. It honstly doesn't need to be complicated either. Just more vulnerability would be good. This has been a request for ages from me and others. The axe's auto attack is just awful and the fact that the female Human, Sylvari and Norn have had to put up with swinging the axe like a paddle for years is just awful. one of my favorite weapons became one of my least. Please fix this._

* **Signet of Vampirism:** Change it so it now grants allies 5 stacks of vampiric strike in a 300 radius. 5 allies. _The fact that this didn't give allies a life steal buff but marked a foe has really limited this heal's potential. I've experimented with it before, but its honestly not great._

* **Summon Bone Minions:** Increase the number to 3 and give it charges so that a minion automatically summons if you don't have 3 every 8 seconds or so. This would help the skill quite a bit. Having to resummon them in an active game like GW2 can be difficult.

* **Signet of Spite:** Just a simple cool down reduction to 45 or 50 seconds. Nothing major here. I like the skill but its cool down is prohibitive.

* **Well of Darkness:** Have it pulse damage. Similar damage output to Well of corruption is honestly fine. Just blind is a bit weak though.

* **Dark pact:** Sacrifice health[500-800?] instead of bleeding yourself.

* **Life Siphon Transforms into Ravenous Hunger on life Sacrifice:** For 3 seconds transform life siphon into Ravenous Hunger when you sacrifice health. Siphon health from up to 3 foes. _More life sacrifice. Honestly I'd like more than this, but this is probably going to be it for now. I don't like Life siphon's current function. its clunky as it is and life sacrifice should be a feature of out design._


This is honestly all I've got for now. If you like these, say which ones. If not, explain what would you do differently. My primary goal with these suggestions is to show what could be done to improve the necromancer and bring in a theme that the necromancer has been missing for a while now. The necromancer has a large health pool specifically because they're supposed to sacrifice that health for power. And we should have that.

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> @"Lily.1935" said:

> I've been rolling a few ideas around in my head for a while so I wanted to see what others might think about them. I've been trying to determine just how to make these two a bit more dynamic to play with. Core necromancer is one of the most boring things to play in the entire game, which is honestly a shame. It has sustain and that's really it. But being a damage sponge isn't really a fun strategy imo. So I want to see if we can spice things up a bit. These suggestions will not impact the reaper negatively. Likely it will aid them in some more minor ways, but that's not my focus right now.


> # Traits

> * **Merge Foot in the grave with Unholy Sanctuary and Keep in death Magic:** These two traits under preform on their own. But together they could be quite good. As they are now, I wouldn't suggest taking either in any situation. But together they actually could do some interesting work. I personally don't feel these traits combine would be overwhelming. But I'll ask everyone else on this. Would this be too much?




Foot in the Grave is like, the only other way to get Stability on Core Necro/Scourge, plus it is a Stunbreak on Shroud. This trait is picked pretty often based on situation.


Unholy Sanctuary is basically an anti burst trait, except instead of making the player invul like Warrior or Ranger, it adds additional Life based on yur Lifeforce pool, which could potentially be EXTREMELY STRONG if the incoming damage is Condition based, which Warrior and Ranger's traits do not cover.

People usually don't pick this because Death Nova is favoured over it in MM builds which DO want to run Death Magic. (Most builds avoid Death Magic like the plague)


Merging them will give it too much power/pick priority, because this is essentially a 10 second cooldown (shroud cooldown) anti burst-stunbreak-stability all rolled into one.


Core Necro and Scourge also have various ways of gaining a ton of Lifeforce fast, which makes this even crazier since they will constantly refill their "2nd chance" the moment Shroud cooldown is up.


It would be a highly favoured pick, in a very unfavourable Traitline (Death Magic)



I have no other opinions about the rest, but this single suggestion popped out to me.

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> @"Yasai.3549" said:

> > @"Lily.1935" said:

> > I've been rolling a few ideas around in my head for a while so I wanted to see what others might think about them. I've been trying to determine just how to make these two a bit more dynamic to play with. Core necromancer is one of the most boring things to play in the entire game, which is honestly a shame. It has sustain and that's really it. But being a damage sponge isn't really a fun strategy imo. So I want to see if we can spice things up a bit. These suggestions will not impact the reaper negatively. Likely it will aid them in some more minor ways, but that's not my focus right now.

> >

> > # Traits

> > * **Merge Foot in the grave with Unholy Sanctuary and Keep in death Magic:** These two traits under preform on their own. But together they could be quite good. As they are now, I wouldn't suggest taking either in any situation. But together they actually could do some interesting work. I personally don't feel these traits combine would be overwhelming. But I'll ask everyone else on this. Would this be too much?


> Yes.


> Foot in the Grave is like, the only other way to get Stability on Core Necro/Scourge, plus it is a Stunbreak on Shroud. This trait is picked pretty often based on situation.


> Unholy Sanctuary is basically an anti burst trait, except instead of making the player invul like Warrior or Ranger, it adds additional Life based on yur Lifeforce pool, which could potentially be EXTREMELY STRONG if the incoming damage is Condition based, which Warrior and Ranger's traits do not cover.

> People usually don't pick this because Death Nova is favoured over it in MM builds which DO want to run Death Magic. (Most builds avoid Death Magic like the plague)


> Merging them will give it too much power/pick priority, because this is essentially a 10 second cooldown (shroud cooldown) anti burst-stunbreak-stability all rolled into one.


> Core Necro and Scourge also have various ways of gaining a ton of Lifeforce fast, which makes this even crazier since they will constantly refill their "2nd chance" the moment Shroud cooldown is up.


> It would be a highly favoured pick, in a very unfavourable Traitline (Death Magic)



> I have no other opinions about the rest, but this single suggestion popped out to me.


Unholy Sanctuary has a 30 second internal cooldown. And it costs 4.6k life force on scourge. Its not a "free" shroud enter skill... Its not nearly as good as you make it out to be.

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I'm pretty much against life sacrifices (because there is no reason to be punished for skills that ain't stronger than what other profession's skills do for free) so I'd tend to disagree with most of what you suggest.

I do agree with the **well of darkness** suggestion, though.


NB.: you probably meant **signet of spite** for the CD reduction instead of **signet of suffering** in the skills change. On this topic, I think the issue of this signet won't be covered by a mere CD reduction, It will still be trash whatever number tweaks are done on it. The active is just to poorly designed to have any real impact in the current version of the game. This is a skill that could have a bit of an impact before the traits and condition's reform that came with HoT, but now it's just plainly outdated.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> I'm pretty much against life sacrifices (because there is no reason to be punished for skills that ain't stronger than what other profession's skills do for free) so I'd tend to disagree with most of what you suggest.

> I do agree with the **well of darkness** suggestion, though.


> NB.: you probably meant **signet of spite** for the CD reduction instead of **signet of suffering** in the skills change. On this topic, I think the issue of this signet won't be covered by a mere CD reduction, It will still be trash whatever number tweaks are done on it. The active is just to poorly designed to have any real impact in the current version of the game. This is a skill that could have a bit of an impact before the traits and condition's reform that came with HoT, but now it's just plainly outdated.


All the life sacrifice traits I suggested are quite potent. And honestly, it doesn't get in the way of any of your pre existing builds so its not like it hurts you in anyway. I'd actually use them though. Especially since Dark pact being life sacrifice instead of bleed is straight up a buff.

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> @"Lily.1935" said:

> All the life sacrifice traits I suggested are quite potent. And honestly, it doesn't get in the way of any of your pre existing builds so its not like it hurts you in anyway. I'd actually use them though. Especially since Dark pact being life sacrifice instead of bleed is straight up a buff.


That's an interesting point of view you got that I do not share. The bleed from _dark pact_ can be transfered which technically make the change to _dark pact_ a "nerf". The thing is that it feel more like you try to sell the change to _life siphon_ which is tied to dagger and in the wake of this change you wreck traits by adding a life cost to their effects.

- **Mend body and soul** is madness, suicidal, a 3k health cost on an auto attack, that's insanity.

- If I had to chose between **awaken the blood** and the current **banshee wail**, I'd keep the current trait 100 time out of 100.

- **Unholy martyr** is currently a good trait, it took years for it to reach a good state and you propose to ruin it, as well as another skill (which seem to be entering shroud, or perhaps not, nobody know) to which it will need to be tied, with an unneeded health cost.


The necromancer do not have enough sustain to support health sacrifice and if it's sustain is increased to support these health sacrifice it will simply break the balance for builds that do not use health sacrifice. This is the wrong approach to include "sacrifice", GW2 is not GW, you don't run around h24 with 7 henchmen or players to support you through your health sacrifice.


If you really want "health" sacrifice, you have to look at "life force" as a sacrifice, not "health". You take a skillset and tie a trait to this skillset that add a LF cost on use and strong extra effects when LF is consumed by a skill of this skillset. Now, you cant really add more burden to _corruption_ and _spectral_ are supposed to build LF, not consume it so it leave _signet_ and _well_. I personnally wouldn't mind having _Blood ritual_ changed to sacrifice LF for extra effects, but it gotta be some really awesome stuff not the lame life siphon that we currently have and that most people don't even consider using.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > @"Lily.1935" said:

> > All the life sacrifice traits I suggested are quite potent. And honestly, it doesn't get in the way of any of your pre existing builds so its not like it hurts you in anyway. I'd actually use them though. Especially since Dark pact being life sacrifice instead of bleed is straight up a buff.


> That's an interesting point of view you got that I do not share. The bleed from _dark pact_ can be transfered which technically make the change to _dark pact_ a "nerf". The thing is that it feel more like you try to sell the change to _life siphon_ which is tied to dagger and in the wake of this change you wreck traits by adding a life cost to their effects.

> - **Mend body and soul** is madness, suicidal, a 3k health cost on an auto attack, that's insanity.

> - If I had to chose between **awaken the blood** and the current **banshee wail**, I'd keep the current trait 100 time out of 100.

> - **Unholy martyr** is currently a good trait, it took years for it to reach a good state and you propose to ruin it, as well as another skill (which seem to be entering shroud, or perhaps not, nobody know) to which it will need to be tied, with an unneeded health cost.


> The necromancer do not have enough sustain to support health sacrifice and if it's sustain is increased to support these health sacrifice it will simply break the balance for builds that do not use health sacrifice. This is the wrong approach to include "sacrifice", GW2 is not GW, you don't run around h24 with 7 henchmen or players to support you through your health sacrifice.


> If you really want "health" sacrifice, you have to look at "life force" as a sacrifice, not "health". You take a skillset and tie a trait to this skillset that add a LF cost on use and strong extra effects when LF is consumed by a skill of this skillset. Now, you cant really add more burden to _corruption_ and _spectral_ are supposed to build LF, not consume it so it leave _signet_ and _well_. I personnally wouldn't mind having _Blood ritual_ changed to sacrifice LF for extra effects, but it gotta be some really awesome stuff not the lame life siphon that we currently have and that most people don't even consider using.


Personally I would only be kinda ok with it if it was something like: You sacrifice your hp maybe slit your arm open and bleed on the floor to and use the blood to empower your spells but then you d rain health from enemies to resustain yourself, but for that they would need to be really good sustain drain spells.


Or for instance sacrifice your health to buff people, If it worked similar to Everquest where for instance you lose a lot of health but you can keep draining enemies of a ton of health and your spells get stronger as you level up and become stronger, it would balance out once you hit level 80.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > @"Lily.1935" said:

> > All the life sacrifice traits I suggested are quite potent. And honestly, it doesn't get in the way of any of your pre existing builds so its not like it hurts you in anyway. I'd actually use them though. Especially since Dark pact being life sacrifice instead of bleed is straight up a buff.


> That's an interesting point of view you got that I do not share. The bleed from _dark pact_ can be transfered which technically make the change to _dark pact_ a "nerf". The thing is that it feel more like you try to sell the change to _life siphon_ which is tied to dagger and in the wake of this change you wreck traits by adding a life cost to their effects.

> - **Mend body and soul** is madness, suicidal, a 3k health cost on an auto attack, that's insanity.

> - If I had to chose between **awaken the blood** and the current **banshee wail**, I'd keep the current trait 100 time out of 100.

> - **Unholy martyr** is currently a good trait, it took years for it to reach a good state and you propose to ruin it, as well as another skill (which seem to be entering shroud, or perhaps not, nobody know) to which it will need to be tied, with an unneeded health cost.


> The necromancer do not have enough sustain to support health sacrifice and if it's sustain is increased to support these health sacrifice it will simply break the balance for builds that do not use health sacrifice. This is the wrong approach to include "sacrifice", GW2 is not GW, you don't run around h24 with 7 henchmen or players to support you through your health sacrifice.


> If you really want "health" sacrifice, you have to look at "life force" as a sacrifice, not "health". You take a skillset and tie a trait to this skillset that add a LF cost on use and strong extra effects when LF is consumed by a skill of this skillset. Now, you cant really add more burden to _corruption_ and _spectral_ are supposed to build LF, not consume it so it leave _signet_ and _well_. I personnally wouldn't mind having _Blood ritual_ changed to sacrifice LF for extra effects, but it gotta be some really awesome stuff not the lame life siphon that we currently have and that most people don't even consider using.


I'll think more on it then. 3k health is honestly nothing for the necromancer, but I'll reconsider that. And unholy martyr aint great. I've tested it multiple times after each change and each time its under preformed. I'll reconsider its design, but to say that martyr is good is just incorrect.


and necromancer actually does have enough sustain to support health sacrifice. That I full heartedly disagree with. They don't have real active defenses, but that doesn't mean they don't have the self recovery, they absolutely do.


And for Dark pact. You're missing the other part of the change which is the life transfer part. Also, you really going to run Dagger mainhand on a condi set? I've done it before but its just not effective, especially anymore. And the 2 bloods are just too slow and too minor to be worth the effort.

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> @"Lily.1935" said:

> I'll think more on it then. 3k health is honestly nothing for the necromancer, but I'll reconsider that. And unholy martyr aint great. I've tested it multiple times after each change and each time its under preformed. I'll reconsider its design, but to say that martyr is good is just incorrect.



But _unholy martyr_ is great. The fact that it is in blood magic is what make it unpopular. Just the fact that it cleanse 3 conditions on you when you exit shroud is very powerful. If you cleanse 3 conditions this way you even get up to 21% LF refounded. The fact that you draw condition from nearby allies add just a bit of thematic support sauce. Now, yes, drawing conditions from allies is and have always been a failed mechanism of the necromancer but objectively in term of design, this trait is probably the trait that exploit this mechanism the best out of all condi drawing stuff in the game.


> and necromancer actually does have enough sustain to support health sacrifice. That I full heartedly disagree with. They don't have real active defenses, but that doesn't mean they don't have the self recovery, they absolutely do.



And you think that adding more burden on the health pool is an intelligent way to put the self recovery to work?


The necromancer's self recovery already depend heavily on the necromancer being on the offensive which put them at a disadvantage in regard of recovery against professions that enjoy high passive recovery. The lack of real active defenses also put a strain on the necromancer's sustain, especially the fact that the necromancer's "active" defense do not prevent incoming hard CC, effectively shuting down the recovery by making you unable to attack.


The necromancer sure have a lot of health but health sacrifices will just add more burden on an health pool with a highly erratic EHP. This burden will just lead players to either ignore health sacrifice option (effectively reducing build diversity) or add fuel to the never ending complaints about how lacking the necromancer's defensive system is (You know? Lack of block, dodge, way to prevent hard CC, instant mobility... etc.)


> And for Dark pact. You're missing the other part of the change which is the life transfer part. Also, you really going to run Dagger mainhand on a condi set? I've done it before but its just not effective, especially anymore. And the 2 bloods are just too slow and too minor to be worth the effort.


The 2 bleed can be cleansed, transfered or converted. You have the possibility to make something out of it whether it's in a condi build, power build (because, yes, I'm not against a bit of extra damages nor I am against the idea of some vigor on my necromancer) or anything else.


And no, I don't miss the fact that you want to make _ravenous hunger_ a thing. This is even what bother me. All of the health sacrifice you add lead to this skill and basicaly pigeonhole these traits into a main hand power dagger build. It's changes that give less benefit than what we currently have, heck there is even a cost in health to these changes.


The necromancer is already full pack with flawed designs that make it a broken thing that barely work with bandaids fixs, I don't see the need to add 1 more of them. Objectively, health sacrifice would just be drowned into the sea of flaw that already plague the necromancer (and it does, that's exactly what happen with the health sacrifice of SoU.) but I'm against the idea of generalizing an obviously flawed design just for the sake of a very niche build.


Look, there is plenty to work on the necromancer, there is really no need to shot another arrow into it's knee. Between:

- Life force gained from death: An already problematic mechanism in GW, heavily favoring a very specific environment where there is a lot of death and unfortunately largely useless in small scale fight and most boss fight.

- Barrier: A mechanism which just shouldn't stack.

- Condition "manipulation": Mostly ineffective in boss fights but extremly effective against players.

- Boon corruption: Mostly ineffective in boss fights but extremly effective against players.

- Multiple minions traits as Major traits when there is no truly passive minion generation inbuilt in the core mechanism of the necromancer.

- The shroud being both defense and offense.

- The shades skills being basically new reaper's shouts on steroids. (lower CD, more conditions, more damage, more utility, more range, more everything)

- The heavy reliance on self might to deal damage (which is the mechanical reason behind the fact that in group setting the necromancer lag behind in term of damage while it can dish insane amount of punishment when alone)

- The dynamism of the gameplay which is sorely lagging behind compared to other professions (expressed mostly by the lack of mobility or true active defense skills)

- Life leeching and it's limits in a game where proc/crit can make or break things.

- The traits that procs on Shrd#1 (Please, just please get rid of those abominations!)

- God prevent me from talking about the elite transformations because it's not only specific to the necromancer...

- ... etc.


There is so, so, so many thing that badly need to be looked at and fixed on the necromancer. There is just no reason to add more things to the already endless list.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:


> - Life force gained from death: An already problematic mechanism in GW, heavily favoring a very specific environment where there is a lot of death and unfortunately largely useless in small scale fight and most boss fight.


Not actually a flaw int itself. Just a part of its design. The issue is they struggle to gain it passively. WHich does hurt the design. But in itself it isn't a flaw.


> - Barrier: A mechanism which just shouldn't stack.


And what? Override barrier with a smaller number? What would you suggest?


> - Condition "manipulation": Mostly ineffective in boss fights but extremly effective against players.


I've had great success with conditions in boss fights. Its more effective than power in most situations that I've noticed. Its my preferred means of fighting on Engineer and Revenant too.


> - Boon corruption: Mostly ineffective in boss fights but extremly effective against players.


This isn't a flaw with the necromancer's design but with the way Arena net designs enemies. But again, not a flaw.


> - Multiple minions traits as Major traits when there is no truly passive minion generation inbuilt in the core mechanism of the necromancer.


Minion traits and skills are extremely flawed I'll give you that.


> - The shroud being both defense and offense.


This isn't a flaw in its design at all. The flaw is that it isn't a push and pull. You can't use shroud as either or you have to use it as both which seriously limits its design space and potential.


> - The shades skills being basically new reaper's shouts on steroids. (lower CD, more conditions, more damage, more utility, more range, more everything)


Function far too different to be comparable. Not even worth addressing.


> - The heavy reliance on self might to deal damage (which is the mechanical reason behind the fact that in group setting the necromancer lag behind in term of damage while it can dish insane amount of punishment when alone)


For reaper, maybe but that isn't the case on scourge or core necromancer. I wouldn't say its a heavy reliance on might at all. No more than anyone else. Necromancer would lag behind in damage regardless of how well it generated might. So no relevant to its design.


> - The dynamism of the gameplay which is sorely lagging behind compared to other professions (expressed mostly by the lack of mobility or true active defense skills)


Lack of real mobility and defenses in combination is a major problem. On their own they wouldn't be though.


> - Life leeching and it's limits in a game where proc/crit can make or break things.


Not sure why you listed Life steal. But Its not a flaw in itself either.


> - The traits that procs on Shrd#1 (Please, just please get rid of those abominations!)


All of the professions have design like this. I don't know how you can say that's a flaw when literally every profession does it.


> - God prevent me from talking about the elite transformations because it's not only specific to the necromancer...


Lich form is pretty bad. I'll give you that.


> - ... etc.


> There is so, so, so many thing that badly need to be looked at and fixed on the necromancer. There is just no reason to add more things to the already endless list.


This doesn't add more, and it seems to me you just don't like non reaper specs. From what you're saying. Most of what you say are flaws with the necromancer are either wrong, exaggeration or power build bias. Not actually flaws with the necromancer but more with other elements of the game.

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> @"Lily.1935" said:

> > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > - Barrier: A mechanism which just shouldn't stack.


> And what? Override barrier with a smaller number? What would you suggest?



Only override barrier with barrier of superior value. Ideally:

- If incoming barrier > to current barrier, then replace current barrier with incoming barrier.

- If incoming barrier < to current barrier, then increase current barrier duration by 1 second.


> > - Condition "manipulation": Mostly ineffective in boss fights but extremly effective against players.


> I've had great success with conditions in boss fights. Its more effective than power in most situations that I've noticed. Its my preferred means of fighting on Engineer and Revenant too.



The point that you don't look at is that such a mechanism strive way better in environment where you have a lot of incoming condition (sPvP/WvW) than in environment where you don't (PvE). This mean that there is an imbalance between the effectivness of the necromancer in the different gamemodes.


> > - Boon corruption: Mostly ineffective in boss fights but extremly effective against players.


> This isn't a flaw with the necromancer's design but with the way Arena net designs enemies. But again, not a flaw.



Again, it make the necromancer way more effective in some gamemode than in other. This is a matter of balance of the profession. ANet consider that the tools are as effective in all gamemode which is not the case. Thus it is a flawed design.


> > - The heavy reliance on self might to deal damage (which is the mechanical reason behind the fact that in group setting the necromancer lag behind in term of damage while it can dish insane amount of punishment when alone)


> For reaper, maybe but that isn't the case on scourge or core necromancer. I wouldn't say its a heavy reliance on might at all. No more than anyone else. Necromancer would lag behind in damage regardless of how well it generated might. So no relevant to its design.



It is because where the necromancer have self might trait other professions would have had a flat increase of damage (conditionnal of not). This self might is what sap the potential damage. And again, it create disparities between gamemodes, allowing the necromancer to reach is maximum damage potential more easily than other professions in PvP situation while limiting the overall potential in PvE.


> > - Life leeching and it's limits in a game where proc/crit can make or break things.


> Not sure why you listed Life steal. But Its not a flaw in itself either.



Life leeching is an inferior mean of damage and sustain. The fact that this already poorly efficient mechanic can't crit and thus proc any on crit effect is a the icing on the cake.


> > - The traits that procs on Shrd#1 (Please, just please get rid of those abominations!)


> All of the professions have design like this. I don't know how you can say that's a flaw when literally every profession does it.



Nope they don't. There is no other profession in this game that have a 100% probability to proc on it's AA 2 stacks of vulnerability (10s), a burn (3s) and might (15s) on top of fairly high damage coefficient (all of that with no ICD).




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> @"Dadnir.5038" said: snip


We literally agree on almost nothing. And we wont agree. I don't find your points relevant at all. This conversation is over. There is nothing we can say to each other that will change each other's mind since what we desire from the profession is so radically different we can't come to any conclusion we both agree on.

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