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Ruler of the Skies issues (Skyscale Rift Closing Achievements)

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I've commented on another thread on this bug (or really, this set of achievements in general), and even with today's update that is supposed to fix the swapped credits for the Lion's Arch rifts and the Sandswept rifts, I cannot get the LS4 set of rifts to give me full completion. I've tried and retried and map swapped and relogged to try and get the final credit to pop in Sandswept and no dice. I had trouble with one of the rifts in LA pre-bugfix, which is why I was at 18/19 when the updated pushed out, but there's still some wonkiness in the system.

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I'm trying to finish the Tarnished Coast rifts. One of them just isn't counting. I'm pretty sure it's the northeast Metrica one. At least, I began in Brisban, then did Metrica, while trying to pay attention to the little AP dings but being slightly distracted. When I finished the five rifts between the two maps, I only had credit for four and my impression at the time (yesterday) was that northeast Metrica was the fail point. I went on to complete the rest of Tarnished Coast and got to 11/12 credit while checking carefully that each rift was counting. I've gone back to Metrica and Brisban and redone them all, getting motes from each one, but no achieve credit.

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Same as Donari, the north-eastern one in Metrica doesn't register. I've completed Brisban, Caledon and Metrica ; I should be 7/12, I'm only 6/12. The only thing the patch has accomplished is that it got rid of the buggy one in Caledon that registered twice, so now I'm stuck :anguished:

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I have now done all the other rifts. I tried swapping to another alt -- one that hadn't even explored northeast Metrica yet -- and it didn't count for that one either. Being one rift shy of 25 AP is ... *frustrating* (especially as I'm under 20 AP from an AP chest, heh, and capped on dailies). I hope the next patch can address this.

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Oh yes, I didn't mention that my habit was to hover in the starter mote until the mote trail had finished and the starter had reformed around me, as the light trail pointing to the next mote often fails to appear if I'm not patient. Since during getting the skyscale in the first place having the light trail fail meant having the whole thing not count to the collection, I have been conditioned to wait. (Which is difficult in some spots, especially by the Desert Highlands harpies, where I put on a ton of stealth to get it started and then just went for the motes soon as possible).


I have done that in northeast Metrica, tried it without the wait, tried it on another alt as mentioned above. On the very small plus side, it seems to reset the motes fast enough that I can farm magic and mist motes nigh endlessly. Far too tedious to be worth it, but at least I don't feel my many attempts to trigger the achieve have been entirely without compensation. Could be they all reset that quickly, I haven't paid attention /shrug.

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Having trouble with the Atholma one myself. Either there's no buff after hovering in the rift to start the trail, or there's no ending orb, even when the buff says I've hit all the nodes. I've been trying for some time now - mapped out and came back in, went and did another region, came back - no dice.

The other ones in Sandswept Isles were fine, any other bugged ones in other regions just needed to be restarted once or twice - this one's just kacked.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I've completed all nodes and rifts, except one that won't give credit for the mote. I can get the counter (which has MAJOR issues showing up outside of Tyria and especially in Season 4 locations!) and I get the mote at the end, but I don't get the credit for doing the achievement. It's literally the only one I need. It's the Anniogel Encampment Waypoint rift. A stupid, simple 6 node run that should take 10 seconds, and I've spent hours on it.


I've tried multiple characters including fully mapped, and unmapped for Sandswept. I've logged out. I've exited. I've tried a dozen times in a row (getting the counter about 1 in 5 times) and have gotten a few motes, but no achievement credit.


Has anyone actually DONE this achievement?

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> @"mathion.8549" said:

> Has anyone actually DONE this achievement?


I completed it recently. I also had the problem of some of the rifts bugging out some places, but I found some advice elsewhere that worked every time for me.


If you open the rift but don't get the counter, as soon as you notice that just go back to the start. Once the "trail" has finished creating, in a short amount of time the original/opening rift will sparkle and appear again. Just hover on it again and it will do the animation and give you the counter that time.


Finally, you seem convinced that this particular rift is the one you're missing, but I'd guess it's actually a different one if you've completed it multiple times. Note that the regional sub-achievements don't actually identify which ones you've gotten credit for and which ones you haven't, it's just a generic count of x/total. Annoying as it may be, I'd suggest redoing all the other ones in the region, making sure you get the counter for each, until you pop the achievement you're missing. Good luck.

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> @"Kunzaito.8169" said:

> > @"mathion.8549" said:

> > Has anyone actually DONE this achievement?


> I completed it recently. I also had the problem of some of the rifts bugging out some places, but I found some advice elsewhere that worked every time for me.


> If you open the rift but don't get the counter, as soon as you notice that just go back to the start. Once the "trail" has finished creating, in a short amount of time the original/opening rift will sparkle and appear again. Just hover on it again and it will do the animation and give you the counter that time.


> Finally, you seem convinced that this particular rift is the one you're missing, but I'd guess it's actually a different one if you've completed it multiple times. Note that the regional sub-achievements don't actually identify which ones you've gotten credit for and which ones you haven't, it's just a generic count of x/total. Annoying as it may be, I'd suggest redoing all the other ones in the region, making sure you get the counter for each, until you pop the achievement you're missing. Good luck.


Thanks for the suggestion, but here's my experience.

I get one of three different outcomes.

1. No "countdown" pip proving the achievement is active.

2. A countdown pip, and full run of the orbs, and a hit on the purple end point, with a Mistbound Mote as a reward (this is repeatable every 3 times).

3. A countdown pip, and full run on the orbs, but no purple end point (the trail points to empty space).


The Mistbound mote is SUPPOSED to prove I got credit for the achievement, but I've gotten 20 of them so far and no credit for the achievement.(Yes, that means I've run the thing 60+ times)


I've tried the following, all to no avail:

1. Each profession (all 9).

2. Different skins for the Skyscale.

3. Different levels of map completion.

4. Going back and waiting for respawn of the start node (always done for no pip now).

5. Waiting for the orbs to disappear if no countdown pip spawned (I lost patience after 30 minutes and they still didn't disappear - the countdown pip tells you that you have 15 minutes to finish).

6. Waiting for the start point to respawn before going after the orbs that spawned even if I have a pip.

7. Logging out entirely then back in.

8. Exiting the game, waiting an hour, trying again.

9. Making sure that none of the other nodes in Season 4 were the problem (they weren't, since I hadn't done any of them, and did them all region in order based on the wiki and had checked them off on paper to keep track.


I'm out of ideas.


I mean, it's a fast run, and not that 115 orb monster in Dragonfall, but I've already done 360 or more of those orbs in 60+ runs and none of them got the credit for the achievement. Sandswept has major issues, since it was the first place I had problems getting a pip (it always worked the second time until the rift at Anniogel Encampment Waypoint) and I got through Dragonfall without any issues. Just Sandswept is standing in my way. All those rifts, ran them in one evening, figured I'd have a nice new title before I went to bed.


Not so much.



I did post a bug report, but I don't expect much to come of that. Based on my read here, Sandswept has issues with rifts and orbs and rewards. That's probably endemic to the region, with symptoms unique to the players. It'd be nice if they fixed it (and awarded the achievement to those of us who have done it over and over and over again - or at least tell us to try again), but I'm not going to hold my breath.

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I'd still try doing the other ones in the same sub-achievement again, if it were me, just in case. It could be some kind of mixed-up triggering like people have reported in other places. Clearly beating on the one you think you're missing is not working!


Hope you figure out something or support can help, I know it's frustrating.

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> @"Kunzaito.8169" said:

> I'd still try doing the other ones in the same sub-achievement again, if it were me, just in case. It could be some kind of mixed-up triggering like people have reported in other places. Clearly beating on the one you think you're missing is not working!


> Hope you figure out something or support can help, I know it's frustrating.


That's just it. It IS the only one I'm missing. I knew that there was no granular list of what each region had, and I knew I had done a few in some of them (though NONE in Season 4). So I printed out the guide and marked the each of the maps in each region ones as I did them. A few didn't give me rewards toward the achievement, which were the ones I did. None of them were in Season 4. When I left each region, I had the achievement for that region.


For Season 4, I went down the list and marked the ones I did as I got the reward just like before. There are only up to 4 in each map, so it's not like keeping track was hard. In Sandswept, I got the two to the north first, though the one that went from the west of the WP there was picky, as was the one at the tip of "the iron whale". But both gave me credit for the achievement, but I had to wait for the respawn for each of them before I got the countdown pip and the directional indicators. Then I went south to the Anniogel Encampment Waypoint rift, and couldn't get it after an hour of trying.


So, I went on to Dragonfall, got all 4 there (the number of them done told me that, since I arrived in Sandswept with 7 left to do, got 2 and left it with 5 left to do and returned to Sandswept with 1 left to do) and went back to Sandswept to try, try, try, try, try again.


So, it's not a question of "did I get them all". I did. The number of ones done in the region was consistent right up to the last two, and I couldn't get a confirmed reward in Sandswept at that Anniogel rift. That's the only one that I didn't get an achievement acknowledgement. I can get motes all day long (which may be a bug, too, since I thought you could only get one of those per day per character per rift). I don't get volatile magic (I think there's a cap there, since that stopped about half way through the process). I'm just thinking there has to be some reset involved, so I'll try after turn change to see if I finally get it. If there is some kind of reset/time-out or something, they need to fix that, because I could do all of Dragonfall (I even mapped it all) and get the rift achievements, but not at Sandswept.


Here's hoping turn change fixes it.

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Hi, since the january patch I could do the Skyscale rider achievements. Tried a few regions, but on some areas they do not register them al. To be sure I did the whole area again but still the same. The areas afected for me are Orr, Ascalon and Elona. The ones that worked are Kryta and Maguma wastes.


[edit] also Frostgorge sound one did not complete... [/edit]

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> There may be some suggestions here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/96508/ruler-of-the-skies-issues-skyscale-rift-closing-achievements#latest


Tried a few, but most seem to say you just need to redo it over and over again so it will register. I would rather see Anet fixing this than to do my daily flying all over the world =)

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It can be difficult to see whether you have the tracker; easiest way I could tell if it would work is whether there was a line connecting to the next one. No line, it wouldn't count. Return to start and wait, then try again.


It's weird, because WITH a yellow line, you can even DISCONNECT and reconnect and have it still counting each one as you go. You can land. You can get them out of order. But you have to have that yellow line or it's a nogo.

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got em all but one in kryta, as there is a massive lack of in game progress for which you have completed all you can do is do them in order.

pretty sure it is the eastern one in kessex hills.

others like in Orr i had to complete Two times in a row, but that was it. the ones in kessex I did em all 3 times. but no progress.

Sure it can be an other krytan one that I' missing maybe to morrow i wil do the all again.


Most frustration with this could be sloves if the dev's included a propper tracking in game, or even map name 1,2,3,4.


Edit : did them all again even the ones which i was certain of that I ad done them and behold, I have my new title :) and AP.


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Part of what would make this easier is if there was some kind of tracker so you could at least see which ones you're missing. I know I've done all of the Tarnished Coast , but I'm still 2 short. About to redo the LA to see if that has any effect, even though I've already done them for Kryta.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have a problen with the Skyscale Rider at Atheneum Waypoint in Straits of Devastation. I get to the top but tyhere is no finishing mote and it does not pop up to say you completed it. However, it did give completion in the the achievements tab. Also so far the Orr maps have not given out any Volatile Magic for each mote.

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