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Question about the Afflicted Plague in GW1


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I always don't get why would Shiro be able to make a plague. He was the envoy, his Shiro'Ken army makes sense but the plague, why? The Am Fah was able to control the plague, spread it and even control it to prevent further change from sickness. I don't see Shiro being a scientist. Also how did he make those monsters listen to him at all?


Even long after Shiro's death some Afflicted were further changing into monstrous size. It was also not explained.


Also the plague was more powerful than the Scarab one because it could affect even animals. But it was never properly explained. Is it magical? How does it spread? How did the Am Fah manage to control it?


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We are all assuming the Plague was magical by origin due to Shiro being the source as his "corruption" twisted and changed those who are near him. It spread by getting wounded by another infected for even a scratch is enough to infect someone no matter how small it is. Being Magical based, there was never a cure for the Plague so the only means was literally cleanse by fire until all infected and their bodies are completely destroyed.


Though due to this I will not be surprised if the Plague return in GW2 either as part of the Living World epsiode/Saga episode to tease the move towards Cantha or once (or if ever) we enter Cantha and accidently enter a place or open a place that had a small segment of the Plague trapped in until found in GW2.


Don't know why the GW1 Player and the group he or she travel with are immune to it but I can only assume it was based on them having stronger will to resist Shiro's influence.

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As mentioned on reddit: Shiro was no scientist and didn't need to be, because the Affliction was spiritual in nature that warped (seemingly killing in the process) the bodies and souls of those affected. The Am Fah obtained their ability to spread and slow the transitioning of the plague by magical techniques shared by Shiro. Shiro was able to created the Afflicted by Abaddon's magic and his Envoys abilities, and created the Afflicted before he could create the Shiro'ken.


Everything you say "isn't explained" actually was, either in Factions or in Winds of Change.


> @"EdwinLi.1284" said:

> Don't know why the GW1 Player and the group he or she travel with are immune to it but I can only assume it was based on them having stronger will to resist Shiro's influence.


They technically weren't. You could be [afflicted](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Extensive_Plague_Exposure) [in several](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Miasma) [different ways](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Drink_from_the_Chalice_of_Corruption#Notes). But the disease is not permanent and could be cured if caught early. Though (almost) all of this is, technically, before contact with the Envoys.

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