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Raven's Favor mastery point

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The description on the Wiki says "Claim victory in the Storms of Winter". Then it has four tiers, up to 15 times.


Do you have to complete it 15 times for the mastery point, or do you get the mastery for just doing it once, and extra AP for finishing the achievement?


I spent half of today on Bjora Marches and there was zero interest in this meta. I checked the Wiki page and it is LONG. Completing it 15 times seems like way too much hassle for one mastery point.

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> @"Kabuki Theatre.9752" said:

> Don't waste your time.


> It is TRULY a massive time-waster.

> There are many other ways on GW2 to spend your time,

> with much greater rewards.



Sure is, but Asgeirs legacy now has T3 chests and if one stays out in that map they may as well do the event when it pops up, plus its AP and thats annoying to obtain.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"Kabuki Theatre.9752" said:

> > Don't waste your time.

> >

> > It is TRULY a massive time-waster.

> > There are many other ways on GW2 to spend your time,

> > with much greater rewards.

> >


> Sure is, but Asgeirs legacy now has T3 chests and if one stays out in that map they may as well do the event when it pops up, plus its AP and thats annoying to obtain.


I'd be happy just to get the Norn chests from Asgeir's Legacy so I can get the East Bjora Marches Treasure Hunter mastery point. Doing this event 15 times really does seem insane. Like even some of the HoT mastery points weren't that tedious.

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> @"JackassTheX.6351" said:

> > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > > @"Kabuki Theatre.9752" said:

> > > Don't waste your time.

> > >

> > > It is TRULY a massive time-waster.

> > > There are many other ways on GW2 to spend your time,

> > > with much greater rewards.

> > >

> >

> > Sure is, but Asgeirs legacy now has T3 chests and if one stays out in that map they may as well do the event when it pops up, plus its AP and thats annoying to obtain.


> I'd be happy just to get the Norn chests from Asgeir's Legacy so I can get the East Bjora Marches Treasure Hunter mastery point. Doing this event 15 times really does seem insane. Like even some of the HoT mastery points weren't that tedious.


Oops, wrong achievement.

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> @"JackassTheX.6351" said:

>... I spent half of today on Bjora Marches and there was zero interest in this meta. I checked the Wiki page and it is LONG. Completing it 15 times seems like way too much hassle for one mastery point.

Just got the mastery point a couple of days ago and it is a long event and a lot of hassle. One key to being able to earn the mp now is to find a time/map where there is a large number of people doing the event. I'm at -6 GMT and the busiest time I found was at 5:45 am my time or 11:45 am GMT. There were a few days when I showed up at that time to an almost empty map but LFG had groups I could join on busier maps. Whether getting this particular mastery point is a waste of time is another discussion in which opinions will likely vary a lot. Me, I liked the meta event and was also farming Eitrite ingots to get the mp and the rewards for crafting the Restored Boreal weapons so I didn't mind the hassle too much.



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This morning I got the last mastery point I needed to complete all the Raven masteries. Just wanted to jump back into this discussion to add that there were other Bjora mps that I thought were a lot more tedious and/or frustrating than Raven's Favor. Catalyst of the Spirits, where you have to attack with a Tier 3 essence skill 30 times was by far the most tedious for me. At first I was running around killing things in one part of the map long enough to max an essence then running to another part of the map, trying to find a suitable target to attack before the essence skill depleted. Ironically, it wasn't until I had almost completed Catalyst that I realized the easiest way to do it by far was during the Storms of Winter meta with hordes of different color enemies attacking in different parts of the map. Max the essence in one place, then run over to the appropriate place to find enemies vulnerable to that essence.


The most frustrating mastery points for me were the two locked behind jumping puzzles. A lot of folks found them easy to get to. I saw a steady stream of people going by while I struggled to make the necessary jumps. My hand/eye coordination is bad enough that it took me 30-40 minutes of repeated fails to complete the jps that most others were doing in one or two tries. When I finally got the mps, I didn't have a happy feeling of accomplishment. Instead, I was frustrated and angry that Anet had once again locked important stuff behind jps despite numerous requests by a lot of people on this forum that they make jps optional for those who enjoy them and avoidable by those who don't.

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It’s more that there’s no announcement of the events start on the west side. It will tell you a blizzard has started and that’s during the Svanir attack. I figured this out once the event failed and another pop up says the Havroun has retreated and the blizzard will stay.

The next time, I was able to defend one shrine solo for awhile until others joined, and we ended up winning the meta without much organization. The mobs drop xp and loot and it was actually quite a Zerg of enemies with one shrine and 4 portals. It gave more greens and blues than Drakkar even.

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> @"Chichimec.9364" said:

> The most frustrating mastery points for me were the two locked behind jumping puzzles. A lot of folks found them easy to get to. I saw a steady stream of people going by while I struggled to make the necessary jumps. My hand/eye coordination is bad enough that it took me 30-40 minutes of repeated fails to complete the jps that most others were doing in one or two tries. When I finally got the mps, I didn't have a happy feeling of accomplishment. Instead, I was frustrated and angry that Anet had once again locked important stuff behind jps despite numerous requests by a lot of people on this forum that they make jps optional for those who enjoy them and avoidable by those who don't.

The commune point below Drakkar's Lair you can actually reach easily with mounts. I didn't realize this at first, since the other similar lighting puzzles all had no-mount zones but this one doesn't.


I'm not sure what other mp you felt was locked behind a jp, the luminiferous maybe? If so, those do require a few jumps, but they are mild even compared to many (non-jp) vistas in core Tyria maps. Most jumps you can safely land by gliding over and aligning your landing position along a beam so you don't have to be overly precise about your landing spot. I usually suck at jumping puzzles big time (bad hand-eye coordination and no depth perception at all), but none of the light puzzles gave me much trouble. If all fails there's always your friendly neighbourhood mesmer to help.

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> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > @"Chichimec.9364" said:

> > The most frustrating mastery points for me were the two locked behind jumping puzzles. A lot of folks found them easy to get to. I saw a steady stream of people going by while I struggled to make the necessary jumps. My hand/eye coordination is bad enough that it took me 30-40 minutes of repeated fails to complete the jps that most others were doing in one or two tries. When I finally got the mps, I didn't have a happy feeling of accomplishment. Instead, I was frustrated and angry that Anet had once again locked important stuff behind jps despite numerous requests by a lot of people on this forum that they make jps optional for those who enjoy them and avoidable by those who don't.

> The commune point below Drakkar's Lair you can actually reach easily with mounts. I didn't realize this at first, since the other similar lighting puzzles all had no-mount zones but this one doesn't.


> I'm not sure what other mp you felt was locked behind a jp, the luminiferous maybe? If so, those do require a few jumps, but they are mild even compared to many (non-jp) vistas in core Tyria maps. Most jumps you can safely land by gliding over and aligning your landing position along a beam so you don't have to be overly precise about your landing spot. I usually suck at jumping puzzles big time (bad hand-eye coordination and no depth perception at all), but none of the light puzzles gave me much trouble. If all fails there's always your friendly neighbourhood mesmer to help.


Even with a springer and a skimmer, the point below Drakkar's Lair took me 30 minutes or so to do. I kept missing my landings with the skimmer and had to keep redoing it. (Don't have the griffon or skyscale which would likely have made it easier.) The other jp was on the Grothmar Valley map in Khan-Ur's Cavern. That jp looked pretty easy for most people doing it but again, it took me 30-40 minutes of repeatedly missing jumps, falling, and starting again. I asked if someone would let me tele to them at the mp but when someone agreed, it turned out that teleport to friend didn't work there. I asked if there were any mesmers around who could help me. While I got some supportive responses, there were no mesmers there at that time. I did eventually get both mps after repeated fails but it was not a fun gaming experience at all.

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