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B i K Just rage quit :/


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it wasnt a full on "rage quit", more of a frustrated quitting of basically sPvP.



99% of players will know why. ANet you guys will keep losing player base if you let this stuff run rampant. Warriors and Necros are OBVIOUSLY broken in pvp.... why not fix it?


You just lost one of your main players lol. I don't even want to log on either. Tried sPvP, and WvW, and in wvw its just scourge covering the map in red circles one shotting, not fun at all.


You OBVIOUSLY have some flaws in balance atm. Fix it please..... or ill go back to WoW XD

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> @Miaz.8521 said:

> Bik is a top tier player and if you deny youre jealous


He's a funny and entertaining guy and it would suck if he quit GW2 but understand that playing off meta Ranger/Soulbeast and not playing high rated SoloQ or Tournaments won't get you recognized as a top tier player

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> @Chaith.8256 said:

> > @Miaz.8521 said:

> > Bik is a top tier player and if you deny youre jealous


> He's a funny and entertaining guy and it would suck if he quit GW2 but understand that playing off meta Ranger/Soulbeast and not playing high rated SoloQ or Tournaments won't get you recognized as a top tier player


Miaz was just trolling.

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Never watched a streamer in my life of gw1 or gw2 still don't get why people watch other people play except just for highlight tips but not hours at end. Don't know who it is but it's sad to lose another player. From the get go i said PoF would just be a spam fest and ruin pvp but as usual i got my posts removed and dinged by mods. I work in a field of work where reality is reality i can't help but speak the truth. The game is broken and needs major fixes, PoF was nothing but spam wars 2.0. It's either you buy PoF and spam every button and/or passive you have and win. Or don't play.

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I got tired of this new meta pretty quick. And since I refuse to get on board with scourge or spellbreaker. I expected nerfs so much sooner. Either way, pvp is dead to me, which is great, because it means I'm less likely to play video games, since gw2 pvp is pretty much my main activity with gaming.

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It doesn't matter if the guy is top tier or not, that's not the point. The problem here is that the balance of pvp is in an even worst state than before and it's just unbearable. Particular specs impacting so much in the game is obviously not healthy and something has to be done. Not to mention that the person has a clear influence on the pvp scenery for some people and if he's leaving you can be sure he won't be the only one.

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> @LaFurion.3167 said:

> it wasnt a full on "rage quit", more of a frustrated quitting of basically sPvP.



> 99% of players will know why. ANet you guys will keep losing player base if you let this stuff run rampant. Warriors and Necros are OBVIOUSLY broken in pvp.... why not fix it?


> You just lost one of your main players lol. I don't even want to log on either. Tried sPvP, and WvW, and in wvw its just scourge covering the map in red circles one shotting, not fun at all.


> You OBVIOUSLY have some flaws in balance atm. Fix it please..... or ill go back to WoW XD


Bik does not represent the pvp community in any way shape or form. He's just got good marketing.

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> @Starbreaker.6507 said:

> > @Lilyanna.9361 said:

> > > @shadowthejedi.3089 said:

> > >

> > > > @Ithilwen.1529 said:

> > > > *shrug* I've never heard of this person. ANET would do better to focus away from the "stars." That path has caused a lot of problems and ESL is not likely to ever be a success.

> > > >

> > > > Focus on what matters ANET, the vast majority of your players.

> > >

> > > You always pop up in these forums talking about how you don't know any of these names. And suggesting that they should "not talk as much". Perhaps it simply you who is uninformed and unknown.

> >

> > This person whines and complains about every spec except for Mesmer. They main power mesmer, that in itself should say something.


> LOL - I didn't realize she played power mesmer.


> Suddenly it all becomes clear...


No PU condi mesmer 4lyfe is what she plays.

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Sup BiK, luv your streams. PvP issues has always been & is not about to change no matter what. Balance patch can offer a quick fix but the core issues that are not addressed since for ever will always remain if Anet does not take a drastic decision i dont see it getting better. Yes balance problems is first on the list but it does not stand alone. I am amaze on how between all the classes, all the different weapon sets, and all the traits, skill's & utilities & sigil's amulets a class has. & yet the limited number of viable builds it has. If lucky (2 to 3). & you see on how limited it is just by the sheer number of players playing that one meta build all the time. Optimal build, yes! Meta builds should not even exist. Meaning there should be a plateau (a max) on everything instead of having meta builds doing 20 to 60k dam in 2 sec. The heals, the tankyness, everything should have a limit no matter what. So things don't break. In the end it becomes a question of choices of builds & play-style instead of just considering that one meta build. Why you ask? Cuz every class in every build would have that possibility to be optimal instead of being only that one meta. Anet needs to revisit the hole thing & set up max limits.

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> @HeadCrowned.6834 said:

> He is just a bad player that ''wants to do damage'' in pvp. Picking berserker amulet instead of for example marauder and then complaining that he can't do anything. He thinks he knows all about the game but he doesn't. The fact that he streams doesn't make him a good player.


Tbh this rage quit is not about how good or bad he is. Its about how solo-duoq only has ruined ranked. And scourge is busted.

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> @shippage.1983 said:

> Anet has never cared about the top players, and they never will. Only people who know any top players are the few plats that are gunning for their spot.


> @Halikus.1406 said:

> It doesn't matter if the guy is top tier or not, that's not the point. The problem here is that the balance of pvp is in an even worst state than before and it's just unbearable. Particular specs impacting so much in the game is obviously not healthy and something has to be done. Not to mention that the person has a clear influence on the pvp scenery for some people and if he's leaving you can be sure he won't be the only one.


well said

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> @masskillerxploit.2165 said:

> > @HeadCrowned.6834 said:

> > He is just a bad player that ''wants to do damage'' in pvp. Picking berserker amulet instead of for example marauder and then complaining that he can't do anything. He thinks he knows all about the game but he doesn't. The fact that he streams doesn't make him a good player.


> Tbh this rage quit is not about how good or bad he is. Its about how solo-duoq only has ruined ranked. And scourge is busted.


Longbow ranger is quite good vs scourge so I dont see the problem. SoloQ/DuoQ yeh... its not optimal but not really a reason to ragequit.

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