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What Spec to remove for Reaper

Cheshire King.6970

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Cheer up! You can remove all 3 traitlines.


Joke aside, if you don't give us at least a gamemode, no help can be given.

That said, your build look like an open world PvE build trying to maximize power and the overall toughness of your character in a weird way.

- Toughness in openworld PvE is an arguable choice due to the fact that the stat is poor at improving survivability as soon as mobs scaling come into play, yet it tend to increase your agro. This make discarding DM an objectively good choice. (The issue here is that you're going full soldier gear, so...). Also, you'll benefit more from _corruptor's fervor_ than _unholy sanctuary_... Are you really that concerned about your survivabiliy?

- The value of _bitter chill_ in your build is arguable as well, you'd gain more damage in most of the open world PvE content out of _spitefull talisman_.

- Soul reaping choice of trait don't fully support the idea of a PvE build which is probably what's the most troubling. Technically, reaper will give you choices for just as much survivability, vulnerability and damage than your trait choice in soul reaping.


For WvW and sPvP, you probably won't achieve much with a minion build in these gamemode. At least until the next patch hit. And even then you'd better take BM to push your sustain via your minions.

For PvE, ultimately offense is the best defense. Focusing on toughness/vitality and trying to maximize power won't do you much good in this gamemode (It's a fact widly acknowledge since 2013). It's not that you won't be able to play but fights will be dragging in time which will make difficult for you to solo timed events, while you won't be benefit much when being in group/zerg (You'll often end up with a bronze medal completion instead of a gold).


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Why all this exploration of nothing? There is a perfect meta already made, and all you need to do is here http://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Reaper_-_Power_Minion_Master


This build is perfect for lazy button mashing in open world, you're practically immune to conditions, decent survivability (depends of situation tho) and you don't lose that much of a dps, just perfect, all you have to learn now is to time your shroud to max dps and boom, you're the hero!

The only downside i personally dislike about builds with minions, is that once they die, it's panic time, so yeah, takes a bit of getting used to.

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If you're going to do general PvE stuff I'd advise against minions entirely. I'd suggest choosing a Meta build for Raids or Fractals and begin to practice that. Open world isn't difficult in the slightest but minions actually harm your ability to get maximum credit for events due to them being extremely slow. But that's if you're interested in end game at all. If not, minions still aren't great but you can have fun with them I suppose.

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Ever considered Condi?


Conditions are pretty strong in Openworld because enemies don't cleanse themselves and are susceptible to condition stacking.




Try this.


It is a Condition based build which runs Minions for their Poison Nova on death, which is perfect for Bone Minion suicide Bombing.


It also has good sustain with Spite's Condition based Life stealing, and all the increases to Fear Duration will actually allow yu to do considerable amount of damage when inflicting Fear on enemies using Terror.



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