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PoF location almost empty all going 2 HoT

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I did play a couple of hours of PoF, but honestly the maps just didn't grip me. The new specs are cool, and I have my Raptor because it's the new meta, but I'm not even done with the second PoF map and I've already left. I'm currently farming for some ascended trinkets to power a PvE spec for my Rev in LS3 maps, and apart from Doric which is pure cancer, I really like the other LS3 maps. I feel like PoF could have just been elite specs and mounts, minus the Gryphon. The maps and story are just overwhelmingly meh.

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Weird though, even though I am playing slowly and "casually", I am enjoying this game. I wonder why people have to rush through everything in 24 hours and now complain? This is the case with EVERYTHING. My friend got Halo 2 in 2005 I think and he played it one day.. I mean, what the heck? Is this even fun for you guys? Or healthy?


I just got my Skimmer after all those weeks and I can't save myself from all the stuff to do. If you "exploit" it by rushing through, looking up guides or zerg stuff down with maximum power (and taking days off of work for that etc)., please do not complain about PoF "being too short". I, for example, was taking 1.5 hours to figure out where I can get a mastery for my raptor to jump over bigger gaps. 1.5 hours just for that. And it was a blast to fight myself into areas I barely survive and make it (just to find the stuff out of reach, D'OH!). But for real, you guys start ASAP, look up Dulfy guides to spoil yourself and now cry. It's really an infant attitude. Of course your candy's gone if you eat it like bread.. -- It's great that you like the game and stuff, but stop acting like this patch was a 85 MByte addition of minigames. It's a fully-fledged expansion with new areas, lots of new dialogue, story being pushed, new features and such. If you smoke your cigar as fast as you can, don't blame the Cuban manufacturer about it being too short of a cigar...



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Just yesterday, I was apart of a pretty large zerg (in PoF) moving from map to map knocking out legendary bounties. In multiple maps, we had to coordinate instances because they were full. So the OP's complaint doesn't carry much weight against my actual in-game experience. Yeah, if you rush through the content, you risk not having anything to do. I'll say however, i've done quite a lot of rushing since the expansion launched, and i'm nowhere even close to finishing all there is to do in PoF. The collections that award Funerary Armor, access to Funerary weapons, and other such goodies are fairly time consuming and most people will be doing those things for months. Also, no rewards? There are a multitude of new weapon skins, new armor skins, minis, etc.


TLDR: If you blow through the content, playing 24/7, you can't then turn around and cry that there's nothing to do. And even then, I think a lot of you that are complaining haven't really completed _everything_ there is to do.

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> @DebraKadabra.5278 said:

> Zerg can mean many different things - in this case, the "rush through" players are zerging their characters through the content just to say that--


> 1. They're done.

> and

> 2. They're ONCE AGAIN bored with the lack of content and threaten to go off somewhere else and sulk.


> The exact same thing happened when HoT dropped.


yep, agreed on 1 and 2 yea i wasn't 100% sure of your zerg angle its all good.


Like i said i learnt from my mistake with hot. I got pof moved all chars with elon pass to that point have em ready and willing, but taking my time. Used ranger for scouting opened all the map areas up that way i know where all my first come goals are hp points for elite and mps for mounts, then i take w/e char i want to mess with, do little each night do maybe 1 area goto bed. Next day log in like i did pre-pof play like pre-pof. I believe at that rate pof will last me least 2 months maybe more depending goals I set. Best part i wont get burnt out. I still have great deal to do in HoT, I just i burnt myself out on it. I was playing like there was no tomorrow got bored of it my fault entirely not HoT's. i never complained though, because i knew what i was doing and where it lead me eventually. Done it to many times in other games.


Sounds to me like alot just hardcored it expecting an expansion to last like an entire game on it's own.

Notta wont happen. can't happen casual or bust with expansion i stand by it.

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I didn't touch HoT for about 6 months because first it was Mad King's and I prioritised getting ToT bags over doing "challenging" group events. The consistant roadblocks to the story and the tightly-clustered events felt more like a pressure-cooker environment that I got continually frustrated with. I didn't even finish Hearts and Minds until a month ago, barely a week before Pathfire launched.


In Pathfire I'm actually enjoying exploring the maps, doubly so now I have my griffon (okay, part of Vabbi can suck it but still). And the spread of events feels much freer than HoT. I don't feel closed-in or trapped into doing things I don't enjoy to get the most out of it. I have more than enough points to train up my griffon and all my other mounts are maxed-out. It feels like a return to form, like being able to do what you want and not pushed into doing it. I feel much happier with Pathfire than even with the final fight as punishing as it was; it felt good to finish. Dare I say it; I'm happy with how this one has turned out so far.

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I found Pof brought back a great sense of exploration. People were trying to figure out where things were and wandering in groups. I know me and 9 other guildies had to explore from crystal oasis all the way to vabbi for the new guild hall. It was one of the best times I had. Exploring in large groups in areas people don't k own well.

HoT is very dense and fun, the Metas are awesome, but we do need both so there is versatility. And like it has been mentioned, as a community we will find out what content is the most fun, I don't mind rerunning the legendary facet for people looking for it. So there are fun things to repeat.

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> @Anhellbro.7210 said:

> PoF location almost empty becose all getting fun and farm in HoT. Really HoT was in 2-3 times better then PoF. 1 unique many lvl locations that not even 1 mmorpg have. Good group conent (all challenges was for groups) Meta Events hard mobs, World Bosses. What have Pof? flat location that have all MMORPG? Bountys? Lol its simple champion train booring greendy not interesting at all. Mounts? Its not a content.


> Im hope for new LS and its mast have META/ Redesinged all pof location maybe 1-2 mast have at least 1 WORLD boss. hard Mods for players who have 10 fingers. Thy.


Are you serious? In my opinion PoF is the best addition to the franchise since Eye of the North and I don't see any lack of player activity on the new maps. I even had great difficulty getting into the right instance of my commander because so many map instances were completely full. (Ruins of Surmia server)

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There are plenty of people in the PoF maps, the maps are just (A) flipping huge and (B) made for exploration with no real reason to group up or look for people beyond a few achievements.


Personally I went back to the HoT maps to complete a daily, after forty five freaking minutes of _waiting_ for the content I needed, I went to the core map event daily, because doing four things in core was less of a hassle than doing one in HoT.


It took very little exposure to realize I missed HoT like I missed a punch in the face, and so do most people. The meta events were great, even with their flaws. And they are practically the ONLY thing people return to HoT for.


That doesn't change, or make up for, the fact that danged near everything else about that expansion was some of the worst work ANet has ever done.


EDIT: Actually the meta events weren't even great, they were good to okay-ish, with really good loot, and practically everyone returns to them for the loot, not because they were particularly enjoyable.

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There isn't a lot of draw to the PoF maps to keep people coming back. Besides replayability thru metas; one thing that bugs me as someone that farms a lot is the nodes vs creature density is kind of bad. There is little reason to wander a map farming and occasionally doing events if you have to fight your way thru to much to farm the sparse nodes.

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Path of Fire maps may seem less populated because they aren't as claustrophobic as Heart of Thorn maps, and players have a wider variety of things to do than coalescing into massive zergballs to do singular map-wide meta events.


Predictably, some PoF events are more popular than others, but that's something ArenaNet can balance over time.


Some players prefer to have the map tell them what to do all the time, but I don't, and prefer PoF over HoT for that reason.


I like both, and appreciate that they're different, but as far as I'm concerned, one Heart of Thorns is enough.

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> @Zenith.7301 said:

> > @akenoyuki.8210 said:

> > PoF did have meta such as the Augury Rock, Serpent's Ire, Maw Torment

> > The problem is, the end reward is really bad that little to no people want to do it

> >

> > I agree about the meta idea on LS though, currently PoF is feel so boring for me

> > A meta that are in par or harder than Dragon's Stand mechanic would be nice

> > We need something that make people want to come back to do it again and again


> That's stretching the concept of meta. It's nowhere on the scale of a meta battle like HoT.


In fact it's silverwastes -> HoT that stretched the concept into something else. Metas have always been like the metas in PoF. There is metas for each world boss, there's a meta for each temple in Orr. Basically anything that has a specific name in the top right corner where your events are is considered a metaby gw2s own standards.


Ofcourse looking ONLY at HoT has given people the impression that all metas are in fact across a whole map and need to be huge undertakings.

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Hey OP and fine people of the forums. So in my opinion I think POF is amazing. Unlike you I find the maps good, I very much enjoy the liberty of doing things more soloish rather than waiting for meta and squads and that thing. HOT has it's thing and POF it's thing, and it it cool. I don't think the maps need meta (I mean most of all have at least 1), they also have smaller events (I absolutely love them BTW, just going on the maps just casually doing things my way - love it) but I do agree with some users that the reward system sucks. I actually managed to find a squad that did the Maws of torment, the meta is amazing, the loot is horrible :))) So maybe they might add some better rewards (probably they will not as Anet is very picky and restrictive at rewards). I would suggest adding even more "escort type events", help X do that (and not hearts, I hate them :)))) but indeed some parts of the desert seem less active in events than others (of course I haven;t manage to fully understand all the maps...still exploring all events and all locations :)). But yeah, take your time and don;t burn the content. When I get nostalgic about meta I go to Verdant Brink (I just hate Auric Basin...only do it for the gold when I need it). Take it slow, explore, enjoy these maps... they are so beautiful.

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> @DebraKadabra.5278 said:

> > @Torolan.5816 said:

> > The first rushers who could not wait to throw money at Anet are through with PoF of course.


> Yep, the zerglings are the ones who are bored. I'm still chugging through and exploring.




Grab a guide, rush through all of it in a breeze and then complain "nothing to do".


I'll never understand that kind of logic. 3 weeks in and i still have plenty to go for and yeah perhaps no meta event but who gives a rat. Im glad i can reach nearly all points now without grinding masteries or waiting for a zerg to open a gate so i can grab a poi.


PoF >>>> HoT for me.

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I really liked HoT and felt it got a bad rap. I also really like PoF, and think that those that prefer HoT type content are trying to give it a bad rap (in much the same way that others tried to do to HoT). When people don't like something the tendency to use hyperbole can be very high, because they want to emphasize their point. It's not good enough that they don't like it, they have to try to convince people that others don't like it.


The player count in all the new zones is still rather high. The player count in HoT zones is also rather high. I suspect different expansions appeal to different players for different reasons.

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> @Offair.2563 said:

> > @DebraKadabra.5278 said:

> > > @Torolan.5816 said:

> > > The first rushers who could not wait to throw money at Anet are through with PoF of course.

> >

> > Yep, the zerglings are the ones who are bored. I'm still chugging through and exploring.

> >

> >


> Grab a guide, rush through all of it in a breeze and then complain "nothing to do".


> I'll never understand that kind of logic. 3 weeks in and i still have plenty to go for and yeah perhaps no meta event but who gives a rat. Im glad i can reach nearly all points now without grinding masteries or waiting for a zerg to open a gate so i can grab a poi.


> PoF >>>> HoT for me.


Could you please stop with that gerneralisation?

I didn´t rush, i just played the story.

Yet i was finished with griffin on day 3 (with no guides available at this time)


And without any "endgamegoals" left i see a problem here.....

Not for you, but for others.

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