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Elite Spec Idea


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I'm inspired by all the other posts about elite spec ideas so here's mine. Been stewing on it for a while.


Forgive the formatting I'm posting on a phone.


What I'm shooting for is a ranged condi support because that's what warrior lacks. I want a warrior spec to make good use of arms. I also would like the spec to have synergy with tactics.


I'm leaving damage/duration numbers up to the reader.


I am styling the traits as such

Top: Condition

Mid: Support

Bottom: Sustain




Minor Proficiency: Pistol MH/OH


Pistol 1: Scattershot - Fires shrapnel in a 600 range cone hitting up to three targets inflicting bleed.

Pistol 2: Kneecapper - Fire two projectiles if both hit inflict a short immobilization.

Pistol 3: Grit - fires a projectile and smoke cloud blinding in a cone.

Pistol 4: Off the Dock - Kick off of an enemy dazing them briefly and evade backwards

Pistol 5: Rally - AoE Fury and Regen to allies

Pistol Burst: Broadside - fire 5 shots inflicting vulnerability



MA Top: Fire and Ash: Blind inflicts a stack of burning *ICD*

MA Mid: Clear Skys: Granting fury to allies removes a condition

MA Bot: "You Cheated": CC inflicts blind *ICD*


MinorM: Gain fury after a dodge roll

MM Top: Vile Strike: Burst skills inflict poison

MM Mid: Sea Shanty: Allies gain fury when you do

MM Bot: Like the Turtle: Gain protection when CCed *ICD*


Minor G: chance to inflict vulnerability on crits

MG Top: Salty Sea Dog: Transfer a condition when inflicting poison.

MG Mid: Black Sail: Fury grants swiftness

MG Bot: Plunder and Greed: Heal when inflicting vulnerability.


Heal: Barely Fit For Drinking: Heal and gain superspeed while poisoning yourself briefly.

Utility 1: "Full Sail!" Shout at allies granting fury and swiftness

Utility 2: Brace For Impact: Gain 1 second of stability and channel a 1 second block

Utility 3: Calm Seas: Channel for 3 seconds removing 4 conditions

Utility 4: 'Arrr: Break stun and gain fury

Elite: Send 'Em To The Locker!: Fire a flare gun at a target. If the target is below 25% hp they gain debuff that explodes after a short time dealing damage and inflicting burning.


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The issue I have with the idea is that you don't introduce any e-spec mechanism when an e-spec is supposed to be developped around it's special mechanism.

Don't get me wrong, the skills and traits are nice (I commend the creativity) and would fit well into the core warrior but it's basically a new core traitline and some skills, not an e-spec.


The first question is:

"What themes do I want to give to the e-spec?"

_Question that you answer perfectly._


The second question you have to answer when attempting to create an e-spec is:

"What is the thing that distinguish the e-spec (here: buccaneer) from the core warrior?"

_That's the step you missed._


After answering these 2 questions, you just have to make a coherent traitline. The weapon skills and utility skills are merely accessory, they do not and above all should not be the defining factor of your e-spec. For example, the Reaper is not the GS necromancer, the chronomancer is not the shield mesmer, spellbreaker is not the dagger warrior... etc.


So, what's the catch of the Buccaneer e-spec? Does it summon a parrot? If so, how does the traitline support the parrot? Do the utility skills/weapon skills give support to the parrot? What does the parrot do for you? How does it integrate itself into the targeted themes? ... etc.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> The issue I have with the idea is that you don't introduce any e-spec mechanism when an e-spec is supposed to be developped around it's special mechanism.

> Don't get me wrong, the skills and traits are nice (I commend the creativity) and would fit well into the core warrior but it's basically a new core traitline and some skills, not an e-spec.


> The first question is:

> "What themes do I want to give to the e-spec?"

> _Question that you answer perfectly._


> The second question you have to answer when attempting to create an e-spec is:

> "What is the thing that distinguish the e-spec (here: buccaneer) from the core warrior?"

> _That's the step you missed._


> After answering these 2 questions, you just have to make a coherent traitline. The weapon skills and utility skills are merely accessory, they do not and above all should not be the defining factor of your e-spec. For example, the Reaper is not the GS necromancer, the chronomancer is not the shield mesmer, spellbreaker is not the dagger warrior... etc.


> So, what's the catch of the Buccaneer e-spec? Does it summon a parrot? If so, how does the traitline support the parrot? Do the utility skills/weapon skills give support to the parrot? What does the parrot do for you? How does it integrate itself into the targeted themes? ... etc.


See the problem with it is short of making it 2 bars adrenaline and your burst skill uses both its already been done. You're locked into a full 30 with zerker and down to level 1 bursts with spellbreaker. At this point I figure we could stand just a functional expansion spec and if it had to have an extra mechanic Idk. F2 drops an anchor on someone for a 1 second knockdown. *shrug*

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I don't think Buccaneer sounds very warrior like, it sounds more Thiefy, due to Buccaneer being a term for Pirates.


I think Marauder may be a more fitting name.

I think a mid ranged duelist which uses pistols could be a very interesting spec idea, though the condi focus kinda turns me off.


There seems to be a lack of an Espec mechanic though, are they gonna have a special alteration to their Burst skills?


Usually an Espec alters the playstyle of the Profession so maybe a mid ranged Burst sort of thing may be good.


Maybe something like, they start off with full 3 bars of Adrenaline and expand each as an "empowered shot" which makes their next weapon attack inherit all Burst skill traits and apply a heavy DoT.





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1) The poison on hitting with a burst, would this be a 1 stack per hit thing or X stacks per bar spent thing. If its a 1 stack be hit thing then your poison traits would end up breaking Flurry (gasp!), but seeing how weak Flurry is I'm cool with that lol.


2) I like the overall theme, but a specific mechanic is needed. Your Utilities and Elite are really commands not shouts. Why not use the spec to replace the base bursts with new ones? Call them Dares if you will. I like that Berserker gave primal bursts, made the weapons feel different and added another layer of gameplay. Another option would be 2 bars of adrenaline and the F2 was a new burst based on the OH (new bursts for two handed weapons). These Dares could be support oriented with a +600 range depending on the weapon. For instance a Warhorn Dare could be something that grants retaliation, stability and protection (not sure on the duration or the CD but with 100% boon duration and burst mastery the uptime should not exceed an 8/10 ratio). A Shield Dare could be a improved version of your Utility 2 for instance.

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