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Was/is there a problem with matchmaking?


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> @"Ivarian.9018" said:

> **I'd rather wait a little longer for quality matches rather than waste 10 minutes playing a complete unfair match. While this balance patch is a good sign of some attention being brought into PVP, the main issue of PVP today is the matchmaking which exacerbates balance issue perception and with the slower pace of PVP gameplay incoming, it is going to be even more frustrating.**


^^^^ You just won the game.


Everyone hating eachother over balance when the Ranked/competitive is an actual nightmare to play due to metagaming and one-sided matchmaking.


Would much rather a PvP-content patch that gets rid of the metagaming, changes how rating is awarded slightly, introduces stricter punishments for idle-players, and adds actual reasonable new content like a separate Solo/Team ladder and maybe some new maps/modes to go along with it.


This 'big balance patch' is just going to be more of the same. Just go around the PvP section of the forum or look in the PvP-lobby and you'll see that it's just lead to a bunch of arguing and people threatening to quit just like every other balance patch ever, and none of it will matter in like 4-6 weeks anyways when it changes.


A change that benefits everyone on a bigger scope and more long-term would be great.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > @"Shao.7236" said:

> > Controlled RNG is better than Pure RNG. Implying removing the chances of fair odds is better than none.

> >

> > Y'all stuck in the illusion that anything would be better than what you already have, begging for change when in reality it will and only get worst.

> >

> > The claims that pure RNG would be healthier for a game where people want things to be fair, it's a self contradicting statement.

> >

> > People gobble that up even if you're disillusioned. Full context is never a thing.


> lol. making matches based on pvp rank isn't pure rng. that's false. its also false to assume that glicko2 can realistically calculate a persons skill with the amount of factors in gw2s pvp. I wouldn't be saying that if pvp was 100% teams but its not. whats not fair is the current system, so hopefully they don't just leave it as is and hope for the best since that sort of attitude doesn't fix anything.


I could be playing for years and have the highest pvp rank and still be a baddie. Why should I be paired permanently with those that have been playing just as long but are a thousand times better than I, that's why the system you're suggesting fails over the current one.


The current system already does it better than anything else, again the human factor in it is at it's fault. The balance means nothing to it, it's irrelevant to bring balance in the system when the player itself should already know what they are doing over the other.


You're not willing to accept that you, I and everyone else are the mistakes here. Deal with it.


You know what people play and do, play around it. You can say you don't want to be meta but nothing stops you from playing around that meta, that's where the playerbase fails to make it go full circle. Just whining on the forums about how unfair one thing is when they have all the freedom and power to boasts against it.

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> @"Multicolorhipster.9751" said:

> > @"Ivarian.9018" said:

> > **I'd rather wait a little longer for quality matches rather than waste 10 minutes playing a complete unfair match. While this balance patch is a good sign of some attention being brought into PVP, the main issue of PVP today is the matchmaking which exacerbates balance issue perception and with the slower pace of PVP gameplay incoming, it is going to be even more frustrating.**


> ^^^^ You just won the game.


> Everyone hating eachother over balance when the Ranked/competitive is an actual nightmare to play due to metagaming and one-sided matchmaking.


> Would much rather a PvP-content patch that gets rid of the metagaming, changes how rating is awarded slightly, introduces stricter punishments for idle-players, and adds actual reasonable new content like a separate Solo/Team ladder and maybe some new maps/modes to go along with it.


> This 'big balance patch' is just going to be more of the same. Just go around the PvP section of the forum or look in the PvP-lobby and you'll see that it's just lead to a bunch of arguing and people threatening to quit just like every other balance patch ever, and none of it will matter in like 4-6 weeks anyways when it changes.


> A change that benefits everyone on a bigger scope and more long-term would be great.


These two understand what's up. Honestly. I could look past the unbalanced nature of PvP, -IF- it meant I was going to play with people who also want to try; against other players who want to try. Just had a guy throw one of my game (Just AFK'd in spawn and began to be toxic) Then guess what? Next game he was on the other team. Lo' and behold guess who stopped showing up to fights and my team won flawlessly.


All it takes is -one- person to mess your game up. Pretty absurd.

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ranked matches have better quality than unranked, unless you playing in the morning, when you find the high plat duos climbing the leaderboards, even tho if felt they broke the game too much you can just add them to friends and set their name duo, you prolly won't have more than 2 duos at once.


what i think is really annoying is get matched against 4-5 man stacks in unranked with no chance of winning, most of them have at least one plat player that honestly could carry the game by himself even if his team were all pugs


I also have all this ppl set as premade in my friendlist and I hate the fact I have to dodge them to play my meme builds to maybe have some fun.

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I'm pretty sure population is at an all time low. Even when I queue during prime time lately it's taking noticeably longer than usual. And as already mentioned, queue duration seems to correlate with match quality.


After playing daily for the last several seasons, I'm on the verge of calling it quits myself. The mostly lopsided matches, the crushing loss streaks, the occasional toxic players, and the never-ending cheese meta have taken their toll. :(

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