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Why... just why did you create the Aetherblade Jumping Puzzle?

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I felt the same way when I first started playing GW2. Why jump puzzles? Who in their right mind would enjoy this type of content? And when I first saw Aetherblade, I almost found it insulting. Why would a developer wish to torment their players with a puzzle like this? It's completely insane, unfun, unrewarding. WHY!? Just give me the mesmer portal and I'll be on my way, because there is NO way I will ever waste my time attempting to learn this nonsense!


Fast-forward a few years and while I'm not a JP fanatic, I recently surprised myself by easily completing Aetherblade straight up to the goggles and including the blind jump.

I even did the puzzle multiple times because I was trying to help some new players get the chest and the goggles.


Now how did that happen? And then I thought: Wait a minute! That actually felt rewarding, like I accomplished something I never thought I would be able to do! CLICK! Okay, yeah. Now I get it.





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I don't particularly mind hard puzzles, but I mind those that have glitch mechanics or inconsistency and what corresponds to a place you can stand and what corresponds to a place you will slide down (the game itself seems to have little consistency in that regard).

Also, long puzzles that lack any 'let me restart at point X' are not very interesting. Which they sort of fixed with the rewind converter.

For a while, I would actually go and do whatever jumping puzzle showed up on the dailies (and actually do it - not take a port). But there are some where it is is "I've done it once, and I never want to do it again". The problem I see is that for an MMO, you really want your content to be repeatable, as you can not produce it enough to keep players satisfied, so doing content which players do not want to repeat is a not very efficient use of resources.


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> @"Solvar.7953" said:

> what corresponds to a place you can stand and what corresponds to a place you will slide down (the game itself seems to have little consistency in that regard).


OMG this. World exploration, interesting as it should be, is such a chore because there's no consistency between "slide off this perfectly walkable, textured wall" and "scrape a clawtip on this one pixel to stand still and jump again."


> Also, long puzzles that lack any 'let me restart at point X' are not very interesting. Which they sort of fixed with the rewind converter.


"Fail faster" really needs to be a part of *every* jumping puzzle design.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> > A while back the cogs were actually broken entirely to the point of making the puzzle unable to be done at all. I think it was fixed but its possible they have been broken again by another update.

> They did indeed fix that one, but only by reverting to an earlier bug. One that has been there for years.



I remember trying to tell people it was broken and was repeatedly told I just needed to practice and get better. Because clearly I was just bad. ಠ_ಠ

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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> I felt the same way when I first started playing GW2. Why jump puzzles? Who in their right mind would enjoy this type of content? And when I first saw Aetherblade, I almost found it insulting. Why would a developer wish to torment their players with a puzzle like this? It's completely insane, unfun, unrewarding. WHY!? Just give me the mesmer portal and I'll be on my way, because there is NO way I will ever waste my time attempting to learn this nonsense!


> Fast-forward a few years and while I'm not a JP fanatic, I recently surprised myself by easily completing Aetherblade straight up to the goggles and including the blind jump.

> I even did the puzzle multiple times because I was trying to help some new players get the chest and the goggles.


> Now how did that happen? And then I thought: Wait a minute! That actually felt rewarding, like I accomplished something I never thought I would be able to do! CLICK! Okay, yeah. Now I get it.






Oh dont even get me started on the diving goggles. Even after I somehow managed to get the JP done. And get to the goggles spot. You somehow have to hope that on your way down you don't get hit by anything and die. And all your effort was for nothing. That is not skill that is pure luck and I hate it.

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> @"aspirine.6852" said:

> That is not skill that is pure luck and I hate it.


The part that makes it luck is there is zero conveyance that a threat is coming until it's too late. It's a major problem with the game in general, and with Not So Secret, it can lead to restarting the puzzle because of a cheap death.



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> @"aspirine.6852" said:

> Oh dont even get me started on the diving goggles. Even after I somehow managed to get the JP done. And get to the goggles spot. You somehow have to hope that on your way down you don't get hit by anything and die. And all your effort was for nothing. That is not skill that is pure luck and I hate it.

There is a guide to it somewhere on youtube. Basically, you stand in a specific place, hit dodge key and you will get it 100%. The problem is in finding the spot and direction.


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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"aspirine.6852" said:

> > Oh dont even get me started on the diving goggles. Even after I somehow managed to get the JP done. And get to the goggles spot. You somehow have to hope that on your way down you don't get hit by anything and die. And all your effort was for nothing. That is not skill that is pure luck and I hate it.

> There is a guide to it somewhere on youtube. Basically, you stand in a specific place, hit dodge key and you will get it 100%. The problem is in finding the spot and direction.



I know I saw it too. But imagine coming there for the first time. How the hell are you supposed to figure that out?

And also even with the guide you can easily kill yourself. I know it because I somehow hit some small pipe or something and instakill.

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Not So Secret is one of the best pieces of content in the game.


For the highest gear that often sends people down to their grave, there is a new trick to get onto the middle platform without over shooting or causing the chain reaction by hitting the other gear. All you do is simply let the gear spin up first and then jump on it after it starts spinning up. make sure you are aiming at the next platform. As far as I can remember, you only need to do this one trick on one of the gears ( of the two top ones, the first one you jump to from the rocky ledge)

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> @"Cobrakon.3108" said:

> Not So Secret is one of the best pieces of content in the game.


> For the highest gear that often sends people down to their grave, there is a new trick to get onto the middle platform without over shooting or causing the chain reaction by hitting the other gear. All you do is simply let the gear spin up first and then jump on it after it starts spinning up. make sure you are aiming at the next platform. As far as I can remember, you only need to do this one trick on one of the gears ( of the two top ones, the first one you jump to from the rocky ledge)


This is correct. If you just stand on the gear and wait for it to spin, it will overshoot and kill you. But you can still do it this way on some of the platforms if you aim toward the apparatus that holds the gear on the platform. It will block you from flying past the platform.

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> @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> A while back the cogs were actually broken entirely to the point of making the puzzle unable to be done at all. I think it was fixed but its possible they have been broken again by another update.


I just went and did it Monday night as well as a couple other people that were there. Nothing was broken that I saw.


I also died on the dive spot I didnt push over enough and hit a small pipe on the way down. Musta hit my head cause it was insta death lol.

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> @"TrinitySK.6713" said:

> > @"Bosanac.3658" said:

> > > @"TrinitySK.6713" said:

> > > > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > > > Some people like the additional challenge. This is like the raid of jumping puzzles, it's not for everyone but for those who enjoy doing the puzzles and want to push themselves it's an option.

> > >

> > > Bruh I get it but fuuuu... it's just the extremely punishing design that you need to get to know first and can't use your jump skills to get through first time. Like you need to know that you get across the weird blue spin platforms at the top by walking onto them when they start spinning instead of standing on them already in order to not overshoot. How the hack are you supposed to know that? and how is the skillful? it only eats up time and make me frustrated. Plus the leap of faith is just...

> >

> > Its completely optional, ignore it if it frustrates you that much. Those who really really want to finish it will do it with guides and succeed. As the most challenging JP its fine.


> Had to get it for a mastery. I need masteries so I don't get xp blocked and can farm spirit shards on SW.






Read the patch notes in the General section. Third fix. You don't need to do this at all.

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> @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> The same reason why games like Super Mario 64, Galaxy or now Odyssey exist: Platforming Challenge. I love it. Though I must admit that Nintendo Platformers are extremely polished while in GW2 it feels sometimes a bit vague.


That's the thing. GW2 isn't really too well suited for jumping puzzles, though we do get to manipulate our movement in mid-air, so that's a step above other MMOs that have tried to replicate it. ~~Ohgods XIV is horrid for this.~~ We don't get enough conveyance on a lot of things in a jumping puzzle, and collision is off/unsteady in some spots.

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> @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> > > A while back the cogs were actually broken entirely to the point of making the puzzle unable to be done at all. I think it was fixed but its possible they have been broken again by another update.

> > They did indeed fix that one, but only by reverting to an earlier bug. One that has been there for years.

> >


> I remember trying to tell people it was broken and was repeatedly told I just needed to practice and get better. Because clearly I was just bad. ಠ_ಠ


Bruh... I feel ya

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As a person who loves JPs, I feel your pain.

Aetherblade has to be the only JP that is killing me. Not because of 'difficulty' , but because of these gears and clunky mechanics that can sometimes push you too far, or too little which results with failure either way.

In any case it just doesn't make you feel in control of character and jumps, heck even directions.


Best part being that Aetherblade JP is needed for a couple of legendary weapon collections. :clap:

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It's important to have all degrees of difficulty at the activity jumping to cover for all types of players we are in the game. I know we are a minority, but there are some players - like me - who do love JPs and like to have challenges. I'm bad at many things in the game but good at JPs... At least that! :3


As is now, Anet has not re-added a "real" JP since ages. What I mean with "real" is to have a path where mounts are not allowed (it's fully with us to jump) and a sufficient long route, so that it hurts to fail (a bit masochist maybe but you get the idea LOL). I like when it needs to be worked out, finding the path, trying several ways to jump, and so on... The last one added to the game is the JP in Grothmar. It's fun, but for someone like me, it's no challenge.

So, in the end, the only JPs that still cost some work to jumpers like me are Gendarran (aetherblade) and Ember Bay (vulcano). And even for those two, I know some crazy friends of me who are so damn easy at them that they find it easy... (unbelievable!). I know it's egoistic of course, but I would be glad that they don't get touched, or we will have nothing left...

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> @"TrinitySK.6713" said:

> I mean, most if it is fine, except the rotating cogs that 90% of the time send you over the platform and you have to do it all again, and then, the diving challenge, like, why is it a kitten leap of faith, that if you fail just slightly, you gotta do the whole thing again? I feel very negative feelings towards it's creator.

There are different levels of difficulty. I have actual fear of heights which also translates into games for me. Still I like to challenge myself and I completed them just the same but there are a couple of puzzles I just couldn't complete on my own. That's reality, that's ok.


So I got myself all the way up, or at least I thought so and then you have to do the rotating cogs thing. I almost made it on my own but the final two jumps I just couldn't get done. Then one day a friendly mesmer stopped by and helped me to the top and patiently waited for me after I failed the jump. Second or third attempt I got it.


I won't do it again, but I'm happy with how far I got and the helping hand. I did need it after all for some mastery point or something.


But it's fine that there's stuff that's out of your reach. There were a lot of JPs I couldn't do at first. Now I've done most of them on my own and a few with help. I can feel good about that progress. It wouldn't mean anything if I completed them all and it was easy. That's how I see it.

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