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Please increase the game tickrate to fix the desyncs that make the game unplayable

The Ace.9105

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Please anet, increase the tick rate of the game! The desyncs are really bad and I get hit by skills before the animation has even started half of the time while there's no rubberbanding that would indicate lag issues. The ping is also fine all the time (around 60) and my own skills work normally.

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> @"saerni.2584" said:

> I’ve had weird issues lately. Abilities not triggering quite right. Using a teleport and only getting teleported a good 3 seconds later.


> It’s not consistent but it happens more frequently than I’d like.


Only bugs I see is warriors teleporting.

Pets walking through walls or just spasm teleporting.

Theif model not teleporting properly for example thief shadowsteps -> steal, he can start hitting me but the steal teleport doesnt register for like 0.5s-1s.

or when thief opens up from stealth he stabs me like mofo and his model doesnt appear for a good sec.

Mesmer staff 2 sometimes gliches and mesmer model teleports back and fourth before it teleports back.

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Have to agree there. I experience all of the above mentioned issues and even much more to a point its sometimes pointless to even attempt to dodge something.

Most movement skills, stealth skills and skills with low cast times often pop their effects before it gets registered by my side. Eg: Thief hitting me with melee from 1200 range, warrior CCing with BS while playing his animation directly in to a wall of opposite direction, DMG being applied before the actual skill or during early actually-nondamaging animations, getting hit by stealth attacks before enemy goes to stealth, enemy not rendering at all after leaving stealth, getting evade when not evading for a chunk of time, getting hit mid evade frames, etc. etc. etc.

I can't say this is happening only as of lately, but it definitely is so much worse lately.

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I've only noticed that it's rampant when I am playing on public Wifi + VPN. When I'm on my local home fiber at 20 ping it rarely happens, but still happen somehow. Part of me is pretty sure that lag is due to the players bad connection rather than the servers themselves, because when people lag in any form you do see it.

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From a pvp perspective in recent days I have noticed the same, sometimes they have even told me both friends (50 / 70ping) and opponents that I hit them in the middle of their evades, lately I have received damage from guardians and thiefs that I see 900 or more away while receiving melee damage, thiefs s / p especially. Bull load and gs5 also usually hit me before the animation ends.

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