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Is the ability to join more than 5 guilds anywhere on the radar?

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Over the years, I know many of us have been asking to have the ability to purchase additional guild slots (so to say) so that we can join more than the current limit of 5. Has this ever been addressed by ANET staff? Is it something that COULD be done?

For those of you who think 1 - 5 guilds enough, good for you, but that doesn't mean that the rest of the [paying] population should not ever have the option.

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I don't know about raising the number of guilds, but I definitely think the guild member max needs to be raised over 500. Right now TINY is up to three guilds just to accommodate all our members and applicants, and there is no way to meta-communicate across all three, so guild leaders have to use up three guild slots just to communicate with everyone. Many other large guilds are in the same boat; SOLO and its associates are up to five guilds! I think raising the guild member max to 999 or whatever the code allows, would go a long way to solving such problems.

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> @"sevenDEADLY.5281" said:

> Most games let you join one guild. Why isn't five good enough? Is ten good enough? Is twenty good enough? What arbitrary number is to your liking?



For the purposes of monetization why would people like you care if other people had the option to pay to have other guild slots? Like the level of closed minded here is baffling. Do you really want to force other people [who are willing to financially support the game that you also play] into your little box and deprive the developers of potential revenue in the process?

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> @"Sapphic Savvy.8376" said:

> > @"sevenDEADLY.5281" said:

> > Most games let you join one guild. Why isn't five good enough? Is ten good enough? Is twenty good enough? What arbitrary number is to your liking?



> For the purposes of monetization why would people like you care if other people had the option to pay to have other guild slots? Like the level of closed minded here is baffling. Do you really want to force other people [who are willing to financially support the game that you also play] into your little box and deprive the developers of potential revenue in the process?


Ah, so you're the "make stuff I want and monetize it" crowd. Monetizing build templates worked out so well... it was only followed by the worst quarter for Arenanet to date on the finance report.

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> @"Naxos.2503" said:

> Subjective, but I personally think 5 is 4 too many : Each time you login, you're a member of 1, and a ghost to the remaining 4.

You realize that you can turn on guild chat of all five guilds in your chat options, and chat in all of them using /g1 through /g5? You're only a ghost in a guild if you choose not to participate in it.


Whenever I log in, first thing I do is say hi in all of my guilds. Ironically, the one with the most active guild chat and most people partying up and helping out constantly is the one where pretty much nobody ever represents that guild. We're all parts of other (vastly different) guilds, too, but the comunity spirit in that non-rep guild is still among the best I've ever been in.


That's not to say my other guilds are dead or anything. In fact I just had close to a dozend guildies from my main guild (the one where I'm one of the guild leaders and that I rep most of the time) at my house last weekend to celebrate my real life birthday :) . That guild just is more casual and laid-back than the other one and guild chat isn't always as active.


Personally I could do with more guild slots, as I had to turn down a few guild invites from interesting guilds/communities a few times already, but I'd hate to see the complaining if ANet should choose to sell them in the store. It's just not a good marketing move at this point in time.

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I could, easily, since I refuse to join one that requires that. Many do not. There is no reason TO require it any more, since the currency that used to gain is no longer granted.


Let's see. I could join the second guild I raid with, I could join the alliance guild, I could join the guild my daughter runs, I could join the farming guild.


Currently I am in my small friends and family guild, a large social guild, a raid guild, and a wvw guild. I have an empty slot so whichever other guild I am in the discord of needs help I can join, help, then leave again. It's also useful to have a blank slot so I can sell shovels, or insignia, or other bound items. All my permanent guilds are max level.


The empty slot but discord membership is a sorry fix for actual membership.

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> @"sevenDEADLY.5281" said:

> Most games let you join one guild.


Per character.


If you want to draw parallels, let's be accurate with them. In GW2 guilds are account wide, and you are allowed 5 of them. In a game like WoW for example, if you have 12 characters, you can have them join 12 different guilds.


GW2 is obviously more flexible as you can swap from guild to guild.


For me I have 1 PvE guild that is basically just friends, 1 PvE guild that is focused on fractal content, and I have 3 WvW guilds with members who play at different time zones (OCX/SEA/NA Prime)


I would be happy to purchase extra guild slots for gems.



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