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Hardcore Character Option

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> @"fluffdragon.1523" said:

> I support this idea.


> Maybe then all the people complaining about the game being "too easy" will feel properly challenged.


> Don't even worry about the wallet stuff. When someone wipes in a raid and 1000g of items disappears from the economy in an instant, it literally won't be any different from how many languishing accounts or massive bank expansions have been holding onto resources for years.


Your argument is compelling, but I still don't think ArenaNet want to handle the stream of tickets that complain about how they got killed by unfair situations in the game or lag.

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You can do this today.

When your character dies the first time, delete it, and begin again.

People who want harder game play refuse to cripple themselves with sub-par builds, lesser weapons/armor, and no consumables. To me that's easier than asking the devs to spend hundreds of man-hours to redesign game mechanics and divide server power.


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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> Why, then, would you even need a title? If you don't care about what others think, then you don't need to display a title for this.


That was the heart of what I was trying to get at, but it was given such a non-response, I decided to cut my losses and run. But thank you for keeping up the fight! :3

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> @"Paradoxoglanis.1904" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > I'll bite. What's a 'hard core character'?


> One with 1 life. If you die, your character is deleted along with their equipment and inventory.


So if your character dies for lag or a internet disconnection? who you'd want to kill?

People rages in Pvp for losing a match... imagine losing a "elite character" ... extreme toxicity, serious menaces between players... NO

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> Why, then, would you even need a title? If you don't care about what others think, then you don't need to display a title for this.


Because it fills my title list more, I don't even display a title in game, it is all personal accomplishments. And I am not the one asking for a hardcore mode, only offering another option for someone who does want it.

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> @"Axelteas.7192" said:

> > @"Paradoxoglanis.1904" said:

> > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > > I'll bite. What's a 'hard core character'?

> >

> > One with 1 life. If you die, your character is deleted along with their equipment and inventory.


> So if your character dies for lag or a internet disconnection? who you'd want to kill?

> People rages in Pvp for losing a match... imagine losing a "elite character" ... extreme toxicity, serious menaces between players... NO


This is a problem in every online hardcore game, people know the risk and still have fun with it.

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Great idea, I think back in the day wow had a ring that stopped you gaining experience or something like that. I remember running around struggling when everyone else was breezing through. If the same type of mechanic was put in place it shouldn't be too hard.


Those wanting a challenge could play solo with their say 40% less health and 50% less damage, details don't really matter the fact is sounds like a great idea to revamp playing old content. Link it to achievements with cool rewards like "complete the hero points in Queensdale doing over 70% of the total damage while wearing the ring" "complete Arah with all member wearing the ring".


I would get into that.

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In ye olde days of Diablo 2, there was this thing called Hardcore Mode, and the concept of it seemed pretty nifty for its time! I'll admit, I never went for it since I believe I still had dial-up in those days, and I wouldn't dare to try a mode like that. But I did read up on it, mainly for why anyone would be willing to go through such torture. Well, it worked for Diablo 2 because its incentives worked for how the game was designed.


You created your "one life only" character in a separate world where, as you leveled and endured RNG to fuel your power fantasy, there were introduced items specific to that mode that could push your character's strength beyond what it was capable of achieving in regular gameplay.


And the addicting, mass slaughtering combat of Diablo 2 encouraged you to keep going! Click a group -> The group dies and drops tons of loot -> You're in a constant mental state of reward that propels you forward (also Magic Find actually mattered). GW2, everything is a health sponge. Also, everything hits HARDER than you on average per instance of hitting (damage per instance, not damage per second), while rewards from mobs are pretty much worth ignoring, and you only pay attention to your inventory once you down the last boss/ encounter of whatever's your fancy at the moment. At least that's been my interpretation of it. Mental state feels more like working or grinding, and "better not get hit even once", and adding a level of "you die once, you did all that for nothing" to it sounds like it'd be an exercise in frustration that few would join in on.


I mean, there was also a leaderboard/ ladder thing in Diablo 2 showing who reached level 99 the quickest in that season, but I've a feeling it was a quest for those specific items that was the main appeal, considering there was nearly no limit to how strong one could make a character in that game if luck was on their side. And then, after that season was over, the characters then would be converted into a regular mode character with all the items they had intact.


The thing about Guild Wars 2 is that the maximum potential of a character is already defined and reachable in whatever gimmick it's setting out to do (without risking character deletion upon one failed mechanic by another party member). The developers aren't going beyond ascended and legendary equipment. Maybe if precursors or something dropped more in that mode, or specific legendary skins were Hardcore only, it'd invite some people into that mode, at which point they'd then define a rigid, "safety" meta for farming group content (while there'll likely be very, VERY few groups to even find outside of trusted statics that'd in turn take away from the amount of groups seen in the regular game mode as well), and it'd be no different than what we have now: different builds maybe, but still a community that'll look to only accept what an outside website dictates because of the lack of variety when it comes to customizing what a class can do.


Titles and achievements alone? That likely wouldn't draw enough people to the mode, though I'll admit bias in that neither of those things mean anything to me at this point in this game's lifespan.




Also, completing story missions without dying wouldn't feel huge. Maybe to some! But after seven--almost eight years--you should be doing them in your sleep by now. Literally, only Migraine gives me trouble, and that's only if I disrespect Eir's fire attack.

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