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Five Guild slots isn't enough anymore


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As my hours in this game continue to accrue, and the interest in this game, and it's varied game modes had swelled. I'm faced with difficult decisions lately. Which one of my 5 guilds should I drop, because another community (guild) I want to be apart of is asking me to be a member. This issue wasn't huge previously, but in the two years, the number of niche guilds has skyrocketed. Raid static members want a guild of their own, Raid LFG focused guilds (e.g Immortal Raiders), WvW guilds, General PvE guilds, Map meta guilds (e.g SAND for Dry top), Special interest guilds (RP, writing, musical guilds), even streamers ( Teapot, Wooden potatoes, Fireprufe, Aurora Peachy) have their own guilds.. the list is nearly endless.


It's pretty hard to just drop a guild arbitrarily when so many of your friends are still members. Some people may perceive it to be just rude when that wasn't your intention at all. It can be awkward when it comes up as if I see their own guild and community is inferior to a new one. Something I obviously want to avoid at all costs.


I understand that I maybe in the minority, However, I'm sure a few people myself included would pay good money to open up a few extra slots. Let's say 300 gems a slot?

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imho you should have only 1 Guild. But since the Frind list needs to be greatly improved, there are no groups, player lists or "great player follower group" possible to do, etc. I think that 5 guilds are a good compromise. Just choose what you want to value more, and if you leave some guilds, just tell your problem: I don't think it's rude.

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It would be easy for me to end up in 10 guilds, so I'd also like to increase the limit (and I, too, would pay gems for that). However, I don't think that "because dropping a guild might be rude" is the best rationale. That's a personal issue that ANet shouldn't be responsible for addressing.


Here are some types of guilds to which I'd belong if there was room (not counting storage guilds):

* Primary social guild

* Second social guild (because I'm still friends with many people).

* Primary WvW guild (because my social guilds don't WvW)

* Primary Challenging Instanced content guild (the people with whom I do T4/cm fractals with)

* Raid training guild A (where I'm learning)

* Raid training guild B (where I'm training others who aren't ready for prime time)

* Mindless Farming Guild (e.g. for Silverwastes, DT, etc)

* Challenging Open World Content Guild (e.g. for Triple Trouble, Shattererererererer, etc)

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Previously, 5 guilds were more or less just extra storage...now that that has been reworked a bit and new content has been added...it seems to warrant more guilds which might be how some people do things (like Illconceived mentioned).


That said, you don't even need to be in a guild to really get content done. Since my guild has left GW2 (even though I still share a Discord and play other games with them), LFG has got me through a lot of unsoloable content and introduced me to new friends/communities.

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I just received notice last night from a friend in one guild that he was dropping that one to help out a friend's guild. I had to drop from a guild the other day to join another guild so I could stay in touch with some new friends. Right now I've got my 1 storage guild that I share between to my two accounts and my brother's, my main guild, another guild that I'm an officer in, a 3rd guild that I run with frequently, and this new guild that's going to start trying to do raid training. Yeah, I could use an extra slot or two myself.

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I see the rationale for needing extra slots and I think it would make an adequate cash shop addition---but this thread has me feeling outdated. I've always been the type to dedicate myself to one guild and one guild alone. When I saw the multiple guild system for Guild Wars 2, I knew that I wouldn't be one to utilize it quite like others. Personally, I'd like to see the alliance system from Factions come back into play. I miss doing Alliance Battles, capturing towns, visiting alliance guild halls, and having the ability to communicate with several other guilds via the alliance chat function. Now that---that I would utilize, but I doubt that's something that would ever make a comeback.

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I agree with needing more than 5 guilds. At release I thought 5 was just too much, but now I'm wishing for more.


I have 2 personal guilds that are just for storage, which leaves me with 3 slots for communities. I have a raid guild and 2 reasonably large community guilds that I'm part of. I've been invited to a few different guilds that I would like to join, but I just can't because I don't have the space.


Ideally I'd like room for a fractal guild, my mate's guild (that I've had to leave more than once because of lack of guild slots), a Silverwastes guild, a Dry Top guild, and one just for spare (possibly a HoT meta running guild). If it could be increased to 10+ guild slots that would be fantastic.

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> @Hornet.6357 said:

> I'm not sure Alliances would necessarily work all that well, the content isn't there to require such a system. The closest we have to that in the current state of the game is WvW, and that's already split up into the world system.


Plus with guilds that aren't related to each other (SW, fractals, WvW focused, etc) they wouldn't have much of a reason to make an alliance.

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I think this is just a stopgap solution, to a problem we should not be having. Simply put I believe that Alliances SHOULD be the solution, contrary to their current usefulness.

Currently Gw2 does not have much in the way of real guild content.... But i tihnk it is about time to bring back more guild based content. Having alliances also is very helpful to smaller guilds who dont have the membership to do current content too, and allow for stronger guild relationships to form. It would also allow for guilds to create sects, one sect may focus totally on WvW, one on PvP and another on PvE while also possibly including a noob sect or a PvX sect without filling up the guild mates list of guilds with one guild who wants such sects.

Further it would allow players from any guild in the alliance to join in for guild missions or guild hall captures.

Having less content that would benefit from alliances is not a good argument in my eyes, since after their inclusion devs can focus on the addition of content to support its existence.

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I think 5 guilds is still a good mid ground. Too many guild choices results in people barely representing any one guild and taking part in those guild events. This is especially bothersome now that new guilds absolutely NEED that participation if they are to grow their guild and get/maintain a guild hall since that feature is not small guild friendly. Also, many other guilds that focus on WvW are mandatory rep type guilds that will kick if you are repping too many other guilds or aren't available for WvW skirmishes. I'd imagine the same is true to an extent for Raid guilds. Five gives people enough options for separate guilds that might be there for social stuff without rep requirements while still having enough slots for more serious game play guilds. Too many slots will detract from that and might kill even larger guilds if repping gets split out even more.

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I don't think having more than 5 guilds is a good idea and that it should stay as it is. Firstly because this prolly doesnt affect majority of players. Second, it would put more strain on the servers having to keep track of additional guilds rosters and activities per player. Third, doing so could easily cause a snowball effect. Where would the new cut off be? It's 5 now.. if it were bumped up to 7, how long before people ask for it to be 10, then 15, then 20 and completely defeating the purpose of being in a guild at all. Players complain as it is how with even 5 guild options that each individual guild doesnt get the representation/participation from members as it would like and adding more will only make that point worse. Point in short, AN has to draw a line somewhere.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd happily pay gems to have five more guildslots, this way it's optional for people who don't want more slots, and it'd potentially give Anet a little bit more revenue.

I do hope this ends up added as I hate having to drop guilds, being an Rper I like having characters in different groups, and five simply isn't enough for my 18 characters

(Yes, I have a problem ¬¬)

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> @Khailyn.6248 said:

> I don't think having more than 5 guilds is a good idea and that it should stay as it is. Firstly because this prolly doesnt affect majority of players. Second, it would put more strain on the servers having to keep track of additional guilds rosters and activities per player. Third, doing so could easily cause a snowball effect. Where would the new cut off be? It's 5 now.. if it were bumped up to 7, how long before people ask for it to be 10, then 15, then 20 and completely defeating the purpose of being in a guild at all. Players complain as it is how with even 5 guild options that each individual guild doesnt get the representation/participation from members as it would like and adding more will only make that point worse. Point in short, AN has to draw a line somewhere.


I see your point about ANet drawing the line. If they added more slots and were smart about it they may just cap it at one or two extra slots and keep it at that. I agree with the representation factor as well, but the longer I play the more guilds I see that don't require repping unless you're participating in guild events with them.


I'd like to see at least one extra slot added, possibly behind a gem paywall or something like that.

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Well, there are people who join 1 guild. There are people who collect guilds like pokemon.

For me 5 guilds is enough to get all relevant stuff: pve, pvp, www, friends, with last slot reserved for raids if i ever do them.

I understand how some people want more, but really i think 5 is enough. And already way more than other games allow.

(Also, the "devs time better spent elsewhere" argument, sorry)

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There are always options....


1. Perhaps Anet could treat guild slots like character slots, so players that desire more slots can purchase them with gems or in-game gold?


2. Currently there are three in-game non-guild organizations The Durmand Priory, The Order of Whispers, and The Vigil. Notice that while each of these has its own primary location, they also have "branch" offices in major cities (various POI). Why not extend this ability to Guilds? Allow guilds to capture more than one Guild Hall, have them identify one as the main guild hall, leaving the rest as the guild's branch office(s). Sure, a guild only needs one guild hall, but the ability to branch out would help give them reasons to continue with Guild Missions once the primary guild hall is finished. A method could be worked out to transfer resources at some rate of exchange from one guild location to the next. For example, once a Guild Hall is fully upgraded there really is no need to have Aetherium, but if you could transfer a quantity from one location to another at a less than one-to-one ratio (to pay for the transport cost), that would be a way to further utilize that resource. Of course, if more is needed, one could just develop the mine at the desired location and make direct use of all that is mined there.


As an aside to this, I think that a guild hall location should be created for Central Tyria (possibly several, it's kind of a big area). After all, the game is called "Guild Wars 2"....

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  • 1 year later...

I would appreciate more guild slots as well. Many of the guilds I belong to have a primary purpose or focus (WvW Spvp, PVE,) so I find myself needing more than 5 to cover all aspects of the game as it grows. I realize too many would probably invite exploration for storage and whatnot but it really is needed -- shuffling slots means upsetting friends.

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