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WvW / PvP Theorycrafters Builds Sharing & Discussion!


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Hi fellow Necros!

I'm sad to say that my buildcrafting has flopped badly!

I'm still thrashed 90% of the times after the patch (I'm now 100% certain my skills are bad too).


Would be lovely if we had a thread dedicated to sharing of builds that you have theorycrafted and found effective for further testing and discussion!


We could use the below template when sharing:


**Game Mode:** WvW or PvP?



* WvW - Roaming / Havoc / Zerging etc. ?

* PvP - Far node decapper / central bruiser / Support healer / Plus 1 burster etc. ?


**Build Link:** [We could use build editor to link here.](http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/)


**Strengths / Weaknesses:** What are your build's strengths and weaknesses?


**Play-style:** How would you describe your build's play-style? Shroud camping? Shroud Flashing? Rotational support? others etc.

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From my first test:


**Game Mode:** WvW


**Role:** WvW - Zerging


**Build Link:** Http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PSwAYt/lNwQYHsHmJWyXmvUA-zRRYVBxxG1cjHSOSgMVC5KCM5BJI2DzC9nVA-e


**Strengths / Weaknesses:** Wells Spike isn't as good as power scourges, overall damage is way higher than power scourges


**Play-style:** normal Zerg scourge


Not quite sure if sand savant is better than 3 small shades, as the cooldown of shades has gone down drastically.

Needs further testing.

Shades do nearly no damage anymore. With this build I got 100crits, power scourge is at around 150crit damage on shade proc.


And Wells almost didn't see any nerf so having a bit power damage is pretty good I think.


Different build in testing:



Same build with deathmagic instead of soulreaping. More core tankyness from corrrupters fervor (permanent protection in zergfights)

But also no stunbreak (requires a good guard for stability)



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im trying to make a core well build, with heavy focus in hp for zerging, and i was looking at well of power, doesnt look that bad, until i realized that the stability it gives only procs at the moment im laying it down, and is not ticking with the might pulses. so i get 1 second of stab after casting it, wow.

but its a stunbreak with 32s cd, which is quite short actually


any thought on that ?

the idea is to basically tank most of the incoming dmg, when being stuck in cc and heal back up from kills that your team hopefully is doing



edit: might even go for lich, since plaguelands is kinda meh. 42k hp in lich tho :^)

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> why would people still run scourge in wvw zergs when its so bad now? how is reaper not better?


With more cc's it's actually rough for reapers. For reapers to do good damage in WvW zergs they need to complete the shroud 4 spin and auto attack rotations. Any decent guild/squads out there would drop their corrupt bombs and cc's during melee engages. This really screws up reaper's dps rotations.


From limited tests yesterday it seems scourges are still going to be meta for wvw zergs. It's not to say reapers aren't going to be viable, they are. But scourges are by far not dead and they still corrupt bomb very hard.


On topic personally I didn't find condi to be that good. Our burning got nerfed a bit, while cleanses from scrappers are just as powerful as before. Condi scourge builds work fine vs pug zergs and clouds where cleanses are lacking. It'll prob also will work fine for small scale fights. But against good guild groups where cleanses are on point, condi is just as pointless as pre-patch. Power just felt better from my tests yesterday.

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I'm not going to share any of my builds because I have many times before and I haven't changed any of them post-patch.


My Dreadmancer build is dead. It was my favorite thing to play so I'm a little heartbroken over this... The reduction in Life Blast damage, the reduced Fear duration from Fear of Death and the reduced damage bonus from Dread pretty much made it pointless to go all in on damage. A big part of what made the build work was that I had a _ton_ of ranged pressure and potential to two shot ( even one shot if their total health was low enough ) people while they were Feared from damage multipliers and rapid Vulnerability stacking. I understand high damage builds aren't healthy for the game and I do agree with ANet's stance on this but, in the case of this build ( and a select few others available to other professions ) I felt the defensive trade offs were enough to call it balanced. My defense was my offense, I pumped out so much damage that people were forced to kill me as quick as they could. Post patch I'm still pretty squishy, albeit a little less with everything else doing less damage as well, but I hardly get a damage boost from Dread and my Fears don't last long enough to get kiting distance.


Core power Necro was always "meh", now I'd go so far as to say it isn't worth playing but, maybe I just need more time to tinker. First impressions are that Signet condition, Signet hybrid and full condition Spite are the only good core builds to play.


Power Reaper seems to be doing okay and may be what I end up playing most now. It still does solid damage and functions basically the same as it did before but is slightly less vulnerable to having it's entire Shroud shredded through in half a second.

granted DB and HoD were pretty much getting steam rolled.


I was thinking on a hybrid build pre patch that I've yet to put together. With how things have turned out, I think it could end up doing quite well but, on paper does not always translate to reality.

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> @"Jasonbdj.4021" said:

> If you find a good PVP build, don't share it so that the lazy people can copy and paste as it is possible that your build could be used against you.


yeeea but it just delays the inevitable.


and potentially it makes the game worse, like just thinking about having poeple run around with useless or missundestood builds makes games RNG based and worthless for determining actual 5v5 balance.


so in a sense it would be better if everyone start playing the A-tier meta builds so see ASAP the effects of patch and where to move next one asap.

cz in first week it feels like the enemys youre playing against are worth anything


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PVP ONLY (mid plat)


Core "immortal" bunker, basically a decap engie, survives 1v2 or 1v3 forever or long enough to not be worth it, slowly decaps in 1v1. 0 damage so it loses the fb+condi rev mirror. big bonus tip: USE dagger 3 for SELF LIFEFORCE on signet, especially important at start of match



Power dmg reaper, decent so far but could be just a bad B-tier build winnng against C-tier trash builds of fresh update. PLAY ROAMER AND KITE its a lot safer with less power dmg and NO SHIRO REVS most are condi so speed rune is 200% must and only thing that saves you. Same dagger 3 hack for lifeoforce, u can afford to camp shroud for 2x leaps each rotation. Priorite a mid long fight and pressuring cooldown over raw direct dmg - you cant all-in 1shot anymore. I dont htink lich works in high 5v5 and you dont the extra lifeforce. ANNOYING PLAGUE SIGNET SEEMS MUST, u eat too much condies when going melee, spam it early.



classic core condi, nothing yet,

no idea hugely specific each time, probably only used with path of coruption against resistance revs, else I didnt find yet a special need for it, low dmg

Edit - so far max corrupts needed to kill FB + rev... try to use 2x corupts at same time to actually get some pressure, and swap 1x bomb of firebrand, 1x bomb on rev resistance, if u just focus 1 it seems ppl evade too much



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