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Soulbeast stances S u c c rightnow


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There were before the patch not great, but now there are realy unplayable, 60 sec on dolyak stances is just not a choice.


Suggestion: Buff the Stances Traitline to decrease cd on stances to the normal 20% and decrease dolyak stance to 50 sec.

Suggestion 2: Remove the might of griffon stance but let it be a Stunbreak.


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> @"Avatar.3568" said:

> > @"Odik.4587" said:

> > Why nobody post about mauls that hit you for 6-10.5k and pets 13k instead?;d


> you can do it if you want, i just want to tell ya that stances are right now in a unplayable state .

Like since I used to play mesmer and I would present you chronomancer wells (since chrono need no introduction) they were nerfed as well, are these nerfs were supposed to make unplayble wells(on unplayble spec) more playble? (And ye, there are tons of meh utilities) As for your thread it belongs to profession subforum o/

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> @"Odik.4587" said:

> Why nobody post about mauls that hit you for 6-10.5k (and thats core lul) and pets 13k instead?;d


If you cannot dodge a maul or see it coming, you are probably a really bad player. Ranger's Greatsword has a very slow autoattack and maul has a pretty long animation time. It is a skill that is very easy to dodge and if you are fighting a ranger on gs, you specifically save your dodge for the maul as it is the only one that does damage. And if pets are hitting you for 13k you must be high. You must be running a glass build if the pet is hitting you for that much damage.

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> @"Avatar.3568" said:

> > @"Odik.4587" said:

> > Why nobody post about mauls that hit you for 6-10.5k and pets 13k instead?;d


> you can do it if you want, i just want to tell ya that stances are right now in a unplayable state .


Stances are the least of sb's worry. With no pet swap in combat the class's versatility is thrown out the window for the sake of so called "tradeoff". What they don't mention are the engineer's toolbelt skills, the warrior's 5 sec weapon swap, the elementalist's 16 weapon skills, thief's initiative. Soulbeast has been out of the meta for quite a few seasons and Anet decides to butcher the class even more. I am done with this game where everything is being dumbed down. Why play the game when Anet themselves don't want you playing it.

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> @"Tazer.2157" said:

> > @"Odik.4587" said:

> > Why nobody post about mauls that hit you for 6-10.5k (and thats core lul) and pets 13k instead?;d


> If you cannot dodge a maul or see it coming, you are probably a really bad player. Ranger's Greatsword has a very slow autoattack and maul has a pretty long animation time. It is a skill that is very easy to dodge and if you are fighting a ranger on gs, you specifically save your dodge for the maul as it is the only one that does damage. And if pets are hitting you for 13k you must be high. You must be running a glass build if the pet is hitting you for that much damage.


Sorry for being a bad player by not being able to dodge a 6s cd skill with a 10s cd dodge,





Sorry if some modifiers prevent me from dodging,






Sorry to realize that pet damage is placebo,

Actually i'm quite sorry for you.

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> @"aelska.4609" said:

> > @"Tazer.2157" said:

> > > @"Odik.4587" said:

> > > Why nobody post about mauls that hit you for 6-10.5k (and thats core lul) and pets 13k instead?;d

> >

> > If you cannot dodge a maul or see it coming, you are probably a really bad player. Ranger's Greatsword has a very slow autoattack and maul has a pretty long animation time. It is a skill that is very easy to dodge and if you are fighting a ranger on gs, you specifically save your dodge for the maul as it is the only one that does damage. And if pets are hitting you for 13k you must be high. You must be running a glass build if the pet is hitting you for that much damage.


> Sorry for being a bad player by not being able to dodge a 6s cd skill with a 10s cd dodge,


> [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Maul_(ranger_greatsword_skill)](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Maul_(ranger_greatsword_skill))

> [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Endurance](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Endurance)


> Sorry if some modifiers prevent me from dodging,


> [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Quickness](Quickness)

> [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Stun](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Stun)

> [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Stealth](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Stealth)


> Sorry to realize that pet damage is placebo,

> Actually i'm quite sorry for you.


The only skill on ranger greatsword that you can't avoid through movement alone is Swoop. If you're sitting in melee range, and do not have the reaction time to properly dodge/blind/weakness/block, etc. etc. Maul - the ONE skill on ranger gs that actually does damage, I'm quite sorry for you.


Btw stunbreaks exist, you should probably start using them if you can't dodge the single, 20s cd, non-stowable, stationary hilt bash stun from behind the first place.


And smoke field leaps and blasts last 3 seconds so if you have any spatial awareness you could see how far away the ranger is when they entered stealth and time your defenses according to how long it would take them to close that distance (taking into account if they have used QZ or lesser quickening zephyr on pet swap for super speed).


Oh but maybe not because according to you I can just spam my Mauls off cooldown to kill people because they are unavoidable and dodges (the only defensive skill in the game capable of mitigating Mauls /s) don't recharge fast enough. lol

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> @"Tazer.2157" said:

> > @"Avatar.3568" said:

> > > @"Odik.4587" said:

> > > Why nobody post about mauls that hit you for 6-10.5k and pets 13k instead?;d

> >

> > you can do it if you want, i just want to tell ya that stances are right now in a unplayable state .


> Stances are the least of sb's worry. With no pet swap in combat the class's versatility is thrown out the window for the sake of so called "tradeoff". What they don't mention are the engineer's toolbelt skills, the warrior's 5 sec weapon swap, the elementalist's 16 weapon skills, thief's initiative. Soulbeast has been out of the meta for quite a few seasons and Anet decides to butcher the class even more. I am done with this game where everything is being dumbed down. Why play the game when Anet themselves don't want you playing it.


The things you've listed aren't tradeoffs... tradeoff is things like Berserker getting -300 toughness and losing bursts outside of Berserk, or Spellbreaker being able to access only level 1 bursts.

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> The things you've listed aren't tradeoffs... tradeoff is things like Berserker getting -300 toughness and losing bursts outside of Berserk, or Spellbreaker being able to access only level 1 bursts.

Oh? Did you know spellbreaker gets full counter as well along with whatever f1 spell they had? The soulbeast when not merged does not get the additional damage from the pet and loses access to the unmerged pet skills. Isn't that a tradeoff? Additionally many ranger weapon skills and traits affected pets. This change was made due to pvpers complaining about sb's mobility which was due to the owl skill. This was a pet problem and not a class problem. Instead of nerfing the particular skill, they nerf the entire class. I have already given up on a ranger main and rev is my main now because of this change.


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