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200g for a reward track


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> @"Biermeister.4678" said:

> Had a Black Lion key got it from chest


You didn't actually. This skin isn't available in the chest. The skin you got is the cash shop skin, which is different. They're talking about a reward track which gives you a completely different skin, but you need 200 gold to unlock the reward track. I get the gold component, or everyone would have it in no time at all and it would be meaningless, like a default skin for everyone. But I think 200 gold is probably too high.

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> @"Nidome.1365" said:

> > @"subversiontwo.7501" said:

> > It's what every transfer costs us too and those are recurring costs, not a one-time :3


> Easy solution - don't transfer server and you don't pay anything. Server hopping is the biggest cause of server imbalance in WvW which then harms the game mode.


+1; i did never transfer yet - and i also see it as not good to do it often. the only solution to stop that fully would the Alliances update. with some luck we'll get it till 2030 :P

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> @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > @"kash.9213" said:

> > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > > > No you'll get a knight telling you to suck it up it's not that much and you get extra stuffs for your value like account bound clovers for your next legendary!

> > >

> > > That's me :)

> > >

> > > Gold is really of pretty limited use in this game. The mount skin is equally available to everyone, everyone can make their own decision about whether they want to pick it up. I imagine I'll get it eventually but it's more than I was expecting so I'd rather spend on other things for now . . .

> >

> > Earn the new raid legendary armor set for only 200g and gain access to the new raid vendor with a fresh new take on old skins that will display your guild logo.


> Legendary set for 200g? Pretty sure the current one costs 1,8k+. Also if it's just skin, then just like with the mount -who cares.


Hold up...legendary what now? From the new reward track that costs 200g?

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I had to raid my bank for the extra gold but overall yes.. 200G is quite a bit to unlock a one time reward track..


Some people are saying you make your money back through the track, I dunno if they're right but I havent invested the time to work it out myself.

The Guildrider skin is something I want pretty badly though so im going to put in the time and effort, even if it cost me most of my gold.

It'll be worth it in the end for me because the skin shares theme and evetually/hopefully colours with my main.

But I can definitely see why many people are not happy with it.

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> @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > > @"kash.9213" said:

> > > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > > > > No you'll get a knight telling you to suck it up it's not that much and you get extra stuffs for your value like account bound clovers for your next legendary!

> > > >

> > > > That's me :)

> > > >

> > > > Gold is really of pretty limited use in this game. The mount skin is equally available to everyone, everyone can make their own decision about whether they want to pick it up. I imagine I'll get it eventually but it's more than I was expecting so I'd rather spend on other things for now . . .

> > >

> > > Earn the new raid legendary armor set for only 200g and gain access to the new raid vendor with a fresh new take on old skins that will display your guild logo.

> >

> > Legendary set for 200g? Pretty sure the current one costs 1,8k+. Also if it's just skin, then just like with the mount -who cares.


> Hold up...legendary what now? From the new reward track that costs 200g?


uh... no?

He was offering a hypothetical scenario in which apparently I was supposed to be enraged about an armor skin for 200 gold. Not sure why he decided to call it an alternative legendary armor, probably wanted to make a better impression or something? <.<

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> @"kathy.8291" said:

> Wait.. did i really read it right, 200g to start the Warclaw Skin reward track. Is Anet joking with us again. Why do the WvW people always get it in the end. Are we not good enough. You know we dont make money playing WvW and we are lucky to get a precursor drop, now to spend 200g on a reward track for a warclaw skin. NO THANK YOU. This is really horrible for the WvW players. I will probably get a warning for this post.


200 gold is a fair amount.

I found the price and the goodies from the reward track to be pretty reasonable.


For a community that threw near constant tantrums for months over a lack of in-game earnable mount skins, to whine like this when we get one?

Absolute garbage.

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> @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> It's about 150g to get enough gems for a RNG mount skin license right now, so the price doesn't seem that out of line considering there are other items in there (plus the skin is guaranteed and not RNG).


Agreed. The price is not out of line compared with other skins. The WvW reward track skin is a reskinned version (added guild logo) of the Outrider Warclaw Skin from the Warclaw Frontline Mount Pack Skins and 400 gems is the list price of one skin of the Warclaw Frontline Mount Pack skins.


Anet could have added the skin in the gemshop for 400 gems, or added the skin including the other items of the reward track in the gemshop for 500 gems like other gemshop items. Because in the end it is like a gemshop item that you have to pay for with gold/gems.


But to advertise it as a skin, that can be earned in game with a reward track (yes, they added: track is unlocked with gold), when in fact it is only a gemshop sale that hides itself as a reward track is the reason why some people raise their concerns about this new way of monetizing with hidden gemstore sales and also makes some people feel cheated and makes them think that this is a bait-and-switch from Anet.


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> @"Zok.4956" said:

> But to advertise it as a skin, that can be earned in game with a reward track (yes, they added: track is unlocked with gold), when in fact it is only a gemshop sale that hides itself as a reward track is the reason why some people raise their concerns about this new way of monetizing with hidden gemstore sales and also makes some people feel cheated and makes them think that this is a bait-and-switch from Anet.


Players: "We want an in- game earnable mount skin. Your greedy company makes us pay gems for everything"

Anet: "Here you go... enjoy"

_Players then calculate how much the gems to gold cost is_

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> @"Bigsexy.8302" said:

> The irony is that most pve players will have it before wvw players.

> Anet really thinks wvw-only players have 200g laying around.

Yeah they've spent it all on 2000+ gold legendaries since every other WvW-only players seems to have them.


I cant afford it either, I only have about 120g liquid funds at the moment.


Oh and also 3 legendary weapons and full light/medium/heavy WvW legendary armor. I'm only 90% WvW so thats why maybe.

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